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At the Mercy of Her Pleasure

Page 14

by Kayelle Allen

  The Harbinger chuckled throatily. “She should be glad I don't charge the way Stalkos does, Son. I have a feeling I'd get rich off you if I did.”

  What's that supposed to mean? The burn in his cheeks turned to flame. He turned his head. “I found out Khyff checked out last night, sir. Did you send for him?”

  “No need to keep him there if he isn't babysitting.”

  Senth's mouth popped open. “Babysitting!”

  “Just a phrase, Senthys. Think nothing of it. I'm well aware you're a man, now.”

  You don't know the half. “Yes, sir.”

  “What equipment do you need?”

  “Only codes, sir.”

  “Consider it done. See the concierge when you leave.” He added, “That is a billable expense, by the way. And let me know if you do anything else that we should charge for. Personal work, that sort of thing.”

  Senth cleared his throat. “Of course, master.”

  “Have a safe trip. Oh, and Senthys.” He smiled. “Good job, Son. See you at home. I owe you one.”

  * * * *

  Tarth, Tarth City

  Imperial Armada Military Storage and Weigh Facility Tarth-F

  “Shh … Don't argue.” NarrAy kissed Senth to quiet him.

  She had him up against the wall in a shadow-filled alley near the storage facility, a hand on either side of his head, her legs between his outspread ones. His stance put his mouth a little lower than hers. His lips were swollen and dark from kissing—among other things.

  “I don't care what your services cost. It's worth every drak I paid for the late check out fee at the hotel and whatever else Saint-Cyr wants to charge me. We couldn't come here until nightfall and I didn't want to waste half a day when I could spend it in bed with you.”

  His arms circled her waist and he pulled her against him, his mouth eagerly lifting to hers. His rigid cock pressed against her thigh. Once un-Shackled, her tiger knew no bounds. He'd been teasing her for hours, and following through with the stamina of a true wildcat.

  No man had ever worn her out before.

  “You know, Tiger, from the moment I saw you, I wanted you.”

  He nipped her chin with his teeth. “You did not. You thought I was a child.”

  “That was a test.”

  He looked skyward. “Sure.”

  “It was. You can ask Brox.”

  Senth regarded her for a moment, head tilted back. “Hmm.”

  “You don't believe me?” She dragged her fingertip across his mouth, slid it atop his teeth.

  He bit her finger; and held it tightly, growling low in his throat.

  She crested at once, gasping with the sudden heat of arousal.

  Senth chuckled, released her, and set his head back against the wall. He watched her through lowered lashes. His nose wiggled. “You smell good.”

  “I do?”

  “Like fresh baked cookies. I like making you hot. It's so easy.”

  She drew back. “I am not easy.”

  “What?” Senth straightened. “I didn't mean to be insulting.”

  NarrAy frowned at him.

  “I'm sorry, sweetie.” He gave her his innocent smile. “Forgive me?”

  She slid her arms around his neck and kissed him. “Sure.”

  “It's shift change.” He nodded toward the storage building behind her. “Just you and me this time, so we've got to be extra careful. I wish you didn't have to go with me.”

  “I'll be careful.”

  “Oh, I know.” Senth pushed away from the wall and brushed himself off. “I just don't want you to lose control in there. I'd hate for one of the guards to smell you and come looking.”

  She blinked. “Excuse me?”

  He turned both hands up. “What did I say now?”

  “Smell me?” she prompted.

  “Well, I know I can smell you when you get hot. I don't want anybody else to, that's all.”

  She tugged her clothes into place. “Senth, it's not like I can't control myself. I only crest when I'm alone with you.”

  “Oh, so you can control it?”

  “Of course, I can.”

  He grinned. “Like you did on the ship out from Kelthia in the elevator? And then in your bedroom?”

  “That was different.”

  “Oh. What about the Vandal, and the limo, and the bathtub, and the…”

  “All right!” She swept her hands down and out. “Enough. You've got the picture entirely backward. I was seducing you.”

  Senth set the tip of a finger under her chin, leaned forward, and smiled into her eyes. “Sure you were, sweetie.” He tilted his head in the direction of the building. “Come on. Time to get going. And remember, no cresting till we're through.” He walked away from her.

