Forgotten Promise (Forgotten Series Book 2)
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I find a fluffy robe hanging on the back of the door, not the sexy silk one he would normally choose, and it sends a powerful message of understanding. I make my way down to see him on the couch, I feel apprehension, but there’s sympathy in his eyes. Not the derailed man I anticipated facing.
He waits.
I see two glasses of wine, I sit and immediately take a slip, more like a gulp.
But he says nothing.
There’s a beat of anticipation, I sense it. “How much do you know?” I ask.
“Only pieces.”
I start to twirl my hair around my finger, which I haven’t done since I was a child, contemplating the story to come.
“I know the beginning and the end,” he says.
“I have my mother’s journal, and I have read only a few passages, savoring it, knowing it’s the last piece of her I’ll ever get.” I decide to start with why I left.
“I know what that means to you, babe.” Pulling me closer into his warm body. Or perhaps claiming what’s his.
“I’ll share it with you.”
“I’d like that.”
His patience startling, where’s the volcano I expected? “I got closure with Cash.” His eyes flickered with a look I don’t recognize.
“Four days is a long time, Bryer.”
Encouraging me to tell more. “The lines were blurred.” Blue to green he looks deeply for the answers he wants.
“Did he touch you?”
And there it is. “We shared a kiss, Nathan.”
He stiffens, but contrary to his body language, he slowly absorbs the words.
I’m expecting him to fly off the handle. But he doesn’t. “It meant nothing, I didn’t kiss him back. I put a stop to it.” Would this soften the blow?
“A kiss?” His words sounding like an open wound. But recovers quickly.
“I think we’re both emotionally spent,” he says. “Maybe a night in our bed, in my arms will satisfy our own traumas.”
My eyes turn to him, his rugged appeal, his sensitivity shown tonight amazes me. “Yes, take me to bed.”
Once under the covers and disrobed, I feel his body press to my back, his arm encasing me like a vise. His strong front claiming what is his. His hands caressing my stomach, my breasts stirring the need.
“There is only you.” As I twist in his arms, a fierce flare of desire flashes in his baby blues.
“Go on. I need these words,” he whispers. As he lifts my leg over his hip.
“All for you,” I say.
“I want to be patient tonight, but I’m failing miserably.”
“Please fail.” As I find the hard cock and embrace it.
“I want your mouth, baby, those fucking lips on mine.” As if wiping Cash’s kiss off with his own, as if it never happened. Craving more than sex, more than physical contact, it’s deeper, our souls touching.
“I’m aching for you to be so deep in me, Nathan.” Adrenaline soaring. Sealing his mouth over mine again, his tongue a driving force in my mouth. His fingers tangling in my hair, as if I might get away.
“I won’t rush this.”
Some narcotic power in his voice, I offer my will openly to him.
His lips trail down my body, gravelly words utter against my flesh. His path leads to my core, nudging my legs apart, my pussy is his, waiting wet with hunger. His tongue playing with my tormented flesh until I’m on the brink.
I run my fingers through his messy waves, holding on. “Make me feel again.”
Climbing my body, his tongue making a wet path to the sensitive spot behind my ear.
“Take me there,” I beg,
A dimple appears as if a challenge was made. His hand twisting and finding its way to my clit, running circles with a fiery need. His hard body against mine.
I was teetering on the brink. His scent, the familiar aroma that always pulls me in.
He pushes inside with a slow torment. “Fuck me,” he says over and over like a chant, with every thrust I’m matching his rhythm. An all-consuming climax, convulsing around his hard length.
“Feel me, baby?”
He always asks, as if that makes me his. “Claim me Nathan, make me yours forever.”
“Jesus, woman, I’m coming, follow me there.” Ravishing every part of my body until we explode in harmony, like a musician’s crescendo.
“So good, Bryer, so fucking good.”
“I love you ,Nathan.”
“I love, love, love you, baby.’ Kissing my face with every word.
“You need sleep, we both do, c’mere.”
And I lay in the one place that feels so right. His arms.
~ ~ ~
“Another cup?” He offers.
“Yes please.” Pouring cream and sugar in.
“I don’t think it’s a good idea, Bryer. We have both been through so much this past week, I can reschedule it.” Nathan reasons.
“No, I want to get away, with you.” Now at the point of begging.
“What about Stan, work, we have responsibilities,” he says
“I spoke with Stan. There’ll be no charges, I left willing with Cash, so it’s over. As painful as that statement is, I won’t let him rob us of the trip you planned.” Knowing it’s happening. “I didn’t think I would have beg to keep your Vegas plans in place, we deserve this.” Wrapping my arm around him, lifting to look into his blue eyes.
“I suppose we do.” A crack in his armor.
“Think of it as a wicked distraction, unless you’re not up to it.” Challenge given.
“When has that ever happened?” A wicked smile breaks, and a double-whammy dimple show appears.
“So, we’re on?” Wrapping my arms around his neck, pulling his into a kiss he won’t soon forget..
“Amazing fucking idea.” He gives. “Flight leaves Friday morning, be packed and ready,” he orders. “Happy now?” he asks, kissing me back quickly.
