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The Taking of Clara 2: Taken by the Boss

Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  “How did your call go?” she asked.

  “It went great.” He rounded the counter to her side. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed the side of her neck. “Am I forgiven?”

  She moaned. “I don’t know. If I forgive you will all this attention stop?”

  He chuckled. “You’ve got to be joking. I love getting my hands on you.”

  “Then, yes, you’re forgiven.”

  Inhaling her sweet scent, Matthew felt his body start to relax against her.

  “What are you making?” he asked, changing the subject.

  “I’ve chopped some onions, ham and tomatoes. I don’t like a plain omelet.”

  “I’ll have whatever you’re having, baby.” He nuzzled her neck, loving the way she squirmed against him.

  “I need you to let me go so I can cook.” She laughed when he growled against her neck.


  He sat behind the counter watching her cook. She looked so damn sexy getting food together. If she starred in a cookery show he’d watch it purely for the pleasure of seeing her. Leaning on his hand, he gazed at her. Her raven hair had dried since her shower. Her cheeks were red and rosy, from the heat of the stove or from his touches he didn’t know.

  “You keep staring at me,” she said.

  “I like watching you. I’d spend all day admiring you.”

  Chapter Three

  How did he get her world all a flutter? The way he stared at her made her wonder if he was visualizing her without any clothes. He’d seen her naked plenty of times. Clara fried her onions, tomatoes and ham in the pan before adding the beaten egg. When the bottom was set, she pulled Matthew’s omelet out from under the grill then placed her omelet under. She served his food with a chunk of buttered toast.

  She handed him the warm plate then grabbed her own.

  “Aren’t you going to eat?” she asked when he made no move to start.

  “I’m waiting for you, baby.”

  She sat opposite him. Her gaze kept going to his hands as he used the fork to place food in his mouth. She loved having his fingers over her body.

  While she’d been in the shower she’d been tempted to call the whole thing off. Being bought by a contract felt degrading to her. However, once she’d given herself time to think about the consequences of another man taking her, she’d seen the positive side of Matthew owning her.

  He didn’t own her. Matthew never treated her awfully. In fact she was free to come and go as she pleased. The truth to her, she didn’t wish to go anywhere. In the time they’d known each other, Matthew had gotten under her skin. She’d find no pleasure with any other man. She loved Matthew and staying with him was the best thing for her to do.

  “What are you thinking?” he asked.

  She stared into his eyes seeing the wealth of knowledge plainly displayed in their depths.

  “I was thinking about the contract and how it made me feel.”

  Lying would never be an option to her. Matthew knew and saw too much. He’d spot her lying a mile away.

  “I did it to save you.”

  “I know.” She reached over to stroke his hand in an attempt to reassure him. “I know you’d never do anything to hurt me. You’ve proven it time and time again. I love you, Matthew. I’m sure of that more than I’m sure of everything else. I just wish I could bring something more to you.”

  “What do you mean?” He took her hand and laid a kiss to her knuckles.

  “I mean, you’re a wealthy man. I don’t care about that. I’m not after your money or anything. What do I have to bring? My father is a gambler. He loses money faster than he’s ever earned it. I’ve got nothing to give to you. Nothing of any value.”

  She stopped speaking to gaze down at her now cold omelet.

  “You give me you, Clara,” he said. “Money means shit to me. I don’t care about that. I only care about you.”

  He leaned over and took her lips in a searing kiss. She melted against him. The fight inside her dying the moment his lips touched hers. He took possession of her mouth as quickly as he took possession of her soul. Her heart ached for him. She moaned against his lips loving the feel of the rasp of his stubble.

  “Now eat your food.” He let go of her hair to grab her hand. Matthew kept hold of her hand as they ate. When they were finished she felt his gaze on her while she cleaned away the dishes.

  His attention always left her breathless. When they were working in the office and he took the time to see her, he’d leave her a nervous wreck. She wondered how she’d be able to work knowing everything she knew about him.

  “Do you think I should look for another job?” she asked.

  “What?” Matthew moved to stand behind her.

  She turned, wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her body against him. “How can I work for you when all I want to do is fuck you?” she asked.

  “Your language is appalling.”

  “I’ve been taught by the best.”

  Matthew sank his fingers into her hair. He grabbed the length using the strands to pull her close. Pressing a kiss to her lips, he stared into her eyes.

  “You’re not working for anyone else. I like watching you. You work for me or no-one. Do you understand?” he asked. “I’d prefer you to stay at home, or by my side.”

  “You can’t force me not to work.”

  “I can force you to do whatever the hell I like. No work unless you work for me. Got it?”

  Part of her wanted to shout at him. The unfairness of his decision drove her insane. Instead, she smiled then pressed her body against his. She was starting to see the power in her response to him. Matthew desired her above everything else. He loved, desired and she knew he’d protect her.

  “You’ve got dirty thoughts. I’ve also noticed you’re getting bolder in your demands.”

  “I want you. I can’t help it.”

  “Good, I need to hear you voice your thoughts, Sub. I’ve got so many plans for you.”

