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Skye's Dragon: Dragon Mate's: A BBW Paranormal Romance

Page 3

by Serena Simpson

  “Thank you.” Her eyes flashed.

  “You’re welcome.”

  “I was thinking of trying to get another PFA on Nathanial tomorrow.”

  “You can try, but it won’t do you any good. He’s not going to leave you alone.”

  “How…how do you know?” Zeno seemed to be the only one taking her stalker seriously; maybe he knew something she didn’t.

  “It’s a long story that goes back a while. It involves the person he is serving. It’s not something I want to get into here.”

  She nodded that was good. The last thing she needed was the men in the white coats coming to take her away. That almost happened once, and she’d been more careful ever since.

  “How are you enjoying your stay at Cemiterium?”

  He gave a small chuckle. They believed in advertising. Cemiterium, graveyard in Latin.

  “I am finding it to be a great experience. Do your guests know what the name means when they check in?”

  “No, and those who don’t know, don’t want to know. The others.” She shook her head what could she say? “The others seem to know and get a thrill from it. Most likely ghost hunters.”

  He flashed back to a picture of her guardian. No, they were way worse than ghost or hunters. They gave their order to the waiter when he came back.

  “How long are you planning on staying?” She licked her lower lip hoping it would be a bit longer.

  “I’m here indefinitely. I’ll know when it’s time to go.”

  She nodded her head she had heard more than one guest say that. The hotel attracted people who were a little different that’s why she thought they hired her because she was a little different.

  The waiter brought their order to the table and placed it front of them with a flourish that ended with a bow that made her smile. She loved the charm they used on their guests here.

  She eyed Zeno’s meal and felt a little underwhelmed by her own. She had ordered chicken and broccoli a favorite when she was trying to stay away from beef. He had ordered Orange Beef, and it looked delicious. In fact, she was trying not to stare as he placed another piece between his firm lips.

  Was she lusting after the food or him? Both.

  He pushed his large platter towards her. It was big enough to feed two or three because he had gotten the family size. It was like he would…

  Ahh, forget it she stuck her fork in grabbing a large piece of beef and placed it on her plate while she eyed him making sure he wasn’t trying to get it back. Instead, he was laughing at her. He took a fork and added several thick pieces to her plate.

  “There’s enough for both of us.”

  The smile he gave her made her stomach flutter but more importantly was the fact that he wasn’t looking at her with judgment. He didn’t have that you should go on a diet look on his face. Or worse the I knew I shouldn’t have come out with a big chick look. Zeno was the kind of trouble she always wanted to find.

  “I don’t know why the beef looks really good tonight.”

  “You need the energy and chicken is not going to provide what you need.”

  “Right.” She nodded and happily ate his food. She was ignoring the things she didn’t want to see. That wasn’t the best idea to do with anyone; she totally didn’t recommend it. The thing was she was going with that voice in her head the one that kept her safe all her life, and it was saying he may be crazy, but he wasn’t crazy enough to hurt her.

  “How long have you worked at the hotel?”

  “Six years. When I first found it, I had this sense of coming home.”

  “Do you still feel like that?”

  “No.” Her head moved in sadness as her eyes darkened. “You ever get the feeling you’ve overstayed your welcome, and it’s time to move on? I keep telling myself I just need more in a job, but I don’t think that’s it.”

  “Sometimes it’s time to move on.”

  “That’s what I’ve been thinking. I’ve even applied for a few jobs and have been accepted, but I couldn’t leave.” She gave a nervous laugh and filled her mouth with food.

  “Everything hadn’t lined up yet, but I’m sure the time is coming. Tell me about Nathanial.”

  She finished chewing then pushed the plate away. Just thinking of him made her lose her appetite.

  “I met him one morning when I was walking to work. It was a beautiful spring day. You know one of the ones that make you want to play hooky all day long? He walked up to me and smiled and introduced himself. I was new to the area and excited to meet new people. At first, he seemed nice, even asked me out on a date, but I declined.”

  She had liked Nathanial but even then, some sixth sense, the voice in her head told her not to be alone with him or trust him. She laughed at herself for being crazy, but she followed her advice.

  “Everything changed about the second year I was here. He changed, one day he approached me, and he looked different. He wasn’t the same open guy I liked to talk to anymore. That’s when the stalking began. Soon after that the threats started, he was all about what he was going to do to me, and he followed it up with how much he loved me.”

  She shuddered her hands came up to rub warmth back into her arms.

  “Are you finished?”


  He got take out boxes for the rest of the food and paid the bill.

  “Let’s put the food in your car and walk around for a while.”

  “I’d like that.”

  He held out his hand waiting until she put hers in it. A small smile lingered on her lips as they walked to the car. It felt so much like a first date that she wanted to write about it as well as tweet it to the world. Up your’s world, I found a guy who likes me for me! Okay, maybe no tweeting.

  “There’s this beautiful little park about two blocks from here if you would like to see it.”

  “I’d like that.”

