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COVER UP (The Cover Series - Book 2)

Page 8

by Kim Black


  “Who are you?” I asked him, feeling self-conscious and oddly turned on. The man was like a perfect fucking painting. His strong jaw and pink, pouty, seemingly soft, lips were absolutely delicious to look at. Not to mention his strong arms, which were barely concealed under his dress shirt, which was half unbuttoned, giving me a nice view of his sculpted, chiseled, chest. He. Was. Perfect.

  “Julien... Julien Belmont. It’s a pleasure to meet you,” he proudly responded as he stared into my eyes, almost hypnotizing me. We stared at each other for what seemed to be forever before I finally gaze from his beautiful grey gold mixed eyes. I couldn’t quite explain it, but my body seemed so in tune with his, our chests rising and falling in sync. This is getting fucking weird.

  I had initially set my mind to leave when I spotted him on his balcony, but something held me there until it was too late and he was staring down at the crazy woman wandering through his beautiful estate. Technically, you weren’t exactly in his home Em, I thought to myself before pushing the thought out of my head. In his home, around his home…it didn’t matter. I was an intruder.

  I never expected him to follow me, and was completely mortified that I’d been caught wandering about in front of his house like I was some escaped mental patient or something. Escape…no, but mental patient, I guess so…

  When he grabbed my arm, I instantly acted instinctually, pulled my arm away from him and threatened him - all while trying to ignore the instant flood between my thighs. Real classy Em, good move. It was late and I was in a strange place alone with a man I didn’t know. I didn’t want him to take advantage of the situation, especially since my treacherous body seemed to respond to the man.

  Though he appeared genuine in his concern for me, I was not naïve. There were fucking sickos in the world who wouldn’t think twice about hurting a young woman who looked as though she had belonged in a padded room.

  I was all set to walk back to my car, but then he said those words and, I couldn’t explain why, but I couldn’t move; my body immediately seizing up as a warm sensation rushed through my body. Finally, I turned around. He stood rooted in the same spot. His eyes fixed on me, almost pleading for me to stay. Mon amour…I’ve heard that before. I think.

  “Are you sure we haven’t met? There is something familiar about you,” I said barely above a whisper, damn near breathlessly.

  He smiled softly, slowly sauntering to me before pulling me into his strong arms. My initial reaction was to push him away, but he held on tighter, allowing his scent to invade my nose. I inhaled deeply, instantly soothed by the smell of his musky cologne. Why in the world was this…stranger having this effect on me?

  “I’m a friend,” he finally said into my hair and, God help me, I couldn’t help but melt into his strong, warm, comforting arms. A flash of one of the many dreams I’d had over the last week came to mind.

  Me on his bed.

  Him on my bed.

  And me in an office.

  Slowly I connected the dots. My Frenchman?

  Chapter Nine


  She came back to me.

  Though she didn’t fully remember me, something inside of her brought her back to me. It was surreal!

  We stood outside, embracing, until I felt her shivering against my chest. I did not want her to get sick, so I pulled away and took her hand. Walking over to the front door, I felt her halt behind me.

  “Is something wrong?” I asked. I turned around and found her looking concerned. Her hair was disheveled and her eyes brown beautiful eyes searched mine.

  “What is wrong, mon amour?” I asked her, pulling her closer to me and bringing my arms around her small waist, over her tight jeans.

  Her hands landed on my chest and the air thickened between us, and she explored my chest with her fingers, slowly. My erection twitched with each touch, yearning for when I could bury myself deep inside her again. God, I’ve missed you.

  She looked up at me, hesitation evident in her face, “I need for you to kiss me,” she said with a shaky unsure breath. She turned away, embarrassed, breaking my hold on her, but her words fueled the need growing inside of me for her.

  “Come inside with me,” I responded and lifted her into my arms, remembering our first night together just a few weeks ago. So much had changed in that time, but tonight – tonight, I wanted to take my time with her, to answer all the questions she had.

