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Take This Man_Gay Romance Stories

Page 13

by Neil Plakcy

  “Fuck, Cam. I’m so close.”

  As much as I wanted to keep us both in that moment, to hold on to the amazing tension for as long as possible, I was too close to stop. Ben’s fist worked furiously around his cock and I felt him squeeze around me as he came, spurting all over his stomach, his cries turning into labored breaths. Watching him come always pushed me over the edge and I came harder than I had in a while, Ben’s thumbs stroking around my nipples all the way through it. I collapsed on top of him, his skin so hot against mine. When my faculties returned, I tried to get up, but Ben didn’t let me get very far, his lips tracing down the line of my neck.

  “See, wasn’t that better than getting on a train?”

  I lay next to him on the couch, his arm thrown over my chest.

  “It was okay.”

  His elbow dug into my ribs and I pulled him into a kiss before I continued.

  “I do still have to go, Ben.”

  “I know. I got you a ticket for the nine twenty-two train.”

  I sat up and looked at him, but he was too busy reaching for my unfinished mug of coffee. He took a big sip and smiled.

  “Oh, you did? Why didn’t you just tell me that from the beginning?”

  “Guess I forgot to mention it.”

  “Of course you did.”

  “You’re not mad are you, Cam?”

  I kissed him on the forehead and rumpled his already messy hair.

  “No. But you really are a cocky little bastard, Ben.”

  “As if you’d have it any other way.”


  Logan Zachary

  September 28, 2009

  Logan, blow out your candle and make a wish,” Jake, my partner, said as he poured me another glass of champagne.

  The waiter had just set a huge piece of Black Forest cake in front of me with a single candle burning on it. He stepped back, knowing full well not to sing “Happy Birthday” to me.

  The Black Forest restaurant wasn’t very busy for a midweek supper and birthday celebration, and I was glad. I looked into Jake’s eyes and asked, “Jake, will you marry me?”

  “Logan, you know until it’s legal…” Jake set the champagne bottle back on the table and picked up his bubbling flute.

  I raised my glass. “I don’t care what the government says. I want to marry you, and a stupid piece of paper doesn’t make my feelings for you any different. I love you, and I want to marry you.” Our champagne glasses clinked.

  “You want to drive down to Iowa and…?” He extended his fork to steal a bite of cake.

  I nodded for him to help himself to the cake. “You don’t understand. I don’t care about some license or any silly documents. I want a pastor to marry us. In my heart, that’s all that matters, not a stupid document.”

  “But if the paper doesn’t matter…”

  “Never mind. If you don’t want to marry me, that’s fine.”

  “I didn’t say that. I just don’t see why it matters so much to you. You’re always such a rebel, you don’t seem like the one to follow any ancient heterosexual ritual.”

  “I just want you to commit to me, and I want to commit to you. Why is that so hard to understand?”

  “It isn’t, but legally…”

  “I don’t care what they say. If I want to marry you, that’s all that matters to me.”

  Jake took a big bite of cake.

  “Fine, I won’t ask you again, but once it’s legal, you’ll have to ask.”


  “And I expect a ring worth two months’ salary.” I raised my champagne glass and saluted him again before I drained it.

  May 14, 2013

  The newspapers said: Governor Dayton Signs Bill Allowing Same Sex Marriages, in St. Paul, Minnesota.

  “So, are you guys going to get married?” Reed Williams asked, as the bartender set down the round of beers.

  I laughed. “I asked Jake years ago if he wanted to marry me, and he said no.”

  Jake rolled his eyes. “Whatever.” He picked up his frosty mug and tipped it to me.

  Mark Simon leaned forward. “I don’t believe that.” He sipped the foamy head off his mug before he drank.

  “I asked him and he said no, so if he wants to get married, he’s the one who’s going to have to ask me. I bought us matching rings.” I held up my right hand to show them the silver ring.

  “Why is it on your right hand?” Reed asked.

  “I always go against the norm, you should know that by now.” I drank a cold refreshing sip of beer and sat back on my stool.

