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WILD WOLF: Werewolves of Montana Book 12

Page 6

by Vanak, Bonnie

  Then again…she had to prove herself. A real female alpha determined to match her man’s strength when they consummated their union.

  Jordan tossed aside the spoon and sugar. She lifted her glass. “Over the lips, past the gums, look out hangover, here it comes,” she said cheerfully.

  In two gulps, she downed the sickly sweet licorice drink.

  The tables before her began to grow blurry.

  Jordan coughed, slammed down the glass. “Good stuff,” she croaked.

  She ate the beef, trying to ease the dizzying feeling. Jordan managed to make small talk with everyone who stopped by their table to offer congratulations.

  Finally, after she’d finished the beef, the intoxication seemed to ease. And then it was time for them to retire to their room. Aiden winked at Nolan, who didn’t respond. She tried to ignore the sly suggestions tossed their way as Nolan took her hand and escorted her into a golf cart that would take them back to the lodge.

  Someone had stuck flowers and wedding bells on the golf cart. Jordan grinned as she climbed into the shotgun seat, and flicked a finger at a paper wedding bell.

  “No Lupine reminders for our transportation?” she asked as he started the cart.

  He pressed the horn and a low, loud wolf howl sounded.

  She laughed.

  “Souped up the cart myself and added a few enhancements.” He winked.

  She talked of the wedding, and how nice Nia was as they drove. Nolan barely spoke. When they arrived at the lodge, he escorted her inside and then said he’d be upstairs shortly.

  “Bathroom has a large tub if you want to soak,” he said, his thumb caressing her cheek. Heat flared in his brown eyes.

  “That sounds wonderful,” she murmured, leaning into his caress.

  Nolan dropped a passionate kiss on her mouth, hinting of what awaited her. “I have some business to attend to for about thirty minutes. Legal documents, wedding stuff. Don’t fall asleep, pixie. I have plans for you.”

  Whistling, he strode off.

  Nia had not only found a lovely wedding dress for her, but also a new white satin nightgown and sheer, lacy peignoir. After taking a long, hot bubble bath, Jordan dressed in both to await her groom.

  The bedroom was large, with a king-sized bed, a floral sofa and chair near the door leading to the deck. She strolled out to the private deck. Although Nolan’s bedroom was one of several on this floor, at least the balcony had wood privacy screens. In the corner bubbled a hot tub built for two. Jordan braced her hands on the wood railing and stared at the meadow and hills below. Fireflies winked in the dark, while overhead, stars sparkled like diamonds on black velvet.

  No full moon for two weeks. For that she was grateful. It meant Nolan wouldn’t expect her to shift into wolf. Far too nervous already, she didn’t want the added pressure of testing her magick.

  Jordan paced, the sheer fabric flowing behind her. Tonight she was expected to consummate their union. Yet the unspoken question hung between herself and Nolan like a curtain.

  Can you forgive me for what I said to you?

  The bedroom door opened. She whirled, watched Nolan walk inside, his dinner jacket slung over one shoulder, hooked on an index finger.

  He joined her on the deck and tugged off his black silk tie.

  In the darkness, her wolf senses perked up. Eyesight saw his gaze rove over her body, the satin clinging to her skin, her nipples hard in the cool air.

  Wolf hearing picked up the increased beat of his heart, the vein throbbing in his neck and the desire tightening his muscles.

  “You look beautiful,” he said quietly. “It’s chilly outside. I’ll light us a fire.”

  Jordan followed him back into the bedroom and shut the door behind her. She leaned against it as Nolan tossed his jacket onto the chair and then rolled up his shirt sleeves. He squatted down by the hearth. His shirt stretched across his broad back, muscles playing beneath the fabric.

  She retrieved the jacket, hung it in the walk-in closet and returned to the chair, sitting on it as he poked at the now flickering fire.

  “We should talk,” she told him.

  He turned, a question in his eyes.

  Jordan clasped her hands, unsure where to begin. She opened her hands, squeezed them tight again.

  “About the note… what I said… how I left.” Words fled her. She didn’t want to begin their mated life with this hanging over them like a dark cloud.

