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His Special Kiss (BBW First Time Shapeshifter Pregnancy Romance)

Page 6

by Angelina Moore

  “I’m still the same, Jamie. But this is my true form. I am what your people would call a werewolf. Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you. And I promise I’ll be gentle with you.”

  Surprisingly, I found my fear slowly melting away. There was something almost hypnotic about his voice. Something that told me that everything was going to be okay. I nodded.

  “Fuck me, hard.”

  Without a word, he spread my legs open gently. I wanted to tell him to be gentle but I couldn’t utter a word as I watched him push himself inside of me. I bit my lip as I felt a slight twinge of pain as he slowly eased into me. That pain was quickly being replaced by pure pleasure.

  He got in all the way and held it, letting me get used to his hardness inside of me. I had to resist the urge to yell with pleasure. He fit perfectly. In that instant I knew this man was the one for me.

  He shifted slightly and slowly pulled out before plunging back in, harder this time. I could feel him hit my g-spot perfectly as he began to fuck me. He started slowly, easing himself in and out with perfect rhythm. I gripped his muscular shoulders as he moved quicker and quicker, making a soft slapping sound against my legs as he moved.

  Fireworks exploded in front of my eyes as I felt my orgasm build once more, threatening to engulf everything. I couldn’t see, couldn’t hear, couldn’t think. The only thing that mattered was the rapidly growing fireball of pleasure erupting from between my legs.

  He paused just before I reached my peak. He pulled out of me, lifted me up and impaled me onto his huge cock, making me shriek with pleasure. My tits bounced on his hairy chest as he began to fuck me harder than before, staring into my eyes with a look of pure ecstasy.

  My nails dug into his back as I slammed down on his cock over and over again, causing shockwaves of pleasure to pulse through our bodies. My walls tightened over him as I felt myself finally lose control.

  The world stopped. It was as though time slowed down. I screamed as I felt my body release, my juices spraying all over his cock as he still fucked me. He gave a shout and I realized his control was completely gone too. I laughed with pleasure as I felt his cum seep into my wet hole, heating me up all over again.

  We collapsed on the couch, exhausted, our bodies still connected. I turned my head towards his as he brushed a hair from my forehead.

  “So how did I do for my first time?” I asked as he quickly transformed back into a human, hoping he’d give the right answer.

  He smiled.

  “That was the best sex I’ve ever had. You are a goddess.”

  I grinned.

  “Yeah, you weren’t so bad yourself. A few things needed work though,” I said playfully.

  He raised his eyebrows.

  “Care to go again?” he asked, sitting up.

  I couldn’t get the smile off my face.

  “You’re on,” I said. In that moment, I was the happiest girl in the world.


  Things only got better after that. I eventually got a better job and moved in with Blake. Claire still visited me a lot, but my time was mostly spent working and being with Blake. I wanted to know all I could about his species. In fact, I had to.

  Blake had gotten me pregnant. I was young, but the prospect of being pregnant with a werewolf excited me much more than my fear of being a mother. Plus, I knew that with Blake taking care of us, everything would be just fine. I couldn’t wait to raise a half-werewolf baby. Things never looked better.

  The Wolf’s Sinful Desires

  Sometimes I really love my job. I smiled to myself as I zoomed my camera in a little more catching sight of his average-sized cock sliding into his secretary’s hole. I was surprised she didn’t wake up all of DC she was screaming so loud. I watched as he ran his fingers through her mousy hair, pounding away with an almost manic energy. This piece of shit senator was finished.

  I adjusted my car seat a little and tried to get a better angle through the window. I was almost surprised at how easy this guy was making it for me. They were fucking on a bed in plain sight of the open window.

  I giggled as he flipped her over and started to pump away again. He grabbed a handful of her brown hair and pulled, making her yelp. I had a strong urge to play with myself, but I remembered I had a job to do. But it had been so long though since I’d been pleasured. I could just imagine my ex pumping away at me like that…


  I shook my head and quickly brought out my video camera. I’d brought it out just in time – now he had handcuffs. Oh my, hasn’t this gotten interesting?

  I watched through the camera as he handcuffed her hands behind her head and took off his leather belt. He started lightly at first, barely hitting her ass cheek. Then harder. Then even harder until I could hear the loud thwack the belt made each time it licked her ass. She was screaming even louder now. Whether in pain or pleasure, I couldn’t tell. I didn’t care. I just needed to get good photos.

  But I couldn’t help myself. With one hand still steady on the camera I pushed a finger down my shorts. I knew I was in broad daylight and I knew there was a chance I could fuck this up. But I didn’t care. I was horny as hell at this point.

