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Fallen Angels MC: The Full Series Boxset

Page 47

by Erin Trejo

  “Hello boys.” Ryker pushes the sleeves of his shirt up as he looks at the men in front of him. Crazy fucker. No wonder that girl tried to shoot his ass.

  “Well, well, well. Ryker. Haven’t seen you in a while. Can’t say that makes me sad either.” The grunt that escapes Ryker amuses me. Usually I step in as the VP, but when Ryker knows the men we’re after, I let him take the lead. He knows how to work them better than I do.

  “Aw Come on now, Ricky. We had some good times, yeah?” Ryker slides his sunglasses onto his head as he looks the man in the eyes.

  “If you count shootin’ me in the back a good time, then yeah. What the fuck do you want?” I watch the man stand with a slight crook to his back. Damn, I knew he was off, but he really shot that man!

  “Oh yeah. Forgot about that.” Chuckling, Ryker looks around at us. He’s clearly amused by what he did.

  “Fuck you Ryker. What the hell are you doin’ here?” Getting in Ryker’s face doesn’t seem like a good idea. Not with that look on his face. The whole scene changes within seconds. Ryker has the man by the throat dragging him toward the side of the garage, guns drawn, everyone following. Well, isn’t this great.

  “Ryker.” Giving him a short but firm warning, he looks over.

  “Hey, Tank. Why don’t you go see what’s inside, while me and my old friend have a talk.” I can see the look on his face. This isn’t going to end well.

  “Goddamn it Ryker.” Stalking off toward the front, Ravens don’t back off.

  “Why don’t we let them talk, yeah?” Stopping in front of one of them, I press my chest against the barrel of his gun. He doesn’t look too happy, but then again neither am I.

  “Yeah. Let’s do that.” The man growls before he lowers the gun. By the time I get them around the front of the building Spawns are already inside. Davey stands at the door with a shit eating grin on his face. They must have found their shit.

  “You look happy.” Pulling a cigarette out I light it up as I look around the area.

  “All of it’s there. Fuckin’ idiots never touched it.” Nodding my head, I’m glad they got their shit back. This run could have turned to shit; I guess it still could.

  Screams roll through the air as we all rush toward it. Stepping around the side of the building, I see Ryker with something in his hand while Ricky is on the ground screaming.

  “What the fuck is that?” Pointing to whatever it is in his hand, he holds it up and smiles.

  “It’s a finger. You want one?” Tossing it at me, I raise my hands and watch the damn thing fall to the ground.

  “That’s all your shit, brother. I ain’t into that.” Shaking my head, Ryker laughs.

  “Yeah, it is. Why don’t you boys pick this motherfucker up and move out.” Looking around at the Ravens they don’t need to be told twice. They quickly grab him and head toward the front. That was easy. Easier than I thought it would be, but then again they aren’t a large club.

  “You have lost your goddamn mind.” Shaking my head, I turn and walk off.

  Chapter 19


  “You boys seem to have this all covered, yeah?” Walking around Spawns clubhouse is weird without Griff here. He was a good man, an even better brother. He’s greatly missed more than any one of us knows.

  “Yeah. We got that new load comin’ in. Recruited a few more guys. We’ve closed off the old maintenance road so there won’t be any more surprises there. Shipments from Florida are runnin’ smooth. Everything looks good.” The new President over here, Benny, smiles as he speaks. I knew he would be a shoo in with these guys. He’s always been the leader type. He has connections to things the rest of us don’t, and I personally, don’t want.

  “Yeah. Tank and the northern boys are handlin’ that other little issue. I don’t think Ravens will be a problem once they take care of it.” Benny nods his head before passing me a beer.

  “How’s shit over at Angel’s?” Isn’t that the million-dollar question?

  “It’s goin’ brother. We got that shop openin’ up soon and the liquor store is lookin’ good. Get some of that legitimate money flowin’ in.” Benny nods his head before taking a long pull from his own beer.

  “Let me know if there’s anything we can help out with. It’d be an honor. Griff always spoke highly of the Angel’s. I’ve known you for a long time, too.” Nodding at him, that I know.

