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Ghosts & Echoes si-2

Page 24

by Lyn Benedict


  Sylvie, vision swirling, got a strange overlay. A hospital ceiling. White perforated tiles, stiff-bleached sheets, needles in her arms, and a smiling woman putting a pillow over her face. She kicked and struggled, and her voice said, It’s not your death you’re remembering.

  She sucked in a thread of air, rank with dead flesh, but sweet in her lungs. Sucked in another, cold as the clay as she fought it through the ghost’s efforts to smother her. That hungry tongue, so like a succubus’s, lashed and stung and struck, but . . . couldn’t penetrate deeper than her skin. Couldn’t plug itself in. Couldn’t devour her soul. Holding the Hand gave her at least that much protection.

  “You killed him,” she said. An old man in a hospital bed, his arms knobby and white-furred. Not her. Him. Like Bella’s dreams, it was a vision of the past. The ghost’s memory. Not hers.

  “Of course I did,” the ghost said, a cold kiss in her veins. “A life’s such a little thing when it’s not your own. Where is my vessel?”

  “Get off me, and I’ll tell you.” Like she could. She didn’t even know what the hell the ghost was talking about. But she’d say anything to get that cold invasion out of her bones. Was it like this for Wright? Did Demalion feel like this to him? How had he held on for so long?

  The ghost withdrew to the very edge of the spell circle. Beyond her, Wales fumbled his spray bottle, Marco’s flaming Hand, and Wright’s slack form. The Hand of Glory that Wright was supposed to be mastering was slipping from his lax grip. On my own, Sylvie thought, gritting her teeth. Just like always.

  She scraped up a little salt and tried to put out the flames with it. Shortsighted. She should have brought the milk carton in with her.

  The ghost shrieked and attacked again, not slowed at all by the salt; the rat teeth chittered near her ear. Cold lanced through her arm; Sylvie’s fingers spasmed; she dropped the flaming Hand, and that snake-tongue lashed around and sank through her ribs.

  It was a bright burst of pain, frigid and sharp, and she had the distinct and unpleasant sensation of feeling her heart miss a beat. Her vision was gone, just like that, that vertigo from before coming back, stronger than ever. She’d thought she was immune to this?

  On her knees, and when had that happened, and her ears ringing, her lungs aching—was she still breathing?—and something being drawn out of her. No, she thought, no. Not like this.

  Then human hands clamped down, hard and hot on her shoulders, the circle broken, the ghost whipping away from her, freed and exultant for a shared heartbeat as the tongue withdrew from its attack on Sylvie’s soul.

  A moment later, the raging shriek started up again—thin, high, wavering. Nails against the chalkboard of her bones.

  When Sylvie’s vision cleared, the shakiness faded; she found herself in Wales’s arms, Marco encircling him, in some horrifying parody of a three-way embrace. Wright slumped against the wall, the Hand in his lap alight, and a looming ghost sheltering him, a dead ex-con so large he almost had to be called Tiny.

  The woman’s ghost battered at the walls, bounced back, wailed, hit the door with no better result. In Sylvie’s ear, Wales said, “Paranoia comes in handy. As does concern for the neighbors. My home’s a ghost trap.”

  “We’re inside the trap,” Sylvie muttered back. “We’re here and we’re tasty and I’m out of ideas. You got anything?”

  “She’s a lich ghost,” Wales said.

  “A what?” Sylvie shook her head, regretted it when the dizziness swung back around. “No. Never mind. Lesson later. Fix the problem now.”

  “Which one?” He shivered against her back; his hands trembled, bare against her flesh.


  Marco’s ghostly arms were wrapped tight around Wales. But Wales—

  She wasn’t the only one who’d dropped the Hand of Glory. In the center of the room, a fallen Hand burned, slow and sullen. It wasn’t the lich ghost’s, streaming fire toward the stucco ceiling. It was Marco’s.

  “Wales,” she breathed. “Is that—”

  “Don’t,” he said, shivering kicking up a notch. “Don’t question it. I’m not.”

  If Marco was loose, why wasn’t Wales dead? Why wasn’t she? Had Marco just not noticed? Or was he honestly trying to protect Wales?