  My finger found my clit and I giggled as I began to massage myself, imagining it was my ex fucking me again. Memories of his massive cock came flooding back to me and I closed my eyes, remembering his touch. Strong arms, big cock, gorgeous blue eyes that sparkled when he looked at my curvy body…

  I cursed as I almost dropped my camera. Stop playing with yourself and focus. You can masturbate later. The memory of my ex was just too fresh in my mind. I shook my head and pulled my wet hand out of my pants. I needed to get this shot just right. I zoomed in a little more, so close I could see the red marks on her ass.

  I made sure to get one last perfect shot of him plugging away at her while whipping her with the belt before stowing my camera away and driving off, grinning.

  I work as a photographer/journalist for a famous Washington paper. My job is to get in, get photos, and get out. I’m really good at it too, but there hasn’t been anything to really catapult my career – until now.

  I was still recovering from my breakup with my ex, Charlie, a little over six months ago. He’d been forced to move away, but he wouldn’t tell me where. Instantly I got suspicious, but he insisted that it was only temporary and he’d come back for me later. But I wasn’t having it. I broke up with him the night before his flight and hadn’t heard from him since.

  I still felt ashamed of myself for treating him that way but there was no excuse for him not even telling me where he was moving to. None. But I knew I’d be thinking about him for the rest of my life. I had never had a better boyfriend than him, especially one who would love a curvy girl like me.

  But now that I was single and had time to focus all of my energy into my work, it was finally paying off. This was it. This was the story that was sure to launch my career. Finally, I’d be able to get a little respect around the office. This was gonna be the biggest story since that asshole mayor in New York!

  I practically sped through traffic to get to the office, all my thoughts now on this story. I couldn’t believe I’d actually done it. Before, there wasn’t any proof this senator was cheating on his wife. He seemed to be a pretty quiet guy on the surface.

  But when I’d tried interviewing him about it, he got pretty aggressive. Accused me of trying to frame him or something. Fortunately, that told me that he wasn’t smart enough to keep it a secret forever and it would only be a matter of time before he slipped up.

  I couldn’t get the smile off my face as I pulled into the parking lot and raced into the office, camera in hand.

  “Dave, I’ve finally got it!”

  My boss looked up as I burst into his office.

  “What do you have for me?”

  I walked around his desk and showed him my footage and the photographs I’d taken. His eyes widened in surprise and his face broke out in a grin as he realized what I’d done.

  “Great job, Sarah!” he said, clapping me on the shoulder. “We’ve finally got him! I’m going to take these and upload them. They should make the afternoon paper if we’re lucky!”

  I’ve never seen my boss this ecstatic before. He was practically skipping as he walked over to his computer. I was sure to get a promotion now! I just had to be careful and wait.

  The next day, I pulled up into the parking lot with my heart thudding in my chest. Pictures of the senator were broadcast all over the internet and it was because of me! I was almost surprised at how big this story had gotten.

  The office was quiet for a split second when I walked through the door. Then everyone burst out and cheered. My face turned beet-red as I let the confetti fall over me. They had thrown me a party! It was so rare that the boss even allowed recreational activities in the office, especially during busy times like these.

  The rest of the morning was great. I spent time talking to each one of the staff and they all seemed to be being extra polite to me today. Whether it was because I’d just gotten the biggest story of the year or because they knew I’d be a big player now, I didn’t know.

  It wasn’t as though I was universally hated or anything, but I certainly didn’t have any friends here. To throw me a party and actually recognize me was surprising all on its own. I’d never gotten much appreciation around the office even though I know I’d been the hardest worker from day one.

  Hopefully things would change now. I couldn’t stop myself from smiling even if I tried. The rest of the day was spent having fun at the office and I was really enjoying myself – until they brought out the cake.

  It was a huge store bought chocolate cake. It took two guys to carry it, it was so big. My mouth watered as they brought it over and another wave of gratitude washed over me. This was looking to be the happiest day of my life!

  My smile faded as they set it down. The cake said “Good luck over there, Sarah!”

  “Uh guys, what does that mean?” I asked pointing. Good luck where? Was I being promoted to a bigger office or something? I certainly wasn’t about to get fired.

  “You haven’t told her yet?” asked one of my co-workers.

  Dave shook his head. “There wasn’t enough time.”

  “Tell me what?” I demanded, my heart racing with excitement.

  “Sarah I’m promoting you. You’re going to be one of my state journalists!”


  “Uh what is that exactly?”

  He beckoned to me and turned to his office.

  “Maybe we’d better talk about this inside.”

  I followed him into his office and shut the door behind me, not sure if I should be terrified or elated.

  “Sarah, we’re all very proud of you and that huge story you brought us. You’re basically a celebrity! I think you need a change of scenery though. I’m going to have you go to Dallas, Texas and report on a gang called the Alpha Wolves.”

  He waited for me to respond but I was too surprised. A gang? Going from Washington DC to Texas? What the fuck?