  With a grunt, NarrAy folded her arms, one foot tapping the ground. “Men!”

  * * * *

  Inside the storage facility, Senth rubbed his fingers together and withdrew the lockpick from a pocket. It passed through customs as nothing more than a fancy data pen, a simpler version of a note reader. Until it lay in the hands of a trained thief.

  The slim shaft thickened and elongated between his fingers.

  The double meanings of those words almost made him laugh. Until NarrAy, he'd never given sex more than a passing thought; now everything made him aware of it.

  He shrugged. Women.

  The Vassindorf codes flickered into life as he programmed the lockpick and held the tool out in front of him.

  NarrAy's shadow on the wall nearby caught his attention. The image of her in the shower with him came to mind, lathering her skin with soap while she…

  Focus, Senth! He shook his head. Where the ffffftt was I?

  He brought the lockpick up closer to check the settings. Might as well reset and start over. He thumbed the appropriate controls.

  Can't be thinking about naked women and showers. Especially NarrAy naked. Reality blurred around the edges. Especially in the shower.

  She had bent over at the waist and braced her hands against the wall as he took her that morning standing up. And then he'd lifted her into his arms, face to face, and held her while…


  Her voice next to his ear made him jump.

  “What's wrong, Tiger? You were just standing there. Are you okay?”

  “Ffffftt! I was concentrating.” He adjusted the front of his trousers where they'd gotten tight all of a sudden. “Don't interrupt me.”

  “Fine!” She stepped back peevishly. “Sorry.”

  He rubbed his eyes. What the ffffftt was I doing? Start over again, Senth, and this time pay ffffftting attention.

  The Vassindorf cycled and reset. Senth timed it to give them an hour of uninterrupted searching.

  Upstairs, he removed the bar from the door of the shipping container and stood guard while NarrAy explored.

  She emerged a short time later with a small album of holopics. “Got it!”

  Now, this is more like it. In and out like a snap. All too easy.

  Senth returned the locks to their original positions and led the way out and back to the alley. Once there, NarrAy threw her arms around his neck and kissed him.

  She gave a happy squeal. “We did it! Now let's get out of here.”

  “Ready if you are, sweetie.”

  “Oh, wait a sec, Senth. Do you have anything that'll mark on brick?”

  He drew back. “My lockpick works like a stylus. Why?”

  “We always write 'APLA was here' everywhere we go. It drives the Armada soldiers crazy. They have no idea how few of us there really are.”

  She looked so pleased Senth couldn't refuse. He set the lockpick to stylus mode and wrote the phrase on the wall. “There. How's that?”

  “Perfect, Tiger.” She kissed him. “Congratulations. You just became an honorary rebel.”

  He laughed. “I think I earned that honor the first time I broke into this place.”

  Holding hands, they set off for the starport.

/>   The Harbinger's words echoed in Senth's thoughts. Good job, Son. See you at home. In the past, he'd lived to hear those words. They spoke of pride, a job completed. Reward. Fulfillment. Satisfaction.

  That was before he'd made love to a woman. Before he'd tasted freedom. Before he'd been at NarrAy's side.

  Now, those words meant only one thing.


  * * * *

  Tarth, Tarth City

  Imperial Palace, Stable—Sample Level

  Pleasure Room Three

  By the time the Conqueror arrived, her newest prisoner was asleep. The golden-haired Khyffen lay stretched across the foot of the bed, one arm over his head, a hand on his chest.

  Destoiya smiled in satisfaction with the stable groom's choice of rooms. None of the bondage gear showed in this one, all of it hidden behind discreet panels or in drawers. Far different from Khyffen's cell, the room also had a fireplace, seductive lighting, a massive white-draped bed piled with beige and brown pillows, and a private bath.

  Like all the bathrooms in the stable, it had an oversized tiled shower affixed with an overhead chain and padded manacles, designed for administering discipline—to slaves, or by them—depending on her mood.

  Destoiya dropped her uniform jacket across the back of a chair, and opened her blouse. Stepping out of her shoes, she slipped off her trousers and hose, laid them next to her jacket, and crossed to the bed.

