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True Ghost Stories: Real Accounts of Death and Dying, Grief and Bereavement, Soulmates and Heaven, Near Death Experiences, and Other Paranormal Mysteries (The Supernatural Book Series: Volume 3)

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by Rosemary Breen

  I felt my hair press down and the weight of the hand! I didn't move; it didn't really scare me. Finally, I fell asleep.

  Come with Me

  This was a lucid dream - didn't know the word at the time.

  I was taking a lunch-break nap on the front seat of my truck at work. I was in a half wake state and there it was, a vivid image of a woman with black hair in the desert; it just stared at me.

  This event recurred, and I began to try and figure out who the woman was - seemed Eastern Mediterranean.

  In subsequent half-awake states she came back to me, except she began to gesture as if to say, "come with me". The first time I complied, she turned away and the whole scene dissolved into a spray of colors, and I got a sense of being up very high. It was very pleasant, so I made a point to do this repeatedly.

  Later on I concluded that the woman was indigenous.

  After that, there was a whole group of them, and I realize now that I couldn't discern their gender - they could have been male or female. They all had long hair.

  In the recurring dream I have, they are there as a group, and they desperately wave and gesture at me to come with them. There are only gestures, since I guess there's a language barrier.

  Initially, this was a pleasant experience, but now the feeling is too intense. I get the feeling that they need me for some reason.

  Of course, it must be all just some sort of fantasy, but it has gone on for years.

  Native American Indian

  I am a Brit living in Canada.

  The land that I live on was once the property of Native Indians. I have a big bank of windows in my sitting room.

  This day, I was sitting in an arm hair facing these windows; it was the middle of the day, and nice and bright and sunny outside. I noticed a young man walking in front of the windows.

  I have a large front lawn and the road is a fair distance away. I remember thinking, "why is this young man prowling around my house?"

  I shot up out of my chair and went outside to investigate; not a soul was about (or maybe a soul was about!) My dog was sleeping soundly on the porch.

  As I recall this young man had no shirt on and was wearing buckskin trousers with a fringe, his jet black hair was pulled back and reached his waist. I honestly thought that someone was pulling a prank on me, or having a laugh.

  Later, I realized that this young man had the same face of someone that appeared in a picture of my three daughters. This is a very true story.

  I have a door in my house, leading to my basement. The natural grain of the wood forms an image of a Native Indian elder with a wolf by his side. Very comforting.

  Psychic Vampire

  My friend had been telling me about this girl who could do things with lights. He called her a psychic vampire. I didn't believe him, but my friend insisted I meet her. I did, and the three of us went driving around her hometown, which was only a few miles from where I lived.

  After awhile this girl started getting excited, saying there was this house nearby, one that had a door on the second storey that went to nowhere and one she remembered from years ago.

  Apparently, these two people hadn't been able to find this place the last time they'd tried, and ended up going around in circles. So, there it was - we found it. I looked and saw a house matching her description and asked, "Is that it?" Both of them looked but saw only trees.

  We drove round and back again, and this time they saw it. As we passed it, I got this sick feeling that something was just wrong. Something wasn't right and my head was hurting as a warning to get as far from there as I could, but I wasn't the one behind the wheel.

  I felt an anxiety come over me and when we weren't leaving fast enough, I felt an anxiety attack was about to set in, like I was going to be violently sick.

  We left for a while, only to go back an hour later because the girl wanted to make sure she could find it on her own (she hasn't been able to). Everything went to hell for me; I was shaking, my stomach was about to throw up everything; and my head felt like someone was attacking it with an axe.

  Sadly, we had to pass by it again to get on the road back home. As we passed it the final time, I was hunched over, holding my stomach. Suddenly I felt as if two hands had grabbed my shoulders and pushed me into the back of the seat, and I could feel their weight on my chest. My friend noticed, and grabbed my hand, trying to calm me while the girl speed up to get us out of there.

  She noted later that a pair of headlights had followed us closely for some time before vanishing into nothing, as if it was escorting us out. It took me some time to recover from the shock.

  Fog, Energy and Transformation

  A friend and I were visiting an abandoned train tunnel in the mountains. There was a light fog just outside the tunnel opening due to the cool tunnel air meeting the warmer humid air outside.

  As we stood there, the fog began to swirl and then, over a span of about 10 minutes, the fog took on a number of shapes. It shrunk to a round shape, about the size of a basketball; then it formed a narrow horizontal line about 15 feet long; it completely dissipated. Next it reformed into various shapes and figures, dissipated again, swirled into view, and finally coalesced into a horse-like shape (which I caught on film).

