Skye's Dragon: Dragon Mate's: A BBW Paranormal Romance

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Skye's Dragon: Dragon Mate's: A BBW Paranormal Romance Page 11

by Serena Simpson

  “I want to drink you down baby, come for me.”

  She wanted that, but she wanted something else even more.

  “Not this time, Love.” She pulled away from him even as he growled his dissatisfaction.

  “Nope.” She smiled and could even hear that happiness in her voice. “I want something different, and since I’m in charge, all you can say is yes love.”

  “I think I’m going to spank that lovely ass when my arm is healed.”

  Her cheeks heated. No one had ever spoken to her like that. He was possessive like he wanted her forever and she believed him.

  “Okay.” She winked at him and slowly made her way down his body until she was straddling his legs. She reached down and undid his pants. Then the zipper came down sounding loud in the sudden silence.

  “Skye?” Now he was having trouble talking his voice was thick with desire and want as she reached down and exposed his hard, thick cock.

  “Hello,” she whispered as it stood at attention waiting for her to touch him again.

  “I shouldn’t, I know I shouldn’t, but I’m going to do it.” She leaned over and engulfed the head of his cock with her mouth. His hips punched up as a deep roar of desire came from him. He dug his hand in the floor of the cave to keep from reaching for her hair.

  His mate was stretching her wings playing with her boundaries, and he’d die of pleasure before he stopped her.

  “I love how you taste too.” She moved up his body until she was kneeling over his hips. The tip of his cock was an inch or two away from her pussy.

  “I’m greedy Zeno; I want to feel you buried deep inside of me.”

  “Do it Beautiful, sink down on me, take what you want.”

  She couldn’t wait anymore her eyes met his as she lowered herself. She took his cock in her hand and positioned him just right before she sank taking every inch he had to offer. They both cried out as she seated herself.

  “Damn, I’ve never seen anyone as hot as you right now.”

  She gave a small bounce in appreciation. His deep growl came out. She moved up and down with slow movements.

  “You’re doing this to drive me crazy. When I get the use of both arms, I’m putting you on your back raising those sexy legs in the air and pounding into my pussy until you scream in pleasure.”

  She moved faster she couldn’t help it the picture of them in her mind was turning her on, and the feel of his thick cock dragging along the sides of her pussy was driving her crazy.

  “You make me crazy with desire.” She moved faster his hips were coming up to meet her. His eyes were glued to her breasts that were covered by her shirt.

  She sat up straight still bouncing up on his thick erection. With one hand she pulled her shirt up and with the other, she pulled her bra up, so her breasts were on display for him. Then she pulled one of her nipples between her thumb and forefinger moaning as pleasure spiked through her body.

  “Your cruel mate, don’t stop. Lick your finger and then pull on those nipples.”

  She did what he told her. His growl of desire heightened her pleasure as her nipples tightened from the breeze in the cave.

  “We’re going to have a honeymoon.” He told her even as his hips pounded up against hers. “You’ll be in bed for a week make that two. I’d do a month if I thought I could get away with it.”

  She tugged her nipple then rolled it.

  “Fuck, I like that.”

  She put her hands on his chest and rubbed her nipples across it even as she moved faster. There was a rolling up her spine and a fire in her belly that told her she wasn’t going to last much longer. Her pussy was tightening around his cock even harder inviting him to go with them on their journey.

  “Zeno, I…”

  “Come for me baby.” He pounded into her, and she lost it. Her body spilled as fire took her over. She was flying and loving every minute of it.

  He erupted inside of her taking her higher even as his roar echoed around the cave. This is what she craved what she spent her life looking for. It was always Zeno. The way he loved her treated her. He was her idea of forever.

  Slowly she moved lying back down on him. She never disconnected them, feeling him inside of her as she rested gave her peace she never expected to find. With pure joy, she closed her eyes.

  Chapter Eighteen

  “Skye, wake up.”

  “Five more minutes.” A deep laugh followed her words.

  “I wish I could give you that, Love, but we need to get going.”

  She opened her eyes to realize she was still lying on Zeno, and they were intimately attached, and he was ready for round two. She looked up at him.

  “Don’t worry I’ll live and we’ll get another chance to finish what we started.”

  She nodded words escaping her as she gently moved away from his body.

  “Honeymoon, remember that.” His eyes were glued to her as she moved to retrieve her panties and pants.

  “I’ll remember,” her voice was husky. She was going to do everything in her power to give them the tomorrow he promised her. He stood with the help of his staff if only she had a camera or her phone so she could get a picture of this.

  “Will we make it to your cave today?”

  “We will.” He moved to the entrance of the cave waiting for her.

  She looked around one more time giving the cave a silent goodbye and thank you for protecting them last night. When she was done, she walked up behind him and hugged him for a minute before she let go.

  They walked back to the trail and started going upwards.

  “Do dragons have magic or special powers?”

  “No, not really. Our mates hold within them the power that belongs to the dragon. Together we wield it, but you can learn to do it on your own and would never have to be around me.”

