Skye's Dragon: Dragon Mate's: A BBW Paranormal Romance

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Skye's Dragon: Dragon Mate's: A BBW Paranormal Romance Page 7

by Serena Simpson

  His hands wrapped around her head moving her down even further showing her she could take more of him than she thought. She worked his shaft with her hands while her mouth took him deeper. Pleasure spread throughout her body. She never realized how good it felt to give her male pleasure or how the pleasure came back at her enfolding her in its grip.

  She came up for air grinning at his throbbing shaft.

  “Come for me, Zeno. I want to feel your cum on my lips sliding down my throat.” Her hand slid down to his balls playing with them, and she licked the side of his shaft before sucking him back in. He thrust his hips holding her tight so he wouldn’t hurt her. She sucked harder wanting to feel him blow for her.

  “Skye.” Her name came out of his mouth as his hands tightened in her hair and his legs clenched. Then with one last stroke, he let out a deep groan of pleasure as the first surge hit the back of her throat making her swallow. He pulled out and came on her breast, marking her, telling the world she belonged to him.

  Chapter Eleven

  She opened her eyes to find herself held tightly in Zeno's arms. This was something she could get used to. He nuzzled her neck and kissed her good morning.

  “How are you feeling, Beautiful?”

  “I woke up naked in your arms. That’s a good start as far as I’m concerned.”

  “It’s a good start for me too, but we need to talk.”

  “Why am I not surprised?” She leaned up and kissed him again relishing the few minutes her life felt great.

  “I need a shower before I have to face reality.” She slipped out the bed making her way to the bathroom.

  She wanted to lose herself in thoughts of how good it felt to make love to Zeno, but she could still see the cave. His dragon was rich; she chuckled because the last thing she sought was money. Her smile faltered when she saw Mutufa standing in front of her in that cave. Her hands went to her belly and clenched; he did something to her she could feel it inside. It wasn’t a new feeling but one she could remember as early as her late teens.

  She toweled off taking extra time before the reality of her life hit her one more time. When she walked into the living room, to see the breakfast he ordered for her sitting on the coffee table, a smile tugged at her lips. Once again he was taking care of her, she could get use to this.

  “Have a seat; I bet you have lots of questions for me.”

  She sat on the couch making sure her leg was touching his, touching him gave her a feeling of comfort. It was like coming home to a place that made you feel safe and warm. She picked up the plate and raised a brow before taking a bite.

  “You didn’t dream going back in time, but you were much younger when it happened. Last night you went back, but you relived what your younger self had already lived.”

  “That makes no sense to me, but it feels right. It was like my body was bringing me up to speed on what I had forgotten.”

  “That may have been how you knew dragons were real.”

  She gave a non-committal shake of her head and took another bite of food.

  “Mutufa bound your powers; that’s why you didn’t remember until last night. I think seeing my dragon is what opened up your memory.”

  “I think your right. There was always a feeling deep inside that I couldn’t access; now it feels closer. What do you mean by he bound my power?”

  “Every dragon mate has a deep seated well of power within her. Sometimes it stays hidden waiting for her dragon mate to help her unleash it. Other times it goes crazy to the point where she can’t handle it on your own. Yours was bound. It was unable to reach out and touch you except f0r the night you say things went wild in your life. When he bound your power, he marked you; that was how he was able to find you.”

  “Great, so I have some maniac that can follow me where ever I go? How am I supposed to give him the slip?”

  “You’re not. It will take the two of us together to do that. The ultimate goal is to shove him back behind the door on Serenities plane, but first, we have to unbind your powers.”

  “Umm, no thanks?” She didn’t want to experience that pain again. She might not remember going to the past when she was a teen, but she remembered feeling like she was going to die. That was something she never wanted to go through again.

  “I can’t force you.”

  Here it comes the lecture. He was going to tell her how she should do it for the good of mankind. The children and the little old women who were depending on her even though they didn’t know it. He would be right she would have to do it for the world the only question she had was when the world would do something for her?

  “Skye, you’ve lived your whole life limping, trying to figure out who you were. This is your chance to find out if you like the woman you are. This is your chance to answer that one question. Is there more to life than this? Only you can answer it and only if you chose to face who you truly are. Do you want to go through life thinking you could have done more if only you had been willing to try?”

  She calmly placed her plate on the table in front of her and stood walking over to the wall. The rage inside of her let loose, and she took her fist and started hitting the wall screaming. She kept so much locked inside of her. Her friends use to whisper, look at Skye she’s so brave. She handles the trials in her life so well. She doesn’t need anyone to hold her hand; she’s a rock.

  Well, she wasn’t a rock. She was a smoldering pile of what the hell is happening in my life. She kicked the wall before she started to bang her head against it. Zeno picked her up and held her as she hit him with her fist and screamed her fury. He held her until she cried and finally slumped onto his chest. He rocked her without words as she picked up the pieces of her life and reordered them. He loved her in a time when she felt she only deserved hate.


