Book Read Free

Spring Feve

Page 17

by Emerald Wright

  Kristin span around and went back the way she’d come, running at full pelt. Vines tangled around her ankles and she tripped repeatedly on tree roots, but she didn’t notice. The only thought screaming across her brain was, there’s a tiger right behind me, and I’ve got to get as far away from it as I can.

  She ran and ran for what seemed like miles. Her boobs were bouncing painfully and her lungs were burning, screaming for her to stop, but adrenaline drove her on. She was dimly aware of the annoyingly cheerful voice from her phone announcing “you have run 4.5 miles.” Where the hell was she? She slowed her pace fractionally, ripped off her armband and tapped her workout app. Shit. Apparently she was now 2.5 miles from her car. That seemed like a very long way. But there’s a tiger on your tail! She’d just take it slower. She plunged on, panting hard.

  Then, above the loud rasping of her breath was the sound of someone shouting. She could only hear it faintly, but it seemed to be a man’s voice. She stopped to listen, but the effort of her exertion caught up with her, and she bent over, hands on her knees, gasping for breath, drawing huge lungfuls of oxygen into her body. She felt dizzy, and nausea welled up in her stomach. When she was capable of standing up straight again, she looked around her wildly. She was in a small clearing, and there was no sign of the tiger. What was that guy saying?

  “Hey! Shiftr app lady! It’s ok!” came a voice, much louder this time, and from the track behind her. What the fuck? She whipped around, in time to see a tall, well-built man running towards her. In another second he was right in front of her. Oh my god, it’s the tiger. Of course it is! Up close, he was absolutely gorgeous. His eyes were intensely green, and his face was so handsome, with lovely bone structure, and the most kissable lips she’d ever seen. His navy blue t-shirt clung to the torso that she already felt she knew so well.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” he said, grinning a little sheepishly.

  “Scare me? You almost gave me a heart attack!” she yelled. The effort of speaking made her pant again, and she paused, hand on her chest, trying to get her breathing under control. She was so exhausted and annoyed that she didn’t even care that this stunning man was seeing her all hot and sweaty. He waited, giving her time.

  “So that was you up that tree?” she said at last.

  “Yes,” he said, bowing his head.

  “How the hell were you there? Were you stalking me?” she demanded. She could hear the aggression in her voice, but right now, she didn’t care. She was so mad at him.

  “No, of course not. I was just out in the forest, running, hunting, you know. And, to my surprise, I picked up your scent. I could tell that you were working out, so, of course I wanted to take a look at you. But you were going fast, and you were suddenly closer than I’d expected, so I leapt into a tree to avoid being seen by you. I just never expected you to look up. People never do.”

  “It’s my job to be observant,” she said drily. “I’m a journalist.”

  “That’s really cool,” he said, looking fascinated.

  “Your pants are undone,” she said, dropping her gaze.

  “Oops, sorry.” He pulled the zipper up, not at all embarrassed. “I just got dressed in a hurry,” he said with a shrug. She saw a flash of dark hair before his pants were fully closed. Is he going commando? Fuck, that’s hot! He took a step towards her.

  “We haven’t been introduced properly. I’m Roman.” He held his hand out. Reflexively, she did the same. His hand was strong and large, and she felt something, like a buzz of static, as they connected.

  “Kristin,” she replied. He stood and looked at her seriously.

  “Kristin, I need to understand why you don’t think we’re compatible. The app identified us as being a 100% match. We’re fated mates. That’s a rare and amazing thing. Some shifters spend their whole lives looking for their fated mate. Some die lonely because they never find them. For a shifter, it’s the jewel in the crown of life.” Kristin stared at him, feeling so, so torn.

  “We’re not fated mates, Roman. There’s a lot about me that you don’t understand. I’m flattered by you pursuing me, really I am. But I’m not the one for you. Please leave me alone now.”

  “Leave you alone – are you sure? You don’t look like you want me to leave you alone,” he said, in a low, purring voice. He took a step closer, and she took a step back, but not before she’d picked up his smell – a rich, masculine, outdoorsy scent, that seemed to insinuate itself into her nostrils. She gazed up at him wordlessly. “You look so sexy, glowing from your workout,” he continued. She shook her head, breaking the tension.

  “Please! I’m all hot and sweaty,” she said.

  “And that’s very sexy. You’ve got a tiny rivulet of perspiration, right here.” He reached out and touched her clavicle. Her body jolted, as if his finger had scorched her skin. “I would lick it away if we were more intimate with each other.” At his words, a little flame ignited deep inside her. Her clit tingled and she felt a shiver as her nipples hardened. She was glad they were hidden by the industrial-strength sports bra she was wearing. She’d never heard such a seductive voice before. It was soft, and low, with a smooth hypnotic resonance. If I don’t snap out of it, he could probably strip me naked right here without me protesting, she thought. God! That was perilously close to being her ultimate fantasy.

  He took another half-step closer.

  “I would love to get to know you better, Kristin. To be intimate with our minds as well as our bodies. I want to know all about you – how you think and feel; what your passions are.” He was now close enough to kiss her, something she very badly wanted him to do. This had to stop. She took two big steps back.

