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Hannah's Novel Idea

Page 10

by Carl Hamlin

  When the kiss ended, Brandon gazed down at his beautiful date. “I have missed you more than I can tell you.” Hannah did not respond verbally. She simply engaged him in another kiss, then placed her head on his chest and hugged him.

  She put on her new topcoat, then they stepped outside, and Brandon held the umbrella over them as Hannah locked her door. He escorted her to his sports car, holding the umbrella over her until the door was closed.

  On the way to the university, their conversation was mainly comprised of how much they had wanted to be together. Fortunately, by the time they reached the parking lot of the performance hall, the rain had largely subsided.

  The auditorium was larger than Hannah had expected. An usher guided them to their front row seats, their journey slowed several times as Brandon had to stop to speak to a number of individuals.

  They found themselves sitting just a short distance from the orchestra to Hannah’s absolute delight. They settled into their plush seats, and in spite of Brandon’s position with the university, he did not hesitate to put his arm around Hannah as the lights dimmed in preparation for the program to began. Once the lights were dimmed sufficiently, he leaned over and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. “Did I tell you how much I’ve missed you?”

  Hannah nodded and placed her head against his shoulder. Brandon removed his arm from around Hannah’s back, and then placed that hand on her exposed knee.

  Fully aware of the presence of those sitting nearby, he very subtly but teasingly moved the hand back and forth. He leaned closer to her and whispered. “You look ravishing tonight.” Hannah then leaned close to him: “And I’m counting on being ravished tonight.”

  Just before the music started Hannah put her lips next to his ear and whispered: “I can’t wait for you to use the cute little paddle I made for us today.”

  Brandon looked at her with an expression of amusement and eagerness. Just as he began to reply, the music burst forth and filled the hall.

  Hannah was immediately impressed with the quality of the orchestra music, the costumes, the lavish set and the extraordinary voices of the singers. She did not expect such a grand performance at a small university. From time to time Brandon would turn his head slightly to see Hannah softly mouthing the words to the songs, sometimes with her eyes closed as if she were being carried away to another time and place.

  When the lyrics to “That’s all I ask of you” began to flow like a sweet mist over the audience, Brandon felt Hannah’s head once again rest against his shoulder, and her hands grasp his right arm. As before, Brandon looked to see that Hannah’s eyes were closed as she quietly say along. “Say you need me with you, now and forever… Promise me that all you say is true….” Hannah had also turned slightly in her seat, her crossed legs pressing against his right thigh.

  She could not say out loud what she would have liked to say to Brandon at that moment: You are going to get so laid tonight. And so am I.

  When the program ended, Hannah was one of the last in the audience to finish applauding during the standing ovation. When the lights came on, Brandon felt touched that Hannah was so outwardly overjoyed by being at the performance.

  It took much longer for them to leave the auditorium than it did for them to enter. There were so many who wanted to shake hands with or speak to the rising star of the university hierarchy. There were also those who wanted to meet the popular author, or simply to find out who the stunning woman at Brandon’s arm happened to be.

  They finally made their way to the coat room, and as they stood in the lobby while Brandon held Hannah’s coat for her to put it on, he murmured to her: “Have I told you that you look absolutely hot tonight?”

  Hannah blushed and whispered back to him: “Speaking of degrees of warmth… did I mention that I have something ready for you to heat up my fanny with in the morning?” Both laughed and they exchanged mischievous expressions as they walked out into the dark evening.

  As soon as they had gotten into the car, the rain started once again. After they pulled out of the parking lot, for the first couple of minutes of the ride back to her cottage they spoke of how much they had enjoyed the musical, and how skillful the singing, acting and musical performance had been.

  As they approached the driveway to the cottage, Brandon reached over and patted her on her thigh. “So your paddling takes place in the morning, huh?” As the car pulled up in front of the house and Brandon turned off the motor Hannah looked at him and smiled. “For some reason, that’s what I have in mind. Having to wait for it just sends shivers up my spine.”

