Hannah's Novel Idea

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Hannah's Novel Idea Page 11

by Carl Hamlin

  Suddenly the patting stopped, but then he began to move the paddle around in a circular motion, and he could hear Hannah giggling as she began to shake her bottom back and forth to taunt him. He drew the paddle away and returned it with a loud POW.

  Immediately upon its landing, Hannah exclaimed “OUCH”, but also laughed. He began the circular motion again, then landed the paddle in the same spot, generating the same exclamation, but this time there was no laughter.

  He took his time to take careful aim for the third one, and after it landed, Hannah bent at the knees, but then quickly got back into position.

  He began the circular motions to take aim for the fourth one then halted. “Miss Miller, your behavior was so egregious, would you agree that you deserve these last two without the protection of those lovely beige panties?”

  Hannah looked back and shook her bottom some more. “Oh, sir, it would just be so logical to simply remove them. I don’t think I’m going to be needing them for a while.” She reached back while still bending over, peeled them down and allowed them to drop to the floor.

  Brandon began to tap the paddle against her bare bottom, one that was showing impressions of the outline of the paddle, and white circles where the holes were. “I appreciate your cooperation Miss Miller, and your acceptance of responsibility for your behavior.”

  Hannah looked back with an exaggerated pout. “Well, when you’re guilty, you’re guilty.”

  As he looked at the smile on her face, Brandon resumed the circular motions, although this time he began to move the surface of the paddle across wider areas of her bottom, and down to the tops of her legs. Then, when bringing the paddle back up, he turned it partially sideways and brought it back up through the separation of her bottom cheeks. As he began to resume the soft pats that served to warn Hannah that another whack was coming, he glanced at her and saw that she was looking at him with the arched eyebrows that told him she was enjoying what they were doing.

  He brought the paddle away and began to return it in an arcing motion. Although she was enjoying being paddled in this way, Hannah had closed her eyes and clenched her teeth, as she was uncertain as to whether the absence of the thin nylon panties would make any difference at all in the amount of sting she would experience. When the paddle made contact she let out a loud yelp, finding out that the holes she had drilled in the paddle were much more of a factor when the paddle landed on her bare bottom.

  She expected that Brandon would ensure that the final smack was the best. He did not disappoint her, as the fifth and last she would receive bending over echoed in the room with a loud WHAM. Hannah stood, rubbing her bare bottom and exclaiming, “Woooohoooohooo.”

  Brandon walked over and put his arm around her. “Did you like that?”

  Hannah’s eyes were very wide open and he thought he noticed the beginnings of tears forming in the rims. But she nodded and smiled and said, “I did like that. I liked that very much.”

  Brandon reached around her and tapped her lightly on the bottom with the paddle. “So, now I use this on your bare bottom with you across my knees? Of course, not nearly as hard.”

  Hannah stretched up and kissed. “That’s right, take it kind of easy and take your time. I mean, I love the sting, and I most of all love it that it’s you doing the smacking. But I want this next part to last for a very long time. I trust you. It needs to sting, but, I think you understand. You really warmed me up quite well, and now I’m looking forward to spending some time across your knees getting whacked, and whacked and whacked, and whacked some more.”

  Hannah drew him close and kissed him. “And by the way… feel free to engage in any kind of mischief that you think may be fun.”

  Brandon began leading Hannah to the sofa, then he sat down on the cushion in the center. Hannah crawled onto the sofa then knelt next to him for a moment. “I love you so much.”

  Brandon ran his fingers through her hair. “And I am already hopelessly in love with you, Miss Miller.” Brandon began to laugh and shake his head. “You are so much fun to play with.” They both began to laugh before he continued. “That little surprise in the shower this morning? I loved that.”

  Hannah displayed a false expression of being hurt. “But Brandon, you paddled me for doing that.” She began to laugh. “I just may have to try that again sometime. But last night, you sent me out of this world a couple of times.” She ran her hand across his cheek. “You were tired last night and went to sleep. I guess I just decided that – well - you needed a little more to start your day right.”