  The fog itself seemed to be a natural occurrence, but its movement was not!

  Drug Overdoses, Death, and the Remains

  In a previous flat my small son had a room where two brothers died previously from drug overdoses. Their bodies lay there many days before they were found; the smell was still a bit in the room.

  Once, when I had bent over in that room I could not get up again because somebody invisible was pressing me down.

  My son came also sometimes, in the night, into my sleeping-room telling me that somebody was standing in his room.

  Tell Me I'm Not Crazy

  This is an on going thing.

  I was about eight years old the first time I saw a shadow pass from my mom's room to the kitchen.

  I would get up to see why mom went to the sink. I could not hear her doing anything and of course no one would be there in the kitchen.

  When I was 20 I saw an old friend who I had not seen for 6 years. She was at our apartment quite a lot and a sleepover guest fairly often. When I approached her to say hello, she did not care how I had been. She just begged me to tell her that I saw the shadows too.

  She wanted to know that she was not crazy!

  Heavy Breathing

  We lived in several old houses when I was growing up.

  This particular house was way back in the woods. I slept in the middle bedroom; it was hot but we had no fans at the time. When I went to bed my two little brothers slept in the room next to mine - our rooms were separated by doors.

  I remember waking up to the sound of heavy breathing. It started in the far corner of my room and kept getting closer until it was right over me. I was so scared that as hot as it was I covered up from head to toe and did not move. I cried myself to sleep. I did not know until recently that my older brother experienced the very same thing.

  So I knew then it was not just me!

  Shadow Figure

  When I was 13 I used to visit a friend's house a lot.

  One night as I was coming out of their bathroom I opened the door in to the hall and stepped through what I quickly realized was a shadow figure.

  It was iced cold, the size of a tall man and it vanished just as I realized it was there. I told my friend, and her sister who was learning-disabled got very excited. She told me that she had seen it many times but no one in the family would believe her. After that, I saw the figure often. I would walk into a room and it would just be standing there. Then, it would fade away.

  A Light and a Stroke

  In my bed, I was about seven years old when a circle of light began to appear in the corner of my room. It just hovered there. It stayed there for about twenty minutes or so and then I feel asleep. Just before heading into sleep I felt something stroke my a

  An Electric Blue Flash of Light

  I was 22 years old and had no beliefs about ghosts, and I was not religious.

  On entering my room (in a shared house) I saw a misty figure sitting at my desk. It was a woman and she had her head resting on her bent arm as though deep in thought. Upon entering, she raised her head and floated off the chair; she did not have any legs below her knees.

  She then floated towards the window but before reaching there she disappeared in an electric blue, flash of light. It was a line of light and it seemed to travel from its starting point, in a line, towards the window, and then it vanished.

  The room was left with the most incredibly, peaceful feeling in it. On telling my housemates about it one of them said it sounded like I had seen a ghost and that was the most rational explanation for me.

  House Sitting

  Several times I was asked to house-sit for the neighbor to the right of where my mother and I lived.

  When I entered the house I felt uncomfortable. Of course there were stories of activity there but I was ok with that. I would say goodbye when I left the house, and hello and how was your day when I got home.

  Nothing too crazy happened for a long time, just footsteps and cold spots. However, I would never walk through the dining room; it made the hair stand up on the back of my neck.

  One night I fell asleep in the living room, and when I opened my eyes there was a dark shadow figure in the doorway. I blinked and it was gone. Then, I was attacked in my sleep. Something was holding me down and pulling my hair.

  I tried to pull myself away from it but it pulled me back. Then, it just stopped. That was the last time I spent a night in that house.

  Crossing Over to the Light

  There was a presence in my house when I moved in. First she made herself known once my ex had left; she told me she didn't like him but had grown very fond of me. I called her Aggie and she used to make herself known to visitors if she was not keen on their energy.

  A friend who babysat told me that she had pinched and poked both her and her daughter when they were in the house whilst I was gone. There was a point where I was potentially going to have to sell the house and she started to turn up in my dreams very upset that I was going to leave. I enlisted the help of a friend and we called on angels to come and take Aggie across to the light so that she could finally have peace.

  It was a wonderful experience and her presence is no longer in the house.

  I Don't Think It's Grandad

  I have experienced during the night a man or a black shadow/outline of a man in a hat standing at the side of my bed. It really freaked me out.