I can’t wait to get out of town, as far away from Cash as possible.
Chapter Eleven
“Do you gamble?” she asks.
“A little, I lose. Does that count?”
“I’ll have you know I’m an excellent gambler, luck follows me wherever I go.” Laughing as her arms wrap around my waist. She playfully looks up into my eyes.
“I’m not sure if I believe you or not.” Aware of the smile she can pull out of me in a single glance.
“Oh believe it, I’m a lucky charm.”
“The cereal?” I tease
“What, are you my in-flight entertainment?”
My focus is entirely on her. And even though my plan is in place, a sharp memory appears stinging as the thought of losing her puts me in the grave. I can’t go there, not this trip. Everything is riding on it. Our car approaches the private jet.
“My first time,” she says, briefly brushing her hand over my pants.
“Jesus, Bryer, you realize what’s you’ve just done.”
“I can help you with that.”
“I’ll be counting on that, later.” Adjusting myself.
I see the pilot welcoming Bryer, his eyes on her a second too long, and I don’t like it one bit. I guess the Cash incident has brought out my caveman. I’ll need to rein in the unfounded jealousies, and tame that feeling down. Vegas is no place for a lack of confidence.
“This is so out of my league, Nathan.”
“Says who?” Savoring the moment, my woman in awe.
“You ooze charm. But then you’re completely aware of it, aren’t you?” Her eyes sparkling with mischief.
“Me, charming?”
We take our seats, and I have to admit buckling her in is a turn on. We take off and once we are airborne, the ride is smooth, I steady myself for the trip to come.
“Look, Nathan, it’s beautiful.” As she stares out the window.
“I’m admiring the view, from here.”
She turns her head, and that beautiful head of curls
“How private is this?” she asks.
“As private as you want it to be.”
Stalking over to my seat, she kneels in front of me. Oh fuck. “What are your intentions, Ms. Reid?” Mind-numbing thoughts run instantly through my mind.
She unbuttons my jeans and the zipper slides down.
On its own I think screaming to be released. “You don’t have to tell me twice.” And I help her push my jeans down, almost hyperventilating with the anticipation of what’s to come. God, I’m such a guy.
I wanted her with a hunger, but when her fucking sweet mouth wrapped around my cock, control was a thing of the past. My hands wrap around those blond waves, holding on enjoying the ride. As I watch her sensual full lips take all of me. My head flies back against the head rest. “Fuck, Bryer, have you been practicing?”
Fuck, what did I just say? A small part of me wanted to take back those words, I didn’t want Cash’s ordeal popping into her head—not now, not ever. “I love your wicked mouth, baby.” I was so close to my selfish climax I can hear every heartbeat, as I guide her faster, harder, while I watch the entire erotic display play out in living color.
“I’ll never get enough of you,” The delicious pace bringing me closer than I can handle. “I’m going to come, baby.” A dirty growl escapes me, as my warm seed is swallowed by the beauty on her knees in front of me. How could I be so lucky? As the aftershocks last longer than expected. I thank the heavens above for this woman. She climbs on my lap with her sweet lavender scent and my cum on her lips. Jesus.
“I love you,” she whispers
“Evidently,” I whisper back, tickling her just a little, and her sweet giggles are so irresistible.
“Always surprising me, Bryer.” But I’ll be turning the tables this trip. “It won’t be long now,” I say
“Time flies.” Her smug smile saying it all.
We arrive at the Wynn, the inside garden and their integral paths are striking, the entire place is rich.
I hear Bryer as she takes in the entire surroundings. “I’ve got the key, the bags will be brought up. Do you want to look around? Or go up to the room?”
“Look around.”
Watching her glance at the entire casino. “By all means, lead the way.” I grab her hand, and we end up close to the gambling tables as she decides what table is hers. “So this is where you’re going to show me a thing or two?” I tease.
“I get the distinct impression you doubt my skills.” As she heads to the black jack table. Pulls out two chairs, sits and pats the other for me.
“Wow, bossy.” As I sit.
“And the game is generally known as 21,” she whispers, as if this is my first time.
Although with the gleam in her eyes she may be hustling me.
“See, he’s using several decks together, it’s called a shoe.”
“Who are you?” I watch as she puts a hundred-dollar bill on the table, and the dealer trades it for four green chips.
“The table has a $25 minimum.” She offers as I look at the four lonely chips. And the game starts.
I watch as she wins, and I lose, my four green chips disappear.
Bryer has a stack of black ones. “I’m sitting this one out.” She frowns.
“Are we keeping score?” I ask.
Her spunky attitude is priceless. We spend a couple hours at the tables, ending up at the slots, where I feel like a pussy, sitting next to an old woman with an oxygen tank, smoking a cigarette. I sneak away to speak to the concierge.
“Yes, Mr. James, everything is in place.”
Returning to see she has a new cup of coins. “A quick bite?” I ask.
“One more quarter,” she asks.
“You’ve been saying that for thirty minutes, work with me, woman. Why didn’t I know about this little addiction of yours?”
