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The Heartbreaker (Fighting the Odds Book 1)

Page 6

by Tricia Andersen

  He wrapped his fingers around her ribs to hold her closer to him.

  She tugged him with her back down on the bed, wrapping her legs around his waist. “Round two,” she purred.

  “Condom,” he reminded her.

  Lily reluctantly unlocked her legs to let him go. She took a deep breath then forced herself to watch him tear the wrapper open and roll the condom on. She moaned. It was true. Every last part of him was perfect.

  He grinned as he caught her looking at him. “Acceptable?”

  “More than acceptable.”

  His smile grew wider with pride as he climbed back onto the bed, tugging the covers loose to crawl under.

  Lily slipped in beside him, snuggling close to him. She gasped as he slipped his hand between her legs and slid a finger inside her. Her hips bucked instinctively against his hand. He pulled it out then plunged two back inside. She groaned and bucked again.

  He rocked his fingers in and out of her, stoking the fire burning in her core. “Just making sure you’re ready for me.”

  Lily tossed her head from one side to the other, the urge to explode building inside her growing faster and faster. Just as she was about to peak, Reese pulled his hand away. She whimpered at the sudden emptiness, the ache nearly unbearable. A sigh escaped her lips as he descended on her, filling her with a couple of quick, deep thrusts. It was all it took to push Lily over the edge. She cried out, arching hard against him as wave after wave of pure heat burned through her.

  Clinging to Reese as he drove into her, she felt the knot twist again. He pulled from her enough to watch her, his rhythm never stopping. The ache grew stronger and stronger. Suddenly, it unwound again in fiery bliss.

  His groan matched her mews as he released, his hands pinning hers to the pillow as he throbbed inside her. “Wow,” Reese murmured.

  Lily stared at him confused.

  He smiled. “I’ve never seen anything sexier than watching you come.”

  Lily knew she had to be beet red.

  Reese pulled free then tossed the covers off. “Be right back again. Why don’t you pour the wine?”

  Lily reached across to the bedside table to pick up the bottle and corkscrew with a yawn. She glanced at the clock. It was past midnight. No wonder I’m exhausted. Between sex with Reese and the late hour, I’m surprised I’m not out like a light. It took a try or two to pop the cork. She reached for the glasses, pouring one at a time and setting them on the table. She handed one to Reese as he sat back on the bed.

  He raised his glass. “Here’s to many more nights like tonight, coupled with equally amazing days being together.”

  Lily clinked her glass with his, then took a sip of the thick burgundy liquid. She fought back a yawn.

  Reese took her glass from her, then set it and his on the bedside table. “Time for bed. I saw you yawn. I guess I wore you out.”

  Lily smiled sleepily at him.

  He laid back against his pillow and gathered her to him.

  She barely made out his heartbeat before she was fast asleep.

  Chapter Five

  Waking up had always made her feel so cold and alone in bed. This morning, caressed by fluffy pillows, a down comforter and a strong masculine body, Lily was waking up in heaven. She glanced at the clock. By the shadows across the room from the morning sun, she knew she was waking up too late. She didn’t care. Old Miss Brooks would open the doors to the library. She would just have to call and say she overslept.

  Lily curled on her side to watch Reese sleep. The sight took her breath away. His breath was slow and steady, his face relaxed. His rumpled dark hair was a contrast to the white pillow. By the twitch of his fingers against her skin, she could only guess he was dreaming. Even with the scars, he was only one thing in Lily’s eyes. Perfect.

  Guilt gnawed at Lily. It was time to call Miss Brooks and let her know she would be late. Then maybe I can crawl back into bed with Reese for a while longer. Carefully, she slipped from his grasp and sat up. She stared puzzled at his shoulder as he hugged the pillow in his sleep. He’d said she would have to get him naked to find his other tattoo. Now that he was…she found it. A broken heart was inked into his shoulder right beneath his shoulder blade. Intertwined in the crack of the heart was a flower. She peered closer to study it. It’s a tiger lily, I think. Pressing a kiss to her fingertips, she transferred it to his tattoo tenderly before slipping off the bed and getting dressed.