  Brandon reached behind the seats to find his umbrella and a small overnight bag, then leaned over and kissed her. “So what will we be doing between then and now?”

  Hannah giggled and softly stroked his thigh. “As for me, I’ll be doing all the things that will make me deserve a very good, very lengthy paddling.”

  With a burst of energy, Brandon hopped out of the car, opened the umbrella and walked around to open Hannah’s door. Suddenly the rain turned heavy and had there not been an umbrella while Hannah was fiddling with the key to unlock the door, they would have both been soaked.

  Once inside they both kicked off their shoes and draped their overcoats over kitchen chairs to dry. Although the heat was on there was a slight chill in the house, so Hannah turned up the control on the thermostat. Since the house was cool, and because they simply wanted to, they decided to get a fire going.

  They knelt together in front of the hearth, wadding up some paper to place under the grate, then stacking the kindling, a starter log and a couple of larger chunks to burn. Hannah touched a match, and they sat for a moment in front of the fireplace, their arms around each other’s waists as they enjoyed the vision of the fire taking hold.

  They rose and walked to the sofa and sat for a minute just watching the flames grow and begin to leap. Brandon did not notice the presence of the small paddle that had fallen off the arm of the sofa and onto the floor from the movement when they sat down. However, its proximity and the knowledge that it would be put to use in the morning only served to spike the significant state of arousal Hannah was already experiencing.

  Gazing at the fire gave way to gazing into each other’s eyes, then the meeting of their lips. The kissing intensified and the caresses became more urgent and intimate as they began to shed her clothing piece by piece until everything had been dropped to the floor.

  When Brandon’s lips and tongue began a descent down her chest she laughed, then moaned and said, “Before you even begin that, we had best get to the bedroom.” They rose quickly, walked to the bedroom and climbed onto the bed that already had the bedclothes turned back in anticipation of an evening of playtime.

  Once on the bed, Brandon’s lips and tongue resumed their quest to subject Hannah’s nipples to a lengthy treatment of kissing, suckling and tickling and flicking of his tongue. As it was obvious from Hannah’s writhing and moans that this particular form of foreplay was doing the trick on that particular evening, he simply continued his teasing of her breasts and stroking of her sensitive thighs until it was obvious that she was ready for him to finish her off. In one swift motion Brandon rolled onto his back and pulled Hannah on top of him. As soon as she had mounted him, she began the same rocking and undulating motions that had driven them both wild during their first encounter.

  It took very little time before her movements halted, she pressed down and lower, and then emitted a grunt that seemed to come from somewhere deep inside her. She pressed down once again for a few abbreviated but rapid undulations, and her toes curled up tightly before she finally fell still. She was still coupled with Brandon, who was far from finished.

  They kissed softly for a minute while he stroked her back and reached his hands down to her bottom and thighs, slowly caressing her buttocks intimately, then to her surprise and delight, surprising her with a stinging smack to her bottom. She looked down at him and kissed him, then murmured, “Thanks. I needed that.” She rol
led off of him and onto her back, then coaxed him on top of her so that he could resume his own journey to release, a journey that he embarked upon with energy and animated thrusting that Hannah found exciting and thrilling.

  She was already enjoying the action, feeling nothing but love as she absorbed the energy of his passion. Although she had already climaxed, she found that his thrusting was bringing her to another peak of arousal. When she began to once again moan in her expressions of excitement, Brandon began to slide up her body slightly, causing his thrusts to once again find that “special” spot inside her. Brandon’s intuition worked to their benefit, as during his own climax, Hannah was once again crying out as her toes curled as she bent her legs and pressed the soles of her feet onto the back of Brandon’s legs as they climaxed together.

  `As they lay next to each other in the sweet exhaustion from what they had to shared, they said little. However what they did say was important. As they caressed and kissed in the aftermath each finally told the other, “I love you.”

