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Fallen Angels MC: The Full Series Boxset

Page 13

by Erin Trejo

  I can feel my orgasm build inside of me when I feel Creed swell. I love nothing more than coming with this man. The power he exudes and puts into every thrust sends me over the edge with him right behind.

  “FUCK! SHIT!” Creed curses as he fills me with this seed. The feel of this man against me is the best feeling in the world.

  Creed tries to move, but I grip him, holding him in place.

  “You don’t want me to move darlin’?” His lips find the side of my neck kissing it softly.

  “No. I want to hold onto you forever.” The small groan that leaves him lets me know just how much he likes my words.

  “I want you to hold me forever.”

  Chapter 21


  The day has come for us to ride. I don’t know what I’m feeling right now. Part of me is scared shitless of what will happen with the club, but the better part of me knows that I need to keep Jada safe. That part overrides anything else that I may think about.

  “You ready?” Tank stands next to me at the bar. The guys think we are headed out on the fucking ride like usual, but this shit is anything but usual. It pisses me off that Sharp specifically picked me and Tank to go anyways.

  “Fuck yeah. She means the world to me brother.” Tank nods his head. I hate that he has to be in the middle of this shit, but each time I’ve asked him to vote against me and stay with the club, he’s told me to fuck off.

  “I got your back brother. They know the drill?” Taking a long pull of his beer, he looks around the room.

  “Yeah. They should be headin’ out the back now. We leave like usual, pull over at Gregor’s place and pick them up.” Blowing out a breath, I hope we are making the right choice here.

  “Stop stressin’ it brother. We will get this handled and get them safe.” Smiling at the one man that has been a constant friend, I know he has my back.

  “Let’s roll then.” Slapping my hand on his back, we head toward the door.

  “You ridin’?” Fly stops us with a smile. I want to punch the son of a bitch in the mouth, but I know I need to play cool.

  “Fuck yeah, we ridin’. None of you girls wanted to do it.” Slapping his back, I laugh as I make my way past him.

  “Got that shit right.” The door closes behind me, and I’m fucking ecstatic. I want to get the girls and get the fuck away from here until we figure out how to proceed with all this shit.

  Climbing on my bike, I nod over at Tank. His slight nod says he’s ready for this. I gave him an out, and he didn’t take it, he’s the definition of a real brother. One that I’m fucking lucky to have.

  We pull out and head down the road toward our meeting spot with the girls. My heart kicks up a beat as we drive. I know where to get more weapons if we need them but the thought of having Jada around all that just pulls at something in me.

  I see Gregor’s place up ahead, and I can’t help the excitement I feel. I finally have her away from the bullshit of both clubs but now what? She can’t spend her life in hiding—it isn’t fair.

  Pulling to a stop at the corner, I look around for any sign of the girls.

  “You sure they should be here?” Tank looks around with me.

  “Yeah, Jada knows the area.” Looking around and not seeing them only sparks something evil to rear up inside of me. I will fucking cut someone’s throat for touching her.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I spot movement and quickly turn in that direction.

  “You scared the shit out of us.” Pointing at the smirk on Jada’s face, God help me.

  “We had company. Someone must have heard us leaving. A few of the guys rode past, but we hid. They didn’t see us.” As soon as she’s close enough, I yank Jada to me. My lips are claiming her for what she is, mine.

  “You ever fuckin’ scare me like that I will spank that little ass of yours till you can’t sit for a week.” My lips a mere inch from hers is like a death wish itself. She holds power over me.

  “Is that a promise?” Fuck, my dick gets hard as she talks to me, the fire dancing in her eyes.

  “It’s more than that. Get your ass on this bike we need to go.” Looking over Cher is already on and wrapped around Tank like she belongs there. I think I might like the look on my friends face right now. He looks almost happy which is something I never saw on his face.

  “Let’s ride.” Gripping Jada’s thigh with my hand I circle the bike back the way we came in. I make sure to check for any of the other guys before we pull out onto the main road. I know not to travel the main route, but we have to for a little while.