  “Uh, why me and why to Texas?” I asked, trying to be as polite as possible.

  He averted his eyes and stared at the doorway. Was that guilt in his eyes? I couldn’t be sure.

  “Well I just think you’d be the right person for the job. Plus the pay is much better and I figured you’d appreciate that. It wouldn’t be a permanent thing; you only have to stay there for one or two months tops.”

  I sat back in my chair and tried to absorb this information.

  “So I’d be getting paid to report on a gang. What would I have to do? Just take pictures of them getting beers or something?”

  He leaned forward ominously.

  “Not exactly. I want you to get close to them. I want you to find out what they do, where they go, who’s involved. From what I hear, they aren’t as dangerous as some of the other packs around the area, but I would still play it safe. You shouldn’t have too much trouble.”

  “But why go there in the first place? What’s so special about them? What sets them apart from all the other packs around the country?”

  He averted his eyes again. I knew there was something he wasn’t telling me and it made me nervous.

  “My boss just says it’s important to learn about what they’re up to. They’ve only been around a couple years so they’re relatively new. But they are pretty big down there in Texas now. I think you’ll enjoy it,” he said, smiling at her.

  I wasn’t so sure.

  “When do I leave for this assignment?”

  “You’ll be catching a plane on Friday. I have your hotel booked for one month, but if you find anything interesting I may pull you out sooner.”

  I nodded. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad. Plus I’d get more money, which didn’t hurt. There was something about this that seemed a little fishy though. There was definitely something Dave wasn’t telling me about the pack. But I didn’t think he’d send me there if he knew there was a chance I would get hurt, right?

  I spent the evening packing my bags and thinking about just what the hell I was going to do over there. I’d never been out of DC before so it would be a whole new experience for me. I was more nervous about the job though.

  What kind of motorcycle club required a journalist to follow them around? Why was it me being sent when there were plenty of other people who were probably more experienced than me? What was it that Dave wasn’t telling me about the job?

  Those questions went through my head for the rest of the week as I prepared myself to leave. The only thing that comforted me was the fact that there were probably a lot of hot cowboys in Dallas. Who knows? Maybe I’d get lucky and score with a cute guy. I was a decent looking girl, I shouldn’t have too much trouble.

  But my nerves returned almost instantly once the plane touched down in Dallas. I grabbed my luggage and looked around for a guy holding a sign with my name on it. I found him at once by the exit, looking as nervous as me and at least five years younger. He couldn’t have been more than twenty.

  “Hey, I’m Sarah Nicks. I take it you’re here to take me to my hotel?”

  “Y-yes. Right this way,” he mumbled opening the door for me. I wondered why he was so nervous.

  He helped load my luggage into his car and ushered me in quickly. I sat back and relaxed in the back seat as we began to drive away.

  “So where in Dallas are we going?” I asked.

  He gave me a terrified look in the mirror.

  “The dangerous part,” he whispered.

  Wow. It must have been pretty dangerous if the poor kid was this terrified. He didn’t answer any of my questions the rest of the drive. I silently cursed Dave. I thought he said this wouldn’t be dangerous? Too late to back out now.

  Finally we pulled up to a little rundown motel in the middle of nowhere. I got out of the car and looked around. There was sand everywhere. Millions and millions of miles of sand, it seemed. This town really was in the middle of nowhere.

  There was a little grocery store next door to the motel, a bar across the street, twenty or so houses and a few more shops lining the streets. I cursed Dave again. Why the fuck would he send me to a tiny little town like this? And where the hell was I supposed to find a pack? I couldn’t even see any people.

  My answer came a few moments later. I heard the sound of engines rumbling and spun around. There, about a hundred feet away, sat eight huge, hulking guys on motorcycles with the letters TAW on their jackets. There was a little carving of what looked like a wolf on each of their jackets.

  I gulped. Well, at least I found the Alpha Wolves without too much trouble. The fun part would be following them. The guy in the middle seemed to be the leader. He drove over to the motel parking spot as the rest of the guys followed.

  He dismounted and immediately turned and walked over to me, taking his helmet off. My heart seemed to melt. I could see his emerald green eyes from here. This guy did not look like any typical redneck from Texas. He was absolutely

  His sleeveless shirt revealed huge, broad shoulders and bulging arm muscles that rippled when he walked. I could make out his chest muscles underneath his shirt. This guy was ripped.

  He stood about a foot taller than me and had tattoos running all the way down his arms and legs. If he turned around I’m sure his jeans would outline a perfect ass. He looked like a bodybuilder model turned biker.

  He stopped right in front of me and looked me up and down. I could feel my heart racing in my chest. If I wasn’t so nervous about these guys, pussy juice would be seeping through my pants right now. This guy was incredible.


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