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The Lady and the Falconer

Page 27

by Laurel O'Donnell

  His fingers smoothed a rebellious curl near her cheek, but as soon as he released it, it sprang to life, entwining itself around his finger.

  His hand was so close to her face, his fingers mere inches from her skin. Desperate for the feel of his skin against hers, Solace rubbed her cheek against his fingers. His hand froze and Solace pressed a kiss into his open palm.

  She closed her eyes tightly, reveling in the brief feeling of his skin against hers, his warmth touching her.

  Suddenly, his arms were around her, pulling her tight against the length of his steel-hard body. His lips pressed on hers in a frenzy of reckless wanting. The heat from his mouth claimed her body, and she felt a stirring in the bottom of her stomach. She parted her lips as a groan escaped from them, and Logan’s tongue gently stroked the inner portion of her mouth, tasting her.

  He pressed his lips against the wound on her forehead, trailing a line of kisses down her cheek to her jaw.

  She wrapped her arms around his back, marveling at the strength hidden beneath the tunic he wore. Her fingers traced the hard muscles of his shoulders as the kiss deepened.

  His hand moved up her body to cup her breast, gently squeezing it. His thumb circled her nipple, teasing it to hardness, until she groaned with need.

  “Logan?” The voice came from just outside the door.

  Instantly, Solace pulled away from Logan. He looked at her with a gentle grin on his lips.

  Uncle Hugh entered the room, and Logan turned to him with none of the embarrassment Solace was feeling. “Ah!” Uncle Hugh said when he saw Solace out of bed. “You’re feeling better. Then come and eat! A good meal cures any ill!”

  Logan glanced at Solace, and she could see there was promise in his eyes. But promise of what? she wondered.

  “I’ll send Beatrice up to help Solace dress,” Uncle Hugh said, seizing Logan’s shoulder. “I’ll take this rascal with me.”

  Logan cast a last look at Solace before Hugh pulled him out the door. Solace raised a hand to her lips. They were still wet from Logan’s kiss.


  Solace stared at Logan’s hands as he moved them over the map of Castle Fulton. They were strong and sure and... What was she doing? He was explaining the secret passages to her, yet all she could think about was the power in those hands, the gentle way he had touched her, his heated caresses. They had eaten dinner with dozens of others, but Logan seemed to only have eyes for her. And she for him. She had felt like a young girl enamored of a famous knight. He had even given her a stare that sent a flush of heat to her cheeks, a stare so hot she had been certain her face was going to burst into flames from the torrid look. Just thinking of it now made her body all warm and tingly.

  She turned her gaze up to his face. His brow was set with concentration; his gaze darted from spot to spot on the map, giving Solace only a teasing glimpse at their steel-gray magnificence. She barely noticed the black X on his cheek; it had become so much a part of him. She watched his mouth moving as he spoke and thought of another movement it had made, the way he had stroked her own lips with his. Gently, she ran a tongue over her lips, but could not re-create the feel of their heated kiss. Only his lips could do that.

  When he swung his gaze up to hers she realized he had asked her a question. She looked away from him and found Alexander and Blade’s gazes were on her, too. They had joined her and Logan after dinner to discuss possible plans for retaking Fulton. Now that winter was upon them, they had time to make a detailed attack plan for the spring. She bowed her head. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I didn’t hear the question.”

  “You must be tired,” Blade said sympathetically.

  She nodded and lifted her eyes to find an amused smile on Logan’s lips. She turned back to Blade. “Yes,” she agreed. “It has been an eventful day.”

  Alexander folded up the map. “We’ll finish this tomorrow.”

  “Good night, Solace,” Blade called as she turned toward the stairs.

  She bid him a good night and made her way up the steps. She felt Logan’s eyes on her as she went, and finally had to turn and cast him a glance.