  I have on other occasions had my duvet cover pulled down from the bottom. I have woken up as this has happened and it really scared me.

  I would like to think it is my grandad but I'm not sure as it wasn't pleasant and it still freaks me out.

  A Neat Experience

  My dad's house is very old and one day I was in the basement doing the laundry. As I came down the stairs I felt a warm hand on my cheek. No one was there with me.

  After about 5 seconds it was gone, but it left a tingling sensation on my face exactly where the fingers, palm and thumb had been. The tingling didn't leave until I left the basement. It was a very neat experience.

  I also hear footsteps in the basement often like someone is pacing the floor.

  I Was in Awe

  My twin brother and I were sitting in my basement apartment, and I sensed a large presence of energy in the room. (I was meditating and there were lots of great vibes around).

  My brother had some disturbances in his room in which flashes of light (not from electrical light) sporadically emerged and then dissipated. He came into my room scared. I helped him cope with it.

  At this point, will all the good vibes I had, I asked what the energy/being wanted...and it was just very happy that my brother was doing something he loved and was succeeding at it (he is in a rock band, and their band was really starting to do well, TV time etc).

  Soon after, the entities (more than 1) began to manifest in my room. The one I saw most clearly was a glowing orb about the size of a closed fist. It had a very ethereal look to it...not solid, but it had substance to it. My brother and I both saw was amazing. Soon after it dissipated and the energy over the next 1/2 - 1 hour left the room.

  It was scary in that I felt in over my head, but I was never scared for my safety; more I was in awe. Life continued on after this. A great experience!

  The Landowner's Dog

  It was around December, and I walked into my room. I can't remember why I went in there, but I think I was getting something. I heard a strange noise.

  At first I thought that it was my heater...but this noise sounded like a beast breathing heavily. It scared me, and I quickly ran out of the room. I told my mom about it, and she said that it was probably just the heater...but I've lived in this house for almost two years now, and I've never heard that noise before.

  My mom found out later that the small grave at our backyard was the landowner's dog, and that my bedroom was where the landowner used to sleep when she still lived in our house.

  My mom said that, despite the grave that they made for the dog, the dog continued to stay in my room, thinking that I was his master, even though she didn't live there anymore.

  So, my mom got advise from one of her friends who knew medium who said that every house should have salt placed in each corner of the rooms to ward off bad things.

  My mom also told me to tell the dog that he was dead, and that I couldn't help him. I just hope that he rests on peace in his grave that his master had made for him. We did all of those things, and I never heard those beastly noises ever again.

  Why So Angry, as You Lay Here Dead?

  I've chosen this second experience, because it comes close to what we know of as ghosts.

  Forty-five years ago, I was with my boyfriend visiting a coastal bay where there was a church on a headland. We went to visit the church. I felt a strong sense of foreboding coming from the churchyard. We were outside the churchyard wall. There was a lynch gate. The sense of powerful threat I felt was incredibly strong. Kind of "Do not enter".

  My boyfriend wanted to go in, and we did go in through the churchyard into the church. I felt there was no threat inside the church, but could feel anger and fury outside it. When we came out it was as if a whirlwind of fury and rage that had come in followed us back to the gate. It did not come beyond the gate.

  We walked on up to the headland and I felt a furious presence constantly watching us from the other side of the wall. I have since learned that others have experienced this there too. My boyfriend felt it but just slightly.

  A Mischievous Look

  At my previous address there was a little girl who appeared every so often at the bannister of the staircase.

  She used to live at the address many years ago. She had shoulder length brown hair, brown eyes, and a sad expression on her face - or so I thought. It actually turned out to be a mischievous look. She would go into my eldest daughter's bedroom and turn on her cd player, or she would move a certain ornament that I had. We never saw her actually move the ornament; it was just facing a different way.

  Now that we don't live there any more I miss seeing her but I know that she belongs in that house.

  In my opinion she comes back to make sure that the house is okay and to ensure that the people living there are looking after her home.

  Maybe Not the Fat Cat I Thought

  I was in bed reading a book before falling to sleep. I have a cat that is pretty over weight. As I was reading he jumped up on the bed. Since he is so heavy the bed moves a bit when he does this and I can feel right where he is without having to look.

  On this particular night, I continued reading paying no attention to him. I was about to turn in, and when I went to place the book on the nightstand I looked and realized that the cat wasn't on my bed.

  As a m
atter of fact, he was not even the house. I know that someone or something sat on my bed. I was rather too scared to fall asleep after that.


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