Skye's Dragon: Dragon Mate's: A BBW Paranormal Romance

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Skye's Dragon: Dragon Mate's: A BBW Paranormal Romance Page 10

by Serena Simpson

“I wish I could make you better,” she said softly when she broke the kiss.

  “One step at a time mate.”

  There was lightning all around them now they were just surviving on luck, but soon that would end. One of those bolts of lightning or all of them would strike them. She heard of people that survived being struck by lightning, but she knew that wasn’t their future. Her eyes went to Zeno’s arm and side. No, they were going to die.

  She cushioned her head on his chest as she saw several bolts come for them. Her mouth opened she wanted to tell him how she felt about him but she wasn’t ready, she couldn’t say it, especially when it would look like she was just saying it because she was scared. The bolts hit, and she screamed hands flying to put out the fire, but there wasn’t one.


  “You did it. Look around us what do you see?”

  “A shield. I did that?”

  “You did that, Love.

  “I did that,” she whispered as she saw the lightning hit them over and over until it finally dissipated. They would live for a while longer. She closed her eyes and fell asleep exhausted.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “Skye, wake up we need to go.”

  She blinked her eyes and wished for another five minutes. “I want to sleep some more.”

  “I know, Beautiful, but we need to leave before the sun goes down.”

  She opened her eyes to find the sun slowly lowering itself in the sky. The sunset would be beautiful something she would love to watch from a porch or balcony. She didn’t want to see it from the field that would leave them sitting ducks for any of the nighttime creatures.

  “I’m up.” She placed her hand in front of her mouth and tried to stifle a yawn.

  “Help me up love. I know your tired and running almost on E, but we have to make the mountain tonight.”

  She nodded and stood to her feet. They had a chance, and she wasn’t going to ruin it by sleeping. Placing her arm carefully under his, she helped him to stand. Her eyes were on his arm that was useless.

  “We need to do something for your arm.”

  “We will when we get to the mountain we’ll find some small branches and take my shirt and immobilize it. Until then it will suffer with us.”

  “Zeno, I have to admit if it were my arm I’d be screaming in pain by now.” She threw him a little smile as the crossed the remaining portion of the field.

  “I don’t think so. You’re strong, and you don’t know it. There are people in this world who simply do what needs to be done, and you’re one of them, Skye.”

  “That’s not strength.”

  “Believe me it is. Tell me something about yourself.”

  “You keep saying that, when do I get to know something about you?”

  “You saw me in the cave which means you know more than you’re aware of. I had a sister; I presume she’s dead because I haven’t seen her since we turned into shifters. She had a son; I loved him. He couldn’t fly because we don’t gain that ability until we are about three years old in human terms. Until then we climb our parent's backs and hold onto them as they show us the wonder of the world. I took him flying many times and would play with him. There is joy in just playing with the young.”

  “If we had a child would he or she be born a dragon?”

  “I don’t know. None of my brothers have had children yet, and we don’t know anyone who married a dragon mate and has a child. There is nothing to go on.”

  “Do you want children?”


  “I never asked, maybe because I was rusty but can I get pregnant from the time I spent with you?”

  “No, you have to accept me as your mate before we can have children together.”

  She dropped off into silence. Was she feeling sad at the fact she couldn’t be pregnant? They had dodged a bullet, and she should be singing in joy. Except all she could think about was holding a little Zeno. She could almost see him with Zeno’s light brown hair and her gray eyes. He was beautiful.

  “Skye.” She looked up at him blinking rapidly and giving him a little smile. “One day we will have children. We’ll work this all out, and I’ll stay by your side until you realize I’m the perfect dragon for you. After you say yes, I’ll never leave your side, I’ll be too busy loving you for the rest of our lives.”

  Her small smile turned into the sun brightening the world around them.

  “We’re here,” she said as she came to a stop at the base of the mountain.

  “We’re going to take that small footpath up the mountain.” He directed her where to go until she could finally see it. It was a little overgrown with tree limbs, but they would make it.

  They walked for a while until she saw a rock big enough for them to sit on.

  “Let’s sit here for a few minutes and fix your arm.” He agreed as she sat down.

  “Skye, I need some small branches that aren’t brittle we don’t want them to break, and I need a big thick stick if you can find one.”

  Her hand went up in a small salute before she grinned at him and took off.

  “Skye.” He called behind her. “Don’t go too far.”

  Her laughter came back to entice him. How was he going to keep her safe when he could barely move? What was more important to him his pride or Skye’s safety?

  “Syn, Maceo?”

  “Zeno where are you?” Both of his brothers chimed in at once making him smile.


  “Explain.” Syn’s no-nonsense tone came over loud and clear making Zeno vibrate for a minute resisting being treated like he was a child since he was the last born.

  “I’ve been worried about you, Zeno. What are you doing in Madagascar?”

  “I found my mate. You’ll love her she’s vibrant and full of life. The perfect match for me. When she was young, just on the cusp of womanhood she traveled back in time ending up in my lair. I wasn’t a shifter yet, but I knew she was my mate. Long story short Mutufa came and bound her powers before she was able to flee. Now we must unbind them.”