  I pushed the door closed with my foot and placed her down gently in the foyer, watching as she took in my home. Her eyes darted back and forth from the artwork on the walls and the dark, rich hardwood floors, before rising to the crystal chandelier hanging at the center of the grand double bridal staircase. Her breath hitched and I watched as she wandered to the stairs, slowly ascending. Her fingers examined the rail as she made her way up. I followed close behind her, curious as to what was going on in that head of hers.

  When she reached the top of the stairs, she halted, turned her head, and stared at the multitude of closed white doors before her. She seemed to be trying to remember something. I wanted to jump in and guide her, but something told me that she needed to figure it out on her own, which didn’t take her long. Slowly, she strolled over to my bedroom door, closing her eyes as if trying to conjure up the memories associated with the room.

  She slowly turned the knob, but paused before pushing the door open. She inhaled slowly, and exhaled slowly, before entering the room.

  I watched while she took in the bedroom. Her gaze went to the huge four-poster bed in the center of the room. The grey, unwrinkled comforter lay perfectly on the bed, evidence I’d abandoned the room, and of my maid’s pristine efficiency.

  “I’ve been here before,” she finally declared as she reached the foot of the bed.

  Unable to speak, I simply nodded in response. Seeing Emily in this room again brought out emotions I was trying desperately to conceal. It wasn’t the time to break down. My Emily was back and she needed to find the answers sought.

  Without saying another word, she lifted her hands to her blouse and slowly unbuttoned her shirt, revealing her breasts. In an instant, I stood before her, urging her to stop. Though I wanted nothing more than to gaze upon her luscious curves again, I didn’t want her to rush into something for which she was clearly not ready. Her memory hadn’t returned fully, although it had led her here.

  “You don’t need to do that?” I urged her as I lifted her hands to my lips, kissing both of them softly.


  That’s all she said as she looked at me with desire and need in her eyes. I wanted to wait. I wanted to be sure she remembered everything before taking her to my bed, but the deep pure yearning I found in her gaze made reason fleeting. Though she only said one word, her eyes spoke volumes. She needed me, needed this, and I didn’t know if I could hold back from taking her. She pleaded with me, begged me with just one look, and I could feel her need deep within my soul.

  Before I could protest, she brought her hands back to her shirt and removed the thin fabric, tossing it to the ground. My eyes shifted from her eyes, down to her collarbone, to her supple tender plush breast, barely contained in a lacey white bra. My erection eagerly twitched at the sight. I needed to be inside her, needed to feel her clenched around me again.

  Before I knew it, I was at her side pulling her to me. I nuzzled my head in her neck, kissing, nipping, and tugging on her soft warm flesh. “Are you sure?” I managed to ask, despite wanting to throw her on the bed and rip the remaining clothes off her.

  “Kiss me,” she demanded softly, her breath accelerated with each kiss of her neck. She shifted her head to the side, giving me better access. I didn’t need any more convincing. I wanted her and she wanted me. That was all I needed to know. Oh woman how you drive me mad… I miss you.


  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck! What are you doing Em?

  I needed to know if he was indeed the Frenchman from my dreams. Maybe the dreams hadn’t be
en dreams at all; maybe just maybe they were trying to remind me of this, of him.

  If he kissed me, just once, I knew I would know for sure. When I entered the house, I instantly recognized the home, the paintings, and the chandelier, which for some reason I believe is my favorite thing about the home. It was tricky when I reached the top of the stairs, but after closing my eyes, I somehow managed to find the room I was looking for, the one from my dreams. I had been here before; he admitted it himself.

  Now, all I needed was that damn kiss. Shouldn’t you take your time and umm well, get to know the man first? I knew that my inner conscience was probably right, but as soon as his soft, pump, lips descended to my breast, I lost all train of thought. I wanted him … no I needed him.

  I was considerably shorter than the tall dark incredibly sexy man. He stood at least six feet two inches in comparison to my five feet six inch self, so he leaned forward quite a ways to tease my breast. He lifted me off the ground with both hands gripped under my ass, bringing my breast level with his mouth. I couldn’t have been more turned on, my panties instantly drenched with desire and anticipation. If he was my dream Frenchman, I was in for one hell of a night!

