Fallen Angels MC: The Full Series Boxset

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Fallen Angels MC: The Full Series Boxset Page 3

by Erin Trejo

  We drive in silence, for the most part, knowing what kind of whores we have to go out and be tonight. I can’t say that I hate it because I don’t feel much of anything when I do have to do it. It’s a means to an end is what I always think. I just don’t know what that end will be or when it will take me.

  We turn off the main road and onto a dirt road. It’s dark for the most part, and my mind reels with that. What if Kenny paid Cherry to take me somewhere I shouldn’t be? She wouldn’t do that, would she?

  My heart pounds in my chest as we make our way up the dirt road. My palms sweat as I slide them up and down the seat next to me.

  “Fallen Angel’s?” I read the sign aloud when we pull up in front of a building. I’m so fucking confused right now.

  “Fallen Angel’s MC.” Cherry puts the car in park before hopping out. Did she just bring me to a fucking rival MC?

  “What the fuck is this about, Cherry? A fucking rival MC?” Shaking my head, I don’t want to leave the car. I saw the other girl’s faces when they met up with a rival. I don’t fucking think so. I am not going out like that.

  “I know the president. We are fine here, plus he will cover our night. We don’t have to do shit tonight but relax and enjoy.”

  Following her inside the club, I sure as hell hope she’s right.

  Chapter 6


  I sit in my usual back corner avoiding the fuck out of people. My mind is a fucking buzzing mess as always. Some nights, even the drinking and drugs won’t drown out the past. Tonight is one of those nights. The fucking demons swim through all the vodka I consume and that typically never ends well.

  “What’s up Creed? You gonna sulk in the fuckin’ corner all night brother?” Tank drops on the seat next to me passing me a joint, which I take. Shit, I need a good smoke tonight.

  “Fuck sulkin’ man. I’m waitin’ on the good pussy to roll in. It is Friday.” Tank chuckles as he nods his head. He knows what’s up. Every Friday we have a shit ton of whores roll through the clubhouse.

  “Thought you had a thing with Jenny?” Shaking my head, I knew that would come up. Fucking girl wishes too much.

  “Fuck no. She can suck like a pro, though. Hey, you on the ride Tuesday?” Motioning to one of the Angel chasers to bring me a beer, I turn to look at him.

  “Fuck yeah. You on too?” Nodding he smiles at me. When Tank and I go out on rides, no one fucks us over. Some of the other guys here, mostly the newer ones I get stuck with, can’t be trusted to back you up for shit.

  “Fuck that! We gonna be on that shit brother.” Tank slaps my shoulder as the girl hands me my beer. I take it from her without another glance.

  “Who the fuck is that over there with Sharp?” My eyes are on the nice ass of some dark-haired beauty. Well, at least from this view she is fucking hot. My dick stirs in my jeans, something it hasn’t done in a long ass time.

  “Oh shit. That’s Cherry. She’s with the Shadows. Her and Sharp had a thing for each other a long time ago. She went with her old man over at the Shadows, though. She pops up to see him when shit gets rough over there.” Listening to him talk, I can’t pull my eyes off that ass, though. The way it calls to me sends unknown feelings throughout my body.

  “Who’s the other?” Still staring, Tank laughs.

  “Who the fuck knows. She brings a bitch around every once in a while, to cover her own ass. Sharp pays out for both of them for the night.” Confused by what the fuck he is even talking about I look over at him. He must notice the confusion. Smug bastard.

  “They send their bitches out in shifts. Pick up and fuck some johns. Cherry only comes when shit gets crazy over at Shadows.” Tank stands and walks off leaving me there to stare at that immaculate piece of ass. I wonder what kind of shit goes on over there the way he keeps repeating it. It doesn’t settle well with me.

  Lighting up a cigarette I decide to get a closer look. I stand up and walk over toward the bar where the hot piece of ass is now talking to Jimmy. The fuck he will be getting any of that tonight. If anyone is having that it’s going to be me.

  Taking the chance, I wrap my arm around her little waist pulling her back against me. Her warmth is something I’ve never felt. Tingles flow through my body.

