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Chloe and Brent's Wild Ride

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by Monroe, Myandra

  Chloe and Brent’s Wild Ride

  Chloe was sitting at her desk with her reading glasses on, thumbing through an endless pile of scripts. She read through yet another mundane plot about a cop, out to save the world. She yawned and laid it on the reject pile along with nearly everything else she had read tonight. She looked at the time and pouted. It was nearly ten o’clock and she was missing Brent already.

  Even though she told him she had a pile of work to do, she hoped he’d call and interrupt this tedious chore. She wanted so badly to pick up a script that would lead her down a path of fantasy and get her heart racing. All she found in this pile was much of the same thing over and over again. What she needed was something out of the ordinary. Chloe tapped her pencil on the desk and stared at her phone. Damn, she wished Brent would call.

  Chloe Anders had met Brent Harper at a friend’s housewarming party nearly six months ago. They spotted each other at the same time and it was lust at first sight. He was tall, slender with wide shoulders and narrow hips. He had a thick mane of dark tousled hair, beautiful blue eyes and a devilish smile with straight white teeth. Physically they were a perfect match for one another. Chloe was a beautiful blonde with large blue eyes, nice rounded tits and an ass that could only be described as heavenly. They started talking that evening and from that moment on, they became inseparable. The two of them couldn’t keep their hands off one another for more than a night since they met. It was Chloe that decided that it would be healthy for them to take a night off. She needed to catch up on some work and he had some extra side work to do also. She decided halfway into the evening that she’d made a big mistake. She missed Brent like crazy! It was torturous being apart from him.

  Brent was doing some undercover work for a well-to-do client named Arthur Dobley. The man always paid him in cash, lots of it. Chloe never asked nor did she want to know what Brent did to earn it but the man always called him back again and again. She was sure it was something she was better off not knowing about. Brent would tell her in an instant if she insisted. He trusted her that much.

  Chloe was a firm believer that no matter how close you were to someone, there needed to be boundaries. She drew the line at his clandestine work for Mr. Dobley. She preferred her Brent, the boyfriend instead of the private investigator, Brent Harper Esq. She never insisted that he learn what script editing entailed, so they were even. She liked their lives with just enough separation to keep it interesting. Besides… her sweet and naughty Brent gave her enough excitement for two lifetimes.

  She picked up another script with an exasperated sigh and kept her eye on the clock of her phone. As if Brent instinctively knew it was time to rescue her from this monotonous task of reading torturously boring scripts, the phone rang and her heart lightened. She answered it immediately. “Thank God you called! I was waiting for you.”

  Brent teased. “How’d you know it was me?”

  “Did you assume I knew it was you?” They both laughed at the same time.

  “What’cha you doin sweetheart? Do you need to be rescued?”

  “Of course I need to be rescued! You know I always need to be rescued from being lonely for you.” Chloe purred over the phone. “Are you ready to come and save me now?”

  “I’m always ready to do that but I was thinking there’s something I’d love to have you do for me?”

  “Sounds intriguing…?” Chloe plied. She knew him too well and he was up to something. He was ready to play games and she was always receptive to Brent Harper’s games, in fact she lived for them. Her legs began to twitch and she squirmed in her office chair simply from the tone of his voice.

  “Good, I’ll be there in about twenty minutes.” Brent paused for a moment. “Chloe, you do trust me, don’t you?”

  Chloe’s stomach filled with her “Brent butterflies” the kind, only he could give her. “Um… yes, of course you know I do… why?”

  “Never mind, I’ll see you soon.” His voice was gravelly like it always was when he was aroused. Chills of excitement ran down Chloe’s spine. “Oh and just so you know… we’re taking a nice long drive tonight.”

  She hung up the phone and squealed like a delighted little girl.

  Chloe quickly ran into the bathroom to shower, anticipating what her lover had in store for her. She was literally trembling as she stepped under the warm water. That man could make her do anything, at anytime but in all fairness she knew how to return the favor. They both had the ability to mold one another like clay into whatever the other one wanted for sexual favors.

