Skye's Dragon: Dragon Mate's: A BBW Paranormal Romance

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Skye's Dragon: Dragon Mate's: A BBW Paranormal Romance Page 6

by Serena Simpson

  Chapter Nine

  Where was she? The world was different it could be a million years old or a thousand. Was this a dream? She reached down and gave her arm a vicious pinch to wake herself up. Pain flared down her arm. Nope, it wasn’t a dream. She was dressed instead of gloriously naked in Zeno’s arms. For a minute, she frowned disappointment curling in her belly. Then her survival skills kicked in.

  A small chuckle left her as she moved, what survival skills? She was wearing a pair of plain brown pants paired with a shirt that made her skin itch. Picking a direction she walked hoping to find a city or at least a town. She was in a field, or that’s what it looked like. The day was sunny and warm, raising her hand, she wiped the sweat from her brow. There were flowers under her feet that she had never seen before.

  Could she be out west? There weren’t wide open areas like this close to the city. Not even the area Zeno had taken her to looked like this. The further she walked, she noticed mountains in the distance. Mountains? That didn’t make sense. She started running needing to lay eyes on a road even though she couldn’t hear any cars or trucks around. One would come by soon.

  Her feet stopped moving when her mind started shouting that the Earth had come to an end. She fell to her hands and knees and crawled until she was able to look at the lip of the land she was on. She was standing on the flat surface of a mountain. When she looked down, she got dizzy. There was too much space between her and the ground.

  Carefully lying down she wondered what she was going to do. Even if she was in her time, no one was going to find her this high on a mountain side. There were no cable lines or cell phones line. Nothing that reminded her of civilization and then there was that.

  That was impossible, but she knew what it looked like after last night. There were several dragons circling the sky. You’re not in Pennsylvania anymore Skye. She would have laughed at her joke, but she was on her hands and knees staying as close to the ground as possible as she made her way to the cave she could just barely see.

  She rolled into the cave expelling a large breath of air. This was good at least she would be safe. She stood and moved further back into the cave. It was extremely large, and the light was minimal until she went into what looked like a separate room, it was lit like a giant Christmas tree. The cave was filled with treasure, a dragon's hoard. She had walked into the cave of a dragon; she was going to die.

  Run! She turned around when she noticed all the light seemed to be gone; the cave was thrown into darkness. She hurried further back hoping to hide behind a pile of jewels.

  The mountain shook as the dragon came closer to the room she was in. It had to be a dragon nothing else would make a mountain shake, and she was a believer in them now. Her mouth opened as its head stuck into the room looking for something.

  Zeno? All she could see was the light brown eyes she stared into last night, but this didn’t make sense. How could he be here as a dragon and how could she be here? Taking a deep breath, she stayed as quiet as possible while she prayed he would leave.

  He walked the rest of the way into the room making it feel small almost like the air in the room was diminishing. Go to sleep she prayed so she could escape. He got comfortable on the floor. Yes. She thought she would find a way to escape. His tail lashed out knocking over the jewels and twisting around her. Perfect the dragon that looked like he should turn into the male she slept with last night was going to kill her.

  He brought her up so that he could look at her. His tail was firmly around her, but it wasn’t crushing her. She wasn’t holding out much hope because he looked angry.

  “I’m sorry.” His tail settled down for a moment she was sure he was about to throw her against the wall. “I would hate to come home and find someone in my room trying to hide behind the things that I loved or cherished.”

  His head turned his eye giving her a slow blink. His tail set her down, so her feet touched the ground although it was still wrapped around her.

  “You don’t know me. I can tell by the way you’re looking at me. Maybe I don’t know you, but you look like Zeno.”

  She got two slow blinks of his eye this time, but he still held onto her. Having nothing to lose but her life, she managed to wiggle an arm lose and then she touched his tail. He had told her that his dragon would only let her touch him because of who she was. Her hand should be bloody as she rubbed over his scales. Instead, they tickled her hand.

