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The Scandalous Saga of the White Lady: A Historical Regency Romance Novel

Page 6

by Hanna Hamilton

  Harry patted Anna’s hand. “Probably just delays in the post. International mail is notoriously slow.”

  “I hope that is all.” She took several spoonsful of soup, then said, “It has been very pleasant meeting your friend, Mr. Stewart. He has been very gallant to Dorothy and me. And he is an excellent dancer.”

  Harry smiled, but this information did not please him. He did not invite Christopher to Wiltshire to enchant Anna. “But not to worry,” she added. “I do not think he will divert me from my friendly affection for dear Percy.” And that displeased Harry even more.

  But both Harry and Anna were distracted by uproarious laughter from halfway down the table where Aunt Agatha was regaling her near neighbors with some story or other. It was clear she was enchanting many of his guests.

  At this point, Nora took advantage of the distraction to engage Harry once again.

  “Tell me, Your Lordship, what exactly is it you do with your land? My grandfather told me you were involved in livestock.”

  “Kerry cattle, specifically.”

  “Is there something special about this breed?”

  “They are of the very highest quality. Champions and of great value.”

  “You must show them to me. They sound very interesting,” She said with a very open and winning smile.

  Harry had to admit to himself he found this young lady to be very appealing. Not only was she lovely to look at, but she seemed to have intelligence, inquisitiveness, and a very winning personality. She looked very pretty in a light blue dress that was simple, but stylish, and in very good taste.

  “I would be happy to show them to you. If you let me know ahead of time, I can arrange a morning or afternoon where you might come by to inspect the cattle and perhaps we could have a ride and lunch.”

  “That sounds delightful,” she said

  “How long are you to be in Wiltshire?”

  “The rest of the summer. I do not care for London this time of year. It can be very hot, and I prefer the cooling breezes of the countryside.”

  “Then I look forward to your visit.”

  By now, the soup plates were being removed and the fish course was being served. The white wine was being poured for this course. This activity disrupted the conversation, until the gentleman to Nora’s left introduced himself and engaged her in conversation for a time.

  This allowed Harry to return his attention to Anna.

  “Have you been able to convince your father to let you build your classical pavilion yet?”

  Anna sighed. “Not yet. He is extremely resistant to my pleas. And I fear it shall never come to pass, as he is away for such long periods, and when he is home, he keeps putting me off.”

  This gave Harry a splendid idea. “Then perhaps you might consider building something for me?”

  Anna’s face lit up and she took her friend’s hand. “You would do that for me?”

  “I most certainly would.”

  “What do you need to have built? A wing on the house? A grand entryway gate to the estate? A monument to your father? Tell me.”

  He could tell she was very excited, but he was afraid he was about to disappoint her.

  “Nothing quite as grand as any of those. I was thinking more in the line of a well house.”

  “Oh…” She was disappointed, but added, “Then it shall be the finest well house in all of Great Britain.”

  He liked her spirit. “Excellent. Then we shall do it.”

  “First, you will need to show me the location. Then we can discuss design ideas and then I will work up some drawings…” Harry laughed. “And do you have a budget?”

  “All in good time, Anna. I am in no rush.”

  Anna laughed. “Perhaps not… but I am.” She leaned towards him and put both of her hands on his. “But I am getting ahead of myself, am I not? I am so sorry. It is just that this is so exciting for me.”

  This made Harry very happy. He had been able to make her smile, and he realized this would provide him with the opportunity to spend more time with her. Yes, they were good friends, but might their interaction on the building open her up to romantic feelings for him? He could only hope. But at the very least, they could spend more time together.

  “I am pleased this makes you excited. And I look forward to working with you on this.”

  “I know now is not the time, but in a few days might I come back so we can begin planning?”

  “Of course. Any time. Christopher does not leave until next week, so we will be here unless we go out for a ride.”

  “Excellent,” Anna said and sat back in her chair very satisfied.

  After dinner was over, guests gravitated back to the dancing salon. By now, Aunt Agatha had gathered quite a group around her and she was telling one story after another of her adventures in Africa and beyond. How many were actually true was another matter altogether. Neither Maria nor Harry had heard any of her tales yet, but that would have to be for another time, as after dinner-drinks needed to be served and the orchestra would be starting up soon, with more dancing to follow.

  Anna was so excited about her building project, she could not bear to go back to the table and just sit. She sought out Percy and corralled him as he was being served a cognac.

  “Oh, Percy, you have no idea…”

  He appeared to be amused by her enthusiasm and asked, “And what news do you have for me?”