  Heading toward the side road, there’s a gnawing feeling in the pit of my stomach. I don’t know what to make of it either, but it’s bothering the hell out of me.

  Jada tightens her grip on me as she feels me tense up under her hold. I don’t mean to, but there is something off.

  We drive a while before we get back to the cabin that we were in just a few days ago. I pull the bike up out front and kill the engine before climbing off.

  “What is it?” Jada looks at me as I pull my helmet off and walk around.

  “Don’t know. Somethin’ just doesn’t feel right.” Her hands wrap around my waist laying her head against my chest.

  “I’m sorry all of this is happening because of me.” Her breath is warm against me even with my clothes on. The thing she ignites within me is mind blowing.

  Wrapping my arms around her, I hold her to me.

  “It’s not about you anymore. I told you, Sharp has had a thing goin’ for a while now. You were just a bonus.” Kissing her head, I hate that she feels that way.

  I hear Tank’s bike roaring up next to us before I let Jada go. I watch as he pulls up and parks next to me before climbing off.


  I don’t know what’s going on with Creed, but I can tell that something is off with him. He hasn’t even come inside yet, and it’s making me worry.

  “He’ll be alright. Give him a few minutes’ sweetheart.” Tank places his hand on my shoulder before I look up at him.

  “What’s wrong Tank? I know somethings not right.” Tank just shakes his head not interested in telling me, or maybe he doesn’t know.

  “You have to understand what’s goin’ on right now Jada. We just left everything we’ve known for years to take care of you two. Just give him a minute to take it in.” I nod my head before I walk away and look out the window. It claws at my insides that I’m hurting him the way I am right now.

  I hear Tank and Cher head toward the bedroom and decide to go outside to Creed.

  “You going to stay out here all night?” Creed turns to face me before sliding his glasses off his face, a haunted look in his eyes.

  “I’m comin’ darlin’.” Creed gives me a soft smile before walking toward me—his whole demeanor’s off.

  “I hate this Creed. I know this is partially my fault.” He can shake his head and tell me it isn’t true all he wants but I know it is.

  Creed’s hands run up around my face, cupping my cheeks in his hands before licking his lips.

  “You need to understand Jada; our lives are never goin’ to be the same after this. The club, the rides, all of it is over. We can never go back to that.” The fear of the unknown seems to shake something inside of him. I can see it in there, and I fucking hate it.

  “That’s your life though Creed. You have lived it for 5 years, and I’m fucking ripping it away from you.” Trying to reason with this man is like pulling teeth with your bare hands.

  “You are my life now Jada. Don’t fuckin’ think about this shit anymore.” His lips crush mine. His kiss is hot and frantic just like the man himself. My hands find their way into his hair, tugging it gently.

  This man feels so damn good I can barely control myself.

  “I want to make love to you. I don’t want to fuck you, Jada. I want to love every piece of you.” His words make me shiver. He wants to love me?

  “You amaze me every day Creed.” His smug smile sets my heart
on fire. I am so lucky to have him in my life again.

  “Hey, I am the best of the best sweetheart.” Slapping his arm, he pulls me against him, leaning in close my ear.

  “I mean it, Jada. You are everything to me.” I hear the door open behind us before Creed looks to see who it is.

  “Figured we’d get some firewood in that shit.” Tank nods toward the house.

  “Yeah, I’ll help you then we need to set up.” Set up? What the hell is he setting up? As much as I want to know, I don’t ask.

  “Go in with Cher. We’ll be back in a few minutes.” Kissing my forehead, I walk back inside.

  Walking back in I find Cher sitting on the couch looking as tired as ever.

  “You ok?” Plopping down next to her, I see her force a smile. She’s not ok, and I know it.

  “Just tired. I’m not used to all this. This whole lifestyle is a crazy way to live.” I have to agree with her on that one. Being in an MC isn’t easy. The lifestyle is out there and way beyond the normal.