  “Well, if all is good here we’re goin’ to ride. We’re thinkin’ about the lake here in a few weeks. You should get the boys together. Let’s make this a family thing.” Putting my hand out, Benny takes it in his. Shaking on our new agreement, I’m ready to get back home. I head back outside to climb on my bike. An eerie feeling comes over me before Joey looks up.

  “We good to ride? I need to go pick somethin’ up.” Glancing back over at him, I nod.

  “Yeah. Go ahead. I need some alone time anyway.” Joey nods before starting up his bike. Sitting on mine, my mind drifts to the old times. Older days, older friends. The life I once lived. The friends I once had. Jason made me a lot of who I am today. Losing him forced me to take a look at myself. For a long time, I was lost. I didn’t know where I belonged. There are times I still don’t. As happy as I am to have this club and the family I do now, a part of me yearns for the old days. I wanted to watch Jason play pro football. I wanted to be the best friend that always cheered, and ragged on the star of the team. Back then, that was my dream.

  Now things have changed. I find myself looking in the mirror, and wondering if I’m a good enough man. If I made him as proud as he made me. I miss my parents. My mother mostly. I haven’t been back to see her, and she hasn’t seen Heather either. In some ways, I think its best that way though. My life is far different than it was when we were closer. I pushed myself away from them. Now, I don’t know if that was for the best.

  “Wherever you are Jason, I hope you know I love you man. You made me see myself differently, for who I am. If you’re out there, just know that I love your sister with everything I have.” I may look crazy, but there’s a part of me that needs to make that clear for him. Whether or not he can hear me is up in the air. It just needed to be said.

  Sliding my phone out of my pocket, I dial Jada.

  “Hey.” She sounds at least somewhat happier. That’s always a good thing.

  “Hey darlin’. I’m headin’ home.” I can hear her sigh on the other end.

  “Are you ok Creed? You’ve never called me when you’ve been on a run like this.” Chuckling slightly to myself, she’s right. I haven’t, but it’s time I start. Life can change in the blink of an eye.

  “I know. I just want you to know that I love you.” Before I know it, a tear slides from my eye. Quickly wiping it away, I need to be calm.

  “I love you too. Is everything ok?” Laughing, I know she worries.

  “Everything’s fine. I’m comin’ home darlin’.”

  “Be safe.”

  Chapter 20


  Climbing off my bike, Tank glares at me. I know he has something to say.

  “What?” Pulling my gloves off I slap them down onto the seat.

  “You are really fuckin’ gone brother. Is that fuckin’ bite marks?” Looking down at my hands, I smile.

  “Had to keep that fucker quiet somehow.” Tank shakes his head as I smile. “What? It’s true,” I add.

  Following Tank inside, I see there are people everywhere. No kids though. Oh shit, it’s Friday. Party night. I should be excited about it, but I’m not. I’m still unsure how to handle Jersey.

  “That was a short run.” Throwing my arm around Bella she smiles up at me.

  “Yeah. I got all kinds of people skills. Look, I’m sorry about what happened.” Bella shakes her head before pulling out of my grasp.

  “No. Don’t do that shit Ryker. It’s ok. She needs you, that’s all.” Bella turns and walks away leaving me standing there alone again. I don’t know if that is all that’s wrong with her. I don’t know anything
anymore. I head down the lonely ass hallway and head into my room. Staying at the clubhouse lately has been a relief for me. Sometimes it’s too damn lonely at home. I love Jersey and Ansley, but some days it’s overwhelming, I just need out.

  “Where’s my baby?” Seeing Jersey in the corner smoking a cigarette, I look around for my daughter.

  “Basement with the other kids. I was helping Jada fill the bar.” I can see the puffy eyes from here.

  Walking over, I drop down onto the bed before laying back. I close my eyes and try to think of something, anything to say to her. I don’t know what the hell to do here. I’ve never been in this position before, but there is no way in hell that I can have my old lady shooting at people.

  “I talked to Bella. I’m sorry Ryker.” Blowing out a breath, I don’t want to do this.