  Either way, it was a situation that felt too fragile to linger. Near Wright, the spray bottle lay tipped on its side, the nozzle broken, a puddle of milk seeping slowly into the carpet.

  They had to be rid of the lich ghost before she got tired of clawing at the walls and came back for them. Had to get that Hand extinguished. She touched Wales’s arms gently, two pats, getting his attention, asking for release, gesturing toward the cooler, a whole ten feet away. It looked like a huge distance when she took into account the hungry ghosts in the room.

  Wales eased himself away from her, and out of his arms, out of Marco’s—it felt like a spotlight was shining on her flesh, marking her as a target. She thought about saying, “No, on second thought, you do it. . . .” But she was stronger than Wales, less scared, more angry, and Wright was looking at her from across the room with eyes full of hope and fear. He’d trusted her instincts, and she’d been wrong.

  The risk was hers to take.

  She’d crossed only a few feet of the floor when the ghosts attacked. The lich ghost swooped in, fury and frustration distorting her face, and Wright’s ex-con, lumbering even in death, snapping at her with his teeth. Cold and vertigo chased themselves across her body, and she fumbled forward, catching the cooler by sheer determination and momentum. It tipped in her grip, spilling a carton toward her—nearly empty—and something much more precious.

  Her gun.

  She underhanded the milk carton in Wales’s direction, trusting him to use it to best effect, and grabbed her gun. Wales splashed milk over the lich ghost’s Hand, but it wasn’t working, wasn’t slowing the flames or the ghostly woman that emanated from it. The lich ghost and Tiny were duking it out. The lich ghost’s barbed tongue pierced the yardbird’s chest, seeking the soul.

  “Too bad he’s dead already,” Sylvie said, but apparently there were levels and levels of dead she had yet to learn. Lich ghosts could apparently feed on anything. Tiny swirled away, diminished from within, sucked up in bizarre silence.

  The room was quiet for a moment, then there was the quiet sizzle of Wright’s protecting Hand going out, of Wright slumping into the deadly lethargy. Unprotected. And the lich ghost still moved.

  Sylvie spun around, gun in hand, and fired four shots into the lich ghost’s Hand, blowing it out of the remnant of the salt circle and against the wall. Gobbets of flesh spattered, bone cracked, and the lich ghost went out like a light.

  Wales slid forward and poured milk over Marco’s slow-burning Hand.

  “Is that it?” Sylvie asked. “Is it dead now? Did bullets do it?”

  “No,” Wales said. “She’s only retreated. I can feel it still buzzing.” He stood shakily, a better man than her—she didn’t have any intention of getting off the floor anytime soon. Her wrists, her forearm, her pant leg were stippled in white where the barbed tongue had touched and burned with cold.

  Wales dipped his fingers in the salt, wet them with the last of the milk, and made his way over to Wright, sketching shapes across his face.

  “Is he all right? Both of them?”

  “I don’t know,” Wales said. “Wouldn’t it be better if his possessor was gone?”

  “No,” Sylvie said. She slid along the wall a little, got closer to Wright, wrapped her hand about his wrist. There was a pulse. “So, you said lich ghost. That wasn’t on your list of types. What is it?”

  “A myth,” he said. His voice shook. “A lich is half spirit, half flesh. A spirit bound and forced to animate something dead. A rotting corpse with a spirit trapped within. The grisliest form of immortality. They’re flesh, and they feed on flesh. A zombie with a brain. But they’re easy enough to banish, a handful of salt will sever the unnatural bond.”

  “You said lich ghost,” Sylvie said. “That’s different?” Wright’s hand twitched; she folded it in her own, rubbed his long fingers, trying to push warmth back into them.

  “Obviously,” Wales said. “Or it would have fallen apart the moment you spilled salt on it. Look, we are far past my comfort level. Anything I tell you is, at best, a guess.”

  Sylvie patted Wright’s hand, slowly rolled herself up to a crouch, the better to catch his flighty gaze with her own. “I need your guesses. They’re better than what I’ve got. So. Lich ghost.”

  “A lich ghost, according to rumor, is an accident. A spirit anchored to a scrap of flesh, disincarnate. No body of its own. Doomed to madness and endless hunger. To keep their souls whole, they have to feed.”