  Nolan simply stood by the fire, his arms folded, his expression inscrutable.

  He wasn’t making this easy. Then again, did she deserve easy?

  Taking a deep breath, she plunged ahead. “I’m sorry I hurt you. I never meant to hurt you. I only said those things to make sure you didn’t follow me. I didn’t want you stopping me and the best way, hard as it was, was to get you to hate me so you’d forget about me.”

  He strode to the oak dresser and pulled open the top drawer. Nolan withdrew a sheet of notebook paper.

  Her heart sank as he unfolded it and began to read aloud.

  Nolan, it’s over between us. Not that we ever really began. The sex was ok, but you’re not worth sticking around for because you’ll always do exactly as daddy says instead of standing on your own two feet. Yeah, I used you, I’ll admit it, because I wanted to brag that I laid the alpha’s son. I’m leaving now and never returning. Your family is controlling and tight-fisted and your father is an arrogant, selfish prick anyway. Jordan.

  Oh, that was cringe-worthy. Jordan flinched, wishing she’d never penned the note. Wishing she’d simply run away that night, and did her best to erase her tracks. But she’d been terrified that Nolan, with his superior tracking and hunting skills, would find her, bring her back and then she’d have to face what happened that night.

  Twisting her hands in her lap, she gave a helpless shrug. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I didn’t want to hurt you. I only wanted to keep you from finding me.”

  Damn, this was not the time to get into this kind of discussion. But better now than tomorrow. She couldn’t sleep with him again with this hovering over them.

  Nolan gazed at her. “Why did you write it, Jordan? Why did you run off? Did you hate me that much?”

  “No. That’s not true.” She couldn’t bring herself to look at him. “I only wanted to be free. Maybe someday, I’ll tell you. For now, I want you to know everything in that letter was a lie. I only wrote it to distance myself from you.”

  “I see.”

  “I wish… we could start over. I wish I had never written it.”

  He folded it in half, and then into thirds. Nolan crossed the room.

  Stunned, she watched him crush the letter with his fist and then toss it into the fire. Flames ate the paper as shadows danced over Nolan’s face. She went to him, staring up at him as he turned.

  His expression turned gentle. “The past is over now, Jordan. From this moment on, we start fresh. Deal?”

  “Deal.” Relief poured through her, made her limbs shaky. “Let’s shake on it like we did when we were kids.”

  But as she stuck out her hand, he shook his head. “We’re not children anymore, Jordan. I don’t shake.”

  Nolan pulled her into his arms.

  His mouth met hers in the sweetest, gentlest of kisses. Jordan’s eyes fluttered closed. He tasted like chocolate and wine as his mouth moved subtly over hers. Nolan’s scent flood her senses, cedar and forest tangling with a hint of berries. Blackberries, she thought, opening her mouth as his tongue flicked across her lips.

  Nolan drew back, his smoldering gaze searching her. “It’s been a long time, Jordan. I don’t know if I can… control myself with you.”

  Shivering, she touched his cheek. “Then don’t.”

  Jordan lifted her face as he stared at her mouth. Nolan pulled her against him, his lips warm and seeking as he kissed her. Thrusting his tongue deep into her mouth, he kissed her as if he needed her like he needed his next breath. She slid her arms around his neck.

  Waves of desire submerged her, dragging her past reason. Not that she needed or wanted reason. It was her wedding night, and this was her husband now.

  Her mate.

  Need tunneled through her, firing every cell in preparation for taking him into her body. Jordan couldn’t confess she’d never taken another lover since her departure. Nolan already had wielded enough power over her.

  He would take her body, which she gave willingly to him.

  He would not take her heart, which she guarded from him.

  Nolan swept her up into his arms. When he laid her down on the bed, she shook all over. Jordan crawled to the bed’s center, watching as he undressed. Willing, pliant, wet, she was ready to take him.

  The musky scent of her own desire, and the strong, masculine scent of cedar and leather filled her senses. His breathing came fast and urgent as he kicked off his shoes, tore off his shirt and socks and then reached for the zipper of his trousers.

  His penis sprang out, hard and straining. Nolan pushed the trousers past his lean hips and stood at the bed’s edge, his hungry gaze sweeping over her. He climbed onto the bed, his gaze almost black.