  “I get that shits hard for you right now, but you can’t fuckin’ just go all crazy like that.” I hear that girl huff in the corner before she stands.

  “Crazy? You think I’m crazy?” Oh hell, here we go. Opening my eyes, I turn my head to the side to look at her.

  “You want the real answer to that darlin’?” Her eyes fill with rage, but she doesn’t understand. That craziness in her is what attracts me to her. Some plain girl would never hold my interests.

  “Yeah, Ryker. I think I fucking do!” Snapping at me, I watch her eyes go wild. There it is. That right there, that fire, that rage. I love it.

  “Yeah. I think you are fucked up crazy! I think there’s a part of the devil inside of you! I see the fire that ignites in that little head of yours.” Pushing myself up, I stand and face her.

  “That’s what you think about me?” She narrows her eyes on me, but I don’t move. I stand there eyeing her back.

  “Damn right I do! I saw that spark inside of you that day in that shit house. It’s what drew me in. I love it. I fuckin’ love that devilish spirit you have.” Her face changes, her expression, void.

  “I didn’t want to lose you.” A tear slides down her cheek. As much as I want to go to her, I don’t.

  “You will never lose me, Jersey. I can’t breathe without you. You can’t go after family though. That girl, this club. It’s all she has. Her life was hell too, just like yours.” As the realization hits her, she walks off wiping at her face. I don’t know how to make her understand that she’s all I need. She is all I’ve ever dreamt of having, and she’s ruining it herself. Dropping back on the bed, I close my eyes again. After a few minutes I feel the bed shift next to me, but I don’t look up. Jersey’s hand grabs mine, and that electricity flowing through my veins, sparks a desire in me. Does she not feel this? Is it not the same for her?

  “A bite mark? Really Ryker?” Her voice has calm as I feel the cool liquid touch my skin. Gently, she cleans my hand, and I let her.

  “He wouldn’t shut up.” Her soft giggle ignites a need inside of me, a feral and all-consuming need for her.

  Opening my eyes, I turn my head slightly to watch her work. She cleans and dresses the wounds. I can see so much caring in her eyes. Could it be that she is really that much in love with me, that she would get jealous? Pulling my hand from hers, I reach over and pull her around the waist, until she lies on top of me.

  “Do you not feel it Jersey? Do you really not know how much I fuckin’ love you?” Gripping her face in my hands, I force her to look at me.

  “Sometimes I don’t know why you would want me. I can see the other girls around here. They are so perfect, and I’m just me. Used and tossed away.” Dropping my hands from her face, I slowly slide her off of me.

  “Jersey, I can be carin’. I can be gentle, calm, hell, I can even be romantic if I want to be. The one thing I can’t be is doubted. If you fuckin’ doubt my love for you darlin’, there is nothin’ else I can do. I kiss you; I tell you I love you. I goddamn hold you all the time. I married you.Twice!” Holding up two fingers, I need her to understand this.

  “We have a daughter for fucks sake! Figure it out woman!” Standing up, I storm out of the room. I need a goddamn break, and I just came home.

  Chapter 21


  I watch Ryker storming from the side door with a pissed off look on his face before Jersey comes out of the room. I know this shit is hard on all the girls. This life isn’t for everybody.

  “Want to talk about it?” Jersey looks up at me before shaking her head. I can see she’s hurting.

  “He loves you sweetheart. Stop doubtin’ it. You’re only hurtin’ yourself.” Patting her on the shoulder, I turn and head back to the main room.

  “What the fuck is that?” Pointing at some kind of game machine Joey and Bo are dragging through the door, I don’t know if I really want the answer to that.

  “Pinball. Got a good fuckin’ deal on it.” Closing my eyes, I have no words for those two.

  “What are you doin’ with it exactly?” Joey sets his end down before wiping the sweat from his forehead.

  “Hookin’ it up, Tank. What the hell did you think I was doin’ with it?” Bo chuckles before I cut my eyes at him.

  “You two need to grow the fuck up.” Shaking my head, I can’t believe they bought a pinball machine. On second thought, it is Joey. Walking around the main room, it’s loud. Too loud. I know its party night, but fuck if I’m not getting too old for this shit. I miss the quietness.