  She told him of her building commission from Harry. And she could not stop herself and launched into, “Now I have a number of very fine classical structures I could model the well house after. I was thinking of a Greek motif with some late classical column designs. What do you think?”

  Percy took her by the shoulders and said, “I have no idea what you are referring to, but I am certain whatever you choose will be just splendid.”

  “Do you or your father know of any builders? I am afraid my work is mostly conceptual, and I do not have any practical experience with actually building anything.”

  “Maybe we can help. I am a bit of a laggard myself, so I do not know anything about building. But I am certain my father will know. However, I am not certain he knows any reputable builders. He tends to work more in rather shady areas, and I do not know how well you could trust who he might send your way.”

  “Oh… Well, then, I shall need to rely on Harry for advice.”

  At that point, the orchestra began to play again. Percy asked, “Then shall we have our dance? I promised Maria a dance or two, so I best get our dance out of the way first.”

  Anna did not like what appeared to be a dismissal. “Well, grant me no big favors, Percy. If you would rather dance with Maria, then do so.”

  She turned to leave, but he took hold of her arm and turned her back toward him.

  “Now. Now. No need to be sensitive. I want very much to dance with you, Anna. After all, you are my special friend, are you not?”

  That pleased Anna very much and she allowed herself to be led to the dance floor.

  Harry ended up escorting Nora back to the salon, and after seeing that she was seated at her table, he went to Maria.

  “Are you in need of any assistance?” he asked and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “Your evening has gone very smoothly, and everyone seems to be having a grand time.”

  Maria had to laugh. “With great assistance from Aunt Agatha, I notice. It appears she has become the center of the after-dinner party. There are many less people dancing and many more gathered around her.

  Harry thought for a moment. “Did you know she was coming for a visit?” he asked.

  “Not at all. We were having tea and suddenly she just showed up with her… friend.”

  “She did not write saying she was coming for a visit?”

  Maria chuckled. “Not at all. But, of course, we would never send her away.”

  “Never.” Harry then asked with some curiosity, “And who exactly is this Mr. Oakley?”

  “She says he is her travel companion. However, I su
spect there is more going on between them than just travel.”

  “Hmm. After this evening is over, we might want to have a serious conversation with her.”

  “My thoughts, exactly.”

  The first dance had ended, and Percy came to claim his dance with Maria. As they were leaving, Harry caught sight of Miss Fitzwalker sitting alone at her table and smiled. The young lady was very charming, and he decided she needed to be asked to dance, so, went over to her.

  “Miss Fitzwalker, would you honor me with this next dance?” he asked.

  “I should be delighted,” she said, smiled and rose when he offered his hand.

  They went to the dance floor and began the Banoose, a circle dance for two couples. Harry thought Miss Fitzwalker a lively dancer—energetic and light of step. They had no opportunity for further conversation during the dance, but after it was over, Harry asked, “Might I offer you an after-dinner cordial?”

  “I do appreciate a good cognac. I am not too fond of those sweet ladylike drinks that most people think we enjoy.”

  “I have just the thing…” He led her to the table were Daniels was serving drinks.

  “Two of my special cognac, please, Daniels.”

  “Your Lordship.” He reached under the table and pulled out the Earl’s special favorite. He poured and handed them the glasses.

  “Cheers,” Nora said.


  As Harry was leading Nora back to her table, he caught sight of Anna, he realized he had promised her a dance and wished to go to her next. But back at Nora’s table she remained standing and asked, “And how do you relax after working with your cattle all day?”

  “I enjoy fly-fishing. And, sometimes in the evenings, I create my own flies. It relaxes me.”

  “How delightful. That is something I have always wanted to try, but, of course, London offers no opportunity for me to engage in such a delightful sport.”

  “You?” he asked surprised. “I know of no ladies who are interested in that.”

  “Then let me be the first,” she said with a sly smile.

  He felt obliged to offer, “Then, let me be the one to instruct you—although it may take several sessions to get the hang of it, as it is a skill that must be learned over time.”

  She lowered her eyes as she said, “But with your expert instruction I feel certain I shall learn very quickly.”

  Harry could see what she was trying to do, but surprisingly, he did not mind. She was a very attractive woman who seemed to be interested in him, and he thought he might enjoy her company—especially since Anna continued her infatuation with Percy.

  “Then I shall have a fishing rod waiting for you, at your convenience.”

  “Perhaps the day I come to see your cattle?”

  “I see no reason why not.”

  Chapter 9

  Daniels was still manning the drinks table. It was not yet time for the first guests to be leaving, so Maria was finally free to have her dance with Percy. He cast a glance her way and she nodded for him to come over.