  “Don’t say sorry. Something more powerful than you messed with your life, your body. He did a number on your mind, and you’re the one that had to live with it. You had to live with that little bit of knowledge inside that told you that you were different while the rest of the world went on its merry way. You don’t have to be sorry for that. You should be proud because you went on when all odds were against you. You stood up to Nathanial when you should have bowed to him and the power he has been given from Mutufa. Instead, you fought. There is nothing to be sorry for.”

  Her hand came up to rest over his heart. “Do you take care of everyone the way you take care of me?”


  “I didn’t know I was so mad on the inside.”

  “It’s your world.”


  “You’re trained to smile, be happy, put on a good show. I could be wrong, but maybe you’re so busy fitting in with the ones around you that you lost track of who you are.

  “I spent centuries being the little brother. I smiled and joked, and no one who knew me could see that there was more to me. Not until Maceo, one of my brothers, his mate and I became trapped in the demon plane. I couldn’t hide any longer.”

  “You were trapped in the demon plane?”

  His lips quirked until he finally smiled. “Is that all you got from my story? I was bearing my heart.”

  “I know.” She leaned in closer as he held her and kissed him. “You’re right, and I know it, but since I just epically lost it, I want to ignore it for a minute. So, you went to the demon plane?”

  He tilted his head back and laughed catching her up in his joy. He hugged her close and walked back to the couch to sit with her on his lap.

  “How do we unbind my powers?”

  “Is that what you want?”

  She gazed around the room again. This place, not just this room was in her heart. She had been here so long worked with the people and dealt with the guests many of whom she was beginning to understand weren’t human. If she could beat Nathanial and Mutufa she could stay here forever living on the cuff of her potential. She wanted more, had to have more out of life because pretending she fit in
when she didn’t, wasn’t working for her anymore.

  “I want to know who I am. I don’t know if I’ll like the person I find, but I know I can’t be the person I am anymore.”

  He kissed her. It was one of those kisses that started at her lips and traveled all the way down to her toes. Mmm, he was a keeper.

  “I like the way you kiss.”

  He winked at her putting her on the couch before he stood up. “I like everything about you, Skye.”

  He left the room when he came back he had his cell phone in his hand.

  “I would have let you use mine.” She pointed to it lying on the table.

  “I want to call my island. I know that Maceo’s mate was able to call, but I think that was because her powers were so wild that they gave her signal a boost. Normally the phones here shouldn’t be able to make the signal journey.” He handed her his phone so she could look at it.

  “We need to go back to my cave to unbind your powers I believe that will be the safest place for it to happen.”

  “What if your cave isn’t there anymore?” She handed the phone back to him

  “It’s still there no one has entered it I have a ward over the door that will inform me if its ever breached.”

  “Zeno caves don’t go unexplored in this day and age. Which mountain are you talking about?”

  “Mt. Maromokotro.”

  “Did you just make that up?”

  “No, it’s a mountain range in Madagascar. The mountain is as real as the cave you visited.”

  “I’ve never been outside the states. I like the idea of visiting somewhere foreign and exotic. Do you think it’s still like that?”

  “Yes, you can go there and not run into a living soul. It’s still extremely isolated and beautiful.”

  “How are we going to get there?”

  It was his time to stand up and begin to pace. “I’m going to call George; he’s the pilot for Syn’s plane, one of my other brothers. He will come pick us up and take us.”

  They will just let him land there?”

  “We’ll be traveling over their radar. No one will know we are there.”

  “How will he land?”

  “He won’t, he’ll just let us off.”

  Her nose wrinkled joining her brow and eyes as she looked at him. He picked up the phone and called George.

  “Hi, George I need to go to my mountain.”

  “No, I won’t be alone. I’ll be taking my dragon mate with me.” He hung on the phone and nodded not saying a word.

  “Will you take us?”

  “Tomorrow? Perfect we will meet you at the strip. I know you need to tell Syn. I’m not avoiding him I wanted to check in with you first. Tell him she’s beautiful, and I’ll check in with him soon. I’ll tell her you said hi and give Tamia a hug from me. See you tomorrow.”

  He sat back to watch his mate. There were questions running through her eyes. They darkened and lightened while she thought about his conversation with George. He could see her coming up with questions and discarding them. He could watch her forever and be happy.

  “You’re planning on jumping out of the plane, aren’t you?”

  Chapter Twelve

  He never answered her question. He gave her that slow smile the one that melted her heart and made her panties wet. Then he replied that she might not want to know. She never asked again, because she was going no matter what the answer was. If the answer was yes he was jumping from the plane, then she would have to follow it up with what about her. That’s the answer she didn’t want to have. If he confirmed the fact that she was jumping with him, she’d be sitting in a corner somewhere.

  They were now on the way to her place. She was going to pack a bag and then they were off to the airport.

