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Strum: virgin captive of the billionaire demon rock star monster (The Squirm Files)

Page 8

by Cari Silverwood

  “Okay! I get it. Let me go then.”

  But instead they proceeded to hold her still as they stripped off her T-shirt, bra, and poppy stem skirt. She screeched a few curses at them but they didn’t stop until she was naked. Then they let her go. If there was anything guaranteed to make her nervous, or maybe that should be nervouser, considering Bob was watching her and there were giant dino-shifters was that Zagan and Karl were pulling off their shirts too.

  “Hey, guys.” She waved her hands. “No sex. Remember?”

  “We’re not.” Only Zagan could say that with a straight face yet still look like he wanted to fuck her until she couldn’t walk.

  “That would be more reassuring if you weren’t moving in on me. If we’re not having public, dino-voyeur sex, why are we naked? Or mostly naked, in your cases?”

  Hmm. Two men with bare chests. Sexy men. She had a sudden urge to sing out I can see man titty while doing a dance. Somehow, she was certain that would not end well.

  “We’re attracting the attention of the Book. Is it coming closer?” He jerked his head slightly backward. Swampward even.

  Virginia went up on her tiptoes while still attempting to cover her pussy and breasts with her arm and hand. The swamp? What was there?

  Something bright green that glittered caught her eye. “Oh damn. You’re right!”

  Could a book sneak? Because this one was. There was a moving V in the water behind where the peak of a green book cleared the surface. As she watched, it emerged until a few feet above the swamp. Weed and water dripped from it.

  “When it gets to within throwing distance, say.” Without taking his eyes off her, Karl rummaged in the long bag they’d brought with them that held several bottles of the biochemist’s synthesized compound. “We’re throwing these at it, so it has to be close enough to be accurate.” He smiled, arching one brow. The aim of that look hit her at breast level. From the bulge in his pants, her standing within his reach and nude was going straight to his cock.

  “I can do that, but...” She waggled her finger. “Don’t be getting ideas.” She lowered her voice to whisper. “Doing it once in front of Dangerous Bob was enough, thank you.”

  Bob chuckled and she shot him a glare. The man had the hearing of a bat.

  “I thought it was supposed to have all combos of sex inside its pages. What’s so special about us compared to the dinos essentially reboring the...” Pussy seemed wrong in this case. Hoohah trivialized what must be an amazing event that should really be in a science journal. She settled on science. “Reboring the vaginas of their cavewomen?”

  Dangerous Bob squeaked and went instantly white, swaying as if he might topple at any moment.

  Karl grabbed her again and slapped a hand over her mouth.

  “You can’t say that!” Zagan glared at her. “That’s verboten, forbidden, out of bounds.”

  “Huh? Wha?” Freaky. He’d used German to get his point across. That meant this must be ultra-serious. Like using ultra in front of words, which was a cool, hip way of saying super when very would have been fine. Adjectives gave her the shits.

  She focused down and contemplated Karl’s hand across her mouth.

  The rest of him was behind her. The rise and fall of his chest against her body stirred naughty thoughts. Where Zagan smelled of brimstone and sex, Karl was the depths of the ocean mixed with a hint of James Bond and a dash of marinara sauce.

  What if she nipped him to get him to take his hand away? What would happen?

  The idea tantalized her, like a dangling hook before a squirmy mermaid in heat.

  Behind her, more than mere manly chest bumped her naked butt. Something hard was there. Something long. Her heart and breathing froze, as if to say, don’t bother doing anything for a second, we need to assess the man and decide if we should do it with him.

  Schlong alert grade ten and rising.

  With his hands on his knees, Zagan lowered himself to her level, the heavy curve of his black horns advertising his masculinity. She swallowed, trying not to signal her awakening arousal. He said quietly but firmly. “You can’t say vagina in a romance novel.”

  Karl nodded, his cheek scrubbing on her hair. He removed his hand.

  Poking her tongue at her lip, Virginia turned over the logic, and saw the flaw in the argument. “What about penis?”

  There was a thud off to the side, where Bob stood. Man, had he fainted?