  “Roman, we’re less compatible than the app thinks,” she said. “You want to have kids and I don’t. And that’s a big problem.” His eyes widened.

  “But why? Your body is so ready. And having cubs with my mate is my lifelong dream.”

  “And that’s why we’re not mates!” she shouted, her pain coming out as aggression. “I don’t want to have your cubs!”

  “Your body is telling me different, Kristin,” he said calmly.

  “Telling you how?”

  “It’s calling out to me, telling me you need to be impregnated.” Kristin frowned.

  “Uh, that’s unlikely.”


  “Because I’m probably infertile, Roman!” she said. It was his turn to look confused.

  “No you’re not,” he said.

  “I don’t know for sure, but I probably am. I have a condition that makes it pretty likely.”

  “Kristin, you’re fertile,” he said simply.

  “And you know that, how?”

  “Your scent, of course. You’re actually very fertile; ripe to conceive. I picked that up the first time I scented you, and, to be honest, it’s been driving me wild ever since.” Kristin’s mouth fell open a little.

  “But how is that possible?” she said, after a long silence. He gave her an indulgent smile.

  “It’s like you knowing that the sky is blue, or that my eyes are green. It’s right there in front of me – an incredible scent that’s as real to me as that tree over there is to you!”

  “But – ” she stammered. Her head was spinning. There was a tree stump nearby and she walked over and sat on it. Roman followed her and crouched down next to her, his dazzling eyes regarding her closely.

  “The truth is, I’ve always wanted kids. But I’ve also been told by doctors that it was 80-90% likely that it wasn’t going to happen. I’ve spent the last few years trying to accept that.”

  “So you fall into the lucky 10%,” he said.

  “Are you sure?” she murmured.

  “Yes I am. Like all animals, knowing which females are fertile is an instinct that is part of our DNA.” He moved closer, his mouth an inch from her ear. “Do you have any idea how fertile we tigers are?” he growled. Kristin shivered. Oh god! His voice, his
smell, everything about him was turning her into a quivering mess. There was an ache between her thighs that she was trying hard to ignore.

  “What if you’re mistaken?” she said. “What if you’re not as great at sniffing out fertility as you think you are?”

  “My tiger isn’t wrong,” he said. “You don’t understand how hard it is to control it right now. It’s inciting me to mate with you, to take you right here, in the forest. It wants me to rip your clothes off and claim you as my own, to make you pregnant, right here, right now.” Kristin gasped. There was something so wrong, yet so right about this stranger saying these things to her, while they were alone together, deep in the woods. A more tender look came into Roman’s eyes. “That’s my tiger; it’s a simple beast. I, of course, want to talk to you for hours, go on dates, spend time learning all about each other. And that’s why the two sides of me complement each other so well,” he finished, with a half smile. As he gazed at her, the fire returned to his eyes. He was so close, crouching at her feet, and she felt desire, like electricity, leaping in the air between them. She ached to feel his lips on hers, his hands on her body.

  But she was also aware of how much she needed a shower. And how thirsty she was. She hadn’t carried water as she’d only planned on being out for 45 minutes or so, and she longed for the bottle she’d left in the car. She ran the tip of her tongue across her lips.

  “You’re thirsty. Of course,” he said. “I’m sorry to have kept you out here.”

  “No, don’t be sorry. But I do need to get back to the car now,” she said, standing up. She looked at the workout app. The parking lot was now 1.2 miles away.

  “Did you park by the north-east entrance?” he asked. She nodded.

  “Me too!” he said. “How would you feel about me accompanying you?”

  “I’d feel pretty good,” she said, with a smile. “But I need to go slow; I’m all run out.”

  “That was my fault,” he said, as they began walking together. “I’m sure you weren’t expecting to be startled by a tiger when you set out for your afternoon hike today.” She laughed.

  “Nope.” She tapped her app again. “But that was my best time ever for a five mile hike. In fact, the last two miles were faster than my 3000 meter track race record!”

  “You do track?”

  “I used to. Back in college. I used to love mid-distance races.”

  “You’re really fast for a human,” he said, then paused. “Sorry, did that sound bad?”

  “No. Guys are faster than women, and tiger shifters are faster than all of us, I guess,” Kristin replied cheerfully. “I won’t pretend it’s not frustrating though.”

  “We should run together sometime,” he said. She threw him a glance, eyebrow raised.

  “Uh, the only time I run these days is when I’ve got a tiger on my tail. And I’m not keen on repeating that experience!”

  “Why don’t you run anymore?”

  “It’s hard on my body,” she said, evasively. It was true – it was super uncomfortable for her boobs and hard on her joints, and she felt heavy and ungainly.

  “How about a hike then?” he said.

  “Maybe, but only if you stay in your human form.”

  “Ok, deal,” he said with a smirk.

  “It’s quite ironic actually,” she said.

  “What is?”

  “Well, I usually head out right from my apartment. But today, because I wanted to make sure that you didn’t pick up my scent and come after me, I drove all the way out here. And here you are!” Roman threw his head back and laughed.

  “Isn’t that the very nature of destiny?” he said. “When your future is fated, whatever action you take to avoid it will bring you right back to where you’re supposed to be?” Kristin sucked in her lips and looked at him sideways. He did have a point.