  “Then why do I almost feel like we were being protected last night and even right now.”

  “We don’t have special powers like you do, but we can do more than the normal human. I guess you would call it power, but to us, it’s just normal. Long before Mutufa became a threat when I was sure I was the top of the food chain I claimed this mountain. When I did that, I placed my aura around it for lack of a better word. It responds to me. This path we are walking on exist because I exist. No one has ever walked it before, and no one besides us will ever walk it again. We’ll reach my lair, even though you can’t see it the space around us will fold making every step we take the equivalent of one hundred steps or more. Whatever is needed to get us there.”

  “Then when we get there it will just be a simple thing to unbind my power?”

  “No.” He walked a little faster making her run to keep up with him.

  “Walking faster won’t keep you from having to answer me.” She reached out and grabbed his uninjured arm.

  “I believe Mutufa will try to be there when we arrive. He has a vested interest in making sure your power doesn’t come out to play.”

  There was a loud groaning sound that made her look up. Big boulders were rolling down the path. How were they going to escape those?

  He grabbed her and pressed her against the side of the mountain. She wanted to protest but fear kept her silent. A large shadow covered them making her gasp as the tail of it rubbed against her cheek. They stood there for so long she thought the boulders would never end when suddenly there was quiet. He stepped back to let her take a normal breath.

  “How did you do that? You protected us.”

  “It’s called dragon shadow. I didn’t have enough energy yesterday to use it, but with the infusion of energy from my brothers I was able to call on it.”

  “Dragon shadow?”

  “The shadow of the dragon can be just as potent as the dragon himself. At certain times, we can call on him to keep us safe.”

  “Never in a million years would I have thought that was possible. Wouldn’t Mutufa know you could do that?”

  “He does, but after what he did to me yesterday, he woul
d still think I was weak.”

  “Does this mean he’s in the cave?”

  “No, it means he’s close to the mountain. How close I don’t know. We need to hurry I want to get there before he does.”

  She threw her shoulders back and took off after him trying not to hunch up or do anything that would slow her down. The more they walked, the happier she was that she decided to wear thick boots with a nice sole and padding inside. Even with the help of the mountain and whatever he had done to it, the walk was still long and tedious. The muscles in her legs were now complaining. The thought crossed her mind that maybe she should take up running. She followed the thought with a laugh but decided some simple exercises in her life would make sense.

  He stopped, and she walked into him.

  “What’s wrong?” she whispered looking around for a problem.

  “The entrance to my lair is up ahead I want to enter it first to make sure there are no active surprises and to look for Mutufa.”

  “I’ll wait by the door.”

  They moved as quietly as possible until she was standing flat against the wall by the entrance.

  “I’ll be right back.” He leaned over and kissed her before disappearing into his lair.

  She crossed her arms over her chest feeling a little exposed as she waited for him. It was the sound of rocks slipping like a shoe had dislodged them that had her looking around.

  “Who’s there?”

  “It is I.”

  “Sorry, I but I have no idea who you are.” He was tall maybe six feet with thinning black hair and skin that had seen too much sun. What bothered her about him was his dead eyes.

  “I have come to retrieve you. He is waiting.”

  “Thanks but I’m waiting for someone and he’d be a bit upset of I left without him.”

  “I understand.” He reached behind and brought out a large knife.

  “That’s big, what’s it called?”

  For a minute his eyes lit up with excitement before it died a quick death. “I call it a survival blade. I had it made to my specifications.”

  “You must like blades. I bet serving Mutufa doesn’t give you time to work with your blades.’

  “No more talk unless you want to die right now.”

  She nodded as he stepped close enough to put the blade to her throat. There was nowhere for her to run to unless she made it into the cave.

  “Walk.” He grabbed her by the arm and pulled her away from the wall.

  She jerked to the side the blade cutting across her throat as she threw herself toward the entrance of the cave. She rolled in hoping Zeno would come running out. She waited for the man to follow her in but she was alone.

  She stood and carefully walked to the next room in the cave. There was no way Zeno didn’t hear her come in. Something must be wrong. When she got close to the entrance, she stuck her head inside to find him caught in a force field holding him immobile.

  He saw her and shook his head no. She stayed close to the wall as she entered the room he was in. Jewels still covered the floor and stacked up high; there weren’t as many as when she first came, but enough to make anyone extremely rich. Her eyes swept the cave looking for a way to free him.

  Mutufa walked into the cave causing her to fall on the mountain of jewels.

  “Skye, how wonderful to see you. It looks like everything will end where it began. How apropos.”

  “Mutufa, I am never happy to see you.”

  “You wound me, Skye. Zeno, I finally have a dragon of my own. Too bad you are not long for this world. I won the moment I bound your mate's power and she was too young to know what happened to her.”

  “I see you’re the gloating kind.” She was slowly making her way over the jewels trying to find a way to get into the room with the pool.

  With a wave of his hand, she went flying across the room to bang into the other wall.

