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Seduced by His Song

Page 9

by Abby Gordon

  Jessica gave him a quick grin, then settled back in her seat, holding herself stiffly. Knowing what he did now about her background, Sean scrutinized her expressions.

  “Are you okay?” he asked softly.

  Smiling her appreciation at his understanding, she nodded.

  “I’m okay,” Jessica whispered. “I’m okay…”

  Leaning forward, Sean pried her right hand free. Her fingers turned, tightening almost painfully on his.

  “Sean, I’m okay,” she breathed. Her eyes were wild with panic. “I’m okay.”

  “You’re okay,” he repeated. “You’re okay. Jessica, just look at me. I’m right here.”

  As if she knew when they were just above the ground, she squeezed her eyes shut before the front wheel touched down. A small whimper escaped her throat.

  “Sean,” Sasha whispered. “Is she all right?”

  “Her parents were killed in a plane crash,” he replied, eyes never leaving Jessica’s face.

  “Good heavens, poor girl,” came the sympathetic response. “Good thing she slept most of the flight out of England.”

  Sean nodded. The plane was slowing and came to a shuddering stop. Jessica gasped and opened her eyes, letting her head fall forward.

  “How did you manage the landing in New Jersey?” Sasha wondered.

  “Sean distracted me,” she drawled. “He’s very good at that.”

  Sasha grinned and pointed briefly at her boss. “I think you embarrassed him.”

  “That might be a first,” Jessica murmured.

  “Hush, both of you,” Sean muttered, unfastening his seat belt. Reaching forward, he worked Jessica’s, and took her hands. “You all right, baby?”

  Gentler, calmer, her fingers tightened slightly.

  “I’m fine,” she assured him.

  Pete appeared in the cockpit door with Matt right behind him.

  “You are free to move about the cabin, folks. And, please, disembark as quickly as possible so I can unload the riffraff in Miami.”

  Already on her way to the galley, Sasha turned and gave him an arched look.

  “Does that include me?”

  “Absolutely not,” he told her. “That,” he pointed at Sam and the other two, “is the riffraff in question.”

  “Last time we let him win in poker,” Sam grumbled.

  Laughing, Jessica got up and headed to the back to collect her bags and boxes.

  The men carried the bags down, while Jessica thanked Sasha for taking care of them. Sean saw the attendant’s face and waited. Seeing his face turned toward him, she smiled and gave him a thumb’s up. Sean grinned back and waved as Jessica made her way down the short staircase. Sasha, along with Pete, had known him since the beginning, when he’d been little more than an eighteen-year-old with a guitar and a dream. She had been upset when he and Charlotte had separated, risking their friendship by telling him that he’d probably never meet a woman who understood him the way the model did. Jessica was the first woman to meet Sasha’s approval since the divorce.

  Seating Jessica in the golf car, Sean shook Saul’s hand. “Thank for taking care of things so quickly.”

  “Samuel was glad to take the boat to the main island,” the man replied with a grin. His shy son stood behind him and nodded. “He got everything on the list.”

  “Fantastic. Thank you, Samuel.”

  “A pleasure,” the soft deep voice answered.

  Getting into the golf cart, he glanced at Jessica, who was turning her head about to take in the small vehicle.

  “Problem, sweetheart?”

  “You really know how to drive one of these things?”

  Ignoring the low chuckles of Saul and Samuel, who went to move the stairs from the plane, Sean caught her chin and met her eyes.

  “They can’t go over twenty-five without blowing the engine. So, no worries, okay?”

  “Who’s worried?” she muttered, putting on the seat belt.

  “You don’t trust my driving?” he teased, pushing the cart’s engine button.

  “Just how do you know the speed that blows the engine?”

  The cart moved forward. She waited until they had left the runway and were on a narrow road.

  “Sean? How do you know?”

  “Some of us had the wonderful, brilliant really, idea of testing the golf carts. Sheer genius.”

  “Testing them?” She turned on the seat, fascinated despite her worry. “What did you do?”

