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Skye's Dragon: Dragon Mate's: A BBW Paranormal Romance

Page 5

by Serena Simpson

  This didn’t make sense she wasn’t a dragon mate, hell she couldn’t even attract a man. She gave a small growl; Nathaniel made sure of that. Her life was crazy, and she didn’t need more, but he was making her wet, and there was nothing she wanted more than to feel him deep inside her.


  “You have to be strong for both of us Zeno. I’m weak around you.” She closed her eyes because she couldn’t say no if her life depended on it. He could have anything he wanted from her right now.

  He leaned over holding her tightly and grabbed the plate she sat on the table.

  “Open up.”

  She opened her eyes to see a fork with a bite of meat on it waiting for her to open her mouth. He fed her bite by bite until her plate was empty.

  “Would you come with me?”

  She looked up into his light brown eyes that were faintly glowing. Maybe he was the dragon he said he was.

  “Yes.” She stood up and went into the bedroom. She didn’t know where they were going, but she wanted to change clothes. When she walked back into the living room, she was wearing a pair of jeans paired with a low crop top and tennis shoes.

  “You look good.”

  “Thank you.” She followed him out the door in silence.

  He led her to the car he was renting. They drove out of the city until they came to a deserted town. The sky above was dark, and the air felt like there were ghost watching you.

  “I’ve never been here. No one has ever mentioned this place.”

  “Most people drive through it and never notice. To them, it looks like a stretch of old empty highway.”

  She got out and walked around the houses and buildings. They were deserted reminding her of a gold rush town.

  “This town was built over the same graveyard the hotel sits on.”

  “How can that be?”

  “When you think of a graveyard you think of your modern-day cemeteries. Even today there are places that were cemeteries that are now parks and public attractions. Long before mankind made its appearance other beings lived on this land. Their graveyards circle the globe. This one refuses to allow humans to stay. That’s good for us.”

  She shivered a little and stepped closer to him when she thought she felt invisible fingers on her arm.

  “Why is it good for us?”

  “Because the government can’t get a read on this place. Look over there.” He pointed to a three-story building that looked like it had a camera mounted on it.

  “Is that a camera?”

  “No. It helps to boost the signal around here so they can get clear and accurate satellite images.”

  “So they can see us standing here?”

  “No. The booster works for about a day when they install it or fix it and then it shuts down. They won’t be back for another few months, so were good.”

  “Oh.” She was alone with a man who thought he was a dragon and there weren’t even camera’s to tell the story if he should happen to be crazier than she thought. Perfect.

  “Why are we here?”

  “Someone wanted to see my dragon. Seeing is believing, or so I’ve been told. Stay here.”

  He walked away from her placing a good distance between them. She smiled and made herself comfortable leaning against the side of an old building. She thought he would drag this out for a couple of days use it as a way to get in her pants, not that he needed a story for that. Then he would confess that he wasn’t a dragon and she would be oddly disappointed.

  “Are you ready?”

  “I’m ready. I can’t wait to see your silver dragon.”

  His body seemed to waver in front of her, so she rubbed her eyes not wanting to miss whatever show he was planning to put on. His form changed, it was being pulled in all directions when she heard the distinct breaking of bones. She straightened up wanting to help him. A small muffled cry went up. It was hers she stuffed her fist in her mouth concealing her cry of shock and concern. Before her stood a dragon.

  This isn’t real; she told herself before she began to clap softly.

  “Nice trick Zeno. Is it done with smoke and mirrors? Isn’t that what the famous magicians use?”

  The dragon turned to look at her. It’s not real she reminded herself.

  “Who says they aren’t magicians?” The voice was deep making her scared and hot at the same time. He could have a harem with that voice.

  “The whole world knows magic isn’t real.”

  “You’re right because no one has ever been consumed in fire before and lived.”

  She swallowed hard at that. He was challenging her asking her to believe when all she wanted to do was run away.

  “If you’re a dragon how are you talking to me?”

  “It’s the male inside of me. I didn’t know I could do it until I heard Maceo do it. Come closer Skye. If I’m smoke and mirrors what do you have to fear? If I’m Zeno, you know I wouldn’t hurt you.”

  Smoke and mirrors she whispered to herself as she took her first tentative step. She didn’t know what was happening, but there would be no more ignoring it. Shit was getting real in her life, and she wanted to get real with it.

  “What happens if I get close to you and you’re a dragon? Will you kill me?”

  “Did I need to bring you out here to kill you?”

  “No.” She walked up to him. The closer she got the better she was able to see him.

  He lit up the area around him with his silver scales. There were feathers on him also that were silver but seemed to have just a little bit of gold at the end of them.

  She stopped ten feet away from him. Either this was real, and everything else that happened was real too. Nathanial did want to kill her for some shadow named Mutufa. He was a dragon, and she was his mate.The part that scared her the most was that part of her wanted it to be true.

  She wanted Zeno to be a dragon. Skye took a deep breath and walked the rest of the distance separating them. She reached out her hand to touch him expecting to slide through the smoke. Instead, she touched the very real dragon before her.