  “Maybe you do know who I am,” she whispered as his tail let her go.

  This would be a good time to bolt for the door, but there was no way she would be faster than he was. There was also the fact that there were several other dragons in the air and she didn’t think they would give her the same chance, so she sat.

  “I don’t know where I am, but I bet this is the time before you became a shifter. So, I don’t know how you recognized me. It’s funny because you’re the same to me but different. I feel Zeno the male in you even though I know he’s not there yet. The dragon is different. You’re wild, and I have a feeling you’re still wild, but you’ve learned to keep yourself under control. I have no doubt that I would be dead if there weren’t some part of you that can feel me.”

  She scooted back to the wall. It may be summer outside, but it was cold in the cave, and she was hungry.

  “I guess you don’t have any food?” She made signs of her opening her mouth and shoving something into it then rubbed her belly. Maybe she shouldn’t do that. Zeno said he didn’t eat humans, right?

  Her dragon got up. She was going to see a shrink the minute she got home! How could she call him her dragon? He moved towards the opening of the cave leaving her alone and alive.

  She stood it was time to go. She walked towards the entrance and watched as he slid a large boulder in place in front of the door.

  That did not just happen. She was crazy, right? Not knowing what to do she walked to the entrance. There was no way out. She was trapped in the cave; she would die here all alone. Starve here was more like it, grasping her hair; she tugged on the gray streak until she was able to think again.

  She moved around the cave exploring it until she heard the tinkle of water. It drew her back a little further into the cave until she found a pool of water, leaning over it, she cupped her hands and drank. At least she had a water source, and it tasted better than any drink she ever had before. It was clear and crisp. She laid at the edge of the water and closed her eyes until she heard a noise in the bigger room waking her up.

  A loud noise came from him like he was demanding she show herself. Just like a man, it didn’t matter if they were human, canine or dragon. They always thought you should be there for them. With a nod of disgust, she moved into the bigger room. He watched her taking her all in before he pushed the carcass of a dear to her feet.

  What the hell? Thanks, Zeno dead animal gifts make me happy. Dead animal gifts? She raised her head from the deer that was making her want to puke to look at him. He was a dragon. She bet he ate things like the deer lying at her feet.

  “You brought me food!” her voice was much too loud, and he moved his head back. His ears were probably sensitive, but this had to be the nicest thing anyone had ever done for her.

  “I hate to tell you this, but I don’t know how to clean a deer. I’m not from this time. I guess I could learn but probably not in enough time to keep from starving to death. Thank you.”

  She took a tentative step towards him. If she was going to die, she might as well die trying to touch him. She was addicted to the male and the dragon already. He never moved allowing her to get close enough to caress him.

  “In my time,” she spoke softly. “You allowed me to ride your back. I loved it.”

  She moved back against the wall. He stared at her as if undecided then picked up the deer carcass with his mouth and left rolling the boulder in front of the cave again.

  This time she stayed in the big room and examined his hoard. Whoever stumble onto this cave would be rich if he or she could
just take a portion of what was in here with them. Maybe he wasn’t coming back this time; he had been gone for hours. The boulder moved just as she was giving up on him. He came back with what looked like a large rag hanging from his mouth. He dropped it at her feet and moved back settling into a lying position as he stared at her.

  She opened it up to find cooked deer meat. Someone had cleaned, gutted, and cooked the deer for him. Someone? A female? Was she jealous of a woman who was long dead? Yeah, she was. She shook off the petty thought and picked up a piece of the deer meat and started chewing.

  “This is good, thank you.” He gave a shake to his head like he understood her. “Do you want some?”

  A snort of fire came from his nose. She was going to take that as a no. He hadn’t put the boulder back in place allowing her to see the darkness on the other side of the cave. She ate as much as her stomach could hold and hoped the rest would be okay tomorrow since the cave was so cold.