  “We all went to the runway and set things up. There were contests for parking, driving abilities,” he gestured at one large bungalow with a few lights on. “That’s the main Hancock villa.”

  “Driving abilities,” she prompted.

  “Cones set out that we had to drive around,” Sean explained. “And then of course, we had races.”

  “Races,” echoed Jessica. “And that’s when you found out the blowing speed for the engine.”

  “Pretty much,” he confirmed, grinning. “God, that was a helluva day. And an even better night. See, there were about three dozen or so of us. Mostly Hancocks and Franklins, but all the families were represented.”

  “Even the Morrises?”

  “Zach was here,” Sean answered. “It was Christmas of 2000. The island was hopping. All the families were here. Kids everywhere, grandparents, from newborn to over ninety. It was incredible. Anyway, we were all at the Hancock place when one of the Hancock uncles, Tim I think. He’s about ninety-two now. He mentioned the horseracing they used to do during their sojourns to the island.”

  “And since there weren’t any horses,” she filled in.

  He grinned at her. “Exactly. We piled into the golf carts and took over the runway.”

  “Everyone?” she stared at him.

  “Oh, yeah. It was great. Mrs. Alma Hancock won the long course for driving ability. She’s the Hancock matriarch. Her grandsons say that, if she was in charge of the Middle East peace talks, all sides would give in to anything she said ten minutes after she started in on them.”

  “A formidable woman,” Jessica decided.

  “She is that. She scares the bejeezus out of any one with a brain when she gets angry with you.” He grinned, taking Jessica’s hand in his. “But she would walk through fire for her family. You might have heard about how one of her grandsons was captured by the Taliban a few years ago. His Ranger squad was ambushed and he was taken. Those not wounded ignored orders and went after him. ”

  “That sounds familiar,” she murmured. “I don’t remember much about it.”

  “Well, some idiot in the Pentagon decided to make an example out of all of them and court-martial the lot, including Ben. Alma marshaled her forces and laid siege to the military. They didn’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell against her.”

  “I think I like her.”

  Sean laughed and kissed her palm. “I think she’d like you.”

  “So, what about your family?”

  He shrugged. “Not much of us left. My parents died a couple years after I hit the charts. I’ve a sister who doesn’t like the island because of a tropical storm that came through when she was about five.” Sean pointed at the next large bungalow. “And that is the Franklin’s. The Morrises and Jays are on the other side of the runway.”

  She nodded. “Anyone besides a sister?”

  “A few cousins. We’re not really that close. Different interests and ages. Sophia, my sister, is married and extremely involved with her dozen charities. She has two, no, three children.”

  “You don’t know how many children?” Jessica stared at him. “When was the last time you saw her?”

  “Um…” He frowned. “Just after the divorce.”

  “So about five years? Not even after you were poisoned?”

  “She sent a card with a note.”

  “That’s good. I guess.”

  “Not all families are close, babe,” he reminded her, turning down a path to the right. “Yours isn’t.”

  “It was,”
she sighed. “My parents and I were a unit. A team. We had little jokes that only we three understood. They absolutely adored each other and loved me terribly.”

  “It must have been so hard for you,” he said quietly.

  “It was,” whispered Jessica. “I was supposed to be on the plane with them. Papa had just earned his pilot’s license and was going to take us up. I caught a horrible cold, so I stayed home. Papa set up a radio in my bedroom so I could hear…”

  “Oh, fuck,” Sean breathed. “No.”

  She nodded. “It had been a glorious flight. Papa and Mum told me everything they saw. Papa was talking about me going up in a few days when I was better. And when they came in for the landing…” Her breath caught and Sean squeezed her hand. “The investigators said it was a wind shear. Airports across the country had problems that hour from the horrific winds. There were dozens of accidents. This one caught a wing tip and flipped the plane over. Grandmama said they were killed instantly, but I already knew that. I’d heard Papa shout and Mum screamed and then…” Jessica wiped the tears from her cheeks. “The noise cut off. There was nothing but silence. And for me to wait for someone to come tell me what I already knew.”