  “Jake, what do you have to say about that?” Mark asked.

  “I’m not the most romantic man in the world, and Logan wants that. He wants me to fall on my knee and propose to him with a ring. He wants all that romance novel crap from me and…”

  “He can’t do it,” I said.

  “Can’t or won’t?” Mark asked.

  I said, “Won’t,” as Jake said, “Can’t.”

  February 14, 2014

  “Supper was great. I can’t believe you planned ahead for Valentine’s Day.” I stepped out on Hennepin Avenue and inhaled the icy night air.

  “Well, the night isn’t over yet.” Jake snapped his fingers, and a horse-drawn carriage pulled up to the curb.

  “What?” I’m sure the surprise was evident on my face.

  Jake stepped aside so I could get in first. A thick, soft blanket was pulled over our laps, and the driver flicked the reins to get the horse moving.

  I looked around the night sky as the buildings and streetlights flashed around us. A gentle snow began to fall, and the snowflakes sparkled and danced in the colored lights.

  There was a pop next to me, and Jake held up a fizzing bottle of champagne and flutes.

  I took one and held it as he filled it, and then the other one, as he repeated the process.

  The Valentine’s dinner had been a lot of fun, and so delicious.

  Jake set the bottle down and turned to me. “To romance.”

  “To romance.” I clinked glasses and drank, carefully eyeing the contents of the flute.

  No ring.

  We stopped at a red light and Jake took my almost empty flute and turned his back to me. Was this it? Was this the time?

  He filled the glass and returned it to me, ringless.

  I smiled and looked away.

  Jake took a big swig of champagne and set his glass down. He knelt on the carriage floor and pulled the blanket up over his head.

  He’s down on his knee, he’s down on his knee, my mind giggled, but my body felt my zipper lower and his hand digging me out of my pants.

  My dick slipped into his mouth. The cold champagne and bubbles tickled every nerve. My ring was forgotten.

  He swallowed the champagne and started using his wonderful oral skills on me. His talented tongue worked its magic, and I was rising to the occasion.

  Jake pulled my hairy balls from my pants and rolled the fleshy orbs with one hand as he sucked on me. His other hand opened my waistband and carefully guided the pants down as far as he could get them.

  I was in downtown Minneapolis getting the best blow job of my life.

  He slipped a finger under my balls and explored deeper. Closer and closer his tickling touch neared my tender opening.

  I tensed my butt, as his tip brushed over my pucker. I almost shot my load then. He knew my body better than I did. He knew the buttons to push, stroke, caress and lick.

  The pleasure was rising. I closed my eyes, unable to take the stimulation and the knowledge of what was going on underneath the blanket. A limo passed. A man nodded as he stood at the corner waiting for the light to change.

  Could he tell what was happening? Did the driver know? Did he care?

  I pushed away the thought of being arrested and let the joy grow and grow. I guided Jake’s head over my dick. My fingers combed through his hair and held his head tight. I rocked my hips to match his head motion. I wasn’t going to
last much longer.

  I usually moan and groan in the throes of passion, but being in the middle of Hennepin Avenue, my body language and gasping had to let him know I didn’t have long to go.

  He quickened his pace and plunged his finger deeper into me.

  My balls released, and I shot my load down his throat.

  He swallowed as fast as I came, sucking on my overly sensitive dick and driving me crazy.

  I wanted to scream, “Stop!” and pull out of his mouth, but his tongue and his hands held me captive. He ravaged my body as wave after wave exploded out of me. My body jerked from the overstimulation as another spasm shot out of me.

  Jake licked along my shaft and sucked hard at the tip as he finished. He popped up from under the blanket and smiled. He picked up the champagne bottle and refilled his and my flutes. He downed his glass.

  Before I could say anything, he popped another bottle open and refilled his glass. He leaned over and kissed me.

  I could taste myself on his lips as we kissed. “We’re not going to be able to drive home after all this champagne.” My head started to spin and I wasn’t sure if it was from the champagne or the blow job.