  Once again she snuggled against the wall rubbing her hands over her arms trying to stay warm.

  Slowly he approached her until she could feel the heat of his body. She laid down on the floor, and he came closer until he was just touching her. He laid perfectly still, and she hoped he wouldn’t roll over on her. She closed her eyes and laid her hand along his flank. She fell asleep feeling safe in a world she didn’t belong in.

  Chapter Ten

  It was the sudden cold that woke her followed by a bellow of pain and the heat of fire when he aimed at whatever walked into the cave.

  The figure standing before her laughed. He stood somewhere around six feet maybe a little shorter. He was black and red something she had never seen before. On either side of his head, he had a horn that was wrapped around itself. His body was thin, too thin it made her feel uncomfortable as if he could somehow change his shape to creep into places he wasn’t wanted.

  “Zeno,” his voiced slithered out of his throat making her think of a snake. “Where are your brothers. Did they leave you here unprotected?”

  His eyes went around the cave looking at the different jewels on display until he stopped on her.

  “Are you adding humans to your pile of riches? I can bring you plenty humans in exchange for some of your hoard.”

  Zeno breathed fire, and he moved keeping himself out of the way of the flames.

  “Come now Zeno why else would you want a human female instead of your kind, unless…have you developed a taste for human blood?” He shook his head before turning to look at her again.

  “Not you Zeno, you’re too proud for that. Maybe Javon but never you. Then who is she?”

  He went to take a step closer to her, but Zeno placed his body between him and her.

  “No, this is impossible, dragons only mate with dragons, although it does give me an idea. Human, it looks like Zeno is protecting you. Is it possible? Are you his mate?”

  She bit her lip, anything she said to him would place her life in more danger. He didn’t know his fate or that he would come after her one day and she had to keep it that way. If she disturbed Zeno’s timeline, there was no telling what would happen.

  “I feel power deep within you. What are you? Who are you?”

  She inched a little closer to Zeno hoping that he would be able to protect her. She knew who she was facing, the body was different, but the voice was the same. His evil intent came over loud and clear. He was the one that lit her on fire in her apartment.

  “How rude of me, I haven’t introduced myself. The name is Mutufa.”

  She gave a dip of her head in response not wanting to be rude. “Skye.”

  “What a beautiful name and such a lovely body for a person your age so well cared for.”

  How much different did she look from the women of this period? The pink on her nails caught her attention. Did they have fingernail polish? She never bothered with lengthening her nails, but she always kept them polished and her eyebrows shaped. She was sure she looked like an outsider and it didn’t matter who was watching her she stood out like a sore thumb.

  She gave him a frown and brazened it out.

  “It’s alright Skye. I know you’re not from here.”

  He took another step closer to her and Zeno let out a rage filled bellow, one that threatened to bring the cave down on their heads.

  “Pity, he seems rather protective of you. You’re his mate. Did you know that? Until this moment I had no idea, a dragon could mate with a human. Obviously not physically but on some emotional or spiritual level you’re it for him. That’s why I must kill you. Nothing personal you realize. He can’t mate none of them can.”

  He took careful steps backward even as she tried to go to the ground to escape whatever was coming next. Mutufa raised his hands in the air almost as if he were drawing runes in it and then she started to scream. There was a twisting pain in her gut that had her curled in a ball. She was dying.

  “I’m sorry Zeno,” was pulled out of her.

  Mutufa turned and ran. Zeno was pulled between her and him.

  “Go, stop him. Please.” He flew after him trying to save her life.


  She was still curled in a ball holding herself when she woke. Zeno was holding her tight rocking her back and forth.

  “You’re going to be fine Skye.” He repeated over and over like a prayer sent up to whoever was listening.

  “Zeno, You’re a male. I was dreaming, but it didn’t seem like a dream.”

  “It wasn’t a dream Skye. I was real.”

  “How could it be real?” She opened her eyes needing to confirm what her senses were telling her, that she was safe and Zeno was a male.