  “You showin’ a whole lotta ass tonight darlin’.” Whispering close to her ear, she shivers. Oh, she likes that huh?

  “This little leather skirt would look a lot better wrapped around my head.” Tugging her earlobe with my teeth, I don’t miss the moan she lets out. Fuck me; this is going to be easier than I thought.

  “Take a step back brother. We were havin’ a nice talk here.” Jimmy stands, but I already know he isn’t about shit. He won’t step up to me even if it is for a new pussy.

  Yanking the girl closer to me, I eye Jimmy for a minute.

  “I think the choice has already been made.” Dragging her with me, I walk backward smirking at Jimmy who is clearly pissed but doesn’t say a word. Yeah, I didn’t think so motherfucker.

  As soon as we are back by the pool tables, I spin the little girl pushing her against the wall ready to kiss those lips and fuck her like crazy, but I dead stop.

  Holy fucking hell. There is no fucking way this is her. It can’t be. She wasn’t involved with this shit—she can’t be. Especially not the Shadows.

  “Jada.” The words barely leave my mouth when her eyes are on mine. Her mouth drops open, and the bruise and the busted lip are clearly evident.

  Fire replaces the blood in my veins as I look her little face over. She has changed her hair color, but those piercing eyes will never change.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” My heart pounds in my ears. This can’t be happening.

  “Why... What are you doing here?” Jada tries to break eye contact with me, looking around anywhere but my face. Like fucking hell, she will.

  Grabbing her face in my hand, I force her to look at me. I grip her a little harder than I wanted to but she is fucking killing me here.

  “Answer me.” Growling through my now gritted teeth, I watch her face for a reaction.

  “I’m with Cherry.” I swallow hard, shaking my head. No. She cannot fucking be involved with that shit over there. No, not after everything Tank has been talking about.

  Pulling my hat off, I let go of her face and run my hand through my hair. This is completely fucked up. What the hell do I do now?

  “FUCK!” Screaming sounded like a good plan but then so did punching the wall, which I did.

  Jada flinches back away from me when I grab her hand and drag her down the hall with me. No way in the fuck is this shit happening.

  Kicking the fucking door to my room shut, I pin her against it. Whether she likes it or not she is going to give me answers.

  “What the fuck is goin’ on?”

  Jada stares at me with a scared look in her eyes. It hurts me like hell to see it there again after I saw it so long ago. That face and the look plastered across it is the same one that haunts my mind every day since I left her.

  I hope like hell she isn’t involved with them like I think she is.


  When I don’t answer right away, Creed slams his hands against the door beside my head. I try to tuck away into myself, but that isn’t working. I never saw this side of Creed before, but his beautiful face brings back every fucking memory that I wanted to keep locked away.

  “You have one more fuckin’ chance to answer me.” His growl scares the shit out of me. This side of him scares the shit out of me. He isn’t the Creed I used to know. I guess I’m not the Jada he used to know either. We’ve both changed.

  “I came with Cherry, I told you.” Trying to put on my brave face isn’t working out so well with the look in his eyes. It’s downright scary.

  “You better give me more than that, Jada.” Those deep dark eyes pierce my heart. The man that I have thought about and tried to forget for years stands in front of me demanding answers that I’m not ready to give him.

p; “We were sent out to work tonight. Cherry brought me here. End of story.” Crossing my arms over my chest, I won’t let him push my buttons. He left me. I asked him to stay.

  “You an old lady?” His voice clearly drops an octave when he asks me that. I don’t know how to answer that since I don’t know what I and Kenny are anymore.

  “I don’t know.” I can see the look in his eyes. Creed thinks I’m being defiant which I’m not. Well, ok, I am a little. Fuck him. Who is he to demand answers from me?

  “You don’t know? How the fuck don’t you know?” Creed pushes off the door and paces the room, his hand running through his hair. It’s longer than it used to be, I think I like it grown out as it is.

  Shaking my head, I have to stop thinking about him. He has a life and so do I, well, if that’s what you want to call it.