  “Are you in your former lair?” Maceo asked.

  “No.” He explained what happened to them. “The problem is I can’t use my right arm, and my right side feels almost dead although I do have some of the use of my leg. I don’t know how to protect her like this.”

  “Black lightning is dangerous. You need to transform, or your mate needs to channel her power into you for you to heal.”

  “Thanks. I wanted to let both of you know where we were.”

  “Zeno, in case you don’t make it back I want you to know that sometimes brothers make mistakes. I got so caught up in not wanting to lose you I forgot you were just as grown as I was.”

  “I know. I should have pointed it out years ago, but I knew what was driving you.”

  “Maceo’s right you’re just as grown as we are, you're not a little dragon anymore. That means we can help you.”


  “Maceo and I can combine our energy and send it over the link. I don’t know how much it will help, but it will do something. We can refuel so we will only be weak temporarily, and you need every bit of energy you can get.”

  “I agree with Syn. Let’s see if this works.”

  “I’m ready.”

  He could feel the power building up on the edge of his mind but couldn’t touch it. He laid back on the rock and waited even if it didn’t work the fact that his brothers were willing to allow themselves to be weak for him spoke of love and commitment that made his heart want to shatter.

  “Now.” He heard Syn before his body lit up like he was being electrocuted.

  “Later brother.” Maceo disconnected to keep any of the backlash from hitting him.

  “Zeno remember I don’t care how old you are, you’ll always be my little brother.” Syn disconnected.

  He laid on the rock and laughed until his body flared hot like a bulb just before it blew.

  Skye walked back to the rock with se
veral small branches in her hand and one large stick.

  She stopped when she rounded the corner and stared. “How are you standing up?”

  “Brothers. I both love and now and then hate them. They gave me an infusion of power. It circulated through my leg. I am no longer dragging it so I can stand on my own. Then it touched my side.” He turned to show her. The deep gash in it was gone. There was still a small wound that was oozing blood, but he could live with that.

  “Your arm?”

  “Still dead in the water. We can make a sling for it with those sticks you found as well my shirt. I’m not totally healed, but I’m better than I was, and now you don’t have to drag my heavy ass up the side of the mountain.”

  “I don’t recall calling you heavy.”

  “You did, probably called me worse inside of your head.”

  She blushed and ignored him as she moved to take his shirt off. Soon she had his arm splinted and bound to his chest with the help of the shirt.

  He placed his good arm around her and pulled her in for a kiss. It was sweet, and he licked her lips waiting for her to open and invite him in.

  This was different, loving, and her heartbeat kicked up. The need to get closer to him was inside of her. Never had she met someone she felt like she could stay with forever and always be happy with even when they were fighting. Zeno made her feel that way, and her heart latched onto him never wanting to let go.

  “Skye, I wish we could spend the night here but we need to get a little further up before the last of the light is gone.”

  The sun had slipped over the horizon, but it was still bright enough to see. Soon they would lose that, and it would truly be night.

  “I’m ready.” She handed him the huge stick; he took it and started making his way up the hill. It took all she had not to snicker at him because he looked like one of the ancient prophets she’d seen in a movie. She moved to his side, and they began to climb the path in silence.

  “Where are we going?”

  “About a third of the way up this mountain, there’s a smaller cave. That’s our destination for tonight.”

  “How are we going to make it?”

  “This mountain is mine claimed long before humans ever came to this area or named the different regions. It recognizes me, and it will help. We’re almost there.”

  “Do you ever wish you weren’t a shifter but stayed a dragon?” she stumbled and he stopped to move behind her.

  “Walk in front of me.” She moved, and he stayed close to keep her from falling.

  “No, I never wanted to be purely dragon after I became a shifter.”

  “Why not?”

  “The world was changing. Human’s would never again accept the fact that there were dragons in the world. Like they wouldn’t accept the fact that some humans looked differently from them. Your people still have problems with that today. The number one reason I never want to be purely dragon again is that my mate is human. I won’t give you up Skye; I can’t unless you decide you don’t want me.”

  “I don’t think that will ever happen.” It was as close as she could come to telling him what was in her heart.

  “Look up.”

  “What am I looking at?”

  “The entrance to the cave. We’re almost there, and you can rest.”

  “I could climb the whole mountain if the sun was still out.” She didn’t want him to know just how weak she was.

  She might have gotten away with her boost if she hadn’t leaned on him for support and had to fight to open her eyes.

  “Just a little but further, Love, you can do it.”

  She nodded and straightened up putting one foot in front of the other. She could do it she reminded herself. She walked until she was sure they were in front of the cave. His hand on her shoulder stopped her from moving.

  “I need to check the cave.”

  She leaned on the outside wall while he went in. He came out and startled her awake by touching her shoulder.

  “The cave is empty follow me.”

  “Thank you,” she whispered to whoever was helping them and followed him into the cave.