  He stood near the table, a heated look on his face. She couldn’t resist gazing at him. His body was turned to her, his large chest bidding her to come and rest her head on it, his strong arms bidding her to come and be held, his hypnotizing lips bidding her to come and be devoured. “Good night, Solace,” Logan called softly. “Get some rest. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  She forced a smile to her lips, hiding her disappointment, then turned away and went to her room.


  Solace paced in front of her window late into the night. She had washed her face and body twice. She had changed into her nightdress, laid in bed and counted sheep. She had drunk a warm glass of goat’s milk. Despite everything she had tried, with every move she made she sensed the ghostly presence of Logan’s mouth against hers, the caress of his hands on her skin, until her body shook with the wanting of him. She would get no sleep tonight. She wanted to feel his kiss again, wanted him to...

  She opened the door to find the hall was quiet. Slipping into the darkness, she moved through the Great Hall like a ghost. What are you doing? a voice questioned her. Where do you think you are going? She ignored the questions and moved on. She knew exactly what she was doing and exactly where she was going.

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Solace opened the door to Cavindale Manor and an icy wind whirled past, seizing her in its grip, threatening to chill her to the bone. But her need warmed her against the cold. She raced across the yard and opened the barn door, stepping into the darkness of the building.

  Her eyes searched frantically, desperately for Logan. Suddenly, as if her thoughts had magically conjured him from a mysterious realm, he appeared before her, sword in hand, standing tall and silent, ready for attack.

  The moonlight washed over his strong chest, his muscular arms, painting his tanned flesh with a golden gloss. His dark hair fell just past his shoulders in a shimmering wave of black. His face was hidden in shadows, as was the lower part of his body. But his eyes were visible, a cloudy gray caught in a silver strand of moonlight.

  She moved toward him and he dropped the sword, sweeping her into his arms, pressing his lips to hers with an urgent hunger. Solace wrapped her arms around him, pulling him close. His strong back was hot where she touched his naked skin, burning against her fingertips. She trailed her hands along the length of his torso, up to his neck, cupping his face. She wanted to touch every place on his body, feel his every muscular curve.

  He shoved aside her nightdress, baring her breast, and knelt before her to take the tip in his mouth. Solace gasped, threading her fingers through his hair, pressing his mouth against her. Surges of desire filled her like the ebb and thrust of the tide. She wanted more. So much more.

  He looked up from his knees and gazed adoringly at her, as if worshipping a goddess. She framed his face with her hands before lowering her lips to his. Their mouths joined together, becoming one, tasting each other’s essence. She felt a hand on her ankle, and slowly it rose up her leg until he cupped her naked buttocks. She gasped, thrusting against him.

  With his other hand, he touched her where she needed him, and she groaned against his lips. Then she sank to her knees before him.

  “God, Solace,” he whispered, kissing her neck, cupping her breast with his palm, kneading it, sending wave after wave of pleasure crashing through her.

  She reached around his waist and was surprised to find he had no clothing on, but was still bold enough to cup his buttocks as he had hers. A groan tore loose from his lips as he thrust against her. She could feel the stiff length of him against her stomach.

  Logan leaned forward, pushing her back onto the hay with his weight until he lay on top of her. With a soft growl, he claimed her lips again with a possessive desire that flamed her own passion into uncontrollable want. His manhood throbbed and pulsed between her thighs, the thick, powerful muscle
taunting her with soft strokes. He pushed her legs wider, teasing her soft opening with his hard shaft. At one point, it moved dangerously near, touching the small petal that hid beneath her silken folds. She gasped aloud as her body instinctively arched toward him, trembling with anticipation.

  He shifted slightly to the side as his hand caressed her hip in circles, drawing ever closer to the patch of soft, downy hair between her legs.

  Just when she thought he would touch her, just when she moaned and raised her hips to meet his touch, just when his predatory fingers started stalking her through the dark tangle of her hair, he pulled away. He did it again and again until she thought she would go mad with desire. With a low growl of her own, she grabbed his hand and moved it to where her passion flared. He cupped her with his hand, and his finger touched the silken folds of her womanhood, separating them to reveal the pink pearl lying in wait beneath.