  Stopping the cart, Sean held her as she sobbed. After long moments, her body shuddered and sighed.

  “I’m sorry to be such a wet blanket.” Her hand patted his chest. “Well, I guess technically speaking, you’re the wet blanket now.”

  “Anytime, babe,” he murmured, stroking her back.

  He felt her hands move as if wiping her face.

  “I’m a mess,” she muttered. “I always look a wreck when I cry.”

  “I don’t care,” he told her, keeping her at his side as he put the cart back in gear. “Ready to see something to make you smile?”

  “I already see something that makes me smile,” Jessica replied, tilting her head on his shoulder.

  “Just not make you laugh when you look at me, okay?” He winked at her.

  “The thought of you wandering around backstage…”

  Her voice drifted off and he groaned. “I never should have told you that story.”

  She giggled and he smiled. The path wound around the main bungalow and she craned her head around to look at its shadowy form through the trees.

  “Why don’t you stay there?”

  “It’s huge. It’s got, like, a dozen bedrooms, each with their own bathroom. The third floor is half nursery and half for staff. The downstairs has…” He shook his head. “If Sophia came down any, she would use it. But for just me?” He shrugged. “It doesn’t make sense to crank up everything for just me.”

  “Will you take me around though?”

  “Sure, if you can drag me out of the studio, or if I can go thirty minutes without tearing your clothes off and holding you against a wall or taking you to the floor to make love to you, I think we can manage that.”

  “Tear a bikini off, please. Not one of my new dresses.”

  “Sheez,” he grumbled, nearing the last curve. “A guy can take hits to the ego but losing out to clothes?”

  Jessica giggled again and he sighed, squeezing the arm around her shoulders. She leaned forward to peer through the trees.

  “Is that it?”

  “Close your eyes.”

  Smiling, she tilted her face so he could see she’d obeyed. He pulled up under the carport and turned the engine off.

  “Keep ’em closed.” He went around, undid her seat belt, and helped her out. “I’ll take you around.”

  At that, he picked her up and carried her around the outside. Standing on the bottom porch step, he put her on her feet and turned her.

  “Now, look.”

  Jessica opened her eyes and stared. The last rays of the sun were turning the horizon fiery oranges that faded into purples.

  “Gorgeous. The colors. It’s as if the water is on fire.”

  “Wait until you see the whole thing tomorrow,” he promised.

  She tilted her head back as Sean’s arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her against him. Relaxing in his embrace, she stared up, feeling his lips on her hair.

  “The stars,” she breathed. “I’d forgotten how bright they were. The sky. It’s like black velvet with glitter points.” Her head turned to watch the last orangey reds change to black. “I’ll definitely drag you out of the studio tomorrow,” she promised. “I want to be with you when I see my first tropical sunset.”

  “I like the sound of that,” he murmured, turning her toward him.

  His hands were already roaming her body. He lowered his head to tease her ear. With a sigh, she tilted hers to give him greater access. His mouth glided down her neck and nibbled. A low moan had his hands clenching her butt cheeks. Her hands stroked up his arms to wrap around his neck. His hard length pressed to her pussy through the silk.

  “Jess, babe,” murmured Sean. “Three seconds or I’ll tear…”

  Her arms were already unwrapping from his neck and going to the hem. Crossing her hands in front of her, she drew them up and over her head. Even as she was trying to untangle arms from silk, his hands were busy on the matching lacy demi-bra and panties. She felt the silk on her feet just before Sean’s hand cupped her pussy. Where her bra went, she had no idea. At the moment, she didn’t care. While his left hand fondled her drenched folds, his right arm braced her upper body. His mouth made a hot trail to her breasts, suckling and nibbling until she was writhing in his embrace.

  “Sean, Sean,” she begged, nails digging into his upper back. “God, please, Sean, I need you to fuck me. Please.”

  Two fingers slid into her as his thumb teased her clit. Her teeth found his ear lobe.

  “More, damnit,” she demanded.