  Brandon reached for a small pillow that he placed over his knees, then began to lower her into place. As she settled in with her bare bottom poised in front of him ready for the paddle, he began to gently stroke the warm dark pink bottom cheeks in front of him. As his right hand massaged her bottom, his left hand soothingly caressed her back as he reached his hand up under the back of the tee-shirt and pushed it up nearly to her shoulders as the soothing caresses continued.

  She looked back and the two blew kisses at each other while he continued to stroke her soft skin. His right hand moved around the backs of her thighs, down to her calves then back up again to her thighs. Next, they ventured into the center of her bottom crack and he treated her to a tickling delight. He reached for the paddle and began to move it slowly and teasingly around her bottom. “I remember just how welcome your fingertips felt to me this morning. So Hannah, I will do my best.”

  The paddle continued its roaming motions before Brandon placed it to rest on the small of her back. It was his intention to tease her, to enhance her enjoyment of the paddling she was about to experience. He resumed his sensual massage, but was now allowing his fingertips to roam into every sensitive part of her until he heard her begin to moan.

  He then picked up the paddle and once again started massaging her bottom with the cool flat surface. Finally Hannah felt the motion stop, and the paddle draw away. A couple seconds later Brandon brought it into contact with the center of her bottom, and while the whack provided a satisfying sting, the pain was not overtly intense.

  A few seconds later, after the paddle had caressed her bottom some more, another smack landed of similar force, and she felt convinced that Brandon was reading her mind. It stung like she wanted it to sting, and she was finding it as arousing as she hoped she would. But somehow Brandon had managed to know how to make it just painful enough, but not too painful.

  She had loved the hand spanking she had received two weeks earlier, and immensely enjoyed bending over and getting the harder whacks just minutes before. But as the paddle landed every 7 to 8 seconds, building the burning sting and her desire for more things to happen, Hannah was experiencing what she had so hoped for.

  Brandon maintained the rhythm for a few more minutes, assuming that it would be best to not interrupt what seemed to be going well. He thought it would be best to simply allow Hannah to slow things down if needed. However he did decide that it was wise to keep a closer eye on her facial expressions, as well he could see them in their relative positions, and try to sense any levels of distress that may possibly lesson her enjoyment of what was happening.

  Hannah’s bottom had turned a darker pink, and he detected a couple of grunts that sounded to him more like expressions of significant discomfort, than moans of pleasure. He placed the paddle once again on the small of her back, then allowed his right hand to go to work on the hot stinging surface of her bottom, the thighs that he knew were very sensitive to his touch, and all points in between. Within a minute he was hearing the giggle that he loved so much to hear, along with some soft moans telling him that she was enjoying his actions.

  As he continued massaging her bottom, Hannah turned her head to look at him, and he could see that although her eyes appeared to be somewhat teary, the priceless look on her face was one of contentment and satisfaction.

  She reached back and touched his left arm. “I just love what you’re doing to me. I don’t know how you know how to do all
of this just so right.”

  He caressed for a few more seconds then picked up the paddle and gave her a substantial WHACK while she was still looking at him. In response, she giggled and exclaimed “YEEOOOWW. That was a good one ” She reached back and rubbed the sore spot, but immediately moved her hand out of the way back to in front of her face.

  Brandon resumed the paddling, but now was spacing them out every 9 to 10 seconds, and leaving the paddle in place after it had landed to enhance and extend the stinging. He also began to take more time with the circular motions and rubbing the paddle back and forth across the center of her bottom in preparation for the next smack, as he was suspecting that she was enjoying that part of the scenario as well.

  As he gave her another slightly more forceful smack, one that caused her to jump and utter “Ooouuuwww”, he decided that she was not that easily distracted from the sensations he was providing.

  “Hannah?” SMACK.

  “Ughh, yes, big guy?”