  “Why do you keep calling me sub? I don’t get it.”

  He pushed the hair off her neck then ran his finger along her lip. “You’re not ready to know.”

  “I’m ready, Matthew. Please, no more hiding. I promise. This is not about the contract. I’m yours for the taking. There is nowhere else I want to be. I’m yours.”

  She felt in desperate need to be owned. Clara didn’t understand her own feelings. She’d been told many times how important her role was. A woman in the world needed to show her strength in the working world. Clara held no desire to be like others. The thought of Matthew taking care of her filled her with joy.

  “You don’t know what you mean,” he said.

  “I know what I’m doing. I’m not stupid, Matthew. I’m your woman. There is never going to be another man like you. I’m ready for whatever you want me to do.”

  She took his hand and pressed it against her breast. “I’m yours in heart, mind, body and soul. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for you.”

  She closed her eyes as he ran a thumb over her nipple. Intense pleasure coiled inside her, starting in her clit and ending at her nipples.

  “You’re so responsive.”

  “Please, tell me.”

  He let out a sigh staring at her, contemplating his next move.

  “I call you sub because the term is short for submissive. You’re a submissive woman, Clara.”

  Licking her lips, she stared at him waiting. There was more he wanted to say. She saw the evidence in his gaze as he looked her over.

  “This is a lot harder than I anticipated.”

  Kissing his hand, she smiled up at him. The trust she felt for him consumed every part of her. Matthew, in his own way, had proven to her he’d never hurt her. Her best interests were the only things that concerned him. “I trust you. Tell me the truth.”

  He stroked her cheek. The nervousness on display appealed to her. In that one moment, Matthew appeared more human to her than not in his weakness. What scared him

  Most of the time he always looked so in control and dangerous.

  “What is it? You’re scaring me.” She chuckled at the words.

  “You can’t run or hide. If I show you what I want from you, you’ve got to be honest with me all the way.” He gripped her cheek tightly.

  Covering his hand with hers, she nodded. “I trust you. Show me what you want from me.”

  He brushed his lips against hers. “This is all about you.” Matthew kissed her one final time then led her through to his study. He moved toward a locked door. Through that door was the key to understanding Matthew. She knew it and part of her was afraid. What if she couldn’t live up to his expectations?

  Shaking the fear aside, Clara braced herself for what was about to happen.

  * * * *

  Matthew felt nerves grip him. This was part of his soul. Grabbing the key from the hook, he opened the door to the darkest part of his life. If Clara found the thought of being with him appalling then he’d have opened up a wound that would never heal.

  He flicked the light switch, which showed the room in all of the glory he’d designed.

  “This is my playroom,” he said.

  Her gaze roamed the room. “Your playroom? Is that code for something?”

  “No, not to the right person.” He stood back watching her enter the room.

  She swallowed then made her way farther into the room. Her hand reached out to the nearest object before her hand closed into a fist. “What is this place?”

  “This is who I am. I’m part of this world.”

  “I don’t know what this world is. I don’t understand. How does this make me a sub?”

  “I’m dominant, Clara. To others I’m simply a Dom. Do you get the connection?”

  A jerk of her head let him know she understood his words.

  “This is a little out of my league.”

  She moved over to the spanking bench he’d purchased over a year ago. He’d never taken a sub in this room. This place was for his personal pleasure. Matthew had been waiting for the right woman. That woman stood less than a foot away from him. He stared at her tempting ass as she bent over the bench. Her innocence startled him. The desire to walk over and spank her rounded curves gripped him. He stemmed the need inside him by going to her side.

  “It’s a spanking bench. This is used to punish a sub or to please her or him.”

  “Men are subs?” she asked.

  “A sub is a submissive. A person who doesn’t challenge or need to be in control. There are many other ways of describing a sub. That is just my definition.” He ran his fingers through his hair in an effort to control his raging lust.

  For many months he’d fantasized about having Clara in his room. The vision of her there far exceeded the fantasy.

  “This is what you want from me?”

  “No, not just that.”

  “You’re talking in riddles, Matthew. I need you to tell me what you need.”

  She turned to face him. The confusion on her face made him curse. He’d prepared for this moment. Planned for this moment in the same way he planned a business deal. Unlike business deals, though, his heart wasn’t on the line.

  He took her hand and pulled her in close.

  “I want to take you somewhere. It’s a club I frequent. I think you’d learn a lot from going there.”

  Clara nodded. “I need to know more about this side of you. How does this fit in with your life? Do all the women you date know this side of you?”

  “No, not all of them.”

  She turned to him with a smile and licked her lips. “I look forward to learning more.”

  He kissed her, pleased she hadn’t run from him. “Are you afraid?”

  “No, I’m not afraid. Knowing you saved me with that contract has made me realize how much I mean to you. No man has ever tried to protect me from my father.”

  “I’ll protect you from everything. You’re mine, Clara.”

  Matthew kissed her lips, loving the feel of her beneath him. Their time together could only get better. He kept hold of her hand as he led her out of the room.

  “We don’t have to leave. You can tell me everything you want about what’s in there.”

