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Hitched: A Jack 'Em Up Wedding

Page 4

by Shauna Allen

  Jesse ambled in behind me, scratching his chest and looking adorably edible. “What’s up?”

  I peered up from my bag. “I forgot my pill last night. I need to take two right now or—” I found the package of pills and popped two out into my hand.

  “Or what?”

  I met his suddenly serious eyes. “What do you mean? They’re birth control.”

  “You take those for your endometriosis, right?”

  The hand with the pills fell limp to my side. “Well . . . yes. And for contraception.”

  “What happens if you don’t take them?”

  My heart began to beat double-time and my throat dried up as the implications of what he was asking sank in and I suddenly remembered my conversation with Delilah as I got ready for the wedding. “I think that’s kinda obvious, Jesse.” My words came out soft and trembly.

  He stepped into the bathroom and cupped my hand, prying it open to examine the pills. “I meant, what would happen with your endometriosis? Would it get worse or something?”

  I blinked down at our palms. “I . . . it won’t get worse necessarily, but my periods will get more painful.”

  “But . . .” He shook his head and moved back, releasing me. “Never mind.”

  “No.” I grabbed his arm to stop him. “Tell me.”

  He hesitated the briefest of moments, his eyes shining with insecurity. I thought we’d gotten past this and it broke my heart to see any vestiges of the wounded little boy that still lived within him. “I thought . . . we’ve never talked about a family. Do you want one?”

  His sad eyes shouted that he was expecting me to turn him down; that he knew I couldn’t possibly want that with him. How wrong he was. My grip slid down his arm to wrap around his hand. “More than anything, Jesse.”

  Hope danced across his face.

  “Do you?” I asked.

  “You know,” he said, his shoulders visibly relaxing now. “I never gave it much thought. Until you.”


  “And I’d be honored if you had my children. Nothing would make me prouder than to see you pregnant with my baby. But I don’t want it to hurt you or to push you into anything you’re not ready for.”

  Relief slid through me in a sweet rush. “Sweetheart, I’d have your baby tomorrow if I could. But is it too soon to be talking about this? We just got married. We have time.”

  I watched a rainbow of emotions and thoughts flicker across his face as he considered his answer. Then, slowly, he unrolled my fingers and picked up the tiny white pills. With his eyes locked on mine as if waiting for me to stop him, he walked over and flushed them down the toilet.

  “What are you doing?” My eyes were glued to the circling water as a brand new future started to form in my mind, daring me to hope.

  He gripped my hips and hauled me against his chest. “I don’t think it’s too soon, Rachel. We’ve known each other for years, we’ve been through the worst of nightmares together and came out stronger on the other side. We’re nearly thirty, we have jobs, a home . . . we’re in love. When would it be a better time?”

  My body was trembling. “Don’t you want to be married for a while first?”

  “Nope.” He trailed his fingertips down my body and kissed the sensitive flesh just under my ear. “Do you?”

  I could scarcely think as his hot breath fanned my breast and he knelt in front of me, his hot gaze aimed up at me. “Nope,” I whispered.

  “Good.” His tongue lashed out and bathed my naval. “It’s settled then.”

  I clutched his head, my brain a jumbled mess of lust and love. “What . . . oh, God . . . what’s settled?”

  His chuckle tickled my thigh. “We’re gonna make a baby.”

  “We are?” I sighed as his tongue flicked across my most sensitive flesh.

  He stood and guided me out to the bed, where he laid me down then climbed over my body to hover above me. His heat and his scent branded me and I was taken again by my deep love for this man. He brushed the hair from my face, his eyes pinned to mine. “Yes. We are. But only if you’re sure.”

  I cupped his scruffy jaw and traced his lower lip with my thumb. “I couldn’t be more sure . . . about you, about us, about anything.”

  I leaned up and kissed him with all the love I had in my heart, and in return, he gave me his soul.

  Other Books by Shauna Allen

  The Cupid Chronicles:

  Inked by an Angel: Book I

  The Halo Effect: Book II

  Wounded Wings: Book III

  Cupid’s Last Stand: Book IV

  Charlie’s Angel: A Novella


  Elvis is a Keeper

  Circle of Redemption: A Tre Donne Anthology

  Jack ‘Em Up:

  Burnout: Prequel (Blake and Delilah: The Beginning)

  Crank: Book I (Blake and Delilah)

  Torque: Book II (Jesse and Rachel)

  Hitched: A Jack ‘Em Up Wedding (Jesse and Rachel)

  Throttle: Book III (Trace and Tori)

  Rev: Book IV (Micah and Jewel) COMING SOON!