  He turned his head, light brown reptilian eyes that glowed met hers.

  Zeno was a dragon.

  Chapter Eight

  Can a dragon frown? She had fallen on her behind and was now laughing like a loon because in life you laughed or cried and she was done with crying.

  “You’re a dragon.”

  “I am.”

  “And that makes me?”

  “That makes you my mate. I’m sure the things that have been happening in your life is your power gone awry.”

  “Alright.” She stood up and carefully placed her hand on him. “What do we do next.”

  “Would you like to fly?”

  “Fly? Like me on your back? Up in the air?” Was she fangirling? Yes, and she didn’t care she had dreamed about flying for years even after the men in the white coats ordered her not to.

  “Is it safe?”

  “Yes.” He went down on his front legs giving her a way to get on board.

  She clutched at him hoping she wasn’t hurting him as she climbed on his back. It wasn’t graceful like she always imagined, but it was fun.

  “Am I too heavy?” She hated that that was her first thought, but she didn’t want to hurt him.

  “You're about as heavy as a feather Skye, hold on tight.”

  His wings moved beating against the air and then they were air bound. She could feel her neck working as she swallowed several times. Her hands held on tightly to him. He seemed to be made for her to ride; he had ridges along his shoulders that were the perfect hand holds. Her stomach fluttered, and she didn’t know if dinner was going to come back up. Fear battled elation as they went higher into the sky.

  “I won’t let you get hurt, Skye.”

  His voice calmed her down because she believed him. If only her mom or dad could be here to see this. Her dad would cheer, her mom would faint in amazement, but both would be happy fo
r her. All they ever wanted was for her dreams to come true.

  He moved above the darkness and the sky brightened. She could feel the wind in her hair even as she realized the atmosphere was much thinner but breathable where she was.

  “I would have hated giving this up, the ability to fly and be free.” She laughed as the beauty and the amazement of the moment hit her. If only this could be her life.

  “Why does Mutufa want to kill me and why did he recruit Nathanial?”

  “I suspect he recruited Nathanial because he was easily seduced and he had a relationship with you. He wants to kill you because that would mean all three living brothers have met their mate and if you agree to mate with me, we will be much stronger.”

  “Mate with you?”

  “Choose to join your life with mine. Some call it marriage, but this would be unbreakable. We would not only share a physical connection but a mental one.”


  “Uh huh. Hold on tight.” Her finger clenched around him.

  He rolled over several times making her scream with panic. She should be falling there was no way she could hold on that tight. When he straightened up, she choked on her scream until it bubbled over in laughter. Since she didn’t die, that was the most exhilarating thing she had ever done besides having the courage to climb on his back.

  “Are you trying to kill me?”

  “Never, mate.”

  “I’m not your mate, yet.” She took a hand and spread it over his back petting him. His feathers tickled her palm of her hand, and his scales gave her a little scratch like they were saying hello.

  “Why don’t your scales cut me?”

  “Because you’re my mate and my dragon has made sure to protect you. If another were to try and climb on my back or pet me, they wouldn’t like what would happen.”

  “How many mates have you had?”

  “You’re the only one.”

  She nodded liking that answer.

  “It’s time to go back.” He dived straight down as her eyes got bigger watching the ground rise before he leveled out circling. He came to an easy stop.

  She slid off his back and moved away, so he had room to change. Her eyes blinked fast as she saw the man approach her. Quietly they got into the car and drove back to the hotel.

  “Will you stay with me tonight, Skye?”

  Would she? Didn’t she need room to think, to try and understand? She did, she needed a lot of room to think, but she had been thinking for the last several years and hadn’t come up with any concrete answers. Now it was time to take a different approach. She stretched her hand out and smiled when he took it. Together they walked to the room he was using.

  She walked in and kicked her shoes and socks off before taking a seat on the couch.

  “Ask me anything you want to.” He sat next to her.

  She didn’t want to ask a question or receive an answer she wanted to live because she might not see tomorrow with the way things were going. In life, you had to be courageous, but she always made sure the man made the first move. Not this time, leaning over she kissed him.

  His teeth nipped at her bottom lip until she opened wide enough for him to invade her mouth. The feel of his tongue rubbing against hers made her nipples throb. It had been a while, but she still remembered what to do.

  Her eyes closed as he kissed her deeper. This was the kiss she had been searching for the one that said she was hot as hell and sexy as fuck at the same time. She leaned into him allowing her body to catch fire as she learned his mouth. A small intimate moan came from her.

  “Skye,” his voice was rough with passion. “Are you sure.”

  Instead of answering him she bent over and devoured his mouth again before moving to place little kisses on his neck before she followed it up with soft nibbles.

  He placed his arms around her and changed their positions so that she was lying on him as he laid back on the couch.

  “You’re so sexy, and I love this streak of gray in your black hair.”

  She touched it feeling self-consciousness for a minute. “One day I woke up, and it was there.”

  He tangled his fingers in her hair and caressed her scalp.

