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Skye's Dragon: Dragon Mate's: A BBW Paranormal Romance

Page 9

by Serena Simpson

  “Don’t mean to interrupt the two of you, but if we’re going to do this, we need to get it done.”

  Zeno pulled back and kissed her putting everything he couldn’t say into his kiss.

  “We’re ready.”

  “Call me when you need a lift home. Skye, you’re a brave young woman, I’m pleased to call you friend.” He went back into the cockpit and began giving Zeno a countdown.

  Zeno walked her to the door and then secured her so she wouldn’t accidently fall.

  “When you see me, come to me.” He reached out and opened the door. The cabin pressure destabilizing for a few minutes until the fear of death receded and she could breathe again.

  “Not too bad.” He gave her a smile and fell out the plane.

  She screamed although she knew he would be fine she screamed anyway, it allowed the pressure that was building up in her chest again to dissipate. Holding on securely, she tilted her head out the plane just a little in time to catch the end of his change. He was a mighty dragon circling under the plane. He dipped down heading for the ground before he pointed his nose into the air and began flying upwards.

  He circled the plane several times, and she realized she would have to jump. She rolled her neck trying to get rid of some of the tension and waited. He said she would know when. His course steadied, and he was flying steadily with the plane almost under the door. One last deep breath and she jumped.

  How could she miss him? He was as large as a building but instead of landing on his back she hit his side and fell faster. The pain she felt was digging into her, but she wouldn’t have to worry about that when she hit the ground. Her body had turned over she was on her back when she needed to land on her stomach. The wind was buffeting her, and she used it to turn herself over.

  The wind was taking her voice, so she didn’t scream. Instead, she thought of her time spent with Zeno. If only she could have spent more time with him.

  She hit with a jolt.

  “You didn’t think I’d let you fall, did you?”

  She scrambled to hold on; there was still fear, more now that she was safe. There was a loud noise around her head then she realized she was panting, desperately trying to take in air. He was flying steadily; it was so slow that for a minute she didn’t realize they were still moving.


  “Yes, Beautiful.”

  “Technically I was falling and falling and…”

  He gave a small laugh. “I get it, sorry it took me so long to get you.”

  “How long did it take you?”

  “Seventy-five seconds.”

  “It felt like hours to me. I knew there was nothing I could do and that I was going to die.”

  “What did you think about?”

  “How happy I was with you.”

  A blast of fire came forth that made her smile. Her dragon didn’t know how to respond, and she liked it. He was still getting to know her and sometimes he stumbled like she did. She leaned over him and laid her head on his shoulders. She was safe just like he promised, this was just the first step, but once again he proved himself to be trustworthy.

  There was a streak of black lightning across the sky before it turned gray, threatening rain.

  “Tell me this is just normal weather.”

  “We’ll find out soon enough.” He pointed his nose downward and took them into a deep dive.

  She held on tightly as the ground rushed up to meet them. Lightning hit his side just as he was about to come in for a landing. They rolled, and he headed towards the side of the cliff wall.

  “Hold on.” His voice was thick with pain. He pulled them up and made a run for the flat area before them. He came in stumbling and fell to his knees.

  She slid down his uninjured side when she was sure he wasn’t going to move more.

  “Zeno?” She walked around until she was standing beside his head. Her small hand reached out to caress him. “Please be fine.”

  He opened one eye and looked at her.

  “Do you know who I am?” He stared but never responded. “Can you turn back into a male?”

  She got closer knowing it might not be wise and hugged him around the neck as best as possible.

  “Zeno, I need you to remember, to come back to me.”

  “What happened?”

  His voice made her knees knock she was so happy to hear him.

  “I think we got a visit from Mutufa. Maybe it was a coincidence, but I’m not buying that.”


  “I’m right here.”

  “Things are a little shaken up in my head. I’m not sure I remember everything.”

  “No worries, I’ll fill in all the blanks. Can you change back?”

  He tried to move his wing and groaned. “I think my wing is broken.”

  “What can I do to help?”

  “Nothing I need to change back, but it will take a lot of energy. You need to move out of the way, so you don’t get hurt.”

  She nodded and began running across the field giving him room. At least it was warm where they were. Hopefully, his cave would be around here, and they would make it there before nightfall.

  There was a flash of bright light then she heard his bones begin to break and reshape. She cringed that was one thing she never thought she would get used to. It had to hurt and once again her heart went out to him. He was lying on his stomach on the ground panting.

  “Zeno, can you move?” She ran over to him. There was sweat on his brow, and he felt like he was burning up. He ran hot something she loved about him, but not like this. His eyes were glazed when he looked at her.

  “Dragon,” she said the name softly. “We have to get you turned over so I can have a look at you.”

  “He’s coming back, Beautiful, you have to run.”

  “Never. Not without you. Help me.” She waited until his head moved before she caught onto his left side and began to roll him over. “I’m sorry I know it hurts.” She talked to him softy at times almost humming a small tune, whatever it took to take his mind off the pain. Finally, she got him turned over.

