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Scorched By Flames: Hot Paranormal Dragon Shifter Romance (Hidden Realms of Silver Lake Book 10)

Page 6

by Vella Day

  She didn’t know that. “Oh.”

  “I figure if your mother and sister are safe here, you will be able to focus on the task at hand. In fact, you’ll be helping me stay out of trouble if we can find the real killer.”

  He sure had an odd way of turning things around. “I get it, but if we find the killer quickly, we might not have to move my family.”

  He shook his head. “I don’t know much about Derrick, but I don’t trust him. Kidnapping you tells me he is not good. To be safe, let’s free your mother and sister. You probably are unaware, but Feyrion is known for healing people when others can’t. My mother is very powerful.”

  Her pulse soared. “Your mother is a healer?”

  He grinned. “My mother is the queen of Feyrion with powers even I don’t understand.”

  Her pulse soared. “Really?”


  She would be stupid to turn him down. “Okay.”

  “Okay, what?”

  “Okay, let’s save my family. If I know they are safe, I will be better prepared to help look for the killer.” Having Bevon by her side would eliminate her need to sneak around. She hissed in a breath. “Should I still pretend to be Anna, Tamarella’s friend?”

  That cute gleam returned to his eyes. “You’re admitting to that deception?”

  “Yes, and I’m sorry, but it was the only way not to raise suspicion.”

  “You might be right. We will have to tell them, but later. Right now, we need to return to Tarradon.”

  She liked the sound of that. “Now?”

  “No time like the present.” Bevon looked to the side and then nodded slightly. “I just telepathed to my mother I would be leaving, but that I would be returning shortly with your mother who needs care.”

  This was too good to be true. “Thank you.” She reached out and touched his hand, but immediately withdrew it. In that moment, it was as if he’d entered her soul. Zulema cleared her throat. “Do you think I could have killed you if I’d tried?”

  One brow rose. “Planning to change your mind?”

  “No. It is idle curiosity.”

  “To answer your question, it’s not very likely. As you know, you’d have to find treniam, and that would be no easy chore. Now that you’ve told me you might reconsider, you wouldn’t get the chance to. I would have you arrested and thrown in jail for the rest of your life. I am a prince after all.”

  Oh, shit. Valoric should have mentioned that fact. Her stomach did a somersault at the thought of incarceration. “You would throw me in jail?”

  “Nah. You’re too pretty to end up in jail.” He slapped his thighs and stood. “Do you want to save your mother or what?”

  She had to decide whether to trust him or not.

  Yes, trust him, her dragon said, finally speaking up about the topic.

  Are you sure?


  “Yes.” She couldn’t help but smile.

  If she believed his family to be all powerful, she didn’t stand a chance at killing him anyway. Derrick Valoric had to know that, so why demand that she kill Bevon? Nothing was making sense.

  “Good. Where is your mom?”

  “In a nursing home on the far end of Avonbelle Province.”

  “Before we head out, I want you to meet my mom so you can rest easy that your mother will be in good hands.”

  Just as she was about to thank him, he reached out and touched her arm. A moment later, Zulema was in a grand living room. “You live here?” she whispered.

  “Not any longer. Now, only my parents and my sister, Tally, do.”

  A regal looking woman, who was diminutive like Fay, entered the room. “You must be…?”

  Bevon smiled. “This is Zulema Garcia, Mother. Yes, she was pretending to be Tamarella’s friend Anna, but she had little choice. She was sent by Derrick Valoric to kill me.”

  “Kill you?”

  “Yes, but that is in the past. Before we take care of that detail, we need to save her family. When we return, I will explain more fully.”

  Her mother turned to Zulema and smiled. “So nice to meet you. Zulema is such a pretty name.”

  Zulema’s heart swelled. “Thank you, Queen Forrester.” She hoped that was her royal title.

  His mother chuckled. “Please call me, Arianna.”

  Really? “Okay.”

  “We need to go, Mother.”