  Matthew wondered how far he’d be able to push her.

  You’re a Dom for fucks sake. Take control and show her what it means to be your woman.

  He didn’t understand why he hesitated. The love he felt for her wouldn’t be diminished. If her feelings for him were anything like his then nothing he’d be able to do would turn her away.

  Moving back into the room, he settled her on the chair in the corner. The room wasn’t particularly spacious. This part of his life helped to sooth him.

  “When you’re in here you’d be my sub. You won’t speak until I tell you to. Your sole purpose would be to please me. In pleasing me you’d find your pleasure as I’d be the one to gift you your pleasure.” He stroked her cheek then went over for some equipment. Grabbing a dildo and a silk bind, he moved over to her.

  She stared at the dildo. He saw the flash of desire in her eyes seconds before she turned to the silk bind.

  “You’d tie me up?” she asked.

  “I’d do more than tie you up. I’d make you mine.”

  Matthew took her hand in his and wrapped the silk around her wrist. He pulled tight, making the silk bite into her. He watched as she gasped.

  “Tell me what you’re feeling.”

  “I don’t know.” Her gaze went from her wrist to his face.

  He did the same with the other wrist then pulled on the restraints forcing her to stand.

  She whimpered as she moved close. Her eyes dilated, staring back at him.

  “Do you feel it?” he asked.

  Her response startled him. He’d heard of a natural submissive, which Clara was but he’d never witnessed such reaction in a woman. Clara looked born to be a sub. The way her gaze travelled to his and then to her bound hands looked similar to adoration.

  He needed to know everything she felt.

  With his hand under her chin, he forced her gaze back to him.

  “Well, do you like it?”

  “I more than like it, I love the way they feel against my wrist. They’re biting into my flesh but they feel wonderful.”

  Matthew pushed the top she wore up and stared at her tits while pressing his hand against her pussy. She soaked his fingers with her cream. Her response everything he hoped it would be.

  “I’m going to play with you,” he said.

  Chapter Four

  The bite of the silk around her wrists felt so good. She’d never known such pleasure in all of her life. Clara would have laughed if someone told her she liked pain. The sharp bite of the silk made her wet. The same kind of pain happened when Matthew fucked her hard. Did this make her weird?

  Matthew removed the blouse she wore. His fingers returned to her pussy. The moment his thumb pressed to her clit she lost her head. She tried to hold onto him. He caught her with his hand around her waist.

  “I’ve got you, baby.” He took her to the floor opening her legs wide as he did. “Look at how lovely and sweet you are. I can’t wait to fuck you but first I get to play a little.”

  She stared at him, wanting him to fuck her more than anything.

  “I’m not going to take this too far. We’ve got stuff to talk through as well as a safe word to pick out. There’s so much to get started.”

  “I don’t care. Take me, Matthew.” She didn’t know what had come over her. One moment she’d been staring at all the equipment then when he’d started to leave the room she’d panicked. The playroom intrigued her. There was so much to learn in the small space. She saw what he meant about the room being part of him. His whole body changed the instant they had entered the small space. He appeared larger than normal. His strength appealed to her in the most wonderful way.

  “What are you doing to me?” he asked.

  “I’m accepting you. I know what you
want.” That part was a lie. She didn’t completely know what he wanted but there wasn’t much room for doubt. He craved her submission. She understood the word. What she didn’t understand was what he needed from her.

  He pressed a finger inside her. The dildo he’d held in his hands lay beside her head taunting her with what the device could be used for.

  Matthew pressed a kiss to her lips before moving down to claim her breast. He bit down making her cry out, writhing under his expert touch. The pleasure to be had at his hands made her excited. She opened her eyes and gazed around the room at the promise it held. Each sex toy could give pleasure or pain. She liked both. What would happen if Matthew inflicted all of them on her?

  He gripped the dildo then pressed the tip against her swollen clit. “Tonight I’ll play with you until you are screaming but the next time you’re in this room, something different will happen.”

  She couldn’t wait to see what else he had planned. Years of bailing out her father had left her in a state of reserve. No boyfriend, no promise of a future, only the use she gave her father. A constant bank balance. Clara wondered how much she’d loaned him. She’d even taken out loans to pay him.

  Her boss, the man she loved and her Savior, had seen to her father.

  Staring down at his head, Clara knew she wouldn’t let Edward Baines into her heart. His words, the guilt he played over her would stop from that moment.

  Pushing all thoughts of her father from her mind, Clara allowed the pleasure of his tongue to take over.

  Matthew pushed the dildo inside her pussy, making her gasp. Her arms were bound the whole time. He played her body with his hands and tongue. Each touch meant to prolong her pleasure. He spanked her pussy. The taps hit her clit with every slap.

  When she climaxed at his demand, he stood to remove his pants. His cock sprang free. His shaft was long and thick. The vein at the side pulsed as he pumped his cock. He knelt between her thighs, grabbed her hips then plunged inside.

  The length of him stretched her. She reached out only to find he pulled on the silk, putting her hands to her sides. He’d trapped her against his body with the floor to her back.


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