Book Read Free

Spring Feve

Page 24

by Emerald Wright

  “Not retired then?” The DCA forced retirement at sixty regardless of mental or physical fitness. They were sometimes wrong.

  “Let’s just say I freelance and leave it at that.” He pulled the glasses from his head and placed them on top of the nearest stack of documents. “Coffee?”

  “Not today. I’m kind of in a rush.”

  The ex-agent had eyes that could sum a man up in seconds. “To what do I owe this pleasure?” Those eyes narrowed in on him.

  “I need your help.” Talk about stating the obvious. He didn’t really know what to say or how to say it. The problem was if he told Nick about Brice, the ex-agent would be forced to turn them in, retired or not, otherwise he’d be committing a criminal offense. Garrett didn’t want to dump him in the shit like that.

  “Out with it.”

  “I know I can trust you, but…” he left the sentence hanging.

  They were both silent for a while. Nick nodded his head. “Yeah you can, so why the hesitation?”

  “What I’m about to say could get you into a lot of trouble.”

  Nick grinned. “Finally a bit of excitement. Out with it. I’m ready.” He nodded at a double barrel shotgun leaning against the wall behind him.

  “I’m talking DCA trouble.”

  “I can handle the DCA.”

  Garrett held Nick’s eyes for a few seconds before nodding. “Have you heard about the missing hybrid?”

  A spark flared in the older man’s eyes, “The girl that went AWOL a few months back?”

  “Yeah, that’s the one. She’s definitely a hybrid. I know this for a fact because she’s in my apartment right now.”

  “Playing with fire Garrett. Liable to get yourself burned.”

  “I can look after myself. I need to know Nick, are the rumors true?”

  “Depends on which rumors you’re referring to.” Not a flicker of emotion crossed his face.

  “Please. Did you change a hybrid back into a human? Your wife…Sarah’s Mother was she…”

  “No,” his voice stayed even, but his face pulled taut.

  Garrett had to work hard to keep calm. Why didn’t Nick want to help him? “Can it be done?”

  Nick shook his head, “Too dangerous.”

  “Just tell me.” Why the hell did he sound so desperate? So pained?

  “What is she to you Garrett?”

  A very good question. “I only just met her.” Saying that she was a friend didn’t seem right. Saying that she was a stranger felt even worse. Bee sure as hell wasn’t his girlfriend. He let out a frustrated breath. “I don’t know.”

  “Sorry son, if that’s your answer, I can’t help you.”

  Garrett had enormous respect for the man sitting across the table from him, but it didn’t stop him from reaching across it and pulling him up by his collar. “Son of a bitch.” He shook the vet like the movement would dislodge the answers he sought. “I need to save her Nick, and you will tell me what I need to know.” Nick laughed so hard, his eyes scrunched shut and tears streamed down his cheeks. “This is funny to you?” He let him go.

  “You really don’t know do you?”

  “Enough with the cryptic bullshit. If she can’t be fixed I’ll have to turn her in. May as well put a gun to her head myself. ” The thought had him sitting down, his legs suddenly feeling too leaden to carry his weight.

  “Let me guess, the hybrid is in control around you. Any other strange things that you’ve noticed?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Maybe there’s something she’s noticed about you. Something no one else has before.”

  Maybe he had been wrong about coming here as well as about feeling that DCA had made a mistake about retiring Nick. “Yeah she’s more controlled than I expected, but other than that no. Get to the point Nick.”

  “The fact that she is controlled tells me enough. There will be other things though…subtle little telltale signs…it’s not important, right now at least, you’ll find out soon enough.”

  He’d been on the verge of asking the older man to explain when he said the one thing he’d been silently praying to hear. “I’ll help you. You were right Sarah’s mother was a hybrid, but I didn’t cure her.” He paused, “I gave Ellen a piece of myself so that she would stay controlled even when I wasn’t around. There is no fix or cure…once a hybrid always a hybrid, but she will be able to live…normally again. You said she’s at your apartment?” Garrett nodded. “Please tell me you used your cuffs, she’s not nearly as controlled as you think she is.”