  “I’ll be waiting.” She smiled and then hugged her son.

  Zulema’s heart swelled at the shared affection between them. There was a time when her mother was as gracious and loving. Maybe soon, she would be again.

  Zulema wanted to thank his mom, but she didn’t get the chance before she found herself outside. “A little warning next time?” she asked.

  “If we could communicate telepathically, I’d oblige.”

  True. While Zulema had the medallion that Derrick had given her pinned to the inside of her shirt, she’d leave the portal crossing to the expert.

  After a few arm circles, one appeared. “After you,” he said with a devilish grin. If he sent her someplace unpleasant, she’d teleport out and then make a portal to Tarradon.

  Where she landed was no jail. It was a house. Bevon stepped behind her. “Let me grab a beer, and we can discuss how to free your family.”

  “You live here?”

  “I do.”

  Zulema couldn’t believe how wrong she’d been about this man. Damn, Derrick Valoric.

  Chapter Eight

  Bevon never brought a woman to his house, but Zulema was special. To what extent, he wasn’t sure. He’d always been the kind to help others, but he seemed more connected to her than normal.

  “She’s your mate,” his mother telepathed out of the blue. “Treat her well.”

  My mate? His pulse soared at the possible confirmation. He pulled a beer from the fridge not quite ready to respond to his mother—or willing to believe it might be true, despite his body and mind telling him it was. He almost chuckled thinking about a conversation that might take place years from now:

  How did you and mom meet? his son would ask.

  She was assigned to kill me.

  For real? What did you do to piss her off? he’d ask.

  Not her. I upset someone else who hired your mom.

  Why didn’t she succeed?

  I charmed her.

  “You’re smiling,” Zulema said. “Want to share? I could use some levity right about now.”

  He certainly wasn’t going to tell her that mental thought. “It’s nothing.” He waved the beer. “Want one?”


  He hadn’t expected that answer, but he was delighted, nonetheless. Bevon handed her the one he had in his hand and pulled out another one.

  “How do you know?” he asked his mother, now that he’d had a moment to collect his thoughts.

  “Mothers know. Don’t keep her waiting.” And then she was gone.

  “You okay?” Zulema placed a hand on his arm.

  Damn. “Yes. My mother just telepathed me, and I got a little distracted.”

  “Is everything all right?”

  “Yes. She wanted to make sure we were okay.” One brow rose. Zulema did not believe him, but she thankfully dropped the subject. He motioned they sit at the table. “Tell me about this facility where your mother is staying.”

  “Do you have a piece of paper and a pencil?”

  He swiped a hand and voilá, it appeared. She looked up with genuine awe in her eyes. “I had no idea you were so powerful.”

  His ego ballooned. Many comebacks were on the tip of his tongue, but Zulema didn’t seem like the type to appreciate them. “I don’t really think about it.” He nodded to the paper. “Give me as much detail about the layout of the hospital as you can.”

  “I’ll try.” To his delight, Zulema was quite the artist.

  “Do you know your mother’s schedule for when the doctors show up?”

  “I thought Feys could remain invisible.”
  He laughed. “You have done your homework. Normally, I would teleport in, grab her, and teleport out, but if she is hooked up to any IV’s, it might take longer. Besides, having someone invisible work on your mom might scare her into cardiac arrest.”

  Zulema almost smiled. “You’re right. I’ll need to come with you. Mom will need me to assure her we are moving her for her own good. And yes, she is attached to some IVs.”

  “What about your sister? It’s not feasible to transport all of us to Feyrion at once, which is why you’ll need to let her know we’ll come back for her as soon as we can.”

  “I hate to prioritize like that, but I understand.”

  He liked her rational side. “Did Derrick mention if he had Maylora under surveillance?” It might alter his plans.

  Her hands stilled. “No, but what if he does? I’m sure he knows where she lives. He seems to know everything.”