  It was a wonderful place to be at with a lover, trusting each other. Chloe and Brent knew that by being open to one another needs, they were fulfilling each other’s deepest desires. She soaped her body and shuddered as she thought of her sexy handsome Brent.

  Chloe stepped out of the shower at the same moment she heard his key in the door. She began to dry herself off and glanced over her shoulder to see him leaning on the door frame with a grin on his face. His eyes traveled over her freshly scrubbed body.

  “Good, just how I hoped I’d find you, naked and ready to play dress up for me.” He walked over slowly and took the towel from her and gently finished drying off her curves. She leaned against his lean tall frame and kissed him hello.

  “Dress up?” She inquired. “So are you going to tell me where we’re going and what you have up your naughty boy sleeve?”

  Brent lightly kissed the tops or her bare shoulders as he took his time to answer. “I’m not quite ready to tell you yet.” He dropped the towel and scooped her up. Chloe giggled as he carried her to the bedroom. She wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a kiss on his cheek as he cradled her in his strong arms.

  As soon as they got to her room, Brent put her down and immediately began to rifle through her clothes in the closet. She stood there naked and watched as he pulled out a very short pink dropped waist skirt that had several layers of ruffles around the hips. Without turning around, he handed it to her. “Here put this on.”

  She held up the skirt and questioned his choice. “Uh… this skirt is pretty short, are you sure? I actually bought it for part of a Tinker Bell costume that I never wore...”

  Without looking back he answered confidently. “Uh huh, I'm more than sure about it. You ask too many questions sometimes. Just be a good girl and put it on. Please?”

  Chloe slipped it over her head and pulled it down around her waist. It fit snugly across her hips and stomach as the flared ruffles fell softly over the tops of her thighs and bottom. She bent over slightly and looked in the mirror. “Well, you can see my entire ass when I bend over. Is that the look you were going for?” Chloe asked him sarcastically.

  Without hesitation he answered back. “Yep, that’s perfect!” He turned around holding a little white leotard bra top with cap sleeves. “Here put this on too.” He gave her his sexiest crooked grin.

  She looked at the skimpy top and commented as only Chloe could. “Ah! I see! You’re going to put me on a street corner and see how many Johns I can pick up dressed like a hooker. Am I getting warm?”

  He grinned smugly. “The only “John” you get to service is me.” He raised one eyebrow. “I thought you said you trusted me? What’s with all the questions? You know you’re gonna’ love it so don’t be so difficult and humor your poor old horny boyfriend. Okay?” He kissed her forehead, got on his knees and dove into the tangled mass of shoes on the floor of her closet.

  “Chloe, how do you find anything in here?” He grumbled as he dug through the mess, one shoe at a time.

  “I find things just fine in there.” She said defensively to his adorable backside. “Just because you’re a neat freak doesn’t mean we all have to live lik
e that.”

  He stood up with a pair of pink peek toe high heels. “You’re just a little too grouchy tonight young lady.” He smiled as he handed them to her. “Put these on.” The softness of his blue eyes hit her right in the heart as he politely finished the demand. “Pretty please…” He gently ran his index finger down the bridge of her nose. “…sweet cheeks?”

  How could she turn him down? She obediently slipped the heels on and stood in front of him as she turned around slowly with her arms away from her sides. When she got to the backside she bent over to show him her naked rump and slapped it hard for as an added bonus. He laughed and nodded his head with approval. “Very nice my darling girl - I love it!”

  She felt somewhat like a mannequin as he tugged and manipulated the stretchy fabric of the leotard bra. He pushed her breasts closer together and higher inside the Lycra material like they were made of play dough. “Um… did you play with Barbie dolls when you were growing up?” She inquired with great amusement.

  “Mmmm, those are some nice knockers you got there babe.” He rubbed her nipples with his thumbs and they immediately turned into hard buds beneath the fabric of the skimpy top. He leaned down and cupped her soft orbs in both hands while he kissed the white crest of her bulging bust line.

