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Motor City Vampires

Page 8

by Angela Myrick

  “New Vampires are dangerous, you’ll be tied up until you can feed without killing.”

  Chapter 12

  Abby sat in the room in the Farmhouse. It had been an hour since she’d heard any noise from downstairs. It was dark again. She knew she had to get out or she may not make it out alive. She looked out the window in the dark. She could see someone moving toward the house. She couldn’t tell who was down there, it was too dark, and all she could see were shadows. She really hoped it wasn’t the boss. She considered trying to lift the window but knew that damn alarm would go off. She had an idea; it would be risky because she wasn’t sure if Brian had left or not. She had no choice; she took out a dresser drawer and broke it on the floor. She then used one of the wooden planks to break the glass out of the window.

  “Help me!” Abby yelled down to the shadows.

  “We’re coming now,” the shadows answered. Abby heard footsteps running up the stairs. She ran to the door.

  “Did Brian leave?” Abby asked through the door.

  “Yes, about an hour ago. We needed to be sure he was really gone and no one else was here.”

  “He has an alarm on the door and window — if you tamper with it his necklace alarm will go off.”

  “Who are you?” Abby asked.

  “I am Lizzy and this is my friend is Prena. What’s your name?”

  “I’m Abby. Please hurry.”

  “I have an idea. We’ll be right back.”


  After a day of restless sleep, everyone was up and ready to get the rescue under way. It was dark out so the city’s Vampires would be swarming the bars for a meal and a good time. Enri just hung up the phone and walked over to Javon.

  “That was the bouncer at the club. I instructed him to send the text to all the Vampires and blood whores in the city. If Maurice tries to feed at one of the bars, he will get the message.”

  “I just hope this will all be enough.” Javon confessed. He had dark circles under his eyes from lack of sleep. He just couldn’t stop worrying about Abby and what was being done to her. Sally came down the stairs with Mary following behind. Javon could see Sally had some fun dressing Mary up in her clothes. She had styled her hair the same way she wore it in the 1600’s.

  “Doesn’t she look beautiful?” Sally asked, as they were seated in the room with everyone else.

  “She is always beautiful.” Enri replied. He looked over at Mary and she looked away from him.


  Maurice was preparing Brian for the turning. He told him what to expect: extreme pain, constant nightmares for the first day and then extreme blood hunger throughout the process.

  “Are you sure you are prepared, Brian?” Maurice asked.

  “I am more positive than ever.”

  “It’s not too late to forget this whole thing, return the girl and you can walk away from this whole life forever.”

  “I have nothing to go back to, I want eternity.” Brian bent his neck giving Maurice access. Maurice bit down on his neck drinking down the blood. He continued drinking until Brian started to pass out. Then, he pulled out his fangs as he lowered Brian onto the floor. He bit down on his own wrist and placed it up to Brian’s mouth. Brian was barely able to drink, then latched on and started drinking greedily. Maurice pulled back his wrist.

  “The exchange is complete. My blood will work its way through your system and you will start feeling pain shortly.”

  “I feel it. Oh my god it hurts…. It feels like every nerve in my body is on fire.” Brian began clutching his stomach and moaning as he fell to the floor.

  “My end of the bargain has been completed, give me the address, I will return and check on you in a few hours. I will leave Andrea to look after you.”

  “I will take good care of you sweetie. Just let me know when you get hungry.” Brian began screaming louder, tearing at his skin. Maurice restrained him by tying him up with some rope.

  “The address now, or I leave you to starve of blood hunger, you aren’t strong enough to escape.”

  “My front pocket, it’s in my pocket.” Brian said between moans. Maurice grabbed the piece of paper. He read the address and was getting ready to walk out the door when Andrea stopped him.

  “I’m supposed to show this to you.” She shoved a text with a picture in his face. He grabbed it and couldn’t believe it was a picture of someone who looked like Mary with a number to call. He grabbed Andrea by the throat.

  “Who sent this?” He released her throat enough for her to talk.

