Hunter: A Reed Security Romance

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Hunter: A Reed Security Romance Page 15

by Giulia Lagomarsino

  I pulled my lips between my teeth, trying my best to bite back my smile.

  “Alright, here’s what we’ll do for now. You’ll stay with Hunter and we’ll post a team with you at Hunter’s. They’ll all take different watches, taking you to and from school. While you’re in school, we’ll keep watch on the building and your apartment, see if anyone tries to leave anymore notes for you. You aren’t to go anywhere without letting one of us know. For now, we’ll keep our distance so that you still have some privacy. Does that sound like a plan?”

  “Sure,” I grinned, still looking at Hunter. Honestly, I didn’t care what the plan was. All I cared about right now was getting back to Hunter’s house and seeing what he had in store for me. The glint in Hunter’s eyes promised all sorts of delicious things.

  “Are you two even listening to me?” Derek asked.

  “Heard every word you said, man. What team are you putting with us?” But his eyes never left mine.

  “I’ll put Chance’s team with you since he’s already used to the routine. Go ahead and grab everything you’ll need for the next week or so. We can always come back and get anything you forget. I’ll have Gabe come over to help you with whatever has to be done.” Derek started texting as he shook his head.

  “Sure,” I said, still smiling at Hunter.

  “This is fucking ridiculous, Pappy. You were the last person I thought would ever get so fucked up over a woman.”

  “You have no room to talk,” Hunter said. “You showed me the way.”

  “That sounds like a really bad country song,” Derek said in disgust.

  “Just telling it like it is. Sinner was right. When you know, you know. Might as well enjoy the ride.”

  “I think I’m going to go home and get away from…whatever this is you two are about to do.”

  “See you later, man.” Hunter’s eyes darkened as he continued to stare at me. I vaguely heard the door shut and then Hunter was out of his seat, pulling me to my feet. “God, I want that mouth so fucking bad.”

  “I can’t yet.”

  “I know. We’ll have to be a little more creative.”

  He lifted me up and set me on the counter, pulling my pants off me and spreading my legs apart. His fingers grazed my stomach as he lifted the hem of my shirt and tore it over my head. He flicked the strap of my bra, unhooking it with just one simple move.

  “Gorgeous,” he said as he took a step back. He pulled his own shirt over his head and then shucked his pants and boxers, leaving me drooling over his enormous cock. I never got tired of seeing it. He fisted his cock and started stroking it slowly. “Touch yourself. Now.” I slid my fingers down to my pussy and ran my fingers through my juices. “Open your mouth.” I did as he said. “Good. Now, flick your tongue over my cock.” I quirked an eyebrow at him. I wasn’t sure what that was supposed to mean. He was standing at least five feet from me. “Don’t make me tell you again. I’m gonna fuck that pretty, little mouth hard.”

  That’s when it hit me. He said we were going to have to be creative. I flicked my tongue out and watched as his eyes flared. His fist pumped up and down as his chest started heaving. “Open wide for me. I’m gonna shove my cock all the way to the back of your throat.”

  I opened my mouth wider and my fingers started working my clit, chasing the sensation that was building inside. “Fuck, yeah.” His eyes zeroed in on my fingers and his nostrils flared. “Fuck it. I don’t want your mouth anymore. Now I need your pussy.”

  He stormed over to me and spread my legs wider as he pulled me to the very edge of the counter. He pulled my fingers out of my pussy and shoved them in his mouth. His eyes slid closed as he slowly sucked every last drop off my fingers. “Damn, that’s good.”

  I barely felt his cock at my entrance before he rammed himself inside me, hitting so deep that my body actually tried to flinch back. I screamed out as I threw my head back. His mouth found my nipples as he took me hard and fast. With every suck, my screams grew louder and louder, and when he thrust in one last time and buried his cock inside me, I felt like I would split in two.