  “My right arm is broken.”

  It was hanging by his side useless, but she didn’t want to tell him that.

  “I thought changing might heal it.”

  “It did somewhat. I think it was broken in several places now it feels like there are two breaks. Maybe if I could change back into a dragon, it would heal, but I don’t have the energy for that.”

  “What else would help to heal you?”

  “Your power.”

  The elusive power she wasn’t sure she had unless she got drunk. She had the power to destroy then. She ran her hands over his arm carefully forgetting about the power she didn’t have and her drunken night in college. It was the pain in her wrist that made her stop. She looked down to see she was bleeding. Slowly she moved his arm away from his body and lifted his shirt.

  “Zeno, something sharp is piercing your side.”

  “Lightning bolt from Mutufa, it’s draining my energy.”

  “I’ll pull it out.”

  “No, you need to leave. If you pull it out, it will burrow into your skin and drain you.”

  “It can’t stay in you.” She looked around for something to pull it out with before she finally looked down at herself. It was like springtime here or even early fall, but she was dressed like it was the middle of winter.

  Zeno had laughed when she made him stop at a mall so that she could buy wintertime gear. George had politely not mentioned it at all. She pulled off the big coat that was covering the layers of sweaters she had underneath. She wrapped each hand in a sweater and then put her hands in the arms of the coat if the bolt wanted to burrow she had a nice thick coat for it. It was hard to get a good grip on the small portion of the bolt that remained outside of his body because it was going deeper into him.

  Gripping what she could, she leaned backward until she was standing on the back of her heels, and still she pulled.

/>   “Come out damn you.” She screamed at the thing before she went tumbling backward and ended up on her rear. She tossed the bolt and her coat over her head and watched as it disappeared into the ground. “Please let us be safe,” were the words she uttered before she closed her eyes in exhaustion.

  Chapter Fifteen

  She woke up shivering even though the sun was high above them highlighting the day in its rays. Turning over, she grabbed Zeno on his uninjured side and started to shake.

  “Wake up.” Her voice was intense but still low. Someone may have been around to hear them.

  They were still lying in what could be considered a field with no immediate coverage visible.

  “You have to wake up Zeno.” She shook him again and watched as his eyes began to move without the lids opening.

  Not know what else to do she leaned over and kissed him, maybe the warmth of her on him would do the trick. His hand came up and held onto her back pulling her in closer.

  “Wake up!” She pulled away from him. “We’re in danger, and I need you to protect me.”

  His lids opened as he tried to sit up and look around. She pressed her hand against his chest.

  “Don’t try and get up. You were badly hurt. We have to decide what to do next.”

  “You’re in danger?”

  “Yes but not at this moment. If we don’t figure a way to get to your cave, I’ll be in grave danger.”

  “Understood. I feel woozy like I can’t think. Did someone hit me in the head?”

  “No, although you may have hit it when you fell. There was a black lightning bolt; it hit you knocking you off course. Then it planted itself deep into your side.”

  He raised his hand to his side staring at her. “What happened to it?”

  “I got it out, and it burrowed deep into the earth.”

  “Better the earth than my flesh. We have to get out of here.”

  “You have a broken arm.”

  “We still have to go. Mutufa is on his way, and this field is below my cave. That means we are going to have to climb.”

  She looked around the field again it was open and beautiful reminding her of the field she landed in when she took her trip to the past. Far off to one side, she could see mountains, but from here the face looked like it went straight up. There was no way they were climbing that.

  “Skye, look at me, not the mountain.” He waited until her eyes were on him. “That’s where we must go, but there’s a back way up the mountain easier than climbing the face of it. We can do this. Trust me.”

  She nodded plastering a smile on her lips. Trust him, she had trusted him this far, and there was no way she was backing out. Her only other alternative would be Mutufa and he would kill her, it wasn’t anything personal.

  Her lips quirked as she remembered his words. No to Mutufa.

  “You realize you’re the only game in town?”

  He gave her a slightly crooked smile before he tried to stand and promptly fell back on his behind.

  “I think it’s my turn to protect you.” She leaned down and placed her shoulder under his arm, bracing herself she helped him stand. “I like all this muscle, but I never realized how heavy it was until now.”

  “I’ll make it up to you later.”

  “Zeno.” Her eyes sparked with a flame for a moment holding him captive before they became dark gray once again. “Do I get my choice at what I want you to do.”

  “Oh yeah.” His lips curved into that wicked smile.

  They moved off at a slow pace. He couldn’t stand on his own, so she was taking more of his weight than she was prepared to, but she refused to complain. This was not a simulation if they got caught out in the open they might die.

  If Mutufa had his way they would die, he would probably do it slow to get maximum enjoyment. She shivered as she thought of the pain she suffered at his hands. The thought of being consumed in fire haunted her. He was playing for keeps, and she had better find a way to play for keeps if she wanted to be alive when this was all over.