  The night seemed to glow brighter around them as his finger caressed her. She could no longer feel the cold air, the hay beneath her; she could only feel him, Logan, touching her everywhere, caressing every part of her body. And then he was above her again, parting her legs with his own. She felt him ease his manhood forward, felt him force his way into her tightness. He stopped, looking down at her with silvery, moon- painted eyes.

  She groaned, arching, wanting more. “Please,” was all she could whisper.

  Then he thrust into her, his lust-gorged member spreading her wider, plunging deep. She fought back the urge to cry out. He caressed her hair, her cheek, her face, rained kisses over her jaw, her eyes, her nose. Only after he kissed her lips again did he begin to move, slowly at first.

  She matched his thrusts, their bodies joining, fusing together. He unleashed something she did not even know had been hidden deep inside of her. He had taught her the true dangerous power of making love, a power that had a life of its own, a power that she could only submit to.

  Then, when Solace thought she could take no more of the pleasure rushing through her, he reached between them to touch her with his finger. A whirlwind swept her up as the sky around her exploded with light. She clung tightly to Logan breathing hotly in his ear as she was buffeted with ecstasy. “Oh, Logan,” she gasped. “Logan.”

  Finally, after a long, unforgettable journey, her body trembled with release.

  He watched her with warm eyes and pressed a kiss against her temple before he began to move again. Within moments, he stiffened, thrusting into her.

  Finally, he withdrew from her and lay beside her. She propped herself on her elbow to look into his face. He was so relaxed and calm. Solace didn’t think she had ever seen him so content.


  Logan saw Solace studying his face through sleepy eyes. How did he suddenly become so lucky? he wondered. His life had always been about anger and revenge. How had he managed to get Solace to care for him?

  Logan sat up, presenting her with his back. “What can you see in me?” he mused out loud.

  Solace brushed her fingers through the ends of his hair and trailed a path down his spine. “Right now, I see your naked back,” she whispered playfully. “And your bottom.”

  Logan jumped as she pinched his buttocks. He whirled, catching her wrists and flipped her on her back. He captured her beneath him with his body and pinned her hands over her head. “I want to know,” he said sincerely. “After everything I’ve done to you. Why me?”

  The amusement faded from Solace’s eyes as she studied his face. “I always imagined that one day I would find someone I could count on. Someone who would always be there when I needed him. I thought I could depend on my family. But they were a grave disappointment.” The words died on her lips, and a strange understanding lit her eyes.

  Logan frowned slightly, not comprehending the glow on her face. “That’s not me, Solace,” he answered, releasing her wrists. “I hurt you. I let Barclay into your home.”

  “Yes, you did do that,” she agreed. “But it wasn’t to hurt me. It was under the notion that Barclay would turn Castle Fulton over to you.”

  “I never intended to hurt you,” Logan admitted in an agonized voice.

  “Logan.” Solace sat up, pushing him from her. “I know that. It’s taken me a long time to understand and to realize that the person I’ve been looking for has been with me all this time.”


  “You!” Logan began to shake his head, but Solace took his hand into hers. “You were there from the beginning. You opened the castle gates for me when Alissa would have locked me out.” Logan opened his mouth to object, but Solace placed her fingers against his lips. “You’ve always been there when I needed someone to talk to. You helped me escape from Barclay. And you saved my life from Ryder.” She caressed the X on his cheek. “It’s been you all along, Logan. I love you.”

  Logan froze, unable to draw a breath, stunned by her confession. Despite everything, she professed to love him. He pulled her into his embrace, crushing her to his heart. He wanted to tell her. He wanted her to know how much she meant to him. But the words refused to come. The uncertainty of their future together kept them trapped inside him. But he knew he would always love her. No matter what.