  He put the paddle on her back again and begin the soothing and teasing massage. “Which do you like best? A hand or a paddle?”

  Hannah looked back and sighed as his hand treated her to pleasant sensations at all of her sensitive and private parts. “I like ooohhh, thank you for that little move… maybe the oohh… wow… oh, yeah, I like that, too… oh, oh my gosh!”

  Suddenly it was the paddle that was again caressing her bottom, then she held her breath as the quiet in the room was broken by: WHAM. WHAM. WHAM, WHAM.

  Hannah’s legs began to kick for the first time, and Brandon returned to the much slower pace. After another stinging smack he asked, “You were saying?”

  Hannah looked back with a theatrical scowl. “Before I was so rudely interrupted by some loud cracks that were very, very distracting to my train of thought, I was going to tell you that I can’t really answer that.” Sensing that she wanted to talk, Brandon put the paddle down again and resumed the soothing caresses.

  This time, as she turned and spoke she lifted her head up and rested her cheek on her hand. “I loved it when you paddled me with your hand. Of course it was my first experience at this, but since it was your hand, it was more personal. I loved that extra closeness to you that it provided.

  “But oh my… do I ever love the sharp sting from this paddle. The ones bending over when you whacked really, really hard… well it was just a small paddle, but still…

  “There’s just something about you smacking with something made just for that purpose. You were right, making it myself just added so much, and convincing myself to drill those holes, wow.

  “One more thing about the paddle, I don’t think it will leave any bruises.”

  Brandon felt a twinge of concern. “Did my hand leave bruises?”

  Hannah laughed. “Not bad, nothing to be concerned about… there were just a couple. I saw them in the mirror the next morning, so I just thought of them as butt hickies.”

  Brandon laughed as he continued to caress. “Butt hickies?”

  Hannah giggled. “That’s what I saw them as.”

  Brandon picked up the paddle and began the circular massaging all around her midsection and heard her moan in anticipation. He reached over ran his fingers through her hair. “Hannah, you are such a sweetheart and you just keep giving me ideas.”

  WHACK “Wooh… ouch… ouch… ooooww.”

  The paddle circled her bottom for a few seconds.


  “Ooh… my.”



  The paddle continued its travels across her bottom and her legs.

  “Tell me, Hannah.”


  “What is your impression now of your paddle – making skills?”


  “Aaaauuggh. If I don’t say so myself, I did a wonderful job.”

  WHAM. “Ohhhh.”

  Brandon was again massaging her bottom with his hand. “I just can’t get that phrase out of my mind. Butt hickies.” Hannah’s only response was to giggle.

  Brandon began to draw her bottom closer to his face. “I can give you butt hickies.”

  He leaned forward and planted his lips on the now dark red left cheek. As Hannah squealed in delight from the nature of his antics and the tickling of his tongue as he sucked on her flesh, she was thrilled by the variety of sensations. She was in a high sense of arousal from being paddled in combination with all of his gentle and probing fondling. Now she was experiencing the creation of a hickie on the sensitive bottom part of her butt cheek.

  Brandon managed to stay affixed until he was certain he had accomplished his goal, and when he pulled away he had left one memorable love bite on her fanny. Looking at his work he assured her, “When you look at yourself in the mirror, you will be so proud of me. “

  Brandon sensed that it was time to bring the session to a conclusion. He picked up the paddle, gave Hannah a few light slaps to warn her that some serious stinging was on its way, and then resumed the paddling.

  This time he applied increased force, bring the paddle to her about every five seconds until another 10 loud cracks had echoed in the room and it was obvious that Hannah was reaching her tolerance limit. This time, however when he paused, he placed the paddle in front of her so that she could see that part of their journey to the recesses of her desires had concluded.

  His hand immediately returned to the dark red bottom. Hannah closed her eyes, rested her head sideways on her forearms and simply allowed herself to relax and enjoy the residual stinging coupled with Brandon’s expert caresses.