  His answer was a low, wicked chuckle. His clever fingers hooked in her pussy, finding her G-spot as his thumb rubbed hard. His teeth raked across her turgid nipples before sucking so hard she was sure he’d pulled the breast into his mouth. Some part of her brain caught the wildness of the moment—sunset, outside, her nudity contrasting with him fully dressed. And that just drove her more desperate for his touch.

  “I want you,” Jess told him. “Sean.”

  His right hand wrapped her hair, which she’d put in a low ponytail, and just like that he took control of her. She stared at him, trembling, knowing what was coming. Her pussy clenched around his fingers in anticipation. For a long moment, she held her breath, waiting.

  In the deepening darkness, with only the stars for light, his eyes were black. He pulled his fingers out of her. She couldn’t hold back the whimper. Or the gasping moan when three filled her pussy.

  “Wait for permission,” he told her. “Be a good girl.”

  Nodding, she kept her eyes on his face. “Yes, Master,” she whispered.

  His fingers stroked in and out in the same rhythm his cock would keep, going as deep as they could. His thumb pressed down on her clit. Each time, his fingers hooked up, pressing against the nerves. Sweat covered her body as she tried to hold back the fire that was building up. Her walls tried to clamp down, to hold his fingers inside her. She could feel herself dripping into his hand.

  Her legs trembled from the effort she was exerting. The entire time, she kept her eyes on his face. Waiting. Waiting. Just when she was sure she couldn’t hold back anymore. He dipped his head slightly. His lips parted.


  Her pussy clenched and her entire body jerked several times as the electricity shot through her veins. Her head fell back as a long moan left her throat. She collapsed in his arms. He pulled his hand from her pussy and held her quivering body.

  “Such a good girl,” he whispered. “Oh, so good for your master.”

  “My legs,” she breathed. “Won’t work.”

  Chuckling, he scooped her in his arms.

  “Any excuse to carry you,” he replied, stepping across the porch. “Can you get the door?”

  She managed to reach out, and after a couple fumbles, turned the knob. Exhausted
from the past week, the trip, and an explosive orgasm, she was asleep before he reached the bedroom.

  Chapter Nine

  Something brushed down her cheek and tickled her nose. Muttering sleepily, she squeezed her eyes shut and burrowed her face against the pillow. Really, she was having the most lovely dream and… The masculine chuckle had her freeze the thought. The scent of tea had her nose twitch as she turned her head.

  “Sleepyhead,” teased Sean, sitting on the edge of the bed.

  “It wasn’t a dream,” she murmured, rolling all the way over. She started to sit up and realized she was naked. “You’re getting very good at putting me to bed when I’m naked. And taking my clothes off to put me to bed.”

  “I’m even better at putting you to bed when you’re naked,” he assured her.

  Her eyes went to the low dresser and took in the tray and tea service.

  “Is that tea?” she wondered. “You made me tea?”

  “It is and I did.” He stood and poured a cup. “I think I remembered what you do.” He brought it to her, smiling when she took it with both hands and sipped eagerly. “Well?”

  “Very good,” she assured him. “But you’re even better at your day job. Stick to that.”

  “I plan on it,” Sean chuckled, pouring a cup for himself. Carrying it, he resumed his seat on the edge of the bed.

  “What time is it?”

  “Seven-thirty. You slept nearly ten hours. I kept checking to make sure you were breathing.”

  “Grandmama would do that,” she whispered, smiling briefly at the memory. “It scared her the first few weeks I was with them.” She sipped the tea. “You’re not in your studio?”

  “I didn’t want you to wake up alone,” he replied simply.

  Touched, she reached out a hand. He took it and they sat in contented silence as they drank. Her stomach growled and she blushed while he laughed.

  “I brought one load of bags in,” he told her, taking her cup and putting both on the nightstand. He pulled her onto his lap. “I just didn’t want you to wake up a third time alone.”

  “I’m all right, Sean,” she assured him. “Really. I just need a shower to wipe the last cobwebs from my brain and then breakfast.”


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