  Again, he remembered her anguished face. How Brice had begged him to take her with him, but how could he? Firstly she was wanted by DCA and secondly she was a danger to society. It would have been gross negligence to do anything other than what he had done. “I cuffed her, tied her and gagged her. She’s locked in my bedroom.”

  “Don’t sound so damned guilty. You did good son. She may be controlled around you but she’s deadly, far worse than any demon you’ve ever encountered when you’re not around that is and don’t you forget it.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “You don’t have to. Listen carefully, what you plan to do could get you killed…”

  “I don’t care!” It shocked him to realize that he didn’t. He would happily die to save Bee. A woman he hardly knew. It made him think of something his mother had said to him last year. The words so profound he’d had them tattooed onto his body. It happened right after he and Jacky had broken up. Another failed relationship to add to the list. His mom had told him how afraid she was that he would end up going through life alone, too afraid to love and to be loved. Said she couldn’t blame him because her marriage to his father had been no example. She’d cried, he hated it when she cried. Then she’d dried her eyes, looked him straight on and said, “Until you know what you would die for, you don’t truly know what you are alive for, and I hope that one day you will know.” He wasn’t sure exactly what this meant, but he knew somehow that it was profound.

  Bee was a hybrid, through no fault of her own, and she didn’t deserve to die. It was his duty, as a friend, he cringed at the word, to save her. Garrett would not be able to live with himself if he didn’t try. “Tell me.”

  “You need to get her to shift but you can’t allow her to complete the transition, if she does, she will kill you and then she will go on a killing spree that will end only when she is dead. Do you want me to continue?” As an Agent, as a damned cop, he should say no but he nodded instead. “Whilst in mid shift, you need to slice her open. The best place to do this is down the length of her sternum because that way the bone will prevent you from cutting too deep and possibly killing her. Okay the next part is important.”

  His vision was starting to make sense but he still hadn’t changed his mind about having sex with her. He would have to find some other way to get her to shift. Piss her off, anything other than sex. Making love to her would make him vulnerable. It would also start something he could never finish. There was a definite connection between them, something that went beyond a simple physical attraction. Unlike the previous women he had dated, Brice would be hurt if he ever left her, when he eventually left her and that he would never allow to happen.

  Chapter Seven

  Her fangs were cutting into her lips. The only thing that stopped her from giving into a rage that threatened with hot determination, was Garrett’s face. The way he had looked at her with concern, the way he had looked at her with desire and the way he had looked at her as he was leaving. Tenderly, with longing and with intense guilt. He’d promised he’d be back and promised that he wanted to help her, had begged that she trust him and she did. But why hadn’t he trusted her back? Why had he left her? The fangs descended some more and a trickle of blood ran from her mouth, soaking into her gag.

  No, she had to stay calm, had to stay focused. The thing, the demon part of her, was much more powerful now than ever before. It turn
ed out that meeting Garrett had been more of a curse than any type of blessing. As much as it irritated her to do so, she thought of his face and his strong stubbled jaw. Those sinful, made for devouring lips and his hooded eyes that moved so easily from silver grey to stormy blue and back again. Brice wasn’t sure how long she could hold on, but she had to try because if the thing took over she didn’t know if she would ever find herself again. If Garrett came back, it, she would kill him. He was a bastard for leaving her, tying her up and not trusting her but he was also her significant other, her partner. She could never live with herself if he were to die. Especially by her own hand.

  The thing pulled back. Almost gone. She could breathe again. It happened around about the same time as when Garrett burst through the door. Going down on his haunches next to her, he removed her gag and started working on the rope he’d used to tie her hands and legs. She’d promised herself she would tell him exactly what she thought of him the moment she got the chance, but now that he was here not a single word came to mind. The only thing she felt was relief that he was back. Not just because she felt normal around him, although that played a part, but mostly because she was so happy to see him. There must be serious screws loose in her head, because she actually missed him and only felt really whole again now that he was back.