  “They don’t eat flesh,” Sylvie said. She started to pace the room, her anxiety level too high to let her sit still. Her body protested, sore and shaky with fading adrenaline, but her brain pushed it on.

  “They can’t,” Wales said. “Not equipped. Most of them starve and howl and kill people in the attempt. It’s like some bastard mix of Glory and lich, and I don’t know how it happened. Don’t even know how you could screw the spells up badly enough to create the monster . . . It’s a nightmare. I mean, the Hands of Glory are static tools. They expend and devour energy in the same proportion. A lich ghost is all hunger, all the time, and they eat souls. Legend says the only people who can survive lich ghosts are immortals and gods.”

  Sylvie said, “Legends are nothing more than old gossip given weight. C’mon, Wales. A human created them out of human flesh and spirit. A human should be able to destroy them.”

  Wright jerked, woke all at once, and crawled toward Sylvie, cursing the entire time, moving through English, Spanish, Latin, and something Sylvie thought might be cat for all the guttural hissing that went with it. It finally resolved into a single complaint as he collapsed against her side. “Fucking Wales and his fucking safe enough.” Demalion shot Wales a poisonous glance, and said, “You okay, Shadows?”


  “I asked first,” he said.

  She considered it. She felt like crap. Her body ached. Her temper was foul. Wright had nearly died, and Wales was utterly freaked-out. But the lich-ghost Hand was quiet and contained, and that could only be a win. No more snacking on Zoe’s soul.

  “Not too bad,” she said.

  “Lich ghost,” Wales murmured on autopilot.

  “Can we go home, then?” Demalion asked. “I want a shower. I’ve been playing with corpses, and I’m covered with milk. I’m never going to be clean again.”

  “Finicky as a cat,” she said, but stroked his arm in soothing motions. He linked his fingers with hers, ran his gaze over the marks on her arms. They were fading slowly, frost white going to burn pink and back to tan. They ached.

  “Yeah,” Sylvie said. “Yeah. Let’s go home. Wales, you’ll dispose of the Hands for us, right?”

  “What?” Wales said. “No!” His shoulders spiked; his drawl disappeared for clipped fury. “You fuck up my evening, drag me into this, nearly get us all killed, and now I’m supposed to take out your trash?”

  “It’s not like there’s not enough shit on my plate. I don’t have time to mess around with disposal when I still have to find out who made them. And if they’ve made more. Unless you want to take that task on.”

  Wales paced a quick, tight circle. “Fine. I’ll do it. You don’t have a clue anyway.”

  “You said the one’s dead, and the other’s got a hole blown through it,” Sylvie said. “How hard can it be?”

  “You don’t listen. I told you. To destroy the flesh is simple. But if you just fuck up the flesh, the ghost gets loose. I’ve got a method for the regular Hands. I bind the souls tight, squeeze them down into the bone, then I dissect them. It’s a spiritual vivisection. It’s not gentle. And it’s not pleasant for any of us.”

  Sylvie thought of Zoe, hiding the Hand in her wall, that lich ghost in her house with her parents. She had no reservations. “They’re murderers.”

  “So are you,” Wales said. “Marco knows one when he sees one. That’s what he whispered to me the whole time I was trying to shield you. ‘Let her go. She’s a killer. She’ll kill you. . . .’ ”

  “Nice,” Sylvie said. “Glad a dead murderer sees fit to make judgment. I know what I am, Wales. But I don’t kill toddlers and little old men. I kill monsters.”

  “You’re protecting one,” Wales said. He gestured at her huddle with Demalion, their shoulders pressed tight together, their fingers still twined.

  “He’s not anything like the ghosts we’ve just removed,” Sylvie said. “He’s a benign and temporary possession—”

  “There’s no such animal,” Wales said. “I’m sorry.”

  Demalion jerked. His mouth twisted, so much more mobile in Wright’s flesh, and crossed his arms over his chest. Sylvie shivered as his warmth left her side.

  “Some things aren’t meant to be shared,” Wales continued, each word one she had already known. Already told herself. “And mixing living and the dead . . . it confuses everything.” He leaned closer to Demalion, reached out. Demalion slapped his hand away—so instinctive he might not even know why. But Sylvie knew. She remembered the god of Love reshaping his human flesh to be something other.

  Wales didn’t try to get any closer, only studied him. “There’s a touch of death on both of you.”