  “It was a mass text from a bouncer at one of the clubs, I don’t know anything.” He released her and she fell to the ground and began coughing.

  “Watch over Brian. When he needs to be fed, give him the wrist only. If he tries to take too much, hit him with this Taser gun, he’ll recover.” Maurice threw the Taser to Andrea and left.


  Abby was still trapped in the room when she heard a noise outside the window. A few minutes later, a girl dressed in all black Goth style, appeared in the window on a ladder.


  “That’s me. Come on let’s get out of here. Be careful of the glass.” Abby crawled out the window trying her best not to cut herself on pieces on the broken glass. She stepped down the ladder to the bottom where Prena was waiting with a car.

  “Let’s hurry, he could be back anytime.” Prena yelled. Abby and Lizzy got in the back and the car took off before they fully shut the door. As soon as they were on the way out, Abby started sobbing and hugged Lizzy.

  “Thank you, you saved me.” Abby cried.

  “I just wish I could’ve saved Brian too. I think he’s gone evil.”

  “I’m sorry, was he a friend of yours?”

  Having friends was something Lizzy never had many of. When she was little all the kids were afraid of her and called her names. By the time the visions stopped she was so used to being ridiculed she didn’t even try to have friends.

  “Not really but I was hoping it was heading that way.” Lizzy said as she looked out the window with sorrow in her eyes.


  Maurice called the number from the text Andrea showed him, he still wasn’t absolutely sure if this was real. He agreed to meet to see if it was really Mary.

  He sat at a booth at Bloodlust in the agreed spot, the VIP section. He wasn’t planning anything funny; he just wanted his Mary, if it was really she.

  Javon, Enri, and Mary entered the club and approached Maurice. He stood up as soon as he saw Mary.

  “Mary, is it really you my love?”

  “Yes, Maurice, it’s me. I didn’t know you were a Vampire, if I’d known, I would never have stopped looking.” Maurice held out his arms to Mary to embrace her, Enri blocked him.

  “That’s far enough.”

  “I love you Mary. I want us to be together.”

  “You went Rogue, Maurice. What happened to you?”

  “Let’s sit shall we, before we attract attention.” Javon insisted. They all sat down together at the table. A waitress came by to take drink orders, Javon sent her away.

  “I want my mate back.” Javon growled.

  “And I want my love, Mary to go away with me.” Maurice answered. As he tried reaching for Mary’s hand, Enri pulled it back.

  “You can’t force Mary to go with you, but as you can see she is alive and well.” Enri informed Maurice.

  “Mary?” Maurice asked, “What do you want?”

  “I don’t know, it’s been so long and I did love you so much back then, but you have done horrible things. I don’t think I could ever be with someone who has done the things you have done”

  “Everything I have done was because of you. Because I loved you so much I was miserable without you.”

  “If you really knew me you would know I would never want you to do those things. You are not the man I fell in love with. I’m sorry.” Mary got up from the table and left the club. Maurice looked down at the table defeated. He
handed Javon a piece of paper with an address.

  “Brian kept her there. I haven’t been to check on her yet, I’m sorry.” Maurice got up and started to leave. Javon grabbed him by the arm and stopped him.

  “You think it’s that easy. You can’t just apologize and leave. You’re a wanted man now, the council has a stake with your name on it.”

  “That may be true but there is nothing you can do here and now. Unless you want to exposed us all, to every human in this club.”

  Javon hissed as he let go of Maurice. Maurice laughed as he slowly walked out of the club. He knew there was nothing Javon could do at that moment but he knew the council would be coming for him.


  “Connor, I want to say thank you for helping out.” Sally said to Connor. She reached out and held his hand as they both waited on the couch in the sitting room. Sally felt a tingling sensation through her whole body. She quickly pulled away.

  “How could I refuse your lovely charms? I like you Sally, I’m not sure why I’ve never felt like this toward a vampire before but I hope we can spend some time together.” He brushed her cheek with the back of his hand.

  “I don’t know Connor. I don’t think this is the time.”