  She led the way pointing out little details around them that made her life brighter.

  “I love this park.” There were couples sitting on benches holding hands and some just walking the trails.

  “Do you come here often?”

  “I used to, not anymore. I never know where Nathanial will be lying in wait for me.”

  They walked a little deeper into the interior of the park until they were standing in front of a babbling brook.

  “This right here is my favorite spot.” They walked over and sat on a bench watching the water play over the rocks.

  “Tell me something about you Zeno. It feels like I’ve done most of the talking since we’ve met.”

  “I have three brothers. Two of them have met beautiful women they intend to spend their lives with.”

  “What about your other brother?”

  “Jovan, he’s the oldest. There won’t be a female for him. He’s sick.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that. Is he dying?” she whispered the last part.

  “Yeah I think that’s what it should be called death.”

  Her hand reached out to cover his.

  “I’m sorry, both my parents are dead. I know how sad that is.”

  “What happened to your parent’s?”

  “No one knows. My dad was attacked one night coming home from work, stabbed, but nothing was taken. He was just…” She closed her eyes and squeezed his hand tighter.

  “I’m supposed to be okay with this. They say time makes it easier, they lie. You go one with your life, but a loss is still a loss. I was thirteen when he died. I had my mom until I was sixteen. They said it was just her time. No one could figure out what happened she was healthy and happy. The doctors said it just happened sometimes. I lived with my grandad after that. I lost him six years ago.”

  “I’m so sorry Skye.”

  “I didn’t mean to dump on you; it’s just that I understand how devastating losing someone can be.” She sat still and waited for him to flee, she rarely talked about her family because it made most people uncomfortable.

  He picked her hand up and
caressed the back of it.

  “You’re brave.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “You lost your dad, then your mom. You started your life over again at a time when you were just becoming an adult and lived with your grandfather. I’m betting he died when you were just beginning to feel safe again, and you’re still standing. You’re a very brave female.”

  She blinked her eyes fast. He understood when even her friends hadn’t understood. They were outraged when her dad died, sad when her mom died, but they didn’t understand the physical or mental strain she was under. Her grandfather who she loved didn’t understand either, but that’s what made him so lovable. He never tried instead he validated her feelings and walked through each one with her.

  “Thank you. We should probably think about going it gets darker earlier now.” The darkness was throwing off shadows making her feel like she was in a horror movie.

  “Have you known me long enough to know that I don’t do things that go bump in the night?” Her hand tightened on his as she looked around.

  Her heart rate picked up dumping adrenaline in her system as the shadows seemed to swing and sway as if they had a mind of their own.

  “No, we just got to that part of our relationship. I take it we won’t be going to see the latest horror movie together?”

  “I’ll pass thanks.”

  He pulled her closer making her feel safe as they walked a little too fast to be casual back to the main part of the park.

  “I'm acting ridiculous,” she whispered to herself.

  “We’re acting ridiculous,” he whispered back.

  She smiled because suddenly she didn’t feel all alone.

  Chapter Five

  She stopped outside her apartment and realized she might not have thought this through, turning she gave him a smile. Why hadn’t she taken him back to the hotel? It only made sense.

  “Umm…” Well, he did say he would tell her what was happening after dinner maybe that’s why she brought him here. Then again it could be because she felt safe when she was with him.

  “We could sit outside and talk.” Her apartment was in a house that had been converted so there was a porch they could sit on.

  She nodded her head that was a possibility. Why was she having such a hard time inviting him to her place?

  “We could always go back to my room and talk.”

  Go back to the hotel? That was ridiculous they were here, but going back felt right.

  She smoothed her hair tugging on the gray streak a personal bad habit of hers.

  “You can always tell me tomorrow at lunch.” That was good this way she was making a way to see him again. Tonight wouldn’t be their last encounter.

  “We could do that, but I want to have lunch with you tomorrow either way.”

  He did? Why did he have to come when her life was so messed up?

  “I think I should tell you something.” She licked her lips nervous. He sat there looking at her; she was the center of his attention.

  “The reason I was thinking about renewing the PFA on Nathanial was that he finally gave me a date for when he thinks I need to die. It’s a week from Saturday.” Saturday was tomorrow but who was counting?

  Did he just growl? It sounded like a sound an animal made but none she ever heard before. It didn’t matter because it was seriously sexy and her panties were wet. There was a bit of fear, and a lot of come get me big boy in the wetness. She was sick, sick, sick, but she wasn’t going to tell anyone.

  “No one is killing you Skye. I won’t let them.”

  She reached out to touch him; there was no way she could help herself. Right now she had a cheering squad of one and couldn’t ask for more.

  “I’m probably going to regret this, but let me run into my place and grab a bag then we can go back to your room and talk.” Yeah right, I want to talk.

  “I’ll wait.”

  She got out the car sedately. You’re a hussy she told her libido which had other ideas of how they could talk. We don’t talk like that on the first date she reminded herself. You haven’t talked in a long time her libido reminded her. Unfortunately, it was right. Her apartment was one of two on the second floor. She loved the place it was a two bedroom with big rooms, and she was happy here.