  Solace snuck from the barn early in the morning. She heard a caw and looked up to see Logan’s falcon perched on a tree branch nearby. It watched her with large, dark eyes. She smiled at the bird. She had begun to see the falcon as some sort of guardian angel.

  She returned to her room and quickly dressed before heading toward the Great Hall. She paused at the top of the stairs, scanning the room for Logan.

  Servants scurried through the Great Hall. William wiped his mouth and pushed his trencher away from him at one of the tables. Suddenly Solace’s eyes were drawn by a dark shape standing silhouetted near the hearth, the fires raging behind what appeared to be a man.

  Her heart quickened. She stepped down a stair and almost stumbled, but caught herself on the stone wall.

  He was speaking to Blade, but turned as soon as her eyes settled on him. A grin curved his lips, and a sensual look entered his smoky eyes. He moved away from Blade toward Solace as she descended the stairs. Blade held out his hand, as if he were in the middle of saying something, but then dropped it and shrugged.

  Logan met Solace at the bottom of the stairs. Taking her hand to rest on his arm, he led her to the table. They ate the morning meal together, side by side, and were inseparable for the rest of the day.

  That night, as Solace headed for the loneliness of her room, she cast Logan a pleading glance. She left her bedroom door unlocked, hoping he would come to her. She sat near the window, staring at the barn, wishing he were by her side. But the moon rose higher in the frosty night sky and he did not appear. Solace lay her head on the window ledge, but exhausted from lack of sleep the night before, she fell into a deep slumber.

  She awoke when Logan’s arms settled around her, lifting her from the seat near the open window and depositing her gently on the bed. She refused to relinquish her hold on him, even as his hands began their slow, heavenly exploration of her body. She opened her mouth and her soul to Logan, and he worked his magic over her senses, sending her to the stars and beyond.

  Afterward, he pulled her against his body, cradling her lovingly to him, his hands stroking her hair slowly.

  Solace curled into his warmth, letting the glow of his love wash over her and shield her.

  He cupped her breast lightly, caressing it. As the spark of desire flamed in her again, she felt him grow stiff against her.

  “Lord, woman, I can’t get enough of you,” he growled, rolling her onto her back and lying on top of her.

  Solace chuckled deeply as he entwined his fingers through hers. “That’s not what you would have said a few days ago.”

  “I was a fool,” he answered, pressing his lips to hers.

  Logan made love to Solace languorously, and she thrilled to the new sensations he brought to her flesh, to her mind, to her heart.

  Logan slipped out of her room early the next morning, pausing in the doorway to glance back at her. She was sprawled, naked, on the bed, sleeping soundly. He didn’t think a thousand men thundering down the road on horseback could wake her. With a smile, he turned and continued down the stairs into the Great Hall. As he descended the stairs, he saw Goliath and Blade seated near the hearth.

  “Logan,” Blade greeted as he entered the Great Hall.

  Logan responded with a nod of his head. “What’s there to eat?” he wondered. “My appetite is hearty.”

  Blade and Goliath exchanged glances.

  “Logan,” Blade said, stepping forward, “Alexander rode out early this morning.”

  Logan eyed the men. Nothing wrong with a little early morning ride. “And?”

  “Just over the ridge,” Goliath said, pointing west. “Just beyond Cavindale’s borders.”

  Anxiety tightened the muscles in Logan’s shoulders. “What?” he demanded.

  “An army has camped for the night. I imagine they’ll be here sometime late today.”

  “An army?” Logan said, tension spreading across his shoulders, anxiety swirling in the pit of his stomach. “Is it Barclay’s?”

  “No. Farindale’s.”

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Lord Farindale lifted his arm so his squire could fasten the strap on his shoulder-plate armor. He stared out over the lands of Cavindale.

  Behind Farindale, his army waited, all mounted, all looking toward Cavindale Manor.

  He stared again at the note crumpled in his hand. A note he had reread hundreds of times since he had received it a month ago.


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