  “That feels good.” It also felt good to lie on him and know he wasn’t going to break. She licked his throat where it connected to his neck before she started placing small kisses down the exposed skin.

  “Shirt.” It needed to come off it was hampering her progress.

  He leaned up and grabbed it by the hem pulling it and over his head. When he laid back down, she caressed his chest with her hands feeling the way his abs dipped and flexed with his breathing. Her hands went to his pecs caressing the muscles until her eyes finally locked onto his chest.

  She leaned down and licked him from his belly button all the way up his chest. His breathing came out in a puff of air as he gave a sexy snarling sound. She gave a quiet laugh because she couldn’t remember a guy ever just letting her explore and play.

  Leaning over, she licked his nipple and then flicked it with her tongue. She rubbed herself against him when he made that deep sound in the back of his throat again. She caught his nipple in her mouth and sucked while her hand played with his other one.

  “Sexy Skye, sucking on my nipple making my cock hard for you. Bite it sexy; I already know you like to use your teeth.”

  She bit him she couldn’t help it, just hard enough hear that hiss that came from between his teeth. Then his hand was on her head pushing her closer to his nipple encouraging her to do it again. Her hips moved over the hard bulge in his pants making her cry aloud with the pleasure of it.

  “Did you find something you want?” His hands slid over her back until he was grabbing her ass. He managed to get one in the waist of her jeans and caressed her while the other one pinched and played with her outside of her jeans.

  “I want you.”

  He sat up before he picked her up and carried her to the bedroom.

  “Skye.” He caressed her face. “If I crawl into that bed with you. I won’t stop, be sure you want me.”

  She pulled her crop top off and then undid the button and zipper on her jeans. With a wiggle of her hips, they hit the floor around her ankles. Wearing nothing but a pair of hipsters and her bra she crawled into the bed.

  “You won’t need those,” he growled in her ear before he gripped the side of her panties and tore them off.

  Her wide eyes came up to meet his before she turned on her back and spread her legs rubbing her pussy. He tore her panties off, and it was making her hotter than she ever remembered being. He licked his lips watching her.

  “I love that smell.” He leaned over her and licked at the seam of her pussy.

  “Fuck.” The word slipped out of her mouth as her body trembled.

  He stood back up and shucked his pants his eyes firmly on the wet slit between her legs. He crawled back on the bed and licked her again this time allowing his tongue to delve deeper.

  “Supposed to kiss you first play with you make you hot before I can…”

  He came up and took her mouth in a deep kiss allowing her to taste herself. She moaned again as she clung to his shoulders. Her hips rose from the bed moving against his body spreading her wetness on him.

  “There’s no rules, Zeno, we can do whatever we want, and I want you in me.”

  “I want to devour you, Skye, get to know every bit of you. I want to know how every inch of your skin tastes.” He was licking her breasts that overflowed her bra. “I want to know every sweet noise you make and what you like.”

  He placed a kiss on her breasts before he pulled them up, so they were lifted high and sat on her bra. His hands pushed them together as he took both nipples in his mouth and sucked. Her hips bucked as she gave a loud moan, cream spilled down her legs making her wetter.

  “Do you like when I pull on your nipples?” He asked her before he sucked one into his mouth and pinched the other one pulling on the hard nipple.

Yes,” her voice was loud and raspy as she begged for more. “Zeno.” His name came out in a cry for more.

  He pillowed his head on her breast before he gave her soft kisses. Is hand went between her legs playing with her pussy. Inserting one finger and then another as he began to pump them in and out.

  “What you do want sexy?”

  “I want you.”

  His hand moved as he caught his thick cock between his hand rubbing her wetness over the head. He opened her legs and looked down at her.

  “You’re so beautiful Skye. I never thought I would find you, Sexy.”

  He placed the head of his cock at her entrance and slowly began to push.

  “Yes, fill me.”

  He pushed into her allowing her body to widen to make room for him. His teeth bit his bottom lip to keep him from going too fast. She rocked on his cock wanting him deeper. She needed to know what it felt like to make love to Zeno. For once in her life she was going to be wild and do the thing that called to her, be with the person who touched not only her body but her emotions and her heart.

  She surged up taking the last bit of him into her. That deep growl that she wasn’t sure she could live without came from his lips as his arms locked. He was keeping himself still hovering above her, giving her time to adjust to his thickness.

  “Mine,” She said as she wiggled around him. “Move,” her voice was high-pitched and breathless, but it did the trick he started to move.

  “Yes please.” Little words of encouragement came out of her mouth as she moved meeting him stroke for stroke.

  Her body opened more with his every stroke. Her feelings for him intensified as she clung to him. She had been looking for him all her life, and she knew it. With every encounter and every smile, she was looking for Zeno.

  Her movements picked up as her body felt like it was one fire. Little eddies of color popped in front of her face and her belly was about to explode. A scream of pleasure came from her lips as she felt her body come apart.

  He pumped harder taking her higher until he joined her that deep masculine groan sending her over the edge one more time. She never wanted to let him go.


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