  “Are you still with me beautiful?”

  “I’m here.” She shot him a brief smile and realized he was watching the perimeter looking for any signs of trouble while she was thinking and not paying attention.

  “If you keep an eye on the right I’ll do the left.”

  “I’ve got this I need you to keep walking and making sure you hold onto me. I’ll watch for signs of trouble. Tell me something about yourself that will make the trip go faster. It doesn’t matter what it is because I want to know everything about you.”

  She took one more look around; they hadn’t come that far.

  “When I was younger I wanted to be a teacher.”

  “Teacher or Professor?”

  “Teacher, I thought it would be great to teach children. I wanted to teach second and third graders math.”

  “Why those grades and why math?”

  “I thought it would be great to be surrounded by little kids who loved to dream and play. There is so much power in dreams and aspirations. When you see a child grow up and become what they dreamed about, that’s when you see standing before you a powerful man or woman. We forget about that power but if we could harness it. The world could survive forever on it.”

  She turned her head for a minute looking off into space as they kept slowly walking across the field.

  “I wanted to teach math because there is a simplicity in math. The lines and numbers and if you can master it early, you can become anyone you desire.”

  “Why didn’t you follow your dream?”

  “I realized in college I was too unstable to be around children. So, I changed my major. We’re getting closer.”

  “We are, but it’s getting darker.”

  He was right the sun was still shining, but there were clouds coming in from the east and soon they wouldn’t be able to see the sun. There wasn’t any lightning in the sky so far, but she knew that was coming next.

  “Are we going to die?”

  “Not today if I have anything to say about it.”

  They moved a little faster his weight on her making it harder for her to move.

  “Skye, you can make it to cover, and I’ll be right behind you.”

  She looked up, the sky was filled with darkness as if the sun never rose. There was the sound of thunder in the background and lightning bolts illuminating the sky in the distance.

  “I won’t do it, Zeno. I’m not going anywhere without you. For years Nathanial has been threatening my life, and there was nothing I could do about it. Not this time. I’m going to fight until my last breath.”

  “You are ferocious and more than worthy of being a dragon mate, my mate.”

  They moved slowly across the field the mountain was closer, but she was tired. Her energy was weakening with each step they took. It was the bolt of lightning that hit the ground in front of them that took the last of her energy.

  “I can’t move anymore Zeno. I’m sorry.”

  “No apologies we do the best we can. Let’s sit down.”

  “We’ll die.”

  “At least we’ll be together.”

  They had to laugh as she tried to help him sit down when he could only use one arm and his side was almost as useless.

  “Mutufa must be laughing at us. We look ridiculous.”

  “Maybe, come here, Beautiful.”

  She scooted over to him, and he placed his good arm around her.

  “I could you hold you forever and never grow tired of it.”

  “I like the way you talk to me. I get the feeling you mean it and it’s not just words.”

  “I mean it. You’re invading my heart, not because you’re my mate, but because your Skye and I like what I know about you.”

  She trembled a little and snuggled deeper against his chest. The area around them was dark with shadows and once again she felt like a ghost would step out and hurt them.

  “Is he playing with us?”

  “Maybe, he thin
ks he has the upper hand.”

  “He does Zeno; we can’t go anywhere.”

  “Not yet we need a break but what if we could manage to throw up a shield. It might not last long, but it’s still a chance.”


  “We have to tap into your power.”

  Her eyes swept the area again they didn’t have much time. She could argue with him and tell him her power was bound, but she’d rather try to help them even if she knew it wouldn’t work.

  “What do we do?”


  A smile tugged at her lips. “If I have to die then kissing you is the way I want to go.”

  The arm she was resting on came up just enough so he could caress her face, and she knew he loved her even if he never got around to saying the words. Her heart melted but now wasn’t the time to wonder what that meant.

  She craned her head up and met his lips. They were hard and commanding against hers, and she opened letting him in. A sigh came from her as the taste of him invaded her senses. She closed her eyes and forgot the outside world. Death was imminent, there was nothing she could do to prevent it, but she could enjoy this kiss.

  His tongue swept over hers, and she opened her eyes to look at him. He took the kiss deeper as her eyes sparked.

  He broke the kiss and licked the side of her jaw bringing a tinkling laugh from her.

  “We need a shield, Skye. Imagine that we are being covered in a thin plexiglass that is impenetrable. No one can see it but us, it’s transparent, but we know it’s there. Imagine it, then pull it around our bodies.”

  He kissed her again leaving no thought behind even as she reached for the shield he described. It was all she could do; she would pretend that she had the power to save their lives.

  Her mind could feel it; she could see it with her eyes and she drew it around them even as he deepened the kiss making her want to feel him deep inside of her loving her. Love me; she whispered to herself as she watched their shield fully surround them. Once it was done, she closed her eyes again and followed Zeno as she laid on the ground never breaking the kiss.


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