  The door swung open, hitting the fridge with a bang. I whipped my head to see what was happening. Gabe was standing at the door, chest heaving and a look of shock on his face. Hunter already had a gun trained on him and I had no idea where it had been hidden.

  “Uh, shit. Sorry about that. The new noise alarm was going off like crazy. I thought…” He cleared his throat and swallowed hard. “I’m gonna have a talk with Cap about that noise alarm.” He nodded repeatedly as he continued to stare at us.

  “Gabe,” Hunter said over his shoulder, lowering his weapon.


  “You want to leave us the fuck alone and stop looking at my ass?”

  “Right. Sorry about that. Not the looking at your ass part. I wasn’t. Looking, I mean. Anyway, why don’t you just call me when you’re ready to go and I’ll ignore all sounds coming from here.”

  “Sure,” Hunter replied, not seeming fazed at all. Still, Gabe stood there awkwardly. “Gabe.”

  “Shit. Yeah.” He turned on his heel and walked out of the apartment, leaving the door wide open. I heard his boots clomp down the stairs and then head back up. He reached in and grabbed the door handle. “I’ll just shut this.”

  “Thanks, man,” Hunter said. He turned back to me and we both started laughing.

  “Noise alarm?”

  “It was a new feature. If it gets too loud, it goes off. It’s supposed to be an alert that there may be an issue.”

  “Ah, well, maybe Sebastian will rethink that now.”

  He nodded. “Yeah, I’m thinking he will. We have quite a few clients that I wouldn’t want to see naked.”

  “I’m sure your clients would appreciate it also.”

  He pulled out of me and set me on the floor. “Go take a shower and we’ll head back to my place.”

  “What did you have in mind for there?”

  “I guess you’ll find out,” he said, smacking my ass as I headed off to the bathroom.



  “SETH MACKENROW GOT out on bail,” Cap informed me as I walked into Reed Security. “Sean called me this morning when he couldn’t get ahold of you.”

  “My phone died. Shit. How the hell did he get out?”

  “They didn’t really have much to hold him on. Even so, someone paid his bail.”

  “Fuck, this is fucking killing me. I don’t know what the hell to do. I can’t be with her twenty-four/seven.”

  “We have a plan in place. We’re watching her everywhere she’s going. Eventually, this guy will make a mistake and we’ll catch him.”

  “Yeah, but how long is that going to take? She’s trusting me to keep her safe.”

  “Look, I read this Seth Mackenrow’s profile. I don’t think it’s him. From what I can tell, he’s just concerned about other women disappearing like his sister. I honestly don’t think he’s the one you have to worry about. I don’t think he was the one that slashed her tires. We need to be looking elsewhere. Who else has been around her?”

  “There’s the guy from the school that she teaches with. He’s always around, but as much as I don’t like him, I don’t think it’s him.”

  “Graham Kinsey?”

  “Yeah, that’s him.”

  Cap pulled out a folder and set it down in front of me. “He was a suspect in the disappearance of the Mackenrow girl. Apparently, they had a meeting right before she left the school.”

  “Yeah, but it says that police cleared him.”

  “Read the next page.”

  I flipped the page and scanned over what was written. I couldn’t believe my eyes. “What the fuck? Why is he still teaching there?”

  “Student/teacher relationships are only against the rules if he’s actually her teacher. The “meeting” was about what they were going to do the next semester when she had to take his class. According to him, they agreed that they had to end things be
cause he didn’t want to lose his job. He disclosed all of that to the police and to the dean.”

  “How can they be sure that she didn’t agree with him and he took matters into his own hands?”

  “Cameras in the school showed him still in the building an hour after she left the building.”

  “Did they track him that whole time? Are they sure that he didn’t leave?”

  “Well, they can’t be one hundred percent sure that he didn’t leave, but they couldn’t find any evidence to suggest that he had left or that he had gone anywhere. Her body was never found, which would suggest that she was taken off campus. There just wasn’t time for him to take her off campus and get back for the cameras.”