  Hannah woke in the middle the night, her arm draped across Brandon’s chest. They had both fallen asleep soon after they had so thoroughly worked each other over. In addition Brandon had mentioned that he had risen before 5:00 AM that morning to prepare for his role in an on – campus fundraising event. In more than one way, he had earned a good night of sleep.

  In the dark, Hannah gazed at him. She was still stunned by what she had experienced physically a few hours before. She also felt warm and pleased that she had been able to ignite and be the recipient of his own passion.

  Her head rested on the pillow while she gazed at his sleeping figure, and she felt a sense of amusement along with her good fortune. Most of all, she had fallen in love with an unquestionably good man. He was kind, gentle, considerate, and intelligent and funny. And he was in love with her.

  And she was head over heels in love with him. She smiled to herself that such a good person came with a major side benefit: he is really, really good in bed. And Hannah, apparently, you are too.

  She once again thought of the paddle that awaited her. Just knowing that it was there, and knowing that she could count on Brandon to use it to great effect, rendered her quite turned on in the dark bedroom in the middle the night. Just twenty feet away was the instrument she had custom – crafted to be applied to her bare bottom and produce the maximum amount of sting. Brandon was proving to be willing to do what he could to maximize her enjoyment of spanking, and with his own sense of imagination, coupled with his dedication to bringing her pleasure, she knew that the possibilities were mind – numbing.

  She closed her eyes again in an attempt to get some more sleep. It was difficult for her to do, when she was so eager for the morning to arrive.

  To her surprise she had not only fallen back to sleep, but had slept until 9:00 AM. She woke to see Brandon on his side, his hand resting on his elbow as he looked at her affectionately. Upon seeing her eyes open he leaned over and kissed her then began running his fingers through her hair.

  Hannah reached for the remote control on the bedside stand. Soon, the sounds from Phantom of the Opera were softly flowing through the room.

  They embraced and kissed, then Brandon began caressing her naked body, but soon his hands were concentrating on softly stroking her bottom. Hannah batted her eyes as the caressing continued. “That feels so good to me. It always does.”

  Brandon continued the circular motions. He patted her on the bottom a few times and grinned. “Do I understand that you want that part of you to receive some special attention this morning?”

  Hannah arched her eyebrows and nodded. “Indeed. I think that should be the focus of our energy this morning.”

  Brandon winked. “As you wish.”

  Hannah ran her hand over his chest. “Would you like to take a shower with me?”

  Brandon laughed. “You have to ask?”

  They got up from the bed and walked into the bathroom. Brandon turned on the shower, while Hannah opened the closet and took out two large towels.

  When they had both stepped inside the tub and pulled the curtain, they laughed at how crowded they were in the small tub. Still they found it fun as they shampooed each other’s hair and engaged in some mischief in helping each other to wash.

  They stood facing each other with their arms around each other while the streams of warm water poured over them. Hannah looked at Brandon while displaying a sly grin. “Brandon, dear, did I mention that yesterday I made a wicked little paddle for you to spank me with today?”

  He leaned down and kissed her. “I do think you may have mentioned that.”

  Hannah giggled, stepped behind Brandon, and began running her hands lower and lower, down to his waist, until she was fondling him. Brandon closed his eyes as the gentle fingers that had reached around him began to stroke him. “Miss Miller, you can get in some real trouble for misbehaving in the shower room.”

  Hannah laughed as she continued her teasing touches. “Awww, am I going to be sent to the office to be disciplined?”

  Brandon nodded as he strained to stay composed. “You… ughhh… just… oh my gosh…. you… just… may!”

  Hannah began to speak in a slow, teasing voice. “Really? And just what may happen to me there?”

  Brandon chuckled. His breathing became shallower as her movements slowed to extend the denial of relief. “You will have to bend over and receive a paddling.”

  Hannah’s touch was now almost imperceptible but nonetheless continuing. “You mean, I have to bend over and get paddled for doing this, before you take me over your knees and paddle me for all the naughty things I did last night?”