She laughs. “I’m walking away from the machines,” she says, hands held high in a smart-ass kind of way.
“Hard-core gambler, interesting.” I taunt her, as she walks over to cash out her winnings.
“How much did you win?” I ask, just out of curiosity.
“I don’t know.” She shrugs her shoulders in a cavalier motion.
I watch as the cashier counts out in hundred dollar bills, until she reaches eighteen.
“You won eighteen hundred dollars, Bryer?’ Shocked.
“Dinner’s on me,” she proudly says, leaving out the “I told you so” I so deserved.
“Why thank you, you’re quite the card shark. Lead the way, baby.” Letting her have this moment of showing me up. After all, I most definitely benefited from the incredible head on the plane. “Lucky for you, I made reservations for a private cabana table at Costa Di Mare, here in the hotel. If you like Mediterranean food, seafood, or pasta.” Knowing she does.
“Sounds perfect.”
I drag my eyes off her only to watch every other man’s head turn as we pass. Is it her sexy new dress I insisted on? Me and my big mouth. Or just her natural beauty catching every male’s attention in the place? Apparently it’s a combination of the two. God, she’s exquisite. Just proves she’s extraordinarily compelling. Keeping my asinine jealousy in check.
The cabana is completely private and thoughts of pay back come to mind. Our dinner is served, and as I watch her eat, each bit an experience—beaming when she loves something, a small frown when she doesn’t.
“Watching me eat?”
Watching her is coming off creepy, her one eye brow raised. “It’s an euphoric event.” A smile evident.
“Are you alright? You’re acting funny.”
“Never been better.” Be cool, fool. This is the trip you’ve been waiting for.
“That was incredible, the meal was a work of art.” Using the napkin to gently wipe her lips, causing my focus to disintegrate.
“Tomorrow is full of unexpected surprises.” I can’t help plastering a smile on my face.
“What surprise?” she asks. “Just a hint?”
“That’s a no.” Acknowledging to myself, I laugh a little harder ever since we met.
Chapter Twelve
The man could fuck. Flooded with images from last night. He certainly returned the favor, alpha male style. A night of sexcapades with Nathan is a night you won’t soon forget. I’m sore in places I never knew existed.
I knew he was hitting the gym this morning, I’m just confused by the instructions he gave me, written out in detail, so unlike him.
Dress: wear the long yellow silk dress with the gold wrap that shows off every beautiful curve. The crystal shoes, Manolo Blahnik. Someone will be at the door at 6:00, don’t bring anything except your gorgeous self.
“I’m surprised he knows who Manolo is.”
I take great care with every detail, and when I look in the full-length mirror, the beautiful butter-yellow dress is breathtaking. I can’t recall ever feeling this beautiful. I ensure my makeup is perfect, maybe a little extravagant, it is Vegas after all. My hair in long waves with just the amount of wildness, to match how I am feeling tonight.
At six sharp, there’s a knock on my door. I open it.
A staff member hands me a long stem yellow rose and a card. He smiles and leaves.
After inhaling the scent, my pulse quickens, and I open the card.
Baby, stroll your lovely body to the Lake to Dreams, there’s a forty-foot water fall, a sight to behold. But nothing compared to you. Bring your rose, my love.
Nerves start to set in but with steely determination, I proceed. I’m getting looks as I go, and for the first time in a long time, I want to be noticed. Still carrying the yellow rose, I find my way to the picturesque view, the water flowing as if it were alive, it’s captivating.
I don’t sense the staff member approaching, and as I turn it’s a young girl this time, with a smile on her face. She hands me a glass of pink champagne, and yet another yellow rose. She
waits, as I sip the lavish sweet taste. Then hands me another card.
My beautiful alluring woman, the water falling is a symbol of the love I have for you, it pours from every part of me, I only drown in you. Enjoy your Moet & Chandon Dom Perignon White Gold. Then stroll through the shops, you’ll find Oscar de la Renta. He awaits.
Bring your Roses.
I’m a little light headed, the champagne, mixed with a dozen other feelings swirling around is intoxicating. I search for the specified shop and when I reach my destination, a beautiful woman appears to greet me.
“Miss Reid, this is for you.” Handing me the third yellow rose. “Please follow me.” She ushers me to the counter where a beautiful dainty bottle of perfume sits. “Does this meet with your approval?” As she sprays a sample on a card, and hands it to me.
“It’s so feminine, what is it?”
“It’s called “Something blue ea de parfume.” Your gentleman friend personally picked it out, may I?”
“Of course.” She applies the heavenly scent, and the aroma transports me to another sensual place.
“You approve?” she asks.
“Very much.” And she hands me yet, another card. I shake my head, excitement consuming me. It’s all too much.
The sense of smell is closely linked with memory, probably more so than any of our other senses. It’s extremely important when it comes to attraction between two people, and we have aromatic reminders of those moments. A new fragrance for a new beginning. This fragrance will forever remind me of tonight.
While you’re so close, stop off at Cartier, I have something special for you there. Curious? I know my woman.