  Chapter 13

  “Look what you did.” Zagan crouched over the comatose Dangerous Bob. The flames running through his back and side markings flared hotter, a deeper orange. They always looked lickable to her. She hadn’t had a chance to try the taste yet though.

  “Me? You could throw a rock at him and it’d bounce. Why was me saying...that word so bad? Is he okay?”

  “He will be. He’s just allergic to the p word and the v word.” After putting a peg on Bob’s nose, Zagan unfolded to his full height. Which seemed to be some inches taller than before. Was he growing?

  “You can’t be allergic to words. Why the peg on Bob’s nose?”

  “You. That’s why. And I guess you can be allergic. He is. He breaks out in a rash when he goes to the doctor’s. Here. I think the scent is leaching out a bit. She’s affecting you.” He tossed a peg to Karl and clipped one on his own nose.

  “Is that surprising?” Karl laughed, but he put the peg on, even as his other hand stayed resting reassuringly on her shoulder.

  Had he noticed that she was breathing faster? “What do I have to do with pegs?”

  A soft crunch and rustle, as if something waded through grass, came from the swamp area.

  “Is it you-know-what?” Zagan did a not so subtle twitch of his eyes.

  It was. The Necrosexi-texmexicon squatted in the short grass. Though its cover was shrouded in mud, from either side of the spine several red eyes, like cabochoned gems, watched them with all the eagerness of a creepy guy in a raincoat waiting for a peep show to start.

  “It’’s there. Close enough to throw a bottle, I think.” Now what were they planning?

  “Good. Here.” After tossing five of the teeny tiny bottles to Karl, Zagan whipped around and lobbed about the same number at the book. More whizzed overhead, as Karl let fly.

  They looked empty. Yet within seconds of them smashing against the hardback book, an odd scent reached her.

  “What is that?” She wrinkled her nose.

  “You. Your panties extract multiplied by ten thousand. Female pheromones guaranteed to attract any male within a mile!”

  Gah. “Peg! I need one too! You’re both going to Hell, you know!” This was so gross. She spun and went to grab Karl’s peg but he intercepted her hand.

  “Don’t.” Threat rumbled in his voice. “It should only affect us three or them.” He jerked his head toward the dinos. “They should be here any minute. Besides.” He smiled knowingly. “Zagan’s been to Hell already and they spat him out.”

  The hazards of letting men figure out the strategies. “My panties,” she muttered, rolling her eyes so fast she would swear she heard them squeak.

  His look shut her down. As did his big fist in a V around her nape. She shuddered. That always sent a wave of ohmigod down her spine – better than a shot of raw Tequila.

  Her man with the roaming tentacles clearly had ideas.

  Maybe she should say no? Virgin card and all?

  Her inner voice guffawed. Lightning is going to strike us both if you keep that up, and I’m still getting the taser scorch-marks off my butt.

  She scrambled for some words to ward Karl off. Think badass bitch. “Really? My damn panties?”

  “Shut up and let me kiss you, woman.”

  Well, if he put it that way...

  Then he did it – planted on her a kiss deep enough and long enough to suck all the oxygen from the air and put out fires, if it hadn’t instantly set her alight with lust. Small contradiction, but hey, in general, this fire was good.

  When she
came up to breathe, she found Zagan crowding her from behind then his hands descended, settling on her waist, as he nibbled a highway to love down her neck and her back.

  “Don’t move,” Karl murmured. “Let him taste you, my pretty one.”

  Move? As if. Shivers of anticipation ran through her as each bite met skin. Her nipples bunched up small, tight and hard.

  When Zagan parted her thighs and nipped the back of them, with his horns pushing into her butt, she almost came on the spot.

  She heard a psst in her head.

  Fuck. Her inner voice again? Take a rain check. Back of the queue.

  The demon, with both hands anchored on her ass, was carpeting her bottom with teeth marks. Karl had resumed kissing her. There were tentacles arising. And cocks. Definitely those. A tentacle slithered around at belly height.

  I can’t take a rain check! I’m in your head. This isn’t right. They’re behaving oddly. None of you are watching the dinosaurs!