  She stopped in front of her door; something didn’t feel right. A nervous laugh came from her. How many times could she scare herself in one night? Squaring her shoulders, she decided she would be spending the night at the hotel even if it was in a private room.

  Placing her key in the lock, she opened the door and walked over the threshold before falling to her knees. There was pressure on her shoulders and back pressed her until she was lying on the floor.

  “Dragon mate, so glad you made it home.” The door swung shut behind her, and she shivered, fear walking down her spine.

  “Who are you?” That was a valid question because she couldn’t see anybody, just a shadow on the wall. Shadows couldn’t close doors, right?

  “Not that it matters, but I’m the enemy who has come to kill you.”

  “I thought I had until next Saturday.” Keep the crazy man talking maybe she could find a way out of this mess. Would Zeno get concerned and save her or would he find her dead body and be reminded of his brother all over again?

  She tried to rise to her knees, but the pressure was pushing harder keeping her down. Soon she wouldn’t be able to breathe.

  “Next Saturday would be the perfect day for your death, the power would be tremendous, but then the dragon showed up, and I will not lose another mate.”

  He raised his hand and something black came out hitting her dead center in her chest. It began to spin, and she could feel it drilling through her skin and bone. She was going to die. Bringing her hands up she clutched at it ignoring the burning pain as she tried to pull it off her chest. The laughter of the shadow filled the room as a part of it seemed to glow. Then she felt it a force, reminding her of the force she felt the night she got drunk. It was building up in her chest; then it pushed against the object tearing her apart.

  “No, you will die today.”

  “Won’t that make Nathanial sad?” She was clutching at straws because there was no way she could move her body. She was paralyzed.

  Nothing not a word. He raised his hands again fire springing from his fingertips. There was no way she was surviving this. With everything she had left, she said Zeno’s name as blackness descended on her.


  “We should have gone into the house with her.”

  His dragon the one that didn’t like to talk to him was suddenly all about talking.

  “We can’t force her, and I don’t want her to think I’m anything like Nathanial.”

  “She knows that you’re not giving her enough credit. We would never hurt her. She’s been gone too long.”

  “We’ll wait five more minutes, and if she isn’t back, we will go in.”

  “Too long.”

  His dragon was right the air around her place didn’t feel right making him want to rush in after her, and it was growing. Not able to sit still any longer he got out of the car and entered the building.

  He heard her soft apology brush against his mind while he was walking up the steps. He ran up the steps a roar coming out of him. His dragon wanted to change but refrained for fear of hurting their mate. Her door was locked when he slammed into it, stepping back he used a little bit of dragon fire to melt the lock and handle. He immediately reversed the fire to keep it from burning the building down. Then he kicked open the door.

  Skye was on the floor not moving, and Mutufa was standing over her laughing.

  “Your too late dragon.”

  Her body was consumed in fire glowing like she had been placed on a pyre and set on fire in an ancient ceremony. Mutufa disappeared leaving him alone to grieve. He used his dragon fire to control the fire Mutufa set, and then he reversed it taking it back into himself. When the danger was over, he fell to his knees a cr
y of grief coming from his lips.

  “Don’t cry.” She was weak, and her voice was shaky, but she still managed to raise a hand to touch him.

  “You're alive?”

  “I think so, but there’s this thing in my chest.”

  He reached down and grabbed it pulling it out of her. She breathed a sigh of relief. There was a hole in her chest, but he could see her power working to heal her.

  “How did you survive?”

  “I’m not normal,” she said her voice filled with sadness before she closed her eyes and slept.


  Did she buy a new bed and forget to tell herself about it? Surely not. Where ever she was was comfortable and heated. Mmm, who needed an extra cover when you had a bed that was this warm? Did they make beds that heated up?

  She moved to feel a wall of muscle in front of her. Muscle? Hardness? Did she spend the night with someone? Not someone Zeno. Did she spend the night with him and now couldn’t remember the good time they had together? Her life sucked. If they had sex, she wanted a do-over!

  She peeked out of one eye to see him watching her. Quickly she closed the eye and tried to slow her breathing.

  “I know you're awake,” he whispered in her ear.

  She opened her eyes and looked at him. Her face was heating up she’d be redder than a sunburn in a minute.

  “Umm, nice body… I mean bed. I so meant bed.” Forget a minute she was breaking out into a full body blush.”

  “Thanks, I like yours too.”

  She glanced down to see she was in a nightgown. One of her sexy ones, the ones she didn’t wear anymore because there wasn’t a reason. Well, the good thing was she couldn’t get any redder than she already was.

  “So we umm spent the night together.”

  He nodded smiling at her. She moved and didn’t feel any soreness between her legs and her nipples were still begging to be touched. Had she gone down on him and then passed out, so she didn’t get a turn? Looks like she was wrong because her face just got hotter.


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