  “Good thing neither one of us works tomorrow. One more loop,” Jake said, as he drained his flute.

  “I’m getting dizzy,” I admitted.

  “Pull up your pants before you pass out or drop the blanket and expose something you shouldn’t.”

  A party bus passed by, and several people shouted out the window.

  I pulled up my underwear over my semi-hard dick and adjusted myself before pulling up my pants. I snuggled closer to Jake and felt his body heat radiate into mine.

  He brought his arm around me and held me close.

  Our loop of downtown ended in front of the Radisson Hotel on Nicollet Mall.

  “We parked by Washington Avenue, not over here.”

  Jake carried the champagne bottle and his flute. “Take your glass and follow me.” He walked through the revolving doors. He crossed the lobby and headed to the elevator.

  I followed with my empty champagne glass. “Where are you going?”

  “You’ll see.” His eyes sparkled as he pressed the button for the twentieth floor.

  He pulled a card key out of his pocket and waited for the doors to open. Once we arrived, he walked to the right and stopped at 2013. The card key opened the door and a beautiful view of the downtown filled the windows in the room.

  Two thick white robes were neatly folded on the king-sized bed. A Jacuzzi sat in one corner with another bottle of champagne on ice.

  “We’ll be staying here tonight.” Jake removed his coat and folded it over the chair. He kicked off his shoes and started to unbutton his shirt. “Well, what are you waiting for? Get naked and we can hit the hot tub.” He turned on the water and came to stand in front of me.

  I looked into his eyes. My mouth was agape in surprise.

  “Do you need me to help you?” He bent forward and kissed me. It started off as a peck and turned into a deep passionate kiss, mouths open and tongues exploring.

  “I can’t believe…” I started, and then he kissed me again.

  His hands opened my jacket and let it fall to the floor. He tugged on my shirt and pulled it out of my pants.

  My erection was back with a vengeance.

  I stepped out of my shoes and reached down to unbuckle his belt and unbutton his pants. I didn’t care that the curtains were open. Let Minneapolis watch. Soon, we stood naked in each other’s arms, kissing and caressing. My hands kneaded his muscular butt.

  The water level rose in the hot tub and Jake turned on the jets before he dimmed the room lights. The lights from the downtown buildings filled the room with a warm glow. The snow continued to fall in dancing flakes.

  It was my turn to open the champagne bottle. I shot the cork across the room and filled our glasses as I watched Jake’s beautiful bare butt crawl over the lip of the Jacuzzi. I swallowed hard as I stepped into the hot water with a raging hard-on.

  The water bubbled hot around us and warmed us to the bone. Jake moved next to me and wrapped his arm around my neck as we soaked in the tub drinking our champagne. We stretched our legs out, and I felt my dick and balls float in the swirling water.

  We looked out the window and watched the snow swirl around and float through the night air. The steam rose from the Jacuzzi and beaded on our champagne flutes.

  Jake emptied his glass and set it on the table by the tub. He moved to the center and slipped between my legs. His hard-on led the way to mine. They rubbed alongside of each other in the water. His hands combed through the hair on my chest as he kissed me.

  My arms wrapped around him and pulled him closer. The hair on our balls tickled as it swirled between us.

  Jake reached under the water and my legs. He spread them wider as he glided his hard cock lower and between my cheeks. He probed me, exploring lower.

  I scooted my butt over the edge of the bench and gave free access to my bottom.

  Jake’s finger trailed along the crease and found my tender bud. He circled the opening a few times before he sought entry. Inch by inch his finger entered me. The hot water relaxed me and made for easy access. He slid in and out a few times.

  I arched my back, and he knew I was ready.

  He rose on his knees and guided his dick to my opening.

  I pulled him closer and felt him swim into me. His thick shaft filled me as he slowly glided in. I held his chest pressed against mine in the bubbling water. I nibbled on his neck as his hands pulled my cheeks farther apart.