  “Take that off,” he grated out in a rough voice. “Unless you want me to shred that pretty gown to pieces.”

  Jordan’s breath hitched as she realized his claws had snapped out. He was alpha, and a wolf and his need to mate had overtaken all else. The animal surged, the male testosterone riding him hard.

  As he planned to ride her.

  Thanks for your gift, Nia. Nice while it lasted. Jordan’s mouth lifted in a suggestive smile. Fabric in hand, she waved it at him.

  “Go right ahead.”

  With a low growl, he was on her, his claws ripping the gown without touching her skin. Nolan tossed it aside and fisted a hand in her hair, kissing her again. This time, his mouth was hot and eager, and she kissed him back, passion riding her.

  I want to be loved. Every night since I left, I go to bed wanting. Is it too much to ask to want happiness again?

  Love seemed impossible to recapture. She’d settle for hot sex, and quieting the urges of her body.

  His hands explored her quivering, naked body as she did the same with his. Rediscovering each other. Memories of their first time lovemaking ran through her. Jordan pushed them aside. This was different, more urgent and wild.

  Hands clutching his rounded, fine ass, she moaned as he kissed her breasts. Then his tongue encircled her breast, licking her nipple, teasing it to diamond hardness. The suction of his mouth and the swift caresses of his tongue tensed her with anticipation.

  I need this so much. I need you. Only you.

  Palm skimming her belly, he touched the curls between her legs. She felt him smile as he kissed her neck.

  “Still a true red,” he murmured, and then Nolan nipped her at the sensitive juncture between shoulder and neck. Jordan arched as he teased her clit, then slid a single finger past her soaked folds.

  Nolan sank a finger into her, rubbing back and forth. Friction created even more moisture and she moaned, wriggling against his invading finger.

  “I need to get inside you, Jordan. Right now,” he grated out. Nolan withdrew his finger, sucked on it, his glittering gaze meeting her shocked one.

  “You taste delicious,” he murmured. “Now. It’s time.” He climbed atop her. Muscles on his arms bunched and flexed as he braced his weight with one hand and guided his penis between her open legs.

  “All these years I’ve dreamed of having you naked beneath me again. Let me in.”

  His penis pushed into her folds, seeking her soft, wet opening.

  “Been a long time. You’re tight,” he muttered, and then thrust deep into the yielding softness of her warm body.

  Jordan winced. The pressure between her legs turned into stretching pain. Six years was a long time. Despite the wetness readying her core, and her own eagnerness, it hurt a little. She’d forgotten how large he was. Whimpering against his mouth, she wriggled against him, desperate to find some ease and yet desperate to have him deeper inside her.

  Nolan grunted, pushed harder to penetrate her, his muscles locked and straining. She cried out in distress and he stopped.

  In his deep, smoky voice, he murmured soothing words to her, and then pulled out. She nearly sobbed with frustrated need. Jordan spread her legs wider and clasped his arms.

  “I need you. Come back to me,” she whispered.

  Lacing his fingers through hers, he eased back inside her, slower now, gentler. Impatient, she bucked her hips up to meet him, urging him deeper. Her body was no longer her own, but belonged to him.

  Just as his body belonged now to her. Only her.

  This was no mere consummation of their mating, but a bonding of flesh that went deeper, a feverish need to seal him to her.

  To erase the past, and start over fresh, with their bodies as they had on that hot summer night before everything went to hell.

  Nolan held her tighter, and then thrust deeper, grinding his erection into her. It was wild and freeing, two wolves mating with urgency driving every move.

  Her skin tingled, the stimulation tensing her body, every nerve on overdrive. Jordan squeezed around him. He fucked her hard, pushing in and out with a crazed urgency, amber rising in his piercing gaze as his hard flesh slapped against her softness. Fire built up inside her, the orgasm rising as he rubbed against her clit, making her clutch at him in her own frenzy.

  “C’mon baby,” he panted. “Come for me, Jordan. Come for me!”