  I ran a hand over my top lip. “Still, I don’t like it. He’s been hanging around her a lot. They’re supposed to be friends and he hasn’t mentioned this to her at all.”

  “Well, would you want someone to know that you had been investigated in a kidnapping and possible murder?”

  “Alright, so if it wasn’t Graham, then who posted bail for Seth? Let’s look at that.”

  “Um…” Cap went over the report and then frowned. “It says that bail was posted by his coach. Guess he doesn’t think he could do something like that.”

  “I saw him when I picked up Lucy. I didn’t get to talk to him though.”

  “We’ll keep looking into things, but it isn’t necessarily anyone from the school even. She’s had most of her notes delivered to her at her apartment. The vandalism was at her apartment. This is most likely someone from around here.”

  I shook my head. “I don’t know-wait. She had a date with some guy a few weeks back. He got rough with her and I had to step in. He walked away, though.”

  “Do you have a name?”

  “Noah. That’s all I got. They met in the grocery store and went out to dinner later that night at that new restaurant in town. Maybe we can find out his last name from the restaurant. I’ll look back at my calendar and try to remember when the date was.”

  “Good. Let me know. In the meantime, I have a job for you and Derek. Home installation. They want the works. Derek’s already loading the truck with the equipment.”

  “On it, Cap.”

  I walked out of his office and took the elevator down to the supply floor. Derek was packing all the equipment we needed and I took it to the truck. “Where’s the job?” I asked as we got in after we finished loading.

  “Across town. I’m thinking it’ll be an all day job based on the size of the house.”

  “Did they say why they wanted that much security installed?”

  “Nope. They’re not going to be there. They left a key for us outside and asked that the job be completed before they get back tomorrow.”

  “That’s weird. Usually people want to be around for this kind of shit.”

  “Yeah, well, they live in an uppity neighborhood. Doesn’t surprise me at all.”

  “Let’s get this shit done. I want to be home by the time Lucy’s home.”

  “She has protection with her.”

  “Yeah, well, Gabe walked in on us fucking last night and I didn’t like the way he was looking at Lucy. He couldn’t take his eyes off her.”

  “Are you sure it wasn’t you he couldn’t take his eyes off?”

  “Dude, don’t even go there. I didn’t ask and I don’t want to know.”

  “I’m just saying, you shouldn’t assume.”

  I thought back to the way he was looking at us. Lucy had been mostly covered, but it was my ass that was hanging out. “Shit. You don’t really think he’s gay, do you?”

  Derek shrugged. “Never asked.”

  “I’ve fucking showered when he was around. Now I’m never going to be able to look at him the same way. I’m always going to be wondering if he’s looking at me.”

  Derek laughed and slugged me in the shoulder. “Good thing he wasn’t in there when everyone was checking out your wax job.” We pulled up to the house that was at least twice the size of my house. “Alright, let’s go see what we have to work with.”

  We got out and walked to the front door, finding the key hidden where they had told us. I unlocked the door and stepped inside, stopping in my tracks when I saw what was in front of me. Fuck. Time stood still as I took in the device. There was a chair sitting directly in front of me with a box on top and a motion sensor on top of that. The box had cables running out of it, down to a battery on the floor.

  I knew I had to move. I knew that the device would go off, but all I could see was Lucy and all the things we were going to miss out on. I heard Derek swear behind me and I felt him grab onto my arm and yank me out the door. I grabbed the door handle on the way out, slamming the door shut behind us. I dove left and Derek went right as the bomb exploded, sending us flying into the lawn. I felt something pierce my shoulder and my ears were ringing, but other than that, I was fine.

  I stood and looked over at Derek. He was standing also, brushing debris off himself. He looked over and gave a chin lift, which I returned, signaling I was fine. Looking back at the house, the door was missing and the door frame was completely mangled. There were big holes where the interior walls once stood.

  “Fuck me. Claire’s gonna be pissed that I got this shirt all dirty.”