  Not everything. “I’d be guessing, but Derrick probably figures your mom would be the easier of the two to snatch. If we warn your sister, kidnapping her would make it more difficult for him.”

  “Then I’ll do that.”

  “Good. Can she teleport?” he asked.

  “No. Only my dad and I can—or rather he could. He’s passed.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Me, too.”

  “As much as I want to save your mom and your sister now, we’ll have a better chance under cover of darkness.”

  “And risk less chance of the nurses and doctors walking in on us.”

  “Yes. What do you say we grab something to eat and then leave around ten tonight? I imagine your mom will be left alone to rest for a few hours around that time.”

  “Sounds good. I’ll have to tell the head nurse at least. I don’t want her to worry.”

  That was smart. “Do you trust her?”


  He checked his watch. “I imagine you’ll want to clean up. How about I meet you in the hotel lobby in two hours? We’ll eat and go.”

  She smiled and something inside him melted. His mother couldn’t be right, could she? Was Zulema his mate? She wasn’t drooling over him, and he always thought it went both ways.

  “Sounds good.”

  She disappeared, and just like that, the lights seemed to dim, and his pulse slowed. Once they saved her mother and sister, they’d have a talk.

  Zulema appeared in her hotel room and immediately dropped onto the bed. What the hell had just happened? Had she really agreed to work with the man she was supposed to murder? After meeting him, and seeing his extensive powers, her attempt would have been a suicide mission. Was that the plan all along? For her to die? Why though? It wasn’t as if Derrick Valoric knew her, although he claimed to appreciate her talents. That, in and of itself, was a scary thought. She certainly didn’t want him to demand she work for him on an ongoing basis.

  Enough worrying about what might happen. She needed to concentrate on freeing her mom. First things first: take a shower. Zulema hoped it would give her a clearer head so she’d know how to proceed.

  Under the hot steaming water, a plan materialized regarding her sister. She’d call Maylora and tell her the truth. Sure, she’d be upset, but appearing at her house with Bevon in tow would freak her out more. Zulema could almost picture the conversation.

  Hey, Maylora. Remember I had to be out of town for a while? Her sister would nod. My assignment was to assassinate a man—this man. At that point, Maylora would either scream, faint, or try to run. None of those options would be helpful. Not wanting Derrick to spot her at her sister’s, the moment Zulema finished showering, she called Maylora.

  “You’re back!” her sister said with such cheer that Zulema almost changed her mind about telling her that her life was about to change—at least for a bit.

  Starting this conversation would be difficult. “I am, but something came up again that I need your help with.”

  “Of course.”

  “How is Mom, by the way?”

  “Pretty much the same.”

  She hadn’t expected there to be a big change in only two days. “Good. Listen, my job took me…to another part of the realm.” It was a little lie.


  “I met a man there who believes he can help Mom get better.”

  Maylora didn’t say anything for a few seconds. “Really? Is he some kind of doctor?”

  “No, he’s a Fey.” The closer she stuck to the truth, the better. “His mother has exceptional powers—as in healing powers.”

  “I see.”

  Her sister’s hesitation implied she didn’t believe her. “Tonight, Bevon and I are going to transport Mom to his home.”

  “You can’t do that. She needs constant care.”

  “Yes, she does, but where she is right now isn’t helping. Trust me, I have to do this. But there’s more to the story. I don’t have time to give you all of the details right now. What I need from you is to pack a small bag. Bevon and I will return and take you to be with her.”

  “I have a job, remember?”

  “Yes. How about composing an electronic message to them so they don’t worry when you don’t arrive at work tomorrow, but don’t tell them where you are going or anything.”

  “Zulema, you’re scaring me.”

  She huffed out a breath. “Fine. Do you want to know the whole truth? It isn’t pretty.”

  “Of course.”

  Her sister didn’t really mean it, but Zulema needed her to understand. “A bad person demanded that I do something evil—as in kill someone. If I don’t do it, they will kill you and Mom. It’s why we need to take her someplace safe since I refuse to carry out the contract.”