  Chloe’s chest rose and fell in short ragged breaths. She gazed up at his handsome face with her soulful blue eyes and stroked the side of his cheek with her fingertips. She whispered softly. “Oh God Brent, I love you so much sometimes it hurts.” That was as truthful as she would ever be to any one person in her lifetime. She had released every emotion she held inside and handed it over to this man that was standing in front of her willing to love her the exactly the same way.

  Brent cradled her face between his hands and smiled softly. “Chloe, thank you for being here for me and with me.” He lifted her face to his lips and kissed her. Winking, he added. “Well babe… you get to be my walking, talking Barbie doll for the evening. Won’t that be fun?”

  Chloe nodded as words escaped her for the moment. He led her by the hand to her vanity and pulled out the chair for her to sit in front of the mirror. She complied silently as he crouched down beside her. He looked at her reflection with that soul sucking grin of his. “Now, could you to do that wild heavy eye shadow look you do once in a while and put your hair up in those funky, mussed up pigtails.” She looked at him in complete amazement as he used his hands to describe the look. “You know, sort of that trampy, messy young Madonna “Like a Virgin” look.”

  Chloe muffled a laugh as she drank in his enthusiasm. “So… in other words, you’re telling me you want me to look like a total slut?” She smirked. “Brent, you do realize that I can’t stand Madonna, right?”

  He tilted his head and pleaded. “Aw… you know what I mean.” He winked. “Just humor me babe. I have some stuff to do out in the living room.” He got up to leave. “Don’t take too long! We have some driving to do yet.” It intrigued her that he really did want her to look trampy. Well, if Brent Harper wanted a tramp for the night, he’d damn well get his wish.

  Brent brought along supplies for their trip. Fruits, cheeses, stemware and some good California red and rose wines for starters. He’d filled his iPod with all of their favorite songs. He brought along some very special surprises and packed them all in a travel bag. The keys to Arthur Dobley’s cabin and the code to the alarms were in his jacket pocket. The cabin was secluded and private and just the place he wanted to take Chloe for a romantic getaway.

  He remembered he’d better tell Chloe to pack some extra clothes for the weekend so he returned to the bedroom. She was standing in front of the mirror putting on her lipstick and it took his breath away. Chloe was leaning forward in her high heels with her naked ass peeking out from beneath the ruffles of her skirt. He stopped dead in his tracks as he took all of her in. She had transformed herself into the sweetest looking little trollop he ever laid eyes on. Just for him.

  His Chloe, who seldom wore make-up, had painted her lips bright red. Her large blue eyes looked smoky and sultry, smudged with dark charcoal shadow. Her cheeks were deeply blushed and she had teased her blonde hair into messy pigtails tied up with ragged bows. Miraculously, Chloe looked like she just rolled out of some lucky bastard’s bed.

  She gave him a bewildered look that melted his heart. “I hope this makes you happy Brent? I look like a total streetwalker!”

  Brent snorted as he came over to give her a big hug. “Nonsense, you look like one of those sexy little club girls.” He lied. “They all look like this. I like it.” He grinned and squeezed her tightly against him.

  She could feel his erection against her but still gave him a pitiful look. “Yeah well, I bet those girls at least get to wear underpants.”

  Bret grinned. “Well, if those girls were going to a mountain cabin with me, they wouldn’t have any need for underpants…” He pressed the tip of her small nose. “…and neither will you.” He kissed the top of her messy hairsprayed head.

  Chloe’s face brightened and her eyes seemed even larger than usual due to the heavy eyeliner. “We’re going to a mountain cabin? Where?”

  “Not far.” Brent teased. “About a half hour away this time of night. It’s in the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains near a little town called Sierra Madre. Arthur has a nice cabin there and I have the keys so we’re gettin’ outta’ town babe!” He cupped her bottom in his large hands. “I just came in to tell you to pack an overnight bag. We can spend the whole weekend.”

  Chloe wasted no time. She quickly packed some casual clothes and her toiletries. She zipped her overnight bag and handed it to Brent as she beamed. “Well, you don’t have to twist my arm. I’m ready to get out of here.” She looked at her outfit one more time and grinned. “I don’t even give a shit that I look like a whore. Are we ready to go?”