  The play of shadows across Khyffen's deep-set eyes and high cheekbones made a dramatic impression. He was almost too beautiful for a man. Spiky lashes lay against his cheeks. A lock of fair hair spilled over his forehead. He wore it above his ears, barely touching his collar in back. Much shorter than most slakes.

  Of course. You're free now. The first thing most men did when freed was cut their hair. Grooming cost money and bit into profits, so most masters never bothered with regular haircuts. Well, If I was going to keep you, Gorgeous, I'd want those blond locks long enough to grab a fistful when I held you down and had my way with you. She licked her lips, letting her gaze slide down him.

  The sample level in the stable contained closets full of clothing, all in charcoal gray, but with varying detail, style, and expense. She nodded in approval. He'd dressed himself in quality without pretense.

  Destoiya sat on the end of the bed beside him. Khyff's lush mouth was open ever so slightly, a prince awaiting a kiss from his empress. She bent down and pressed her lips against his. He responded with sleepy ardor, mmming against her mouth.

  When she lay down, she slid her arms around him, letting him nuzzle her throat drowsily. His eyes flew open and he pitched backward, leaning on one hand.

  “Easy,” Destoiya said, stroking his face. She smiled up at him. “It's just me.”

  His gaze darted around the room before coming to rest on her face. “I'm sorry, Your Majesty.” He rubbed the back of a hand across one eye. “I didn't mean to fall asleep.”

  “Majesty,” she corrected gently. “No need to apologize. I was much later than I thought I'd be. I'm glad you rested. Do you go by Khyffen?”

  “Just Khyff, Majesty.”

  “You look so serious.” She brushed back a lock of hair over his brow. “Do I make you nervous?”

  “I want to please you.”

  “Relax, Gorgeous. Don't think of me as someone you want to please.” Twining his hair around a finger, she tugged it gently. “Think of me as someone you want to enjoy.”

  His grin of delight gratified her.

  “I'm going to enjoy taking you, Khyff. You make me smile.”

  “I'm glad.”

  “That you make me smile? Or that I'm going to take you?”

  He studied her for a moment before answering. “Yes.”

  “All right, Gorgeous. Let's enjoy ourselves, shall we?”

  She drew him down alongside her on the bed and rose over him. Ah, the luxury of indulging in lust for the first time with a new lover. With one hand, she caressed his face and hair.

  “I don't need to go anywhere until morning, so we'll take our time. Let's start by exploring this sensual mouth of yours. Part your lips for me, Khyff.” She stroked the corners of his mouth with her tongue.

  “I'll want you aggressive later, darling. For now, just let me have you.” She gave another lick. “Yes, like that. Passive.” She caressed his lips with one finger, adding small kisses. “Perfect, perfect.”

  The Conqueror slid the tip of her tongue inside his mouth, relishing the heat of his breath on her skin. Beneath her, his erection throbbed against her belly.

  “Open wider, love. I want to taste you for a while.”

  She rubbed his tongue with hers, under, over, along the side, flicking against the tip. Letting him know what else he'd have done to him. Khyff's breathless groan of desire elicited her own pleasure.

  Something about this one made her feel like smiling all the time. His instant sexual response in the cell told her Khyff would respond to interrogation much faster through pleasure than pain.

  If only she needed him for information instead of as a hostage. At any cost, she had to obtain the item his brother now possessed.

  Destoiya drew her fingers along Khyff's jaw and tilted his face upward, deepening her kiss. Magnificent man, talented, aware. Right there in the moment with her, a willing participant in lust.

  It would be such a damn shame when she had to kill him.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Tyran Sleepliner Manc'eor Neth'e

  Business Class, Berth Sierra Forty-one

  Wait till he sees this. Standing in the door of their cabin, NarrAy turned back to Senth. “Remember that closet on the other ship? I think it has this cabin beat.”

  He stepped over the threshold and looked around. “Oh, ffffftt! You weren't kidding. Think the bagbots will fit in here with us? Where's the bed?”

  She pointed up at a handle on the wall. “I think you pull that and it drops down. Is the bed all you're interested in, my tiger?”