  Dear Reader,

  This book would not exist without you. Seriously. Jesse and Rachel’s story in Torque has become one of my most loved books, not because I’m so awesome, but because readers really bonded emotionally with these two and their struggles. I was humbled to be a part of that. As I got ready to move on to Trace and Tori in Throttle, many of you said you needed more. I wasn’t ready to let them go just yet either, so Hitched was born. If, by some crazy chance, you haven’t read the first part of their story in Torque, I’d suggest you grab a copy so you can fully understand the love these two have for each other.

  If you’ve picked up this book as part of Throttle’s release, thank you for reading. I’m thrilled to have you! I hope you enjoy all the stories of my sexy mechanics at Jack ‘Em Up and keep an eye out for the last book in the series, Rev, which will be Micah and Jewel’s story.

  If you haven’t yet, please check out all my links at: to keep up with me on social media and sign up for my Angel Kisses Newsletter for all my latest goodies, including Rev’s release date.

  Big Hugs and thank you for reading!


  P.S. Did you recognize the big guy in the blue bug? If not, you probably missed out on my Cupid Chronicles. Check them out . . . an angel is waiting for you!


  First, last, and always, thank You, Lord. This journey wouldn’t be possible without You.

  Always in my heart and in my mind, lots of love and gratitude (as always) to my incredible family. Thank you for putting up with so much so I can do this.

  Susan Muller and Jan Nash, I can never, ever thank you enough for all you do. All the time, every time.

  My lovely assistant, Kimberly Dawn, you are simply a lifesaver. Thank you.

  Also, my Beta Babes: Sarah S., Kenderly W., Megan W., Melanie H., and Amy L. thank you for helping my work to shine.

  Hugs to my fellow Divas, Ink Mamas, Sharla Lovelace, Jamie Farrell, and Selena Laurence. You guys are my favorite sounding board and you keep me sane. Love you! (P.S. Thank you for the beautiful cover for this book, Jamie!)

  To all the Divas out there and those to come . . . Keep Calm and Diva On!

  And, lastly, to my entire Shauna’s Angels Street Team, this book is truly your baby. Thank you for loving Jesse and Rachel so much. Especially big thank yous to Charisse H., Debbie R., and Destiny J. for being the first to ask for Hitched.

  Also Available Now

  Throttle: Jack ‘Em Up Book III

  Being a single father is not for the faint of heart. It’s not for pussies or pushovers either.

  I’ve learned the hard way that you have to suck it up and bust your ass to do it right, or there’s no point. Luckily for me, kids have an uncanny bullshit radar and know when your heart is in the right place.

  Mine was currently holding my temper in check as I attempted to wrangle my
wiggling seven-year-old into bed.

  “No!” Ryder screeched high enough to break glass. “I’m not tired!”

  Taking a deep breath, I tried to summon my crumbling patience. It. Was. Hard. “Come on, Ry. It’s been a long day. Plus, Aunt Rachel is here and I need you to be a big boy for her.”

  I’d tried the bedtime snack thing, the bedtime story, heck, even the bedtime tickle. They’d all bombed epically. Apparently, my little guy was channeling the obstinance I knew he’d inherited from me and unleashing it at the most inopportune time.


  “Ryder,” Rachel’s soft voice drifted from behind me, “why don’t we go in the living room and watch that show you were telling me about?” Her deep brown eyes flickered to mine, silently asking permission.

  At that point, I was ready to hand over the reins. I loved my kid, would gladly die or kill for him, but tonight I’d reached my max. I stepped back and let him scramble out of bed and rush to Rachel’s open arms.

  Sweet relief poured over me. “Great. Have a good time, you two.”

  She winked and sauntered off with my son in her arms. I followed a moment later to find them already cuddled up on the couch. I froze and studied them, swallowing the usual bitterness that threatened to consume me when I thought of all that Kristi had denied our child when she’d run off for greener pastures. Well, her next high . . . and her next, and her next . . . but what the fuck ever. Why she couldn’t clean up her act for her own son was beyond me, but I was just glad I’d been there to pick up the pieces. The fact that I knew about him at all was a miracle, since she didn’t bother to contact me until she was in labor.