  Slowly, he rounded the bed and placed me down in its center. He stood above me, taking me in with pure hunger and adoration in his eyes. A flash of him doing the same thing came to mind and I grew confident with the memory, tugging at my pants to remove them. I wanted him inside of me, now.

  “Tsk, tsk, tsk… Patience, ma belle” he scolded when I got the unbelievably tight pants to my ankles. “I plan on taking you nice and slow tonight.”

  He moved my hands away from the garment, which pooled at my feet, and slowly, painfully, tugged them off. He took his time to free each foot. His ravenous eyes never left mine as he lifted my butt and yanked the thin fabric of my panties off in one swift sweep. God I love an animalistic man … in the sack of course.

  I wanted him desperately. I couldn’t explain why, but something about him, about this place just called to me. It was like…a magnet, a pull that I couldn’t escape. Escape Em’! You don’t sleep around with strange men on the first night you meet!

  I couldn’t stop now. I needed the confirmation. I needed to know that he was, in fact, the same man who invaded my dreams night after night. The same man who had made my body sing with just a simple look, a slight touch, or damn it, by just fucking standing in front of me like was right now. There were so many questions – questions that I needed answers to.

  Leaning back on the soft plush bed, I watched as he slowly crept his way up my body like an animal stalking its prey. Lifting my leg up, he planted soft sensual kisses at my ankle, sending my body completely ablaze at the slightest graze of his lips. The simple touch sparked a new flood of moisture at my core. Who knew my ankles were this sensitive.

  Slowly, he worked his way up my calves and, by the time he reached my inner thighs, I wanted to scream. “Please,” I begged, desperate for him to take me. I gripped his hair in my hands, squeezing his locks between my fingers. He never stopped his tortuous kisses against my sensitive skin, nipping and tugging with his teeth in all the right places. “Oh God…”

  I moaned as he drew closer to where I needed him most. Frustration laced with excitement caused me to pull and tug his hair harder than before, urging him to proceed to my center. Still, he didn’t relent. He stayed his course, giving all of my flesh his tender, torturous, adoration. A lick. A nip. A graze. He continued to tease me this way for what felt like forever. Unable to take anymore, I finally propped myself up, supporting myself with my elbows.

  “Are we going to keep at this snail pace or do you ever plan on fucking me,” I asked him seriously, though my voice was airy and breathless.

  He snapped his head up and gazed at me shocked, before snickering. “Oh how I’ve missed you.” Taking a firm grip of my sides, he flipped me over in one swift motion, causing me to yelp in amazement.

  “As you wish, mon amour.”

  “You’re always so wet for me,” he growled as he thrust forward, sliding between my silky, dripping, folds in one sharp move.

  I yelped as his erection stretched me completely. He paused to allow me time to adjust to his blessed girth, but only for a moment. Before long, he pulled my arms behind my back and thrust into me with more force. Moans and pleas echoed through the room, but I was lost in the ecstasy coursing through my body. So much so, that I never realized that those were my moans echoing through the room.

  I pressed into him firmly while arching my back to give him more access. Deeper. Please. Go deeper.

  We met thrust for thrust, our skin slapping the only other sound harmonizing with the moans that ripped from our throats. Building to what I knew would be the best orgasm I’d ever experienced, I felt myself convulsing against his penis.

  I was so close, and I braced myself for what was to come as I dangled at the edge of my orgasm ready for the plunge. Suddenly, he pulled out of me completely, causing me to grunt in disapproval; I whimpered into the comforter. What was this man trying to do to me?

  I squealed when felt his mouth on my dripping mound, lapping around my swollen clit. He wrapped his arms around my legs, securing me in place as he continued exploring me hungrily.

  With my hands now free, I pulled and tugged on the duvet comforter beneath me while I groaned my pleasure. “Please Julien…I can’t…take …” I begged, unable to complete a full sentence. Whimpering breathlessly into the bed, I felt my impending climax. Needing a release from the building pressure between my legs, I pushed down on his mouth, urging him to continue. “Please…”

  He pulled away, but not before nipping my swollen nub with my teeth. A guttural groan ripped through me as he promptly flipped me onto my back and plunged deep inside of me without warning. I clawed at his moist back with my nails as he continued his assaults, my arched back providing him even greater access.