  He repositioned himself in the Jacuzzi and was able to sink deeper into me. He rocked back and forth. We fell into an easy rhythm and enjoyed the slow ride back and forth. His hand brushed along my arousal, teasing the engorged flesh.

  I thrust my dick toward him, begging him to touch me, take me, do me.

  Before I could say anything, he lifted me up from the bench and twisted around. He sat on the bench and pulled me down on his lap.

  I settled my feet on the bench and knew I was ready. I rode his dick, faster and faster. I thrust down on him harder and harder. I grabbed on to his pecs and found his erect nipples. I pinched the sharp points and twisted gently.

  Jake moaned and found my cock in the bubbling water. He started to jack it as fast as I rode him. Harder and harder he stroked, as he plunged into me.

  I threw my head back and let him have me, let him do anything he wanted. Pleasure rose along with the heat and the bubbles. The view of the city outside was blurred from all the condensation on the glass, but I didn’t care; I was in heaven.

  I felt Jake thrust into me one more time and a hot gush filled me. My cock exploded in orgasm as he squeezed it. I rose and fell on his dick again and another wave gushed out of me, and I felt his dick swell and spasm inside me.

  The scent of male musk and sex filled the room and made me even more dizzy than the champagne. I rose and fell one more time and shot a last load before grabbing on to his body and hanging on for dear life, afraid I’d sink under the water and drown due to the drained feeling of my body.

  We soaked in the steam for a while and the Jacuzzi turned off. Silence descended on the room, and we floated. Jake slowly pulled out of me and stepped out of the tub. He grabbed a robe and wrapped it around himself. He picked up the other one and held it open for me.

  I stepped out of the tub, into the robe and into his arms. We walked out onto the balcony to cool off in the snowy night. Our breaths came out as a mist.

  I turned to Jake. “And we haven’t even tried the bed yet,” I smiled, “or the shower, or the…”

  Jake kissed me to stop my list.

  July 20, 2014: Ireland

  “Did you want the Black Watch pattern or the Stuart kilt?” Jake asked.

  “What do we want these for?” I felt the thick fabric and marveled at the simple artistic design for such a fine kilt.

  “We could use them as our Halloween costumes for M
ark’s annual party at the funeral home.”

  “Anything else?” I pressed. I remembered we had talked about getting married in kilts if the occasion ever presented itself.

  “I’ve always wanted a kilt, and I’m going to get one. Did you want one to match or clash?” Jake knew me too well. “Let’s go try them on.” He headed off to the dressing room.

  I followed behind watching his tight jeans hug his butt and wondering what his ass would look like in a kilt.

  I stepped into the dressing room and kicked off my shoes and pants. It took me a few minutes to figure out how to secure the kilt. I wanted to be naughty, so I slipped off my underwear and stood looking at myself in the mirror. My hairy legs looked great in the kilt. Maybe I could pull this off.

  The curtain pulled aside and Jake stood there. He looked like he had stepped off a romance novel cover. He just needed longer flowing hair and to take off his shirt, and he’d be perfect. Correction. He was perfect.

  “Does my dick look big in this kilt?” I asked.

  “No, your dick is big. Period.”

  I looked down at myself and did my best Price Is Right motion. “Ta-Da. I’ll take it.”

  Jake smiled and pushed me down on the chair. He lifted his kilt and pulled the front up on mine.

  My dick sprang to full length as I saw him flash me.

  He guided his hairy butt over me and rode up and down my shaft. He pulled out a small bottle and lubed up my dick before he lubed his backside. Our bodies rubbed against each other, hair crackling with static. Jake positioned himself over me.

  I sat perfectly still as my tip found his tight opening. It was all I could do to keep from screaming as he slowly sank down on me. He sat still for a second, afraid I’d shoot. As that wave passed, he slowly rose.

  My hand found his thick dick and stroked as he rode me. Deeper and deeper I plowed into him and my hand worked faster and faster.

  He kissed me, and I knew this wasn’t going to take long.

  Jake doubled his speed, and I closed my eyes and clenched my teeth. He was so warm and tight and rubbed every nerve the right way.


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