  “I can see if they can get you back home. I’m sorry Cher. I didn’t want any of this.” Shaking my head, I just keep feeling bad. It wasn’t enough that I ruined shit for Creed now it’s Tank and Cher.

  “I didn’t say I wanted to go home, Jada. I think I really like Tank. Besides, what the hell do I have back home anyways?” I guess she has a point, but Cher is smart and went to college. She deserves more than this life will give her.

  “You deserve a life, Cher. I fucked up when I met Kenny.” Looking at my hands, I know I messed up. I never intended to drag anyone else into my world of mess, yet here they all are.

  “You didn’t deserve this life either Jada, but look what it brought you. It brought you back to Creed, and I know damn good and well that he has made you happier than you’ve ever been.” Looking over at her, I can’t deny that. Creed had always held my heart even when we were younger.

  “He means everything to me, Cher. The thought that he could get hurt and lose it all in the middle of this is scares the shit out of me.” Cher’s arms wrap around my shoulders holding me against her. My heart knows it belongs to Creed but what if something does happen? How will I ever survive that?

  “Don’t think about. Everything will work out.” Nodding my head, the door pops open—Creed walks in with an armful of firewood followed by Tank.

  “You ladies ok?” Creed’s eyes land on mine, and that’s where they hold. My heart picks up a beat just from his beautiful gaze.

  “Perfect.” The words come out so easily. Creed makes everything perfect even when there is a shit storm brewing outside.

  Chapter 22


  The fires lit and the girls made dinner. It feels like old times when I lived at my parent’s. Home cooked meals aren’t the usual at the club house.

  Sitting around the fire with Jada in my lap is the best feeling in the world. I don’t think I would trade this feeling for anything in the world. She’s incredible. She has lived through some of the worst things a person should have to, and yet she’s still kicking.

  Nuzzling my face into her neck, I inhale that perfect scent of Jada. There are days I wonder how I ever walked away from her that night, how I left her. The thought doesn’t even cross my mind anymore because I know I can’t survive without her.

  “Are you sure about all of this Creed?” I know it all makes her nervous, but I have thought hard about this.

  “I’m sure darlin’.” Her head turns to the side glancing at Tank. The slight chuckle I let out pulls his attention to us.

  “What are you, thinkin’ sweetheart? I see the wheels spinnin’.” Tank laughs as he takes in Jada’s face. There is no way possible that you could look at her and not know she’s overthinking something.

  “I don’t want any of you hurt or in trouble. I feel like I’m ripping you away from your family.” Jada sighs leaning into my chest where I wrap my arms around her tighter.

  “The club hasn’t been right in a while Jada. You aren’t pullin’ me away from anything. Creed’s been my brother since he stepped foot through those doors and I will never turn my back on that. You want to see family, take a look at the man behind you. Creed’s all the family I need.” Such heartfelt words from one of the most badasses I know should make me laugh, but it doesn’t. Something settles inside of me—a hole has started to fill.

  Jason was my brother for a long time before he died. There isn’t a day that I don’t feel the gaping hole, but slowly Tank has taken up space in that hole. He will never be Jason, and I would never try to replace him either, but Tank is becoming that second brother to me.

  “That means a lot to me brother.” Tank gives me a knowing smile which is his way of responding.

  “What about you Cher? You don’t have to do this.” Jada is such a sweet person at heart. She’s always been that way, worrying about others instead of herself.

  “I already told you, I’m fine here. Don’t worry about me.” Cher looks over her shoulder at the man sitting here behind her, that same reassuring smile on his face. I knew he had a thing for that girl.

  Shaking my head, I look back the fire that’s crackling in the fireplace. I hope we are making the right choice here.

  “We really should get set up Creed.” Tank pulls my eyes from the fire, back to him. I know he’s right, but I hate to pull away from Jada right now, this moment is so perfect.

  “I need to handle some things. Wait for me in bed?” My question wasn’t really a question, though, and Jada knows it.