  “You feel so good, baby. I love you so much!”

  I almost didn’t hear him through my own moans; but the confession while tender, invoked complete panic within me and my body stiffened in fear. Love? What are you doing Emily? This is all wrong!

  I needed to break free of him. I suddenly felt like the walls were closing in on me. The guilt I felt growing inside me made me sick to my stomach. I was a horrible person to take advantage of this man - of the love that he felt for me.

  I would never know what caused him to feel this way towards me, would never remember if I had ever felt it to. I needed to get out of here before I caused more harm than good.

  He looked down at me and I could see that he noticed my shift in moods. He brought his hand to the side of my face and wiped a tear that I hadn’t realized had fallen, all the while looking at me completely puzzled. I didn’t know what to say. I couldn’t seem to get my mouth to verbalize what I needed.

  “Mom amour, what’s wrong? Am I hurting you?” he asked in genuine concern.

  Still unable to speak, I shook my head and pushed away from him. I needed go. This was completely wrong.

  “Emily, please talk to me. Are you in pain?”

  “I can’t … I can’t do this. I’m sorry, but I have to go,” I announced, now sobbing softly as I quickly got off the monstrous bed. I scrambled to the ground and picked up my clothes, which had been tossed across the room, frantically throwing them on and bolting to the door.

  “Emily, wait! Please, just talk to me,” he begged, following me, but the damage was done. I couldn’t continue. Not when I knew that he loved me and I … I didn’t even know him…

  Chapter Ten


  “Emily, open the door!” I yelled as I continued pounding on the old wood-chipped structure – this time using much more force, nearly breaking the door down. I had called her all morning with no response on either her cell or home phones, and I was beginning to worry. I knew it was a bad idea to leave her alone last night, but she had insisted. “I’m going to break down this damned door if you don’t
open up, Em!”

  I heard shuffling behind the door before it finally swung open. Standing before me was a horrific looking Emily wearing the same clothes as last night. Her eyes were a blood shot red, her hair tossed about, and I was pretty sure she had been drinking. “What’s wrong, sweet girl?” I quickly followed her into the house, shutting the door behind me with a kick of my leg.

  She staggered drunkenly over to the living room and confirmed my suspicions. Three empty bottles of wine all lined up on the coffee table. Reaching her side, I pulled her into my lap, while I stroked her face. “What’s going on, baby girl?”

  “He said he loved me,” she slurred, not making much sense and clearly overwhelmed.

  “Who baby? Who said they loved you?” I asked as I cradled her body in my arms, remembering doing the very same thing years ago when Emily first met Suzie. The new friendship broke Emily out of her shell, following Suzie to nightclubs and house parties – always regretting her decision the next day when it was time to go to work.

  “He… Mr. French dude… Why did he say he loved me, Adam?” she asked as tears welled up in her eyes. Realization struck me, and I couldn’t help but feel the jealously that ate my heart away. Despite everything Emily had gone through – a senseless breakup, a betrayal, an accident, a coma, and amnesia, she still found a way to go to Julien. My heart sank.

  “Shh, baby, it’s going to be ok. I’m here now…” I soothed as I rocked her sleepy drunken form in my arms, pushing down the resentment I felt towards Julien. The man didn’t deserve her. He had abandoned her when she needed him the most, leaving all of us to help her in her time of need. He made me sick.

  After a few moments, I carried Emily’s surprisingly heavy body to her bedroom. My God woman, what do you eat?

  I strained to get her in the middle of the bed, pushing her upper body first and then letting her bottom half fall to the bed when I couldn’t carry her weight any longer. She was beautiful despite her being drunkenly passed out and wearing yesterday’s clothes. Her beauty amazed me from the moment I laid eyes on her and now, years later, my breath still caught at the sight of her.


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