  “Your man do that to your face too?” I know he’s looking at me, but I refuse to make eye contact with him.

  “That’s not your concern.” The slight chuckle that I hear leave him pisses me off. Who the fuck does he think he is?

  “You walk into my club, and think you are not my fuckin’ concern? Is that right?” I look up at him now. Big fucking mistake. Those eyes are drilling into my soul.

  “Leave me alone, Creed. I am not your concern anymore.” Turning I grab the door handle and try to pull it open before his hard body is behind me. Fuck the heat coming off of him is stifling.

  His hands push the door back closed. God, he’s so close to me. I can’t take him being this close.

  “I promised Jason I would watch out for you and I will.” That strikes a nerve. My body shakes with a new rage and not from him being so close. Where was he the last five years? He would have known the hell I was living if he was supposedly watching out for me.

  Rounding on him, I look up into his eyes. That fire building inside of me is consuming me.

  “You told him you would watch out for me? Well, where were you when I was raped four years ago, by the scum that my mom brought home? Or the one that broke my arm? Were you watching the whole time I popped pills to kill the dreams I had? Where were you Creed? That’s right you left me! On a fucking rooftop! I don’t think you have anything to watch anymore!” My words sting him I can see it. Good! He wants to play the tough shit hero, let that soak in.

  When his hands drop from the door, I turn and quickly rush out of it. I can’t handle being near him, not anymore.

  “Don’t you walk away from me!” Creed comes out into the hall yelling at me—I turn to face him. His eyes are full of rage and hurt. I hate seeing him like this, but he brought it on himself.

  “You walked out on me Creed.” I see him begging me with his eyes not to do this, but I have to. We are different people now, both of us.

  Walking back out into the main room I spot Cherry by the bar. I quickly make my way over to her and sit. I know I’m shaken but this whole night is complete shit.

  “You ok? You look like you saw a ghost sweetheart.” Cherry wraps her arm around my shoulders in that sisterly manner she’s always taken with me. I love seeing her like this, though—she's all smiling.

  “I did.” My voice barely comes out, and she didn’t hear me. That’s good. I didn’t feel like explaining right now anyway.

  “Sharp. Come meet my girl, Jada.” Cherry hollers over to an older man with a long gray beard. I watch as he smiles and walks toward us. He walks with such authority that you can tell right away the man is dangerous in his own right.

  “Nice to meet you. Cherry talks highly of you.” He reaches out his hand which I take.

  “You too.” I avoid making eye contact with him too. The less I know of these people, the safer I’ll be when we go home.

  “Nobody here will hurt you like they do over there.” When he says that my eyes automatically jerk to his. How could he know that?

  “I know all about them darlin’. In fact, I know one of them pretty well.”

  Jesus Christ this just got worse than I ever thought it could.

  Chapter 7


  I sit back and watch her like a fucking hawk. While she’s here, she isn’t getting out of my fucking sight. I made a promise to Jason when he died that I would watch her and I fucked that up when I left, but now that I know where she is, I will not fuck up again.

  Jada looks amazing, and I can’t get the scent of her berry shampoo out of my head when I had her in my room. All I wanted to do was hold her and tell her everything would be ok now, but I knew it wasn’t as much as I wanted to make it to be.

  I couldn’t save her before and I sure as hell can’t now. She is a fucking old lady to one of the Shadows. How the hell do I get past that? Besides that fact, I don’t think she wants to leave. Jada seems to be right in a shit storm that I can’t pull her out of.

  “You know that bitch?” Tank slaps my shoulder before sitting next to me. The way he says, bitch shouldn’t surprise me or piss me off the way it does, but this is Jada.

  Cutting my eyes at him, he raises his hands in defeat. He will learn not to say that shit around me.

  “I know her alright.” Sliding my shades back onto my face, I don’t want Tank to see the way Jada affects me. I would never live that down.

  My world feels like it’s crumbling around me while I watch the guys talking to Jada. I can’t stand the thought of any of them near her. My stomach knots up at the mere thought. I will fucking break their necks if they put a fucking hand on her.