  Lily took her phone from her purse and snuck out of the bedroom to make the phone call. She sighed. It seemed pointless to put all her clothes on just to take them off. She opened her contacts on her phone to find Miss Brooks. Her eyes wandered up. A scream escaped her lips as her eyes fixed on a bare butt strutting down the hallway, the body it belonged to just as equally naked.

  Buddy spun around, his eyes wide and his mouth gaped open as he struggled to cover himself. “What the fuck?”

  “Oh, sweet lord,” was all Lily could let out as her stunned eyes shot to the ceiling and her hands covered her mouth.

  The bedroom door swung open. Reese shuffled out, now wearing just gym shorts. He rubbed his eyes sleepily. “What the hell is going on out here?”

  Buddy hobbled to the sofa for a pillow to cover himself with. “What is she doing here?”

  “She spent the night with me. Did I have to clear it with you first?” Reese defended.

  “No. But a heads up would be nice. I mean, I saw the books by the door but I just figured you changed genres. You know I don’t wear clothes around my house.”

  “Yeah. It’s disturbing. I forgot that you’re an exhibitionist when I asked to stay here.” Reese pulled Lily to him, shielding her face from Buddy with his own body. “Could you please go put some shorts on?”

  “My freaking house,” Buddy grumbled as he sprinted up the stairs, still clutching the pillow to his groin leaving his butt exposed.

  Lily lifted her eyes and cringed, getting one last unfortunate glance.

  Reese pulled from their embrace a little to scan her from head to toe. “All dressed and ready to go? You weren’t going to tell me goodbye?”

  “No, it’s not that,” Lily answered all flustered. “I was going to crawl back into bed with you. I’m going to be late for work. I didn’t want to wake you when I called Miss Brooks and I wasn’t comfortable coming out into the hall like…” She waved her hand in the direction Buddy disappeared. “…That.”

  Reese pressed a kiss to her forehead as he chuckled. “I don’t mind you wandering around like that. You have a beautiful body. But yes, I’d rather you not in front of Buddy. I’m awake now. How about I make you breakfast?”

  Lily frowned. “Reese, how am I going to leave without everyone seeing me?”

  “You could just stay,” he teased.


  “Okay, okay. We’ll figure it out over pancakes. All right?”

  Lily smiled then kissed him. “Sounds wonderful.”

  Reese led her to the kitchen.

  She glanced around at the white painted cabinets contrasted with the stainless steel appliances. Kitchen gadgets littered the linoleum countertops. It was definitely the kitchen of a bachelor who liked to cook.

  With a sexy smirk, he lifted her onto the counter then hustled to the cupboards to find the pancake mix and a bowl.

  Lily eyes focused on the contours of his butt through his shorts, a sigh escaping her lips as she watched him. Her eyes wandered up to find Reese looking at her.

  He chuckled. “Like what you see?”

  Lily blushed instantly.

  Reese sat the spatula on the counter then wrapped his arms around her. “Because I love what I see.”

  “Don’t crap up my kitchen,” Buddy growled as he stormed into the kitchen dressed in a pair of baggy sweat pants.

  “Do you want pancakes?” Reese cooed.

  Buddy slumped against the counter. “Of course. Are you going to stop smooching each other long enough to cook them or do I have to?”

nbsp; “Holy shit, dude. Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed or what?” Reese softly pecked Lily on the lips then turned back to the mix and bowl.

  “Is there anything I can help with?” Lily volunteered.

  “Nah. You’re good right there.” Reese winked at her before measuring out the mix and dumping it into the bowl.

  Lily glanced at Buddy scrolling through his cell phone. “Sorry I disrupted your morning, Buddy.”

  He glanced up at her then grinned. “No worries. Just caught me off guard. I’m assuming this will be a regular thing?”

  She shrugged her shoulders wordlessly.

  Reese turned towards them. “I hope it is,” he remarked.

  “Me too,” she whispered.

  “Maybe tonight?” Reese suggested.

  “I have dinner at my parents tonight after choir.”

  “Tomorrow night?”

  “Library meeting. But I’m free Friday.”

  Reese shot a dirty look at Buddy.

  He grinned at him.