  “I’m so very sorry that I had to tie you up. You need to understand how dangerous you are.” She wished he would shut up already and get her out of the constraints. “I couldn’t risk taking you with me. Please try and understand.”

  Finally, he started on her gag. Brice watched him while he worked. His eyes were a deep, dark, fathomless blue edged with the thickest darkest lashes. Eyelashes like that should’ve looked obscene on a man. Hell there were woman who paid money to have the likes of those glued to their lids. Instead, they increased his appeal by a long shot. She’d also got a good look at the bottom half of the tattoo on his other arm. Legs. They belonged to a woman. Long and lean with the tops of the thighs covered in a see through gauze. From the way they were angled, she could tell that the woman was standing a little to the side so you probably wouldn’t be able to make out her lady bits too much. Although she got the sneaky suspicion that her breasts would be on full display. Who was she? Just a random naked, girly tattoo or was she someone from Garrett’s past?

  He finally got the knot loose and pulled the gag free. “Who’s the girl?” She scrunched her eyes shut. Oops, she hadn’t meant to ask that.

  Finished with the ropes, he used the key in his pocket to remove the cuffs first before answering. “Which girl? I need to apologise again. You do understand don’t you Brice? Please tell me that you do.”

  “I don’t. The one on your arm?”

  He smiled. So sexy she wanted to slap him. Firstly for making her feel this way, then for turning her life even more upside down and lastly for not having the decency of realizing that they were bonded, partnered whatever the right word was.

  “Oh, her.” The way he said it made her realize it was someone important. Damn it, she could feel the little green monster rear up.

  “Not jealous are you?”

  “Who me?” She prayed he wouldn’t try and tie her down for a definite answer.

  That little smile turned into an all-out grin. “Yeah you.”

  “Yes”—she tried to bite her tongue and even tasted blood but it didn’t help—“I am jealous.” Shit, shit, shit. It wasn’t fair this whole having to tell the truth thing. So far it had been nothing but a big fat irritation.

  Her cheeks heated instantly. She thought he’d laugh or tease her but he didn’t, he grew serious, his brow furrowed. Then he took a ragged breath, and looked away for a few seconds and said, “Someone I dreamt about once. She stuck in my head so I had this done.”

  It had to be true or else he wouldn’t be able to say it, but why would he put the image of a stranger on his arm? “When you say dreamt, was it a premonition?”

  “Nah, my visions don’t work that way.”

  “Can I see?” Damn this loose tongue to hell but now that it was out she felt she had to know. It only seemed fair since Garrett had seen her naked.

  He hesitated then lifted his sleeve for a few seconds. The green monster relaxed. The woman on his arm had a decent body but what a grotesque head. Her mouth was a gaping mass of sharp dagger like teeth.


  Brice sprang up. She had at least agreed to wear a pair of his sweat pants before he had tied her up. It would make the next part of the plan a little easier. Piss her off. Get her to turn.

  No sex.

  The problem was that she still exuded such sensual energy. He might be a diluted demon hybrid with many generations of human blood inside him, but he could feel the fire of the dragon singe his veins whenever she was near. “I just came back so that you could have a quick bathroom break and maybe something to drink because I’m staying with you.” What the fuck? He’d meant to tell her he was going back out again. “Make that, I’m staying…staying here…” He raked a frustrated hand through his hair. “What the fuck is wrong with me?”

  “You can’t lie to me.”

  “I’ve never heard of this type of power being attributed to the demon skins before, but as I said earlier we just don’t know enough about them.” Damn, how was he going to get her to turn if he couldn’t lie to her?

  No sex.

  Brice pulled a lush lip between her teeth. She was keeping something from him. “Tell me.”

  “I can’t lie to you either.”