  The things she said to me in my room set off a new kind of rage inside of me, one I don’t know if I can control.

  “Why you so fuckin’ tensed up?” Tank looks over at me again. How the fuck do I explain to him what I’m about to do? I guess he will find out sooner or later.

  “I don’t know, brother. I think I’m about to lose my cut.” Pushing off the couch, I stalk toward where Jada is standing. I’ve decided I go all in or I lose her forever.

  Gripping Jada around the waist I start to lead her toward the side door when Sharp yells.

  “What the fuck Creed? She was havin’ a nice chat.” His hateful tone doesn’t go unnoticed.

  “Guess she is done now.” Jada doesn’t object so I keep going. I need to handle this shit right now once and for all. I don’t know if I can handle losing her again. I drag her outside and push the door closed behind me.

  “I need to ask you somethin’ darlin’, and I want a fuckin’ answer this time.” Pinning her against the wall of the club, I demand answers.

  Jada shakes under my touch, and I could almost guarantee it isn’t from fear. She’s missed me as much as I’ve missed her, I can feel it.

  “What do you want from me Creed?” She had to ask me that question. I have to wonder if she really wants me to answer that.

  “Look, Jada—this is bullshit. I want to know what the fuck you’re doin’ with them?” I’m starting to get pissed when she takes me by surprise.

  Her lips slam into mine, frantically trying to get closer. I grip her hips in my hands roughly pushing my already hard dick against her. What the fuck is she trying to do to me?

  Pulling back slightly, she looks up at me, tears threatening to spill over her beautiful cheeks.

  “I didn’t mean to get into anything with him Creed. At first, I didn’t know how ruthless they were.” Before she can finish I kiss her. Those lips that have haunted my dreams for years are just as soft as I remember them being and I want to savor every bit of her. God, I have fucking missed her.

  Jada’s tears wet my skin as I press my cheek to hers. I can’t let her go again. It will fucking rip me up if I do.

  “You asked me what I wanted from you. Jada, I fuckin’ want you. I always have.” Jada gasps. She tries to look at anything that isn’t me, but I won’t let her, I can’t. I need her to see how much this is hurting me.

  “I can’t Creed. You left me. Do you understand what that felt like? What that did to me?” Tears spring to life as I watch her. I know what I did to her. I knew what I
did to myself leaving her that day, but I didn’t have a choice.

  “I’m so fuckin’ sorry I left you that night. If I could fuckin’ take it all back baby, I would!”

  God this is fucking tearing me up. I hurt her; hurt her badly when she needed me most.

  “I have to go,” Jada whispers softly. Why doesn’t she fucking understand that that isn’t an option? I don’t think I can let her go.

  I step back but shake my head.

  “You think I would let you fuckin’ leave here? You are fuckin’ crazy darlin’.” Jada’s eyes shoot to mine and hold there. Confusion etched across her face. She really doesn’t get it. Any of this.

  The door flies open, and Cherry walks out smiling and looking between us.

  “You ready sweetheart? We need to be getting back.” Cherry smiles unknowing that I am not letting her leave here tonight, or at least that was my plan.

  “I’m ready. I’m sorry Creed.” Jada turns and tries to walk away from me again. Punching the brick wall, my hand throbs.

  “You are not fuckin’ leavin’ here!” The scream rips from my chest. I can’t help myself. My heart is on fire and burning me alive.

  “I don’t have a choice!” Jada screams back at me taking me by surprise. I never knew she had it in her. My dick stirs at the sound of her voice. I want this girl so fucking bad.

  “You have a choice to make right here and now. I fucked up, Jada. How many times do you want me to say I’m fuckin’ sorry?” Cherry looks between us but doesn’t speak. It’s like she wants to know what Jada is going to say, well that makes two of us.

  “I know you are. I can see it in your eyes, Creed but that was a long time ago. I’m sorry.” Turning away from me, she walks back inside with Cherry.

  Just like the day I left her on that fucking rooftop, my heart feels like it stopped beating.



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