  “Think about it.” He got up from the couch and gave her a sensual kiss on the forehead. The doorbell rang and the maid came running in the room.

  “Miss Abby is back.”

  Sally ran toward the front door. Abby came in with two girls. Sally gave Abby a hug and smiled at her; so happy it was all over.

  “How did you escape?” Sally asked

  “Lizzy and Prena found me and saved me.” Abby stopped mid-sentence when she saw Connor.

  “Hello Abby, I’m Connor. I’m a friend of Sally’s.”

  “Don’t listen to him, Abby, he works for the Vampire Council, he was just trying to help us find you.”

  “Well, it’s nice to meet you, Connor.” Abby gave him a smile. She saw the way Connor looked at Sally and wondered if there was anything between them.

  “Did you call Javon?” Sally asked.

  “Not yet, we didn’t have a phone. “

  “Well here, go call your mate.” Sally handed Abby a phone. Abby ran into the next room to make her call.

  “Well, Connor, looks like we won’t need your help to rescue Abby after all.” Sally was relieved she would be getting Connor out of her house soon; she wasn’t sure how much longer she could resist him.

  “I will leave, but we will be in touch. Maurice will definitely have a death warrant issued for this kidnapping.” As Connor left, he stopped in front of Sally giving her a look of longing, he gave her a peck on the cheek and left.

  “I guess we can leave now,” said Lizzy, not wanting to interrupt the moment between Connor and Sally. Sally looked over and forgot about the two girls.

  “Not yet. Come, sit.”

  “Now what is your story? How did you come to find our Abby and rescue her?”

  “Well, it’s a long story.”

  “It’s a good thing I love a good long story.” Prena look over at Lizzy.

  “It’s okay, Lizzy just tell her.”

  “I’m what you would call special. I have visions sometimes. I started having visions of Brian.”

  “Brian is the blood slave?” asked Sally.

  “I think that’s what you would call him. He works for Maurice. He picked me up at a bar one night when I’d had too much to drink. He gave me to Maurice to feed on for the night.”

  “Oh… my god, Lizzy.” Prena said as she gave her friend a hug. “You should have told me.”

  “I know, I’m sorry. I was ashamed that I’d been so stupid.”

  “You have nothing to be ashamed of. He is the one that should be ashamed, and when I get ahold of him I will crush his nuts.” Prena hissed as she made a fist with her hand

  “Alright, reel it in, tiger.” Lizzy said to Prena. “Anyway, back to my story. After Brian drove me home [delete comma] the next day, I started seeing him in my visions. Then I saw Abby and I knew she needed my help, so I got Prena to help me rescue her.”

  “That is some story, Lizzy. Have you always had visions?”

  “Since I was little. They stopped when I was thirteen. Then they started again after I met Brian.” Lizzy put her head on Prena’s shoulder, needing the closeness of her friend.

  Abby came back into the room after finishing her phone call.

  “Javon is on his way back.”

  “Oh good. It will be a relief to have my family all back in one place.” Sally said. She realized having Abby back made it feel complete, like a piece was missing when she had been taken.

  “Lizzy was telling me her fascinating story.”

  “I know. Isn’t she wonderful.” Abby noticed that Lizzy began blushing; she clearly didn’t like any kind of attention. Abby could relate, she felt the same way.

  “It’s been nice meeting you Sally, but I’m exhausted. I really need to get home.” Lizzy and Prena began walking toward the door, clearly in need of sleep.

  “Of course. You have my number if you ever need anything.” Sally kissed both girls on the cheek as they left.


  Maurice entered the factory where Brian was going through the turning. He could hear the screaming and smell the blood.

  As he entered the room he could see Andrea was in the corner, pale from blood loss.

  “Brian, I’m back. How are you doing?” Brian opened his eyes, and moaned.

  “I fed but I’m hurting.”

  “I never wanted this for you, I found my Mary and I realize I am everything she would despise most. Tomorrow when the major pain is over we can move to the house.”

  “Thank you, Maurice for not abandoning me.”