  Having her inner voice shouting at her sent a spike of adrenalin through the system. Yet her head swam with lust, barely keeping above the oncoming sea of maleness, of raw sexuality. Both Karl and Zagan had stripped off the last of their clothes and they were doing nice things to her. Every bit of her that any girl would die to have nibbled on, or caressed, had been, and was.

  No. Think. Must look. She ducked away from the next kiss and Karl transferred his kissing to her neck, his arms sliding around her back to keep her still.

  Though gasping from what they were doing, she caught a glimpse of the dino sex arena. They were still at it. None were headed this way.

  Common sense intruded. She wasn’t a slut and doing this in front of... Okay, Dangerous Bob was currently undangerous but there was still an evil book watching.

  “Wait, wait, guys.” She wriggled loose and skipped backward under the trees where maybe she’d have a chance of dodging them. “Look. This is not normal. You’re under the influence of my...”

  They were moving in again, eyes filled to the brim with pure animal need.

  Where were a chair and a whip when she needed them?

  “Of your delicious female cream?” Zagan suggested hoarsely.

  “Of your luscious sexy pussy honey?” Karl beckoned with his hands. “Come here, female. We want to fuck you.”

  “Ewwww!” She shook her head. “I’m not a dessert!”

  Though she had an ugly spluttering moment over the sexy pussy honey line, she gathered her wits and decided to explain, carefully, walking backward while she talked. No need to tempt them.

  “You need to think. Okay? Think. The pegs have fallen off your noses. You’re under the influence of, ummm, me. Also, smell and taste are dependent on each other. You really should’ve worn face masks. The pegs were not enough. So, now that’s settled,” Her back hit a tree trunk and she stepped aside, “Now we can go and sit down somewhere comfy, have a cup of rationally, calmly. Guys?”

  A tentacle whipped around her ankle, she tripped and sat down with a thump, and they swarmed over her. Doofuses. She managed a last grumbled question as they manhandled her. “So it’s to be the two of you together then? Blancmange?”

  Being in sex shifter mode always did make Karl lose a few brain cells. He stared at her, paused in the middle of tentacle wrapping her waist. “Huh?”

  Zagan’s forehead creased in thought for a count of one, two, three. “You mean ménage?”

  She shrugged as well as she could. “Thought I’d stay with the dessert theme.”

  After one snort from Karl, she found herself held off the ground with her arms tangled up behind her while they licked her body, her breasts, her belly, then, at the last, parted her legs and something licked her clit, over, and over, and oooh yum, over again. Melt. What it was, she wasn’t checking. If it wasn’t a tongue, she did not want to know.

  She squirmed and whimpered. This was utterly unfair, being outnumbered. Then she gave in and wiggled herself closer to that tongue thing. Oh yes. There. And there too. A climax thundered in nicely and she was still panting when they upended her.


  By the time they were done with her, she was upside down, blindfolded, her ankles were fastened a few feet apart to an above branch, and she had enough male attention to make a dyslexic postman want to deliver a letter to her slot.

  Tentacles slid and slithered over her, wrapping and unwrapping themselves, probing and prodding, along with at least one cock doing the same to her mouth. Why were men so bad at aiming? She squeaked, panted, wriggled, but no matter what she did, they didn’t stop. She had a cock in her mouth, something else worming into her pussy, what felt like a well-lubricated cock trying to breach the outer ring of her ass, and she had a strange feeling they weren’t taking no for an answer.

  Not that she wanted them to.

  She made a gurgly, muffled noise as the one in her mouth began to travel back and forth across her tongue, filling her mouth deliciously.

  She had a question on her lips that wasn’t getting answered when she had her mouth occupied. The taste was reminiscent of demon not calamari. This had to be Zagan.

  Her question: How many goddamned cocks do you guys have? Whatever the answer, she had an overabundance of them.

  Then everything probing her managed to find its way in all the way at the same time, stretching her overwhelmingly, like a box of cookies with a few too many crammed in. Her mind fuzzed. She gagged, but in a good, stunned whoah amazing way. Her mouth fell open another quarter of an inch and she strained her thighs as if to let them enter her even deeper, if they so wished. Being upside down was doing things to her head. Somehow her question tiptoed quietly a long way away.