  “Naked.” Her one simple statement sends my dick into overdrive. Damn that girl!

  I watch her perfect ass as she climbs out of my lap and stands there stretching that body of hers. She better stretch it good too, I plan on fucking her for hours!

  “What exactly are you setting up?” Cher moves to stand next to Jada. Tank and I share a look, but we both know that we are going to have to tell them, so no one gets hurt later.

  “We are settin’ up traps. Neither of you can open the door after we are done. You can’t leave or go outside until we disarm the traps in the mornin’. Last chance to leave.” I look between the girls. They both cross their arms over their chests staring at me. Damn those two.

  “Alright. Get that sexy ass in my bed.” Tank walks over slapping Cher’s ass making her yelp.

  Grabbing Jada around the waist, I suck her sweet, delicate skin into my mouth before twirling my tongue around it.

  “Creed.” Her little breathless groan makes my dick stir in my jeans. Yeah, I need to get this shit set up quickly.

  “Get in that bed and be waitin’ for me darlin’.” Her body shivers before she moves away from me.

  Swallowing hard I look over at Tank; he looks like he’s feeling the same way I am.

  “Quickly?” I smile over at him.

  “Damn quickly.” Laughing we both head outside to grab a few materials we will need.


  I lay here naked in bed waiting for Creed wondering how this will all play out. My mind drifts to scenarios that it shouldn’t, but I know how ruthless Kenny can be. If he wants something bad enough, I know damn well that he will get it and he doesn’t care who he has to take down with him, especially Creed.

  “Is that body naked?” Creed closes the door softly behind him before shrugging out of his cut and t-shirt. I watch the clothes hit the floor before he removes his jeans. My eyes travel his sculpted body following all the curves and plains that make him up. He is magnificent, to say the least.

  “It might be. You want to come find out?” Shifting on the bed, I watch his dick come to life. He never ceases to amaze me with how comfortable he is with his own body, hell he should be.

  “You tryin’ to tease me darlin’?” His gaze darkens as he steps toward the bed. The heat in his stare is enough to make me come undone.

  “I’m not a tease. I would call it a preview.” The glint in his eyes causes me to shiver without knowing. Judging by the look that crosses his face, I wo
uld say Creed likes what he’s doing to me.

  “You ready to pay me for earlier?” I watch his muscles move as he walks toward the bed, so confident.

  “I’ve been ready.” Kicking the blankets down I let him see just how ready I am.

  Creed let’s out a soft whistle as he looks over my body, his eyes burning into my skin.

  “You are a good listener.” Creed climbs on the edge of the bed as I spread my legs and wait. I know I may sound like a whore, but I’m his whore.

  “Do you know how fuckin’ sexy that looks.” Leaning down his lips capture my nipple between them as he sucks and tugs roughly.

  My body responds to this man in ways I never knew possible. I arch my back pushing into him as he bites harder.

  “Creed!” I cry out from the feel of him. Creed moves to kiss his way up my chest to my neck where he sucks roughly. He might leave a mark, but I don’t care. I want him to brand me the way I want to brand him.

  “You ready for me?” His lips linger over mine, barely touching as he looks into my eyes. I can’t speak, he’s so close. I nod my head and get a smile in return.

  He reaches down gripping his dick before I feel it at my entrance.

  “Take all of me, darlin’.” He growls as he thrusts roughly into me. The man makes me feel so many emotions that I can barely control myself when he’s in me.

  I dig my nails into his back as his teeth graze my neck. The way he pistons his hips, he touches every piece of me.

  “You love this Jada?” Biting my chin, I almost lose it. His lips feel so good against my skin.

  “More, harder.” I don’t mind begging him. Shit, the way he feels I would beg every time.

  “Turn over.” Pulling out of me quickly, he grabs my hips and flips me when I don’t move fast enough for his liking.

  With my ass in the air, Creed’s hands run up my back before I feel his dick pressing into me already.


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