  It wasn’t making much sense. “You can’t lie to anyone and we in turn can’t lie to you?”

  “No I can’t lie to you and you can’t lie to me.”

  Garrett turned and paced in the opposite direction. “This is becoming more confusing.”

  “No it’s not.” Brice shut her mouth, her lips a thin white line. There was something she didn’t want to tell him.

  “Tell me whatever it is you’re holding back.”

  Brice squirmed, biting her bottom lip so hard he was afraid she might do damage. It didn’t last long before she had to answer. “We’re bonded.” She slapped a hand over her mouth and a disgusted look clouded her features.

  “You were right, we really can’t lie to each other.”

  Brice shook her head removing her hand from her mouth. “Does this mean you believe me?”

  “I believe that you think that we’re…bonded, but we’re not. You’re wrong.” A feeling of confusion overtook him. There was a part of him that wanted to believe her. He quickly pushed it aside. “I never want to get married.” It came out sounding gruffer than he intended. “I’m not husband material,” he added trying to soften his initial response.

  “Okay Garrett, you believe whatever you want, but I’m telling you that you’re wrong about us being together. When are you going to turn me in?”

  Thank God she dropped it. That particular line of conversation had left him feeling more than a little uncomfortable. “I don’t want to turn you in.”


  “You’ll be put to death if I do.” He didn’t even try and fight the truth this time.

  “Oh,” Brice scrunched her eyes closed and scrubbed her hands over her face. “They’d be right Garrett. I’m dangerous.”

  The thought of her dying caused a feeling of panic which threatened to overtake him. “I won’t let that happen. I might know how to save you.”

  She looked up, her eyes bright, a small smile playing on her lips. “How?”

  “I need you to turn, to let your demon out. I can’t tell you more. You need to trust me.”

  “Are you going to remove it?”

  “No, but I’ll help you control it.”

  Brice nodded.

  “Let it take over.” He held his breathe hoping that he had understood Nick and that everything would go according to plan.

  “I can’t.” She shrugged her shoulders.

  “What do you m
ean you can’t?”

  “You’re here. Leave the room and I promise to turn into a crazy demon lady,” she giggled sounding nervous.

  “I can’t leave. We have to be together for this to work.”

  “Well then, we’re in a bit of a bind since my demon thingy is calm and fast-a-bloody-sleep whenever I’m with you. The only time it rears its ugly little head is when you leave or when you…” She bit on her plump bottom lip the sight of which distracted him for a few seconds before he realized what she was trying to prevent herself from saying.

  “Except for when you were about to come.” The reminder of how Brice had ridden his hand flashed through his mind and his cock responded, much to his dismay.

  Brice blushed. “Yeah well…um…that was the only time it happened with you around.”

  Fucking brilliant. They were not going to have sex. Garrett wanted to help her, but fucking her and then leaving her afterwards was not his idea of help. Brice already thought that they were bonded, add sex to that equation and it was a disaster waiting to happen. “You need to come. I need to be here, but I think its best that you do it yourself.”

  Brice narrowed her eyes at him and put her fists on her hips. “If you think I’m going to get myself off while you watch you’re sorely mistaken.”

  “Brice, let’s not argue please. Sex will complicate things. I want to help you.” He ran a hand down the side of her arm. “I’m sure you had a life, a family before all of this happened. Don’t you want to be able to go back?” Bingo, he hit the nail on the head. Her lip quivered, it made him feel like a class-A dick but keeping his hands off her would be better for her in the long run.

  A tear tracked down her cheek. It killed him to see her cry. Garrett used his thumb to wipe the dampness and then cupped her chin lifting her face to meet his. “Hey, you can do this. Let me help you please.”

  “Fine, but you first.”

  “As in…,” he choked out a laugh.

  “I get to watch you jerk off and then I’ll get myself off.” She crossed her arms.

  “You’re joking right? Brice, this isn’t about me.”


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