  The fact that she was in a hotel room and Zeno who was holding her keeping her warm went a long way to making her relax. The pain she felt was gone, but the memory of it would haunt her for a while to come.

  “What happened?”

  “You visited the past.”


  “The power inside of you is strong. Each mate is stronger, and I don’t know why. When the dragon came back to the cave, you were gone. He searched the world for you. His despair built every day as he realized he wasn’t going to be able to find you. When Mutufa changed us into humans, it was probably the kindest thing he could have done for my dragon who was going crazy. As a human, I forgot about you and that day. When my dragon came back, he was sad but could never tell me why. You were always with us even when we didn’t know it.”

  She wrapped her arms around him wanting to stop the pain that was visible in his eyes and the way he held his body.

  “I’m right here.” Her words came out soft they were for the dragon. “I’m sorry you had to wait so long to find me.”

  Zeno’s arms were still around her; they rocked slowly on the bed until they both were assured the other wouldn’t disappear.

  She lifted her head and his lips came down to meet hers tugging on her bottom lip until she opened. He kissed her reaffirming life and love. Rejoicing that she was right there in his arms and she replied loving the fact that whatever happened hadn’t torn him apart. She touched him as her hands trembled having trouble believing the flesh and blood man was under her hands as memories of the dragon trying to protect her were still consuming her mind.

  He rolled onto his back taking her with him. A sigh of contentment left him when he felt her weight lying on him. She placed her ear to his chest listening to the contented hum of his dragon. This was where she was supposed to be.

  She didn’t know what was going to happen tomorrow and for once, she didn’t care. Here, right now, was the only thing holding her in its grip and she wanted to enjoy it. Her teeth latched onto his shoulder breaking the skin just a little. She was claiming him as hers and didn’t care who wouldn’t like it. Her tongue came out to lave over the spot she had bitten before she placed tender kisses there. Then she moved down his body kissing and caressing until she reached his chest. She loved his chest she knew when he took his shirt off he would be
a work of muscle and power, and he was. His long, lean muscles wrapped around his body making her hot. She kissed him, his pecs, and then his abs. She kissed up his chest until she found one of his hard nipples. They were so little and tight like buds that hadn’t opened yet.

  She sucked one into her mouth enjoying the hardness of it and the saltiness of his skin. Her hand went to the other playing with it.

  “I want to taste you.” Her voice was raspy.

  “You’re already tasting me.” His hand was in her hair holding her head close while the other hand played with her shoulders and arms, drawing little patterns on them.

  She shook her head as she licked down the center of his chest. “I want to taste you there.” The fingers of one hand walked down his body.

  He trembled, and she smiled. She looked up before she stuck out her tongue and licked her lips making them moist as he watched every move. Her lips moved into a small smile as she watched the hungry look in his eyes. He wanted this wanted to see her mouth wrapped around his hard cock and she wanted it to.

  She stroked his stomach with her hand as she moved down his body playing with him, making him harder until she was staring at that sexy v. It was calling her name, and her head went down to allow her tongue to trace it. A deep breath came from him as he tightened his body in an effort to stay still.

  “Mine,” she whispered as her fingers tangled into the little trail of hair he had there. Her fingers went lower until they were hovering over the base of his cock.

  She took him in from root to tip and let out a sigh of pleasure, leaning over she licked the head of his cock as she enjoyed the bead of cum sitting there. His hips bucked drawing a sexy laugh from her. He tasted good she wrapped her tongue around his head licking again. There was salt combined with an animal wildness that made her want to rise and bury him in her pussy but this first.

  Her hand came down and wrapped around his thick shaft wishing she could cover all of it. Her mouth opened wide as she took several inches in and sucked. His hips thrust up a little, and a deep growl came from him, it touched the pleasure center in her belly that was attached to her pussy and the floodgates opened. She sucked on the head of his cock harder needing more of his taste in her mouth, in her body.


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