  He grabbed her bag and gave her backside a gentle swat. “You know it sweetheart!” He put his arm around her shoulders and they walked towards the door.

  Brent pulled his BMW up as close to the walkway of the apartment as possible so Chloe wouldn’t have to risk being seen by her neighbors. He quickly loaded their bags in the trunk and opened the car door for her. She carefully scooted in making sure she didn’t bend over too far.

  He threw his head back and laughed at her cautionary moves. She snapped. “It’s bad enough that they might see me dressed like a hooker but one without underwear might be a bit too much to explain.” That made him laugh even harder.

  He let down the rag top so they could enjoy the night air. The moon was full as they drove off for their weekend adventure. Chloe leaned her head on the back of the seat and relished the cool California air as it rushed over her scantily clad body.

  She turned to look at her handsome Brent as his tousled brown hair became even more so in the wind. She practically purred with contentment. This was just what the doctor ordered, an impromptu getaway with her man.

  Brent reached over and grabbed Chloe’s hand as they drove down the freeway. He slid the iPod in the player and “Dreamboat Annie” flowed through the speakers as they drove through the warm night. He knew how much Chloe loved Heart. She grew up listening to Ann and Nancy Wilson. Only Brent would be so thoughtful to remember that.

  They drove east of Pasadena, closer to the mountains and the traffic died down considerably. Brent turned to her and spoke. He only used this thick gravelly voice when they played their games. “Chloe…” She gulped. “Pull your skirt up around your waist and spread your legs apart, now.” She looked at him with anticipation in her eyes as her groin tightened at his demand. He wasn’t asking, he was ordering her to do it. She obeyed him and immediately bunched the ruffled skirt around waist. Her naked bottom was directly on the leather seat as the cool air rushed to the dampness between her spread thighs. She swallowed hard. Chloe was so turned on.

  He grabbed her hand and placed it on his crotch. His cock was rock hard and bulging in his jeans. She clutched the outline of his erection
between her fingers. He scolded her. “See what you do to me? It’s been like this since I saw you in the bedroom bent over your dresser. I wanted to bend you over then and there. I wanted to spank your ass so damn hard that you’d cry and then fuck you blind.” He could hear her whimper under her breath.

  Brent reached over and forced his hand between her legs to her drenched pussy. He stuck two fingers inside of her and pumped them in and out as she spread her legs wider. She squeezed his penis harder as his long fingers continued to pump her sopping pussy. Chloe closed her eyes and humped against his hand, as his fingers expertly manipulated her to the point that she was nearly ready to have an orgasm. He sensed her urgency and stopped just before she came. He put both hands back on the wheel.

  Chloe gave him a pitiful look. She yearned to have his hand back inside her vagina. She leaned back in frustration without saying a word and pouted.

  Brett reminded her of her place. “Leave your legs open little one and no pouting allowed.” He glanced over at her and smiled and asked her once again. “Chloe, do you trust me?” She nodded yes in silence as her body trembled with excitement.

  Brent turned off the 210 and the BMW was the only car on the twisting turning road they traveled down. As soon as they were well away from the lights of the town and heading deep into the mountain roads he reached over and yanked her top down so that her breasts were exposed to the cool night air.

  Chloe gasped as her nipples ached from the cold and the excitement. She felt exposed, vulnerable and aroused beyond her wildest dreams. Brent’s eyes seemed to glow with warmth in the moonlight as he gazed down at her full round breasts. “You look so beautiful Chloe. I’m going to do some naughty things with you tonight. Are you ready for that?”

  Chloe nodded and swallowed hard. “Yes sir.” She rode alongside the man of her dreams, almost completely naked in a convertible, where anyone could see them at any given moment. She couldn’t be much more ready than that.

  Brent continued to steer the car slowly along the curves of the road. He motioned with a nod of his head. “Chlo Chlo… come over here and unzip me.” He watched contentedly as Chloe reached across with both hands and eagerly pulled his erection out of his jeans. His voice was commanding and low. “Suck me Chloe!”


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