  “You’re kidding, right?” Maylora asked.

  “I wish I were.”

  “I thought you were a bodyguard. Are you saying, you are now an assassin for hire?”

  Zulema blew out a breath. Perhaps she’d been wrong in keeping her sister in the dark for so long. “I am a bodyguard, but a few days ago, I was kidnapped by a group of warlocks who call themselves the Zon. I really don’t know more than that, other than they aren’t nice people.”

  “And they would kill me?”

  “Possibly, so please pack and don’t answer the door for anyone. Bevon and I will teleport to you when the time comes.”

  “How did you meet this Bevon guy?” her sister asked.

  “I promise I will fill you in once we are all safe. Right now, I need to meet him to solidify our plan. We should be at your place a little after ten.”

  “Okay, but I don’t like any of this. Did you warn Mom?”

  Zulema inhaled deeply. “No. The less she knows, the better.”

  Maylora’s inhale was loud. “I’ll be ready.”

  “Thank you.”

  Zulema disconnected and breathed a sigh of relief. If she’d told her sister that Bevon had been the intended target, Maylora probably would have refused to go.

  Not knowing how long she’d be in Feyrion, Zulema packed her things and asked the desk to keep her suitcase in the back room until her return. Because she assumed she’d be staying for some time on Feyrion, she tossed some toiletries and two changes of clothes in her backpack.

  She’d just sat down in the lobby when Bevon strode in. He’d showered and changed. While she liked his hair down, he’d pulled it back and looked sexy as hell. As if he wanted to impress her, he’d put on a rather form-fitting navy-blue shirt. Oh, my. He’d succeeded in heating up her inner dragon.

  Not wanting to let him know that he seemed to alter her physically whenever he was near, Zulema stood, slipped on her backpack, and slowly walked over to him. “Hi.”

  He grinned. “Hi, to you. Thank you for not skipping town.”

  That made her laugh. “Why would I do that? You’re helping me.”

  He shrugged. “My sisters accuse me of being oblivious to reading between what a woman says and what she wants.”

  “I c
an’t help you with other women, but I’m rather straightforward.”

  “Good to know. Ready?”

  “Yes. I’ll let you pick the dinner place since I’m new here.”

  “Do you prefer fish or steak?” he asked.

  She rarely had the funds to afford eating out. “I like both.”

  “Then may I suggest the Highlanders Steakhouse?”

  “Sounds good.” Derrick Valoric would have a fit if he knew his money would be spent on paying for her to dine with Bevon Forrester.

  Hopefully, if the Zon were watching her, they would think she was trying to get close to Bevon so that she could kill him. Little did they know that was not her plan at all.

  Because teleporting wasn’t common on Tarradon, they walked to the restaurant. The weather wasn’t as balmy as it was on Feyrion, but she was okay with that. The cooler air would help to keep her senses sharp. The stroll would also give her time to make sure she wasn’t making the biggest mistake of her life by trusting this man. Bevon Forrester was powerful. He’d demonstrated that many times over. If he and Derrick ever went head-to-head, Zulema had no doubt Bevon would be the victor.

  Once they arrived at the restaurant, Bevon asked for a table in back, probably to make sure no one overheard any part of their plan to foil the Zon.

  “Care for some wine?” he asked once they were seated.

  As much as she could use a glass to help relax her for what they were about to do, Zulema had to watch her expenses. “I’m good.”

  “You sure? You look like you could use some. I’m buying if that’s what is worrying you?”

  Her mouth opened a bit. “I know that your sister is intuitive, but can you read minds?” Maybe that was how he seemed to see through her.

  He laughed. “Oh, honey, if I could do that, I’d have so much fun with people. No. I can’t. A cousin in my brother’s mate’s family is a genius at finding information on people. Only because Fay cautioned me about you did I ask Logan to check up on you.”

  Her mind spun. She didn’t like where this was headed. “You researched me?”

  “You researched me,” he shot back.


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