  For a frozen moment she could only hear herself panting wetly around the cock, and the men panting also. No one moved, except for her impatient pussy as its muscles clamped onto the tentacle invading it, or the cock, whatever. Fuck, this felt good.

  “Now I’m going to make you come so many times, I’ll lose count,” Karl grated out.

  Not hard to do when he was shifted, and had a brain the size of a sea cucumber, but okay.

  “And we’re going to fuck you so hard you won’t be walking for days.” That was Zagan.

  “Uh, guys,” she gurgled and it came out ughmmm. She needed to walk. Seriously, it was a good if under-rated ability.

  They almost did it too. From the second some mouth thing suctioned onto her clit and some fingers and tentacles wrapped around her breasts, she was arching into a mini climax. From the moment she was thoroughly taken over by her two males, she was done for. Orgasm after screaming orgasm was ripped from her, demanded from her, suctioned out of her like a golf ball down a really long hose. They took their own pleasure also, fucking her in so many ways and directions she was sure she’d need a Rubik’s cube expert to reassemble her after.

  The tree got cum on it, as did they, and her, surprisingly, along with some black ink that came off when they scrubbed her with leaves. When she roused herself after they let her down from the tree, rolling onto her side and propping herself up on her elbow, she looked over the top of Karl to find Dangerous Bob watching them with wide eyes. He had cum on him too from a branch above dripping onto his head.

  She eyed the leaf as drips formed.

  Drip. Drip.

  Her inner anal freak wanted to tell him but she only twisted her mouth and decided to stay silent. If she said sperm he might faint.

  Then she noticed other details. Her skin bore the marks of tentacle suckers as well as teeth. In a vast circle around them, the grass had been blown flat and further out was a circle of freshly fallen leaves.

  In short, it had been awesome spermgasmic, tentacular sex.

  Eek. The Necrosexi-texmexicon had sneaked closer too. Its red eyes were dulled and half-shut, its cover looked scuffed, and it sat in a shallow pool of white liquid that, on reflection, she did not want to ever see again. Even some depressions in the earth around it brimmed with the stuff.

Book looked spaced out and overcome, in an orgasmic haze, perhaps. Safe, for the meantime.

  Maybe, just maybe, they’d done something new to it after all? What were the chances that one of its pages detailed a ménage between a demon, a human and...whatever Karl was, a tentacle monster from another dimension?

  She flopped onto her back and cuddled an arm from each of her semiconscious mates who lay to either side. Wowie. She was possibly not a virgin anymore.

  A distant banging or drumming noise made her listen closely. “What’s that?”

  *Groupies.* Bob shrugged. *They found us and they’re after Zagan. While you were doing it, I went and checked. They’re outside the door but haven’t figured out how to turn the knob.*


  He raised both shoulders in an, I have no idea why either, sort of gesture.

  An idea sneaked in and clubbed her on the head. Only problem, her men had done what they’d said. Her legs were made of rubber.

  “Dangerous Bob.”

  He grunted a yes.

  “I have a mission for you. Listen carefully. The survival of the universe depends on you.”

  Chapter 14

  While she waited for Bob to come back, the strength returned to her poor wobbly legs. She hunted down her clothes, T-shirt, bra, and poppy stem skirt, then she pulled and clipped them on. The Book was snoring, as were her men. Waking Zagan or Karl seemed fraught with the possibility of them going sex-mad again and she needed to be free of pestiferous males to put her plan into action. Okay, cross that out, free of gorgeous men. Besides, they’d OD’d on her pheromones and would likely be worse off than her...considering how much cum they’d left on the undergrowth, the trees, on Dangerous Bob... She sighed. Everywhere really.

  They probably needed IV infusions.

  Meh, they were alien monsters and demons, they’d survive.

  The crunch of footsteps alerted her. Bob appeared on the horizon, trotting toward her.

  *I propped the door open! They’re not far behind.* He gasped out a whole string of profanities as he reached her. *Here. This was all she could make. Something about demon sweat being hard to create.*


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