  She was struck by how much she was enjoying chatting with him. It felt very natural, as if they’d known each other for years. But, on the other hand, she was lightheaded with the strength of the desire she felt for him.

  “Am I the first shifter you’ve met, Kristin?” he asked.

  “If you mean dating-wise: yes. I’m new to the site. But I was introduced to it by my two best friends, and they’re both with bears.”

  “And you didn’t fancy a bear for yourself?”

  “No, I – I see myself with a different kind of guy – ” She stopped, and their eyes met. Her throat tightened and she felt weak.

  “What kind of guy?” Roman asked quietly.

  “Someone intelligent, arty, kind-hearted, athletic, fierce, and opinionated,” she said. He didn’t need to say anything in return. They were things the app already knew, which was how it had picked them out as a perfect match.

  By now, they were back at the parking lot. Kristin ran to her car, took out her water bottle and drank almost an entire quart straight down. Roman hung back, giving her space.

  “Better?” he said, as she turned back to him.

  “Yes, much.” She hesitated, knowing it was up to her to decide the next move.

  “I need a little time, Roman,” she said, at last. She was about to say something vague, but then she stopped herself. Roman’s words were so raw, so honest and unadorned, stripped of the empty phrases that humans used to conceal their true feelings from one another. She owed him the same. “I am attracted to you, and I feel sure we’d be great together. It’s just that what you’ve told me today has been a big shock; a nice one, of course. But I just need time to adjust, to think things over. Is that ok?”

  Roman smiled and lifted his hands.

  “It’s very ok, Kristin. This is a great development from how you felt earlier. Please take all the time you need. And when you’re ready, you know where to find me.” He leaned towards her and kissed her lightly, just below her left cheekbone, his lips soft and moist on her skin. He walked towards his car. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to follow you home either – I’ve got an errand to run downtown,” he said. Kristin managed to wave acknowledgement, and she watched him climb into his car – a sleek European model – and drive away.

  After he’d gone, she stood there a while longer, touching her cheek where he’d kissed it. The skin seemed to be tingling, as did the hand he’d shaken, and the delicate skin just beneath her collarbone, that he’d touched with just a fingertip.

  It was almost dark now. She wasn’t surprised; they’d been out in the woods together for hours. She got into her car and drove home.

  After she’d had a long, hot shower, Kristin stretched her muscles so they didn’t seize up from the hardest run she’d done, ever. Then she had a quick meal, and lay down on her bed. She was beat. Hangover, plus Bloody Mary for lunch, plus unexpected run, plus… Roman. Every part of her burned for him. Her heart told her, loud and clear, that this was the guy for her. But there was still that part of her that couldn’t believe it was true. She hadn’t had an easy time in her twenties and early thirties, and she’d stopped expecting things to go her way a long time ago. She thought back over the day. Her conversation with Tamika was still suspended in her mind, unresolved. She looked at her phone. It wasn’t too late to call. She dialed her number.

  “No, of course you’re not disturbing me, darling!” Tamika said in her throaty voice, with its clipped English vowels. “I’ve just got the pups to bed, and I’ve got Kyle doing some techno-geekery on my app for me, so I’m all yours.” Kristin felt a pang at the depiction of their cozy family life, but she brushed it aside.

  “I met Roman today,” she said. “Well, bumped into him actually. I was out walking in the forest, and he was up a tree.” Tamika gasped.

  “You saw him as a tiger?” she exclaimed. “How wonderful! People say that if you see your mate in their animal form before you get together, it makes things extra hot when you mate for the first time!”

  “I don’t doubt that,” Kristin said, with a nervous giggle. “I felt a crazily intense connection with him
when we spoke, human to human. Like nothing I’ve ever felt before.”

  “That’s because you’re a perfect match, dear!” Tamika replied.

  “You knew, didn’t you? When I told you that he’d scented me, you knew that he would know in an instant whether I was fertile or not. That’s why you asked me if he’d contacted me after that?” Tamika laughed, a light tinkling sound.

  “Yes, dear, I did. But I didn’t want to spoil the surprise for you.”

  “So – it’s true? There’s no chance that Roman could be wrong?” Kristin asked anxiously.

  “Not in my experience, and I do know plenty of shifter-human couples. Kyle knows everything about my cycle – he can pinpoint when I’m ovulating. He even says he knows when I have one of those freaky months when I miss an ovulation. It was a little disturbing at first, but I trust him to know when he’s in danger of getting me pregnant, and we only have two pups. And our love life’s not lacking at all, believe me!” she finished, with a dirty laugh.

  Kristin let out a long breath. This was the first good news she’d heard about her body in a very long time. It was almost too much to take in. She realized distractedly that her cheeks were damp with tears.

  “Shall I go shopping for a wedding outfit?” Tamika said, breaking into her thoughts. Kristin laughed.

  “We haven’t even kissed yet!” she said.

  “Well, get on with it, dear! Your future awaits!”

  “Thank you, Tamika, for everything,” Kristin said.

  “Of course, darling. I’m always here for you!” Tamika replied, and they said goodnight to each other.


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