  “As long as you're in it, I am.” He leaned over her shoulder and kissed the corner of her mouth. “I'll see if I can get the bagbots in here.”

  Senth turned toward the automated suitcases, affording NarrAy a great view of his lean backside.

  Honey, when I can't keep you naked, I am going to dress you in the tightest pants I can find. Mm, mm, you are one fine hunk of male.

  Bagbots anchored in their slots on the wall, Senth stretched both arms over his head. He hissed when the back of his hands brushed the ceiling.

  “This is low. Khyff would dust this ceiling with his head.”

  “Khyff.” NarrAy set a hand over her heart. “Oh, Senth, I'm so sorry. I forgot.” She aimed her remote at the bagbot. “The hotel sent up a note Khyff left you. I was going to give it to you, but you were in the shower.”

  “You could have at least told me. That note might be important.”

  “Senth, you kind of distracted me, remember?”

  “Oh, yeah.” His eyes glittered. “I do remember that. Really well.”

  She stooped to unlock the bagbot. “It's in my robe pocket.” When the suitcase deployed itself into closet form, she rummaged through the clothes piled in the bottom. “It's in here, somewhere.”

  “What a mess.” Senth went down on one knee to unlock his own bagbot. “Why don't you fold your things before you put them away?”

  “Excuse me? We were in a hurry as I recall, because someone wanted to 'do it in the shower' one more time before we left.” She pulled out several items and dumped them on the floor. “I don't see my robe in here.”

  I hardly wore any of my other clothes. She grinned. Senth didn't need many of his, either.

  “Oh, wait!” She touched her mouth. “Maybe I put my robe in your bagbot.”

  “You packed your stuff in my bagbot?” He gestured to himself.

  “What, is your bot sacred or something? I ran out of room.”

  Senth's bagbot deployed. “You ran out of room because you cram stuff instead o
f folding your clothes neatly. You can fit plenty in one of these if you're careful.”

  NarrAy gave him a sarcastic smile. “Oh, you mean like your entire body?”

  His cheeks turned a bright pink.

  “My, my,” she simpered, “hasn't it gone quiet.”

  A low rumble sounded from his chest. He gestured to the bot. “Have at it.”

  NarrAy opened the bottom compartment and reached inside, feeling for the soft texture of her robe. I know it's in here. I checked the hotel room twice and didn't—

  “Eww, ick!” She removed her hand and shook her fingers. “There's something wet in there.” NarrAy pulled out the compartment. “It's that outfit you had on in the bathtub.” She picked up the see-through bag, and water sloshed out of it and across Senth's thighs.

  He hissed like a mad cat and swatted it away. “I didn't pack that! What the ffffftt did you do? Everything in my bot is sopping wet!”

  “I thought this bag was waterproof.” She held up the sack to see the underside of it. More water rained on Senth.

  “Hey!” His wet pants clung to muscled thighs. “You're getting me all wet.”

  Look who's talking. NarrAy grinned and angled the sack a little higher, soaking the entire front of him. The solid outline of his thick shaft showed against his upper thigh.

  “Quit foolin' around, NarrAy.” He grabbed the sack and stood. “That water's cold.”

  Couldn't tell by looking at any part of you, hot thing.

  Senth carried the sack to the tiny sink in the corner of their cabin. “You've ruined my stuff.”

  “I did not. You're overreacting.”

  He wiped his hands on a towel, and rubbed it across his pants. “Just find the note, will you?” He knelt on the floor beside her and mopped up spilled water.

  She dug through the layers of clothes. “Here's my robe.” She fished in the pocket. “Sorry. It's a little damp.”

  Water dripped from the envelope. Senth growled, snatched it from her hand and laid it on the floor. He pressed the towel against it.

  “I hope I can still read this.” He tore open the envelope and slid out the heavy paper inside. “Oh, kkkhh, this is my master's handwriting.”

  “What's it say?”

  “'If you're reading this, you've refused to accept the Shackle I sent your brother to administer. I'm sure he told you he's been freed, which may lead you to believe the deal we made is no longer valid. When you get home, we'll see how well you honored your word.” Worried pale eyes lifted to NarrAy's. “Oh, ffffftt, ffffftt, ffffftt!”


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