  “I’m tending bar until close. Which sucks because after being on my feet around drunks that long, I would love a soft, warm body to snuggle up to.”

  “I could try to stay up, then sneak over.”

  “Or you can come over whenever you want,” Buddy interjected. “We live in Braden, folks. I leave the back door unlocked. All I’m ever missing is the occasional beer. And your only threat of discovery is Daryl Cox who is normally wasted on a bar stool by midnight on Fridays. My question is how are you getting out of here this morning, Lily?”

  Lily shrugged again. “I think we’re working on it.”

  “What if I lay low this morning. Lily can leave in my sweats. With her head covered no one will know it’s not me.”

  “Except for the height difference,” Buddy reminded him.

  “When has Daryl or anyone in this town been that observant?”

  “And don’t you think walking into your apartment in Reese’s clothes might tip your Dad off that you’re sleeping together?” Buddy asked, staring straight at Lily.

  “That’s true,” Lily murmured. “I can’t go to the library either.”

  Reese glared at Buddy through narrowed eyes.

  Buddy threw up his hands exasperated. “Fine. I’ll drive Lily to Molly’s. She should be done with chores by now. If anyone asks, I’ll tell them Reese and I are going for a run at the lake. Will that work? I’ll be an accomplice to your affair. We can go after breakfast and a quickie if you two need to squeeze one in yet this morning.”

  Lily smiled at Buddy. “Thanks.”

  “Yeah, well. He…” He thumbed at Reese, “…Is in love with you. You make him happy. So, I guess I’m in. You might want to text Molly and give her a heads up.”

  “Oh. I still need to call Miss Brooks too.” Lily carefully hopped down from the counter and headed to the living room. She thought poor Miss Brooks was going to die from shock. Lily had never been late a day in her life, even when she was doing Elijah’s job in high school. I wasn’t climbing out of Reese Cooper’s bed then. I definitely would have been late if I had.

  The sweet scent of pancakes wafted into the living room as she hit the send button on her text to Molly. Stepping back into the kitchen, she was greeted with a warm stack covered in thick maple syrup.

  “Breakfast,” Reese beamed.

  Lily took the plate from him with a grin as big as his. “Thank you.”

  “My pleasure,”

  Lily knew it was from a box, but she was certain they were the best pancakes she ever had. She wasn’t sure if it was because Reese had slipped something into the dough or if it was because they were just made by her man. My man. A week ago, the idea of dating Reese Cooper was just a wild fantasy. Now he was standing in a pair of gym shorts making her breakfast. And I couldn’t be happier.

  She followed Reese as he put his plate in the sink then walked down the hall to his room. He tugged open his drawer and pulled out a pair of light grey sweatpants and a hooded sweatshirt, both emblazoned with a gym logo. He handed them to her with a grin. “Would you like privacy?”

  She laughed as she stared into his twinkling blue eyes. “No. There isn’t much to hide from you anymore.”

  Reese sat on the bed. “Very true.”

  Slowly unbuttoning her blouse, Lily slipped it off her arms and let it fall to the floor. Her skirt quickly joined it.

  Reese caught her hand as she reached for the sweats. “Wait. Let me look at you for just a moment. I’m too exhausted for Buddy’s suggested quickie. But you drove me crazy watching you get undressed.”

  She shivered as his eyes roamed her body head to toes.

  After a few silent moments, he handed the sweats to her. “Friday can’t come soon enough.”

  “Uh-huh.” Lily quickly pulled on the sweats, tugging the drawstrings tight around her. With such a size difference, she had no idea how they were going to pull this off. I’m swimming in his clothes.

  “Ready?” Reese questioned.

  “Ready as I’m ever going to be.”

  Reese smiled as he took her hand in his and led her to the living room.

  She couldn’t see him but she could hear Buddy chuckle.

  “Are you in there, Lily?”

  “Shut up, Buddy.”

  “See what sleeping with you does, Reese? Now she’s getting feisty.”

  Reese gently pulled her hood back. “I like her feisty.” He tugged her lower lip with his thumb. “I love you, Lily.”

  “I love you too, Reese,” she breathed the fabulous words out. “See you Friday night?”

