Fallen Angels MC: The Full Series Boxset

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Fallen Angels MC: The Full Series Boxset Page 5

by Erin Trejo

  Tank walks back in with a smug look on his face.

  “You find out?” He nods as he drops back in the chair. Fuck if I could get up I would fucking kick his ass.

  “She’s in this hospital, that’s all I know right now.” Dropping my head back on the pillow I let out a breath. I need to know if she’s ok. I have to see her.

  Pressing the call button, I wait on nursey to walk back in. This shit is coming out right the fuck now.

  “What can I do for you?” She smiles brightly as she comes in.

  “Get the fuckin’ doctor in here, and I want this shit out, or I’ll do it.” I know she can tell by the look on my face that I’m not joking. Nodding quickly, she leaves the room.

  “You really do have a fuckin’ death wish brother.” Shaking his head, he knows exactly what I’m about to do.

  The doctor comes in and removes the tubes and IV’s but wasn’t happy about it. I stand up and pull my clothes on which was a fucking chore all in itself. My chest feels like it wants to explode out of my body.

  “You want a hand brother?” Tank stands and offers his arm, but I don’t fucking need this shit.

  Walking past him, well, I don’t know if you could call this walking since I feel like I’m carrying a load of lead sitting on my chest, I shuffle out into the hallway.

  “Where the fuck would they take her?” Breathless, I look over at Tank.

  “Let’s go find out right there.” I watch Tank suck in a breath before he stands to full height. When the man wants to, he looks like a fucking beast.

  I watch him stalk up to the nurse’s desk that now holds the drooling nurses staring at his big giant ass. That man is fucking massive and comes in handy when we have idiots getting out of hand.

  Lost in my own thoughts, Tank walks back over grinning.

  “You gettin’ that pussy, aren’t you?” I shake my head, and he laughs.

  “Which one? I’m gettin’ a few of those. Room 312.” He winks at me like a fucking schoolgirl. I can’t believe this motherfucker walks around picking up fucking nurses of all things. That will work out well until they figure out who the fuck he is, then it will all go downhill.

  I drag myself down the hallway feeling like I’m going to pass the fuck out. I can’t believe how shitty I fucking feel.

  “Right here, brother. What the fuck are you gonna do?” Tank stops me before I just barge into the room. Maybe that’s a good thing. I don’t have a fucking clue what to say to her.

  I’m done thinking about this shit. I need to see if she’s ok. Shoving the door open my heart drops to my stomach. I swallow hard as I take her in.

  Cherry is by her side, but my eyes are pinned to Jada. She has IV’s sticking out of her body.

  “You can’t be here.” Cherry catches my attention as I walk toward Jada.

  “Fuck you.” I grit my teeth to keep from slapping this bitch in the face. She probably knew all about what that bastard was doing to her.

  “He is coming back. You need to leave.” She starts to get a little louder when Tank walks in quickly and steps around me.

  “I’ll deal with him. You take a fuckin’ walk or a seat and let him have a minute.” Cherry’s eyes bug out of her head, but she moves away to stand in the far corner.

  Stepping up next to the bed, I feel sick to my stomach. I lay my forehead to hers before a tear escapes. I can’t stand to see her like this. Maybe this will be what gets her away from that bastard.

  “I ruined you, Jada. I messed up when I left you sweetheart, and this is what you became. I’m so fuckin’, sorry, but I can’t be any better. I just need you to know that I fuckin’ love you with everything in me.” Kissing her gently I pull back and look at her perfect face. God, I hope I’m making the right choice walking away again.


  Waking up, feeling like shit, I notice right away that I’m no longer in the shitty ass clubhouse.

  “You’re awake.” Cherry’s voice makes me happy. There is no one else I would want to hear right now.

  “What happened?” I swallow, my throat is so dry. Shit, I have a horrible headache.

  “Kenny gave you something. I don’t know what sweetheart. I’m so sorry.” Cherry moves to grab my hand when a tear escapes my eye. I know shit is getting bad but how do I get out of it?

  “It’s not your fault. Has he been here?” Cherry shakes her head which is somewhat of a relief. I didn’t want him in here anyway after what he did to me.