  Yeah. Surprise.

  I guess pain and panic can make people do crazy stuff like let the father of their baby in on the secret.

  Well, what was done was done. No sense crying about it now. Kristi was just a faint one-night-stand memory that had taught me a cruel lesson in trust. Ryder was mine, and I would protect him at all costs. The way it should be.

  I leaned over and brushed a kiss to his head, ruffling his dark brown hair, so much like mine. “Love you, Buddy. Have fun and be good for Aunt Rachel.”

  He mumbled something, his attention riveted on the colorful cartoon characters on the television.

  Rachel grinned up at me. “Have a good time, but don’t let my fiancé have too much fun. He has to meet me at the altar tomorrow.”

  “I’ll see what I can do. A man only has one bachelor party, you know.” At the drop of her jaw, I relented. “Of course I’ll watch out for him. He loves you too much to screw this up anyway.” I grabbed my keys and faced her. “Thanks for watching Ry so I can go. I really appreciate it.”

  “Absolutely. You have to be there. Jesse wouldn’t have it any other way. I already had my fun with the girls last weekend, so it’s my man’s turn. Plus, who can complain about spending a quiet night alone with their second favorite man?” She waved a hand to shoo me. “Now, go, get outta here. We have junk food to eat.”

  I wasted no time. I ducked out and locked the door behind me, breathing in the tang of the late summer air. Sliding into my ’55 Chevy, I took a moment to relish the simplicity of silence. These past seven years, my life had become all about my son. Protecting him. Teaching him. Loving him. My heart had taken the backburner, constantly reliving and marinating in my jaded memories.

  But tonight? Tonight, I was going to live it up and get back to the easy-going guy I used to be. The guy I used to like and respect, not the lonely stranger in the mirror.

  I cranked up the engine, the AC, and my long-buried determination, and took off for the Funky Monkey.

  Parking next to Micah’s black Jeep, I pocketed my keys and bounded for the door. There was a ton of fun just waiting to be squeezed into a few measly hours. Hell, if it wasn’t for my neighbor, Mrs. Callahan, who watched Ryder when he got home from school and occasionally at night, I’d never have a moment alone. The sweet older woman loved spoiling him with cookies and hugs since her own grandchildren didn’t live close by. I was happy to let her, he had so few women in his life.

  But, tonight, I had Rachel’s help and I was gonna take advantage.

  The loud music, bustle of people, and scent of beer greeted me as I pushed inside. Scouring the bar, I immediately spotted my friends at a table near the back. I made my way through the maze of people and snuck up behind the man of the hour, my buddy, Jesse Joyner.

  “Happy Ball ‘n Chain Day, man!” I smacked him on the back as he rounded on me, pure joy on his goofy-ass face.

  “Thanks, dude!” He stood and moved over so I could squeeze a chair in. “My lady doing all right at your place?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Yes. She’s watching one of Ryder’s shows and tanking him up on junk food.”

  “That’s my girl.”

  Reaching for the pitcher of beer, I poured a glass and took a long pull. Tonight was about my friend and his wedding. And getting some free time out of the house. Couldn’t forget that.

  Blake leaned over and began talking shop with Jesse. Our other buddy, Micah, made his way back from the pool tables, a crisp new twenty dollar bill pinched between his fingers, a grin on his face. He slid into the chair next to mine. “Next round is on me,” he crowed.

  Pool shark.

  We laughed and drank and shot the shit as a few more of Jesse’s friends and family members trickled in. I’d given him hell for refusing the whole stripper thing, but I kinda got it when his dad and older brother, Dwayne, showed up. After spending five long years behind bars and two on parole, he was more interested in family time than a good time, and I couldn’t begrudge him that.

  Pitchers of Budweiser flowed freely and we were getting a tad loud and rowdy, but it was all in good fun. Jesse’s free laughter and infectious grin made it all worth it.

  “Care to dance?”

  I glanced up at the sultry voice to my right, letting my eyes focus on the dark-haired girl with huge, surgically-enhanced assets. “Uh . . .” I moved to stand, figuring why the hell not, but then I froze as my world came to a screeching halt.

  It was her.



  Copyright © 2015 Shauna Allen

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  Table of Contents










  Other Books by Shauna Allen

  Dear Reader Letter


  Throttle Preview

  Copyright © 2015 Shauna Allen




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