  Brandon heard her sigh, then she said, “That was just so, so, good.” Brandon’s hands returned to her smooth calf muscles then back up to those silky thighs. “Oh Hannah, unless you wish otherwise, I’m done with the paddle. But sweetheart, I am certainly not done with you.”

  Hannah’s eyes popped open and she looked back at him with a mischievous smile. “Big guy… you are just too good to me.”

  Brandon’s left-hand began to once again massage her back and shoulders, then Hannah sat partway up so that she could pull the shirt off, leaving her totally undressed. While Brandon’s left-hand was giving pleasant and welcome massage to her upper body, it was his right hand that was monopolizing her attention as it wreaked havoc with the sensitive portions of the bottom of her.

  To her absolute pleasure, Hannah remained across Brandon’s lap, his access to her made more convenient by the fact that she was also propped up in the air by laying on the pillow. The caresses grew more intense and purposeful and much more intimate. Hannah was soon moaning and writhing on his lap until the caresses grew just a tad bit more serious, and then Brandon was treated to the site of her squirming on his lap while her toes curled in ecstasy.

  After she had fully regained her composure, Brandon helped her to sit up so that she could rest on his lap. In spite of the soreness of her bottom, she did not wish to be anywhere but where she was sitting at that moment as they began kissing and caressing once again. Her face was slightly tear- streaked and the hair on her forehead was damp from perspiration. Still she gazed at Brandon and simply said, “Thank you… thank you, thank you, thank you.”

  Hannah slid her hand down Brandon’s chest to his abdomen and continued on to below his waist. That was when she began to giggle. “I guess we should go to the bedroom now, unless you want me to take care of your obvious problem in the shower again.”

  Brandon held onto her, scooped her up into his arms and carried her to the bedroom. He placed her gently on the bed, then when he began to lay down next to her, she tugged down on his pajama bottoms, so that he was equally bare. He reached his hand down her back onto her bottom and patted it gently.

  “So have you been sufficiently spanked?”

  “Deliciously, lusciously so. I can’t thank you enough.” She began to giggle again and Brandon felt that every time he heard that wonderful sound his heart melted just a litt
le bit more. She leaned over and put her nose right against his. “Of course, I’m sure that we can think of some way that I can repay you for that warm and wonderful paddling you just gave me.”

  Suddenly, Hannah could tell from Brandon’s expression that his imagination was in full gear. She began to laugh: “Just what do you have in mind?”

  Brandon coaxed her onto her back and began to kiss her neck and down on her breasts. “Actually sweetheart, I was wondering if I could give you another butt hickie.”

  Hannah began to laugh. “Oh, yeah, it did feel kind of good when you were doing that.”

  She rolled over onto her stomach, closed her eyes and relaxed. “All right big guy… have at it.”

  Brandon reversed his position on the bed so that his head could rest right at the cheek that had not yet received a love bite. When Hannah felt his lips attach to her bottom and his teeth lightly bite down, she began to laugh and looked to her side, then reached over and began stroking the knees that were now next to her. She giggled as she felt the pressure and sting of the bite and the tickling of his tongue on her still sizzling bottom.

  She felt his teeth release her flesh and felt his lips leave her bottom. Suddenly, however, she felt his lips making their way down the side of her hip, then he gently rolled her over onto her side. He wrapped his arms around her waist. He began kissing her lower abdomen, then lowered his head even more and began kissing the insides of her thighs. Hannah found herself in near amazement as she felt his tongue enter her and begin to work its magic until, for the second time in ten minutes, she was once again finding her toes in a curled state.

  Brandon had indeed returned the favor, but more than once. He crawled up next to Hannah and lay next to her again. She put her arms around his neck and kissed his forehead. “Brandon, I think you got a little lost down there. That wasn’t my bottom you were concentrating on, but that was okay with me. Very, very okay.”

  Brandon laughed. “Your bottom is still very, very red.”


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