  Chapter Seventeen

  She opened her eye to Zeno drawing little patterns on her back. The pads of his fingers were gentle, but a small spark was flowing through her body. She knew they didn’t have time for that, but she found herself rubbing on him.

  Last night he suggested she spend the night curled up on him to keep her off the cave floor. It wasn’t wintertime cold in the cave, but it wasn’t all that warm either. After arguing with him, she laid on top of him and fell asleep. Her plans had been to roll to the floor after he went to sleep. She was just too exhausted, never waking until now.

  “Zeno.” She rubbed her face along his chest wanting to feel the beat of his heart kick up. “Is it time to get up?”

  “Not yet we have another hour or two.”

  “You need me to roll over?”

  “I need you to come up.”

  She looked at him not understanding. There were small rocks in the cave that gave off light. It wasn’t enough to act like daylight, but it did allow her to see him. She was thinking of them like mini night lights. You could see enough to keep from stubbing a toe and know everything in the room was as it should be. They gave off shadows, but none of them filled her with dread which told her Mutufa wasn’t closing in on them.

  His eyes glowed in the muted darkness turning her on instead of making her want to run.

  “I want to taste you, Skye.”

  Her heart started to thud in her chest. They couldn’t do that they were out running the bad guy. His arm was in a sling. They were on the floor of a cave!

  “Don’t we have to wait? I mean what about Mutufa?” She trembled with desire even as she was trying to be the reasonable one. He’s a dragon he’s probably made love to plenty of women in a cave. Your human Skye you should keep your wits about you. Her heart plummeted at the thought of him bringing women to his cave or this cave.

  “How many women have you brought to this cave or your cave to make love to?” She sounded jealous, but she couldn’t help it. How was she going to have a relationship with him if she got jealous because there were women before her? It wasn’t that she assured herself. All she wanted to do was be different, be the woman he couldn’t forget.

  “Give me a moment to come to an accurate count.”

  “No, forget it. I don’t want to know.”

  “Too late you asked. I know exactly how many women I have brought to this cave and my main lair.”

  She closed her eyes and stiffened her shoulders. If only she had left well enough alone.

  “How many?”


  “That’s impossible because I am here…” He lifted a brow and looked at her.

  She dropped her eyes. “I was a little jealous.”

  “I was jealous of Nathanial until I realized you didn’t feel about him like he felt about you.”

  “You were?”

  “I was.” He nodded allowing her to hear and see the truth.

  “We make a pair.”

  “It’s all part getting to know each other. Kiss me Skye.”

  She leaned up and took his lips in a hard kiss. It was demanding and rough. He opened his mouth inviting her in. Her tongue moved over his caressing him teasing him. She claimed the male and the dragon at that moment. They were hers even if they didn’t know it. They broke apart panting, and she loved the look on his face. He wanted to kiss her again devour her.

  “I want to taste you, Skye.”

  “Your arm.”

  “Won’t be in the way. Bring that fragrant pussy up here and straddle me.”

  “I never did that before. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “Beautiful, before I’m done you will have done everything.”

  She felt her pussy pulse with wetness at his words. He licked his tongue like he knew what just happened.

  “I have to take my pants off,” she
whispered feeling more vulnerable at that moment than any other time she could remember.

  He wants to lick me, taste me. Thoughts ran through her head not just because he wanted to put his mouth on her pussy but because he trusted her enough to do it while she knelt over him. She always monitored herself by saying there were things she could do and couldn’t because she was big. She couldn’t wear a bikini although she knew there were companies out there that made them for women her size. She couldn’t kneel over her lover for fear of hurting him. Now Zeno was challenging her every thought about what she could and couldn’t do.

  She took off her pants and panties in one motion. She had thick socks on her feet, but she left them. She debated over her shirt but finally left it in place.

  She walked up until she was standing next to his head. “Are you sure.”

  “I’m sure Skye, but I won’t push you.”

  No, he wouldn’t push her unless it was life and death or he needed to show her how strong she was. She went down to her knees beside him and carefully knelt over him.

  “Come closer, Baby.”

  She lowered herself a little more and felt the lick of his tongue. She trembled even as a moan slipped out of her lips because this felt forbidden and so it was even more exotic and naughty to her.

  He brought his hand up, and she felt his fingers playing in the folds of her pussy making her twitch and ache with desire.

  “You were made for me Skye, and I was made for you.”

  He lifted his head and took her clit into his mouth sucking on it. She leaned her head back and allowed a sound of passion to come from her.

  “Zeno, I’m so hot for you.”

  The fingers stroking her pussy stopped stroking only to be inserted inside. She convulsed around his finger before she found herself riding it. He placed another finger inside, and she moaned nice and loud as his lips and tongue came up to join the party. He pushed her sucking on her pussy as he stroked the inside. She was going to come soon she wouldn’t be able to hold it back.

  “Please, Zeno.” She begged not sure if she was asking for the ultimate completion or for him to stop before she lost all ability to think.


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