  “Finally,” he said. “I thought we might never get our dance together.”

  “The trials of being a hostess.”

  Percy took her arm and led her to the dancefloor when the next dance was ready to start—a cotillion.

  “My dearest Maria, it seems I hardly get to see you anymore. You are always so busy.”

  “It has been difficult since father passed. And with mother in constant pain and incapacitated, Harry and I must take care of the entire estate. It is a lot of work and I am either overseeing some household obligation or I am exhausted and not good company.”

  “I should love to take you away some afternoon. Perhaps we could have a picnic—just the two of us. Might you be able to get away for a few hours for that?”

  She smiled. “I would love that. But I hope you do not expect me to put the picnic together?”

  Percy laughed. “Well, I was hoping you might. Our cook can barely fry an egg, let alone organize a basket lunch.” He pouted. “Please, you do such wonderful things with food.”

  “Well, cook does. She is a gem and we are pleased to have her.”

  Percy gave her a pleading look, and she replied, “Oh, very well. I can arrange something.”

  The steps of the dance carried them away from each other for a moment before reuniting them. And Percy put his arm around Maria’s waist, even though it was not called for in the dance.

  Maria looked up at him wanting to ask, “Dearest, have you developed any plans for your future? Last time we spoke you said you were thinking of scouting in London for some sort of profession?”

  Percy pressed his lips together feeling uneasy where this conversation was heading. “Yes, Father spoke to me about going to London soon. I might well do that in the autumn. Until then, I am content to enjoy my summer at home.”

  “But, you keep putting it off.”

  “Yes, I know,” he said with an edge to his voice. “But these things cannot be rushed. I need to consider all my options and select just the right… one.”

  Annoyed at his evasiveness, Maria asked, “And what are those options, Percy?”

  He took her arm as the dance ended and escorted her off the floor. “We can discuss these issues later. Let us just enjoy the evening for the moment, shall we?”

  “As you wish.”

  Anna was alone at the table. Dorothy was dancing with a gentleman they did not know. Harry came over and sat with her.

  “Dear Anna, what an exhausting evening. But I hope you are having a jolly time?”

  Anna smiled. She was still in the warm glow of her excitement with building the well house for Harry. “I am having a jolly time. Mr. Stewart has danced with Dorothy and me several times and a couple other gentlemen have offered to dance with me, as well. It has been a delight.”

  “I am happy to hear that. But I must say I shall be relieved when this is over. Poor Maria has been overworked getting ready. But I know it would have been much worse without you and Dorothy’s kind help.”

  “Oh, no, it was our pleasure.” For a brief moment their eyes were focused on the dancers. Anna asked, “Who was the charming young lady to your left at supper? I never caught her name.”

  “She is Miss Nora Fitzwalker, the daughter of the Lord Mayor of London. She is staying with her grandparents in Wiltshire, and Maria thought to invite her.”

  Anna felt a twinge of jealousy at the thought of the lovely Miss Fitzwalker occupying so much of Harry’s attention at dinner.

  “I imagine she shall be returning to London shortly,” Anna said, trying to find out more about this woman.

  “No. She is staying for the summer.” Then he said quite brightly, “And she is interested in learning to fly-fish, and I shall have occasion to teach her when she comes to see my cattle.”

  This did not please Anna at all. But she also realized she was in no position to object.

  At that moment, Dorothy returned escorted by Christopher.

  “Hello, you two,” Christopher said. “Are you to have the next dance together?”

  Anna turned hopefully to Harry, but he waived his hand dismissing the idea.

  “Not at the moment. Feel free to dance with Miss Anna, if you please.”

  Christopher bowed. “Then, Miss Anna, may I?” he asked, offering her his hand.

  “If you will excuse me,” she said to Christopher, “But my energy is fading, and I feel the need to go home shortly. But first, I must find our Dorothy who has disappeared again. But she is probably enjoying herself and will be unwilling to leave.”

  Harry leaned in toward her and said, “I will find her for you. I am exhausted myself, and if you leave, others might follow.”

  Anna was disappointed he did not try to stop her from leaving but she was also ready to go, so did not object.

  As it turned out, Dorothy was also tired, and after Harry retrieved her, she and Anna thanked Harry and made their way to Maria to say good evening.

/>   Anna gave Maria a kiss on both cheeks. “Wonderful evening, dear Maria.”

  “And wonderful flowers, thanks to you two. But are you really leaving so soon?”

  “We are tired, as you must be, as well. If you like, we can stop by tomorrow to help clear up.”


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