  “You ok?” Cher wraps her arms around my waist. Grabbing her hands in mine, I hold them tightly.

  “Take a walk with me, sweetheart.” Cher lets go before moving in front of me leading me toward the door. Stepping outside, I take a deep breath of the cool air.

  “I always loved the cool nights you know? It was somethin’ peaceful.” We walk toward the edge of the tree line before I lean against a huge tree, crossing my arms over my chest.

  “What’s wrong Tank?” I look down before my eyes come back to rest on hers.

  “I feel like the family aspect of this club is comin’ apart, Cher. We got old lady’s shootin’ at each other. Guys not payin’ attention to them. I know we’re all tryin’ here, but fuck. Jada is pissed all the time. It stresses Creed out. I try to pick up his load when that shit happens. Ryker is so fucked in his head. The motherfucker threw a finger at me.” Cher’s face scrunches up when I say that but hell, the man is gone.

  “That’s life. You know as well as I do that nothing works out perfectly. I think with all things considered, we are doing a pretty good job.” Nodding slightly, she may be right.

  “I just feel like I’m gettin’ lost in this club again. Yeah, it’s changin’, but so am I. I don’t know how to do that Cher.” Cher steps in closer to me before her hands rest on my arms.

  “You have had a lot going on lately. Maybe you need a break. Maybe the whole club needs one. You said we’re going to the lake right? Things will calm down. It’s a new direction Tank.” Grabbing her and pulling her into my chest, I savor her warmth. I can’t help the feeling that I have inside of me. It’s consuming. As much as I want to think that everything is going as planned, and maybe it is, I still can’t stop the feeling of dread that floats over me. Something bad is coming; I just don’t know what it is yet.

  “Stop thinking about it so much. You’re torturing yourself.” Looking down at the only woman that ever really understood me, I smile.

  “You know you’re the best thing that has ever happened to me.” Her eyes sparkle as she looks up at me. I never want to lose this with her.

  Holding Cher here, feels right. I know something is coming. I can feel it. I hate it when I feel it, too. It never ends well, and I don’t know how much more I can handle.

  Chapter 22


  “Tell me again why the hell you have me climbin’ this goddamn tree like a monkey?” Ryker hangs off the tree, putting up the new security cameras that I bought.

  “Because I fuckin’ told you to. Shut up and hook them up.” Holding the ladder still, I can hear him grunt. As I watch Ryker work, I hear the rumble of bikes, I know i
t isn’t our guys.

  “Son of a bitch.” Ryker jumps from the top of the ladder, and lands on his feet like a fucking cat.

  “What in the hell? You some kind of ninja?” Looking over at him, he already has his gun drawn.

  “Oh yeah. I’m the fuckin’ dick ninja.” Moving toward the edge of the road, we see the four bikes coming toward us.

  “See that. That’s why we’re puttin’ those cameras up. I want to see these motherfuckers comin’ a mile out.” With a slight grunt, Ryker steps out in the middle of the road waiting.

  “Fuckin’ Dusts’.” I hear the low tone of his voice. He’s pissed, but we can’t just shoot them all right here. This technically isn’t our land.

  “Don’t drop any of them right here.” Ryker chuckles as the bikes slow down in front of us. Here we go.

  “What is it you boys need? Seems you’re on the wrong side of town.” Ryker narrows his gaze on Rit. I can feel the tension, and hatred, this man holds inside of him. Sometimes I wonder how he does it. How does he live day to day with all that pent up inside of him?

  “We have a business opportunity to discuss. Seems I can’t get a phone number on any of the Angel’s.” Ryker looks over his shoulder at me as I shrug. I know nothing about that shit.

  “We don’t have anything to discuss.” Ryker steps back as I come up next to him.

  “You ain’t the President now are you?” Rit throws off one of those vicious glares, but I’m afraid to look over at Ryker. My nerves are on edge as my heart picks up a beat. I try to keep an eye on all the guys at once, but I need to focus on Rit and what the hell he wants.


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