  “I also like action and seeing you hurt, nothing personal you understand.”

  She laid on the floor in a ball. “I have to admit that I’m taking it personally.”

  “You’ll be dead soon, don’t worry about it.”

  She felt a hand go around her neck lifting her body off the ground as it squeezed. Her windpipe was slowly crushing in on itself, and her vision was black around the edges. She lifted a hand and threw the jeweled dagger she palmed at the field that held Zeno. It was the only thing she could think of as she fell on the jewels. The blade was pure gold if it couldn’t break the field nothing would.

  The world around her went black, and a roar of fury assaulted her ears. Then the hand holding her left, and she fell to the ground in a heap as the sound of a battle waged around her. She couldn’t bother to open her eyes as her greedy lungs desperately gulped the air around her.

  I could sleep forever. Her head looked for a pillow as a tickling feeling deep inside of her made itself know.

  “Set me free.” The sound was so loud in her head that she placed her hands over her ears, but the voice was inside of her.

  “What? Who are you?”

  “The power that dwells inside of you. The part that has been locked up for years. Our mate needs our help. He’s strong but not strong enough to beat Mutufa with all his followers willing to die for him.

  “Tell me what to do.” Zeno was fighting, but Mutufa was winning, and he wouldn’t stop until he killed him.

  “I’m deep inside of you. The thing that scares you at night and the one you hide in the closet when your polite friends come over. I’m the aggressor that makes you want to fight for what’s right even when everyone else is willing just to go along to make life easier. I’m that part of you that is unwilling to settle and tells you day after day your different. Only you can free me. Come free me, Skye.”

  She found herself bent over on her knees because she didn’t want to deal with the fact that she wasn’t like everyone else. Long ago she learned that being average and not making waves was the best way to live life. People liked you when you were plain, vanilla, but she always knew she was more. She always wanted to be more.

  She crumpled on the ground losing the battle between what she was and what she should be.

  Everything around her was black except the one sliver of light she knew she was meant to follow. Where was she? The light seemed unending when all she could think about was Zeno fighting Mutufa to save her life. She needed to help, but right now she was more helpless than she had been when attacked outside the cave.

  She stopped moving; there was a pulsating wall in front of her. She moved to the right but as far as her eyes could see it extended, so she tried to the left. There was no going around this wall.

  “I’ve been expecting you.”

  “You have?” She looked around the space trying not to act shocked that someone was talking to her.

  “I’m in front of you.”

  Her head snapped back to look at the barrier that was now pulsating with color as well as power.

  “You’re alive?”

  “In a manner of speaking.”

  “Why are you here and where is here?”

  “Where on a plane where Mutufa locked up your abilities.”

  “You’re keeping them bound?”


  “What do I have to do to get them back?”

  “Defeat me.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Defeat a big pulsating wall. That seemed a rather unfair fight from where she was standing.

  “Didn’t your mother tell you to pick on people or walls your own size?”

  The wall chuckled. This was going into a journal as soon as possible because if she didn’t write about it, she was going to think she went crazy.

  “This won’t be a fight of strength but one of wits.”

  “Huh?” She wasn’t doing well in the wit department, but the wall was confounding her.

  “Mutufa used an ancient magic when he bound you. It was the smart thing to do, but the magic he used wasn’t his. I play by a
different set of rules, which means I can pick the battleground. He had to agree to the terms before I would allow him to wield me.”

  “So, you’re a different type of being. One that can think and act on its own?”


  “You’ve been waiting all these years for me to show up?”

  “No, I’ve been learning who you are Skye Wilson. I watched as you dealt with the death of your parents. I watched as you loved your grandfather and how you dealt with Nathanial.”

  “I have to tell you this is a little creepy. Do you have a name?”

  “My name is very old, and I tend to keep it to myself, but you can call me All-Knowing.”

  “All-knowing.” Okay, she wasn’t sure he knew everything, but he did seem to know all things Skye Wilson so she would go along with that for now.

  “What’s next?”

  “Your first question.”

  “I’m ready.”

  “Your child comes home covered in blood. What do you do first, call the police or rush her off to the shower?”

  She bit her lower lip. She didn’t have any children how would she know the answer to that? Her feet moved walking back and forth in front of the wall. There was still just a sliver of light and darkness on either side of her, but the pulsating lights on the wall gave off enough light for her to know it was never ending. If she were that child she would have run to her father because he understood her. He always asked her questions and listened to her.

  “I would do neither.”

  “That isn’t a choice.”

  “I understand, but I still wouldn’t take either of those actions.”


  “I would ask my child to tell me what happened. Not because I think I’m a person who would defy the law or even one who would turn her over if she had done something wrong. I simply would want to know the best way to help my child, and for that, I need to know what’s happening.”

  Her stomach churned but if he knew her as well as he said he did he would spot the lie if she chose from one of the options he had given her.

  “Honesty. Second question.”

  She braced herself not thinking that they were going to get any easier.


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