  “The other guy was here, though. He looked like hell. I think he was shot or something.” Cherry twirls her hair around her finger like she wasn’t sure if she should tell me that.

  “Who? What guy?” I sit up slightly which isn’t the best idea as my head swims.

  “You need to rest.” Cherry stands and pushes me back down.

  “The guy from the Fallen Angel’s. He was here, and so was Tank.” My heart leaps in my chest. Creed was here. Why? How? I don’t know what to say.

  “What did he say?” Cherry grabs a glass of water from the table and holds the straw to my lips. Drinking water feels like heaven on my throat.

  “He was whispering to you. He said he loved you, but he couldn’t be any better for you.” The words sting me. I can’t believe that he was here. Wait? She said he was shot.

  “You said he was shot? Was he ok?” In a panic, she grips my hand again.

  “He was walking and talking sweetheart. I think he was ok.” The door flies open, and my stomach drops. No, he can’t be here.

  “Lookie who’s awake.” Kenny walks toward the bed and my heart hammers in my chest. I don’t know what the fuck he did to me or why but I don’t want to deal with him anymore.

  “What did you do?” Tears choke me when I speak. I don’t want him anywhere near me after what he’s done.

  “I didn’t do anythin’ darlin’. I made you feel good baby that’s all. You ready to ride out?” I swallow hard when he says that. I don’t want to go anywhere with him.

  Shaking my head, I see his smile fall. He’s getting pissed, but he wouldn’t hurt me in the hospital, would he?

  “I’m not going anywhere with you.” My voice is softer than I’d like but all things considered, I think I held my ground or at least tried too.

  “You aren’t goin’ with me? You are mine bitch. You are goin’ with me.” His hand grips my hair causing my head to cry out in pain. It’s already swimming, and his grip is making it worse.

  Bile rises in my throat and I know I’m going to lose it.

  “She needs to rest Kenny. I’ll look after her.” Cherry chimes in when the door opens again. Tim walks in taking in the scene.

  “She good?” He doesn’t look at Cherry, though—he looks at Kenny instead.

  “Yeah, she’ll be fine. She’s ready to go.” Kenny yanks the IV’s from my arm causing me to cry out from the pain. Kenny roughly drags me out of bed and stands me on my feet.

  My head spins, and my body sways until I feel like I’m going to fall over. Just when I think I’m going down, Kenny’s arms come around me. There is one thing I’m grateful for from this asshole.

  “We are goin’ home, and you better keep your fuckin’ mouth shut. I don’t wanna hear nothin’ else out of your Goddamn mouth.” Growling into my ear, I know better than to test him right now.

  “You sure you got this Kenny? This shit is your fuck up!” Tim roars behind us as Kenny carries me out of the room.

  “She isn’t discharged.” The little nurse walks up to us. Kenny snickers down at her before slapping the clipboard out of her hands.

  “She is now, bitch. Take a fuckin’ walk.” Kenny spits at her. He actually spits at that poor nurse. Closing my eyes, I lean into his chest not wanting to see anything else that he is going to do on the way out of here.

  Kenny walks us out to a van where he tosses me into the back with a thud. Curling into a ball, I lay on the floor wishing I didn’t wake up. Creed left me again, and it was all my fault.

  Tears slide down my
cheeks as the van bumps along. I hate this—I hate my life.

  “You might as well get used to it bitch. I fuckin’ own you now.” Kenny’s voice hits me hard, but I don’t look up at him. I can’t. I don’t want to see the biggest mistake of my life sitting across from me.

  “You hear me bitch!” He screams making me jump. Sitting myself up I nod my head.

  “Yes. I hear you.” Leaning against the back of the van, I await my upcoming punishment.

  Chapter 10


  Weeks drag by the same way. I hang out in the clubhouse while everyone else goes out on runs. Sharp put my ass on bed rest until this fucking lung heals. I feel like I’m losing my mind and going stir crazy.

  Chugging this bottle of Jack isn’t helping ease my mind much either. I can’t think about anything but slitting that motherfucker’s throat.