  “Stop thinking with your dick. This isn’t the time for superhero scenarios,” I said, pulling at my ears to try to get my hearing back.

  “What’s wrong with your dick? Did you get hit?”

  The ringing in my ears was persistent and I could only pick up certain words he was saying. “Dude, I told you to stop fucking talking about Gabe. I don’t need to know if he likes dick.”

  Derek walked over to me and pointed at my back. “You have a nail sticking out of your back.”

  I shoved his hand away and stepped back. “Dude, I’m not fucking gay. I’m not taking anything from behind.”

  “Hold still and this’ll only hurt for a minute.”

  The ringing in my ears was starting to dim and I heard sirens in the distance. He turned me around and I felt him yank something out of my back. “Fuck! Why the hell didn’t you say I had something sticking out of my back?”

  “I just fucking told you that.”


  “While you were talking about fucking Gabe.”

  “I didn’t-” He grinned at me and I shook my head. “You were fucking with me.”

  “I couldn’t help it. You’re such an easy target.”

  We looked back at the door, both of us knowing that this job had been a complete setup. The question was, who was trying to kill us?

  “Someone fucked up,” Derek said. “That should have gone off as soon as we opened the door.”

  “Whoever it was forgot to take the plastic strip off the sensor. It delayed it.”

  “Had time to see that, huh?”

  “I had a bit of a brain malfunction in there.”

  “Yeah, I noticed that when I had to drag you away from the bomb that was about to blow us to bits.”

  “We need to call Chance and check in on Lucy.”

  “Fuck, I was really hoping this didn’t have anything to do with her.”

  “It might not, but I don’t want to take any chances.”

  Derek got on the phone with Chance while I called Cap. I explained what happened and as much about the bomb as I could.

  “Jesus Christ. What a clusterfuck.”

  “Cap, what’s the name on the job?”

  “David Emerson. Ring any bells?”

  “None. I thought maybe this was related to Lucy, but I’ve never heard that name before.”

  “I’ll do some more background on the guy, but you should know that you were requested for this job.”

  “By who?”

  “David Emerson. I didn’t think anything of it. He said that he met you a few weeks back and you gave him your card when you talked about security.”

  I thought back and shook my head. “No. I haven’t given out a c
ard in months, and I don’t talk up the business because people always want favors.”

  “Alright. I’ll get Becky on it. After you finish dealing with the police, head over to the campus and check on your girl.”

  “I was going to do that anyway.”

  “That’s why I said it.”

  He hung up without another word and Derek and I went over what happened with the police. It took way too fucking long and I just wanted to get to Lucy, even though Derek had already talked to Chance and everything was fine. We were about halfway to the campus when Chance called back.

  “Yeah?” Derek answered.

  “We have a problem. Someone called in a bomb threat and the school is being evacuated. They won’t let me inside to get Lucy.”

  “Why the fuck weren’t you with her?” I barked.

  “Because that’s not what I was supposed to do. We’ve been hanging back to give her some space.”

  “Fuck,” I swore as I hit the dashboard.

  “They’re emptying the school now. Gabe and I are at the exits watching for her. I’ll let you know if we see her.”

  “We’re about fifteen minutes out,” Derek told him. “We’ll see you soon.”

  He hung up and looked at me warily. “I guess we know why that bomb was there this morning.”

  “Yeah, take me out and get her alone.”

  “Except, she’s not alone. She has Chance and Gabe with her, so what was his plan?”

  “Get her alone in the school,” I said, thinking out loud.

  “Yeah, but they’re clearing out the school.”

  I nodded, trying to figure out what the hell his play was. I pulled out my phone and called Cap.

  “Cap, has Chance checked in with you?”

  “Yeah, he filled me in.”

  “I need you to do me a favor and call whatever department responded to the bomb threat. We need to find out if any of their guys are missing or didn’t respond to the call. Anything suspicious.”

  “Why? What are you thinking?”


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