  Hannah’s hand began moving more rapidly. “In that case, sir, I guess I may as well go for it.”

  Brandon was in the kitchen finishing up his preparation of bacon, toast and glasses of orange juice for breakfast. At Hannah’s suggestion, he had dressed only in his pajama bottoms as she had assured him that they would likely be shed again before lunch.

  He listened in anticipation as he heard the sound of the hair dryer finally cease. He knew that Hannah was in the mood to be capable of some more interesting antics that morning.

  Just as he was putting the plates and glasses of juice on the table Hannah came walking into the kitchen, strolling slowly and seductively while clad in a university tee-shirt he had brought for her, one that extended for a few inches below her panties. He sat down at the table and patted his lap. Hannah sat down upon him and they fed breakfast to each other, laughing and sneaking in an occasional kiss in the process.

  When they were done eating Hannah put her arms round his neck and kissed him. “So, big guy, did you enjoy your shower this morning a little more than usual?”

  Brandon gave a theatrical sigh of mock disgust. “I must say, Miss Miller, I was very disappointed in your behavior.”

  Hannah looked down and away. “I just don’t know what got into me. But, I suppose I just have to learn my lesson. Even if it means getting my fanny whacked with the paddle.”

  Brandon continued speaking in a stern voice. “I believe I made it clear what was going to happen.”

  Hannah looked down again and shuffled her feet on the floor as if she was being scolded. “I understand, sir. And I’m ready to suffer the consequences of my terrible, horrible, and uncalled for behavior. But Sir, I ask you again for a reprieve. Are you really going to smack me for what I did in the shower, before you take me over your knees and give me another spanking for all that bad behavior in my bedroom last night?”

  Brandon placed his hands on his hips in a pose of impatience. “Miss Miller, find the paddle, and wait for me in the living room.”

  Hannah stood, and placed her hands on her bottom. “I suppose. I can’t escape my cruel fate, and I fear it so much.”

  Brandon stood, crossed his arms, and then nodded toward the living room. The grin on his face did not match his stern words, and Hannah could not hide the mischievous grin on her own face, worthy of
any naughty pixie. Brandon bellowed, “Get the paddle NOW!”

  Although it was all for play, Brandon was amused by the somewhat startled expression on Hannah’s face when she heard those words, although he did hear giggling as she entered the living room. He waited a few seconds, then walked into the living room where Hannah stood a few feet from the sofa, the paddle dangling from her hands, and her head facing down in mock chastisement.

  Hannah handed him the paddle, and stuck her bottom lip out. “Oh sir, I know that what I did was just… so… wrong… to take such liberties with a poor, innocent naked man.”

  Brandon dramatically began to slap the small paddle across his hand. “Young lady I will give you credit for one thing. You did show your proficiency in causing an orgasm. So, to be fair, when I take you across my knees to ensure that you have been adequately punished for all of your bad behavior so far this weekend, I will do my best to do the same for you.”

  Brandon winked at Hannah, and the thousands of butterflies throughout the middle of her body were suddenly joined by even more as his words sank in. He took Hannah by the arm and gently guided her a couple of more feet away from the sofa.

  Brandon cleared his voice, then he spoke in a firm but quiet manner. “Now, young lady. Bend over and touch your toes.”

  Hannah placed her hands behind her back and looked down at the floor. “But sir! I am afraid that, every time you whack me, it’s really going to sting a lot and my bottom is going to feel so… so… hot.” Hannah then winked at Brandon and turned sideways.

  Brandon thought that he could see Hannah gulp in trepidation as she arched her eyebrows and then looked forward and began to slowly bend over until her fingertips were touching the toenails she had polished the previous day in a pretty pink. He began to pat her against the center of her panty-covered bottom, then allowed his voice to boom once again. “I think that five good swats would be sufficient penalty for your shower mischief, Miss Miller.”


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