  “You need anything?” Jenny swishes her ass into my room only pissing me off a little further.

  “Get the fuck out of here.” Screaming at her is the only thing I can think to do. I don’t want her pity, and I sure as fuck don’t want to fuck her either.

  I watch as Jenny stomps out of the room slamming my door closed. Taking another big gulp of Jack the door opens again.

  “Fuck off motherfucker!” Thinking its Jenny again, I don’t give a fuck.

  “Brought you a present motherfucker. You should be talkin’ nice to me.” Tank steps into the room with a completely fucked up Jada. Seeing his arms around her only sends a surge of adrenaline through my body. I’m off the bed in a fucking flash.

  “What the fuck is she doin’ here?” I rush forward wrapping my arms around her waist. God, just to feel her heals my heart. She’s alive.

  “Found her like that. She was supposed to be out with one of those new bitches. Looks like Kenny shot her the fuck up again brother.” Holding her in my arms is the best feeling in the world but not like this.

  “Why is she here, Tank? Sharp is gonna lose his shit.” I lift Jada and carry her to my bed, lying her down gently. She is so fucking high she doesn’t know what’s happening to her. My body reacts to that. Tension runs through me when I think of what could have happened to her out there on her own.

  My hands clench at my sides when Sharp walks in the room. Isn’t this fucking great.

  “Relax those fists brother. I knew she was comin’. Honestly, I’m glad she is here. You have been a fuckin’ mess since you saw her.” Confused by what the fuck is happening, I look at the two of them. I don’t know what the hell this is or why she’s here, but what I do know is that she needs to go.

  “She can’t stay, Sharp. That’s a fuckin’ war we aren’t ready for. Besides the fuckin’ fact that she doesn’t wanna be here!” Feeling my temperature rising, I grab a cigarette and light it up. Taking a long drawl, I look at the smirk on Sharp’s face.

  “I don’t give one fuck what she wants. She’s here now so fuckin’ deal with it.” Sharp snaps and turns, leaving the room, so I turn my attention to Tank.

  “Don’t look at me like that, brother. Sharp told me to bring her in.” Tank turns to leave when I turn back to Jada. I can’t fucking believe she is lying here in my fucking bed.

  With a hard swallow, I walk over and sit on the side of my bed and watch her sleep. She is a complete high fucking mess. Her eyes roll around her head, and the fire inside of me heats up. I want that motherfucker to pay for what he’s done to her.

  I watch her a little longer when she starts to gag. Son of a bitch she’s fucking choking on her own vomit. This is so damn wrong.

  I stand and rush to the bathroom turning the cold water on in the shower. She needs to fucking wake up.

  Grabbing her off the bed, I carry her into the bathroom calling her name the whole time.

  “Jada, come on. You need to wake up!” Screaming at her, her head rolls around in my arms. This is fucked up!

  I climb in the shower with Jada in my arms, sliding to the floor and holding her under the water. I don’t give a fuck that both of us are still fully dressed I just need her to wake up.

  Jada starts to fight me, and I thank God for that. At least she is waking up a little.

  “Jada. Come on baby.” Rubbing her hair out of her face, she struggles against me, but I don’t ease my grip on her. I have missed her so fucking much I don’t want to let her go. Even if it means sitting in this cold ass shower with her.

  “Don’t fucking touch me! Leave me alone!” Jada thrashes around trying to get out of my grip, but I don’t let her.

  “It’s me, Jada. It’s Creed. Calm down sweetheart.” I press my lips to her temple in hopes of soothing her, calming her.

  “Creed? Oh God.” Jada cries and cries hard. Her body shakes as she twists and turns in my arms. Her arms slide around my neck as she holds me in a death grip. Snaking my arms around her body tighter, I pull her against me.

  I run my hand down her hair. I don’t know who it’s calming more, me or her.

  “I’m sorry, Creed. I shouldn’t be here.” Her little groggy voice fills my heart. I’m so fucking glad that she’s here, and she’s alive, but I can’t stop the thoughts of hurting her again.