  “Are you sure it’s safe to go up there?”

  “It’s safe your door has been repaired, and no one should be inside your apartment.”

  “Are you coming with me?”

  “I was hoping you would ask.” He took her hand and led her up the stairs to the front door.

  She took out her key opened it up and invited him inside.

  “I spent so much time feeling safe here that it feels different now that I know the safety was just an illusion.”

  “It can be difficult to live in the same place when your sense of safety has been violated.”

  “I like the word violated.” She climbed the steps until they were standing in front of her door. She lifted the key and looked at him, but he made no move to take it from her.

  “You can do this Skye; I have faith in you.”

  She nodded this was part of facing her fears. He would be at her side if she needed him, but she needed to put forth the effort. Her hand was shaking, with all she had gone through in her life, a shaking hand surprised her. It didn’t matter how tough you perceived yourself you could still be scared.

  It took several tries, but she slid the key home. All it took was a twist of her wrist, and the door was open.

  “I hate fear.”

  “Don’t, it can save your life. Yes at times we deal with unreasonable fear, and that can inhibit the quality of our lives, but it’s a trial that we have to overcome.”

  She nodded holding the key tightly in her hand allowing the bite of pain to keep her grounded. She walked through the door looking for any small signs that her place had been violated.

  “Nothing’s missing.” She looked around the living room, and everything was in its place. “You must have stopped the fire I don’t even see any damage.”

  “I got to you in time.” He stepped inside and closed the door behind him. He caught her arm as she headed to the bedroom.

  “Stay here, please.” She nodded, and he stepped in front of her.

  Her bedroom would have been beautiful if there weren’t signs of destruction littered over it. This wasn’t the same room he gathered her clothes from the other night.

  “Zeno, what is it?”

  He stepped out and crossed the floor to her. “Someone has been in your room. They destroyed it.”

  “By someone do you mean Nathaniel?” She brought her hands up to look at them. They were no longer shaking; her body was standing up straight.


  “I want to see.”


  “I have to see. I won’t run from whatever is happening. Too many years I allowed the people around me to coddle me, to tell me I shouldn’t be scared. They told me he was harmless when I knew better. I wanted to believe them, believe he was a little infatuated and didn’t know how to approach me. I wanted to believe that he would eventually go away or become the joke I would tell my future children about one day. When in reality he was and is the boogie man who plans to take me life. No more hiding, no more refusing to face the truth.”

  He moved away from her and followed her into the room.

  She wiped at a tear that flowed down her face then allowed the anger she felt to rise to the surface. No kicking walls or screaming this time. Although, her hands clenched and her nails bit into the palms of her hands.

  “I’m not one of those people who must have everything in its place, but I do take pride in keeping my place clean. This.” Her hand spread out wide to indicate the whole room. “This is so different from who I am that you know it was done deliberately just to tell me that I don’t matter. It’s like a video that tells you you’re nothing get used to it.”

  She walked through the room kicking at the clothes and the papers that were on her floor. One look at the bed made her cringe and turn her head. She didn’t want to speculate what happened to it. When she finally came to the desk on the far side of the room, she moved it away from the wall to reveal a safe. With deft fingers, she opened it quickly taking out what was in it before closing it again.

  “I’m ready.” She stood and turned to face Zeno. “I have everything I want from here.”

  He waited for her to cross the room again before he followed her outside.

p; “What now?”

  “Are you sure you don’t want anything else in that apartment?”

  “I’m sure.”

  “Then you can call Lori and ask her to take care of it for you.”

  She nodded and slipped into the passenger seat and buckled her belt.

  “This belonged to my mom.” She held up the pendant necklace for him to see. “She used to say Skye baby, one day this will be yours. It’s special and when the times right you’ll know how to use it.” She reached around her neck putting it on.

  “I never wore it. I always thought it would make me miss her too much. Now I take comfort in the fact that it touched her before it touched me. This was my dad’s.” She held up a thin gold bracelet.

  “I used to laugh at my dad for wearing a girl’s bracelet. He would just smile and hug me or tickle me. This bracelet never broke, I used to wonder why since it was so thin and he was such a big man. When he was killed, I thought it would be gone, but it wasn’t. Look at it.” She raised her arm so he could see the bracelet around her wrist it was a perfect fit.

  “Now I know he wore the bracelet for me. I just don’t know why.”

  She turned a little in the seat so she could watch him while she leaned her back against the seat and a little on the door. His hands were long and slender, she remembered what they felt like touching her body making her sing out with moans of pleasure. Right now they were clenched around the steering wheel, and the tension went up his arms and settled in his shoulders and chest.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “We’re being followed.”

  “I don’t see any—.” The car spun out of control, doing donuts on the road and throwing them as far as the seatbelts would let them go.

  “Going somewhere?” Mutufa’s voice entered the car when it stopped spinning.


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