  His deep voice urged her over and she arched and screamed as the molten fire exploded in her loins. Jordan cried out his name as he groaned and went still, his hot seed shooting deep inside her. Each spurt sent little, new orgasms rippling through her. It was too much and she closed her eyes, holding onto his shoulders.

  “No, open your eyes,” he ordered harshly. “I want to see your eyes as I make you mine.”

  Her hips bucked up and down and he rode the wave, staring down at her as he shuddered with each release of his seed. Finally it slowed, but his penis remained engorged, locked deep inside her.

  Sweat slicked their bodies, dampened the sheets beneath them. Nolan grunted and wrapping his arms around her, rolled over so she lay atop him. Both of them panting now, their hearts pounding hard in their chest.

  Gently, he smoothed back her damp hair. “You okay?”

  Jordan managed to nod. Speech was impossible. Emotions smoldered inside her, joy and pleasure, along with overwhelming sadness. This should have been their mating night years ago, Nolan in her bed each night. And then later, making babies during the long summer and winter nights. By now they’d have one or even two little ones.

  He palmed her ass, kneading it with a growl of pleasure as his penis remained deep inside her. Then he touched her lower back and the ink stamped there and she stiffened.

  Jordan pulled his hands away, wrapping them around her neck. “Kiss me,” she demanded.

  He obliged, his mouth warm and soft, sweet this time.

  Then his penis softened and he rolled to the side, separating them. Nolan cupped her face. “You are so lovely,” he murmured, and kissed her once more.

  For a few minutes, they drowsed in each other’s arms. Then he began touching her again, caressing her back.

  Suddenly he sat up, and stared at her back. Jordan stiffened.


  Light from the lamp on the nightstand showed his fascinated expression. Nolan stroked a thumb over her backside, making her shiver. “Where did you get this?”

  Jordan’s heart dropped to her stomach. “Ink parlor in Phoenix. They were running a special.”

  The tattoo of lush grapevines swept across her lower back, just above her butt. Nolan’s lips brushed over it, making her shiver.

  “Did it hurt?”

  A hell of a lot, but not as much as the reason why she’d done it. The vines covered the original mark, the one that had scarred her for life. “I tried not to think about i

  “Why did you get it? And in this spot?”

  Too many questions. Tensing, she clutched the pillow. “Guess I was homesick. But I didn’t want to see it. Needed to know it was there. Different kind of a tramp stamp, I guess. Most women get roses.”

  Nolan rubbed her ink, and she tensed more. “You’re not a tramp, Jordan. Don’t ever call yourself that.”

  She rolled over, stared up at him. “You always did stick up for me, Mitchell. Now, are you gonna keep talking or do something else with that fine mouth of yours?”

  “I know exactly what I’m gonna do with this mouth of mine.”

  The wicked glint in his eyes warned her he did, too.

  Nolan began kissing his way down her body, delivering tiny, biting kisses on her breasts, belly, skirting his way down to her thighs. Jordan writhed as he parted her legs and settled between them.

  He began licking her moistness, delving his tongue between her soft folds. Nolan kissed her clit and sucked hard, the pressure making her moan and wriggle, tension building all over again.

  Each flick of his tongue sent pleasure spiraling through her. She was on fire all over again. Jordan clutched the pillow, crying out as another orgasm slammed into her.

  Nolan sat up, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. His penis, erect once more, jutted out from the crisp, dark hair at his groin.

  Ready for her again.

  “You taste like succulent grapes,” he murmured. “Sweet and juicy sliding down my throat.”

  She stiffened as he turned her over. Nolan pulled her onto her hands and knees. “Time to make it official for life, pixie,” he whispered. “Give you my mating mark.”

  Heart thundering in her chest, she froze. The mating mark, the erotic bite all male Lupines gave their mates to ward off interest from other males.

  The mark that declared to the world that she was exclusively his…and he was hers.

  A permanent declaration of their mating.

  But as Nolan kept caressing her backside, the memories came like ashes riding a hot wind. That night in the woods, Bryce laughing as the two women held her down, the sharp, hot bite of the knife sinking into her flesh…

  “You’re so sexy,” Nolan grunted, nipping her tattoo. He pulled her close, nipped her ass and then settled more firmly behind her in order to take her in the traditional mating position.


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