  “I know, but you are. Let’s get you dry.” Standing up I lift her with me before setting her on the floor in the bedroom. I walk over and grab a t-shirt from the dresser before turning to face her.

  My breath catches in my throat. The beauty that I left on that rooftop stands in front of me, broken and abused.

  Her shirt clings to her wet body in ways that make my dick spring to life. Her nipples are hard pebbles peeking through the flimsy material at me. Begging me. Water is dripping down her face and shoulders. God fucking help me.

  “I was so mad at you for leaving me. I went to Cher’s, but she left for college. Mom was mom. She had boyfriends, and they did things… they did things to me, Creed.” Her tears turn to sobs that choke her. I stand still watching the emotions flowing from her, and I fucking hate myself for everything she had to endure. If I would have just sucked it up and stayed none of this shit would be happening to her right now.

  Shaking my head, I take a step toward her shaking body.

  “I didn’t know. I watched you for a while before I left for good. I couldn’t be there and see you without touching you. Fuck! If only I had known.” Jada chews her lip trying not to look at me. I know she’s hurting, and I’m the cause of it but fuck if I don’t want to be inside of her right now.

  “You watched me?” Her head comes up, and she stares into my eyes now. Her eyes pierce my soul. God, my poor broken Jada.

  Stepping closer, I grab the hem of her flimsy shirt trying to control my breathing since her body is setting off millions of nerves, I slide the shirt over her head.

  “I wanted to make sure you were safe. I promised Jason, and I tried. I tried to stay there, Jada.” I step back and drop the wet shirt to the floor while her eyes stay locked on mine.

  Swallowing hard, I need to force my dick to stay away from her, but that motherfucker has a mind of his own.

  “I needed you. So many nights I needed you.” New tears spring to her eyes and I can’t fucking stop myself. I rip my shirt over my head and throw it down before stepping into her, pulling her against me roughly.

  Fuck, the feeling of her soft body pressed against mine is causing me to come undone.


  With his arms so tightly wrapped around me, I can’t breathe. I can’t think or move. I feel an overwhelming sense of peace fill me at this moment. I know I shouldn’t since he left me before and it hurt. I never want to hurt that bad again.

  “I’m sorry, Jada. I didn’t know how to be there for you.” Creed doesn’t let up on his hold on me. I still feel groggy, but I think the drugs are wearing off now.

  “Me either.” Like my mouth has a mind of its own, I kiss his bare chest. His body shudders under my touch. Memories of the time we were together flash behind my eyes as his grip tightens.

  “We aren’t the same people
that we were before.” Creed’s breath catches in his throat when he tries to speak.

  “I know that.” I brush my lips across his chest one more time when I feel his dick hard against me. God, I missed this man.

  In one motion Creed, has me lifted off my feet carrying me to the bed. Laying me down gently his lips crush mine. His tongue is in my mouth tangled with my own. His taste heightens everything I’m feeling inside of me. I know this is wrong, but I want him so bad.

  “I don’t want to hurt you anymore.” Before he can finish, I’m dragging my skirt down my legs before grabbing his jeans and doing the same.

  “Jada.” His tone is a warning that I ignore. I don’t care if he hurts me, at least not at this moment.

  Pulling Creed on top of me, all I want is him. I want him kissing me, touching me, owning me.

  “This is a bad idea, darlin’.” God, his voice. I have missed that voice so much.

  Pressing my lips against his softly, he melts into me. Creed rocks his body against mine sending jolts of electricity through me. I don’t remember him feeling this good in the past.

  His dick is rock hard grazing against me as I buck my hips getting closer to him.

  “Creed.” The slight groan that leaves his lips vibrates against my throat where his lips now rest.

  I grip Creed around his back, pulling him closer letting him know what I want as if he couldn’t tell.

  “I’m no better than he is.” His tongue flicks across my throat. Soft noises bubble up into my throat before escaping my lips.

  When I lean up and suck his slick skin into my mouth, he loses all control. His dick slams against me before he lowers his hand and positions it at my entrance.

  “You have to be sure, sweetheart. We’ve gone too far for me to stop now.” His shaky breaths send me over the edge. I need him more than I need air to breathe.


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