  He winked. “I’ll see you before then.”

  Lily didn’t have a chance to ask what he had up his sleeve.

  He parted her lips with his, his tongue softly caressing hers, the kiss so strong and deep she could barely breathe.

  His sensual smirk was back as they parted. “I don’t want you to forget me.”

  “Like that’s going to happen.”

  Reese covered her head with the hood again, then stepped away from the door.

  Buddy opened it, subtly motioning for Lily to follow.

  With one last glance at Reese, she stepped out onto the porch, shutting the door behind her.

  Buddy stopped dead in his tracks halfway down the sidewalk.

  Lily noticed his back stiffen as his fingers flexed into fists.

  “Hey, Buddy. Where are you going?”

  Her heart rampaged in her chest at the voice that appeared from nowhere. The town gossip was right in front of them. She clenched her eyes closed.

  “Hey Daryl. Reese and I are just heading for a run at the lake.”

  There was silence. “Where are your shoes, Reese?”

  Lily’s eyes shot down to her bare feet. Her mouth opened and closed. What am I going to say?

  Buddy interrupted. “Reese runs barefoot. It’s a crazy MMA thing. Sorry, he lost his voice screaming at the Cubs game last night. Could have told him they were going to lose.”

  “Yeah. But we’re going to the World Series this year,” Daryl defended.

  “Not if my Cardinals have anything to say about it,” Buddy shot back.

  “Want to place a bet on it?”

  “Your bar tab is too high. No. We have to get going, Daryl. Stop by the bar tonight. I’ll treat you to a cold one while we watch the game.”

  “You’re on. Have a good run, Reese.”

  Lily waved in the general direction of the voice. She was tight on Buddy’s heels as they strode down the sidewalk to the truck. She hopped in the passenger seat, grasping the hood closer to her face. “That was too close.”

  Buddy flipped the ignition. “We were fine. Could you go waltzing out of my house they way you normally dress? No. But I know Daryl Cox’s weakness. If you talk to him about the Cubs, you can typically stop his nosy nature for a bit. Especially, if you’re a Cardinal’s fan.”

  “Thank you again, for helping us.”

  “Lil, I have been through th
ick and thin with Reese Cooper. I used to leave my bedroom window open as a kid, so he could sneak in if things got to be too much at home. Even in the winter. It was hard to watch someone so young wither in front of you. All the bruises, cuts and broken bones. I had it easy compared to him. MMA satisfied him but it didn’t make him happy. The first time I’ve ever seen him really, truly happy was this morning holding you, kissing you, looking at you. To make my best friend this deliriously happy, I’ll do anything including sneak you around Braden. And put on pants, so his girlfriend can spend the night.”

  Lily stared at him from beneath her hood.

  He just smirked at her. He slammed on the brakes as he turned into Molly’s drive. “What the fuck?”

  Lily trembled as her eyes locked on her dad’s maroon Cadillac. “No,” was all she could get out. Then, she noticed something out of the corner of her eye.

  Molly stood at the corner of the barn, motioning to them to come towards her.

  Lily pointed her out to Buddy. “Go there.”

  “If you think so,” he hesitated. “If your dad busts us, I’m throwing you back in my truck and taking you back to Reese.”

  “I trust Molly.”

  Buddy crept the truck to the corner of the barn.

  Lily rolled the window down.

  Molly hurried over to them. “Your dad is in the dining room talking to my dad. He got here right after you texted. If we hurry, we can sneak in the back door and up to my room,” she reported breathlessly.

  “Okay.” Lily turned to Buddy. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. Go. See you Friday night.”

  Lily hopped from the truck and raced around the barn with Molly. She didn’t even get to watch Buddy leave. By the time they rounded the barn towards the back door he was gone. They slowly, carefully pried the back door open, then just as quietly closed it. Tiptoeing up the back stairs, they slipped into Molly’s bedroom.

  “So, you’ll hide out here until your dad leaves?”

  Lily frowned as she thought for a moment. “I have a better idea. Do you have a pair of pajamas I can borrow?”

  Molly scanned her from head to toe. “Sure. But first. Are those Reese’s sweats? Are you wearing his clothes?”


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