  “It’s Wright’s body,” Sylvie said. “Look, we didn’t come here for this, but is there any way to give Wright his body back and keep Demalion’s soul in the land of the living?”

  “Oh yeah,” Wales said. “Your friend already knows how to do it. Done it once already. Wait for someone to die, and move in when the soul vacates. Of course, that usually means lingering in terminal wards of the hospital, and those bodies are wrecked or rotting, so hey, just enough time to say good-bye. Or maybe he’ll be lucky and find a coma victim whose brain matter isn’t too scrambled. Most likely, though, he’ll find a body he likes, debase and destroy the soul in it, and move on in. See, no problem at all.”

  Sylvie’s lips parted. “Bastard.”

  “I’m honest,” Wales said. “I’ve heard you prefer that to pretty words.”

  Demalion tightened his lips, said nothing at all, only headed for the door, his stride tightly controlled.

  Sylvie gritted her teeth; the door slammed behind him. “There’s got to be another option.”

  Wales picked up Marco’s Hand again, just holding it in his own. It seemed to give him an extra jolt of courage. “People always want what they can’t have,” he said.

  “Most of the time, they’re not trying hard enough,” Sylvie said, and left him alone with his ghosts.


  No Rest for the Wicked

  AFTER THE STUFFY, MILDEW-DRENCHED HALLWAYS, AFTER THE MEATY scent of Wales’s apartment, the nighttime air felt fresh and sharp, like a winter morning, and never mind that it was a sultry, humid eighty-five degrees on a grungy city street. She found Demalion—definitely Demalion by the elegant way he used Wright’s wiry frame—leaning against her truck, staring up at the dark windows. He looked sick and exhausted; he jammed his hands in his pockets but not before she saw the tremor.

  “You believe him?” he asked. It was a vague question, able to cover so much of what Wales had said tonight, but Sylvie knew there was only one thing on Demalion’s mind.

  “No,” she said. Just that, met his gaze, not too long, not too short. Not trying to convince him. Not trying to convince herself. Demalion was a good guy. He wasn’t going to body-jack Wright.

  “Yeah,” he said. He climbed into the truck, settled into the seat with a groan. “Me neither.”

  She climbed in on the other side, and the silence lingered. They were both good liars when needed. They both had fears. So many terrible things had been done in the name of survival.

  “At least Zoe should be safer, wherever she is,” Sylvie said. “I might actually get a litt
le sleep.”

  “Yeah,” he said, again. “That’d be a nice change of pace.”

  She started the engine; it growled, and Demalion echoed it, looked at his stomach with some surprise. “Shadows, aren’t you feeding him?”

  “Been a little busy,” she said. “And he’s a grown-up. He can feed himself.” The guilt still rose. Wright didn’t complain enough. When he did, she shut him down.

  When a McDonald’s lit up the night in the shut-down outskirts of the city, Sylvie pulled into the drive-through, listening to Demalion bitch, “Fast food? Really, Shadows?”

  Five miles later, she pulled the truck off the highway, letting it ping and cool on the quiet shoulder. She couldn’t do it, couldn’t drive while the cab of the truck smelled of salt and grease and the bacon on his burger. His contempt for fast food had faded as soon as the bag hit his lap. Now she had to deal with the sight of Demalion eating his meal like it was gourmet. Like he was in love.

  He licked his fingers, said, “God, would you believe I’ve been letting Wright do all the eating for us? You’d think—I mean, they’re his taste buds, not mine, and he’s been eating all this time, it shouldn’t taste . . . new. Wonderful. So damn good.” A smear of ketchup smudged his mouth; he rubbed it off with the back of his hand, so fastidious, then licked his skin clean, catlike, small, quick licks. She half expected purring.

  Her body still churned out adrenaline from the lich ghost’s attack, and all she wanted to do was crawl across the cab, lick the salt from his fingers until he forgot the meal and dragged her close. Her second chance.

  “You know, you haven’t washed your hands since we held the Hands of Glory,” she said instead.

  Demalion froze, grimaced, swallowed, then shook his head. “There were wipes. I remember seeing them on the floor. We used them. Besides, they’re Wright’s germs.”

  “He gets sick, so do you,” Sylvie said.


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