  “Be careful feeding from Andrea. She is my favorite blood whore.”

  Chapter 13

  Abby waited in Javon’s bedroom for him to return home. She decided to surprise him and wait under the covers—naked. She closed her eyes for a moment and fell asleep. When she woke, Javon was next to her with his arms around her. She heard the shades opening; she had slept through the day again. It seemed she’d adjusted to a Vampire sleep schedule. Javon opened his eyes and smiled.

  “Welcome home.” Javon said as he hugged her and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

  “Is this my home?”

  “I would love it to be, Abby. In mortal terms I’m asking you to marry me, I want to be bonded with you.” Javon pulled out a small black box and opened it. Abby gasped as she looked at the huge diamond ring.

  “Abby, I’m asking if you would be my Eternal Mate. I want us to be together forever.”

  “Javon, are you sure about this? We could wait and just live together for a while, just to make sure.”

  “If you need time, I understand, but I’m positive I want you.”

  Abby jumped on Javon and hugged him. “Yes! I will be your Eternal Mate.” Javon placed the ring on her finger. Abby was beaming with joy. “I love you so much, Javon.” Abby climbed on Javon and was straddling him as she looked at her ring; she had never had anything so beautiful in her entire life.

  “Do you like it? If not we can pick out something else.” Javon was getting so hard with her on top of him it was painful. He wanted so badly to take her and pound himself into her.

  “It’s perfect. I love it.” Abby could feel his erection beneath her. Javon moaned. He couldn’t take it anymore; his cock was throbbing with need. Javon’s fangs descended as Abby began kissing him, sucking on his tongue. She could feel his fangs and ran her tongue along them; he caressed her breasts as he climbed on top of her, trading places. He quickly took off his boxer briefs, kicking them off the bed. She grabbed onto his cock, caressing the silky skin and running her hand along the length of him, the head of his cock becoming moist with pre-cum. He teased her taut peaks with his tongue, gently scraping them with his fangs. He slowly lavished her with kisses down her body, spreading her legs to give him access. Using h
is tongue he teased her clit as he used his fingers to explore her folds. Abby moaned and moved as she ran her fingers through his hair.

  “You’re so wet, so ready.”

  “Oh, my god that feels so good, I’m going to come.”

  “Come for me baby.”

  Abby felt the sensation and pleasure building as she screamed out her orgasm. Her heartbeat increased and Javon felt the need to taste her blood. He licked the crook of her neck sensing the blood running through her veins. He sank his cock deep inside her as he bit down on her with his fangs, sending her into another orgasm as she screamed out his name. Javon quickly followed as he filled her with his cum, still pumping in and out of her wet pussy. He pulled out his fangs and licked the puncture marks, sealing the wound. His cock was still buried deep inside her as he laid on her before he finally pulled out.

  Javon lay next to Abby with her in his arms; she felt so good cuddled with him. His cock started to get hard again; he was far from done with her. He didn’t think he could ever get enough.

  “Are you okay to go again, my love?” Javon asked as he pressed his cock against her.

  “Most definitely,” Abby replied with a smile.

  Javon urged her onto her hands and knees. He kissed her neck and back as he probed her with his fingers, enjoying how wet her pussy was from making love moments ago.

  “Please put it in, I need it,” Abby moaned.

  Javon impaled her with his cock. They both moaned as he found a good rhythm, pumping himself deep inside her. He reached around her hips finding her clit, gently rubbing it.

  “Faster.” Abby started screaming. She was moaning as she was taken over the edge. Her pussy started to tighten on his cock as he filled her with his cum once again. They both lay on the bed exhausted as sleep overtook them.


  “Please reconsider, Mary,” Enri pleaded with Mary as she packed her belongings. Mary and Enri shared a nice three-bedroom townhouse not too far from the club. He had given her full reign to decorate any way she wanted. In many ways the house was more hers than his. Her room was decorated in various shades of pink, her favorite color.

  “I’m sorry, Enri I just need to go, and I will never feel for you what you feel for me. I need to move out so you can move on.”


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