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Taste of Wicked

Page 5

by Michelle Howard

  “Why the frown?”

  She jerked at the soft question behind her. Drake stood, shoulders leaning against one of the large pillars that decorated the doorway into the inn’s restaurant. Her breath caught at the sheer magnitude of seeing him in dress clothes. Nothing in her mind prepared her for the sight of his six-four frame casually wearing a black suit that she bet cost more than what she made in a week.

  The jacket followed the lines of his broad shoulders with adoration. He straightened at her approach and she swallowed thickly when the open collar of his black shirt parted to reveal the tanned lines of his throat. He’d gone sans tie and the buttoned down caressed his chest without fitting snugly and yet managed to give the impression of containing unchecked strength. A black leather belt circled his waist and black trousers.

  Legs that stretched for miles ended in familiar boots with the silver chain at the ankle. Such an unusual combination and yet her heart ratcheted up a notch from the sight. Her gaze traveled back up slowly, enjoying the view even more on the second go round. He’d taken time with his hair too. The golden strands were smoothed back from his face and lay against his head as if commanded not to move. Not overly lean and not quite bulky, Drake was perfectly built and Toni knew without a doubt the body beneath his clothing would be covered in taut, iron hard muscles rippling with power.


  Toni shook her head. How long had she been staring? “Sorry. Just a phone call.”

  A half smile curved his lips, the violet colored eyes shifting in the light. “I promise no business tonight if you commit to the same.”

  She snorted. Toni wasn’t as addicted to her phone as most people. “That won’t be hard for me.”

  At her words, his gaze darkened and Toni stilled. The air heated and their exchange took on another meaning. Breath wisped through her parted lips and her thighs quivered.

  Instead of rising to the easy innuendo he extended his hand in her direction. He wore a silver linked bracelet on his wrist and for a moment it caught her off guard. He didn’t appear to be the jewelry type and yet he wore it with such casual elegance that she accepted it. “Good. Join me?”

  Toni hesitated only for a second and then placed her palm in his. The warm clasp of his grip sent tingles down her spine. Thankfully, the full cup of her bra held her nipples back or they would have alerted Drake to their excited state.


  Drake held his breath as he waited for Antonia to place her hand in his. He folded his hand around her delicate fingers and relaxed. Being close to Antonia was proving to be all kinds of interesting. Waiting in the lobby for her to arrive left him anxious, muscles twitching in anticipation. Then she’d descended the spiral staircase with no idea how beautiful she looked and lacking awareness of all the enthralled male gazes turned in her direction.

  The pink skirt flowed about her legs with each step she took, the length teasing with glimpses of her shapely ankles. Drake felt as drawn as a man from an older era where the sight of bare limbs was more enticing then full disclosure of a nude body. As a youth he’d been giddy from such peeks. Thanks to the current era, the dress on feminine forms ranged from minimalist to almost non-existent. He’d seen far more flesh on display yet Antonia held him spellbound.

  Her shirt clung to her rounded globes, the deep v-neck highlighting her cleavage. Antonia was pleasingly full figured from her gorgeous breasts and rounded hips down to the smooth curve of her rear. Did she sense the heated stares?

  Belatedly, Drake realized she was on the phone and he tensed as a small crease appeared between her brows. Her lips pinched in the corner and he stilled the overwhelming need to demand who she spoke to and why they’d upset her.

  When she reached the bottom, the question spilled from his lips and she’d jerked before meeting his gaze. Drake had the pleasure of watching pink color splash to her cheeks and then she smiled.

  His world shifted on his axis and the hunger of earlier returned with a vengeance. His sudden desire for this woman was inexplicable and yet he had no wish to turn away from it. Seeing the same need in her blue depths confirmed the idea forming in his head. Tonight, Antonia would be his.

  Using the hold on her hand, he led her into the restaurant and the intimate atmosphere. The inn stuck with an old world classic décor for the rooms and the overall look of the lobby but in here someone had taken the dining experience in a totally different direction. Dimmed lights glowed from glass fixtures above, dark linen covered the tables and wait staff was suitably attired in all black. The tink and chime of dishware met his ears along with the low hum of muted conversation.

  The hostess greeted them with a bright grin and two leather folders with gold embossed writing on the front. “Welcome, I’m Cara. Party of two?”

  Drake nodded, not releasing Antonia’s hand. “Yes, please.”

  As they followed the young witch to a corner booth, he couldn’t help witnessing the quick flick of her fingers as she arranged the table setting and a pair of imps dodged away. Antonia, distracted by the singer on stage strumming a guitar, missed the byplay.

  Wearing a simple shirt and a pair of jeans with tears at each knee, the solo performer leaned forward and crooned into the mic. Antonia paused and Drake waited until the song ended before leading her to where Cara patiently waited.

  As soon as they were seated, the hostess winked at Drake. One otherworld being acknowledging another. “Your server will be right out.”

  With one last caress of her fingers, Drake let Antonia’s hand go. He considered sitting next to her but a moment of sanity had him taking the seat directly across from her. Scaring Toni tonight wasn’t on the agenda. He had much better plans for the two of them and it involved tangled sheets, sweaty bodies along with her passionate cries.

  Chapter 8

  Throughout the meal, Drake kept his attention on Antonia. She made him laugh several times with her stories and despite a few interruptions as their meal and drinks arrived, he couldn’t stop staring. His phone had buzzed for the first twenty minutes until he silenced it by powering it off.

  “Won’t you feel the need to check for missed calls?” She teased.

  His gaze narrowed. She’d been doing that all night. Joking and teasing with an ease that pointed to another sign of her sweet demeanor. His gaze dropped to her mouth. The shiny gloss on her lips had worn off leaving behind nature’s fullness and a red tint. “They can do without me.”

  And wasn’t that the point of this vacation? He needed to disconnect from work and leave behind the stress of dealing with his business empire for a while. The best way to do that was to spend time with the charming woman across the table from him. Being with Antonia relaxed him. Not only that but the mutual attraction building between them was on the cusp of bursting free.

  His erection prodded at the cloth of his slacks and he wasn’t sure how much longer he’d be able to sit at the table and not reach for her.

  “Will there be coffee or dessert?” The waiter, who Drake recognized as a cat shifter, stood beside their table.

  “No, thank you.” Antonia faced Drake

  “No, we’re done.”

  Once he paid the check, they stared at one another without banter or humor. Sexual interest stirred and charged the air between them. Antonia avoided his gaze and shifted in her seat.

  It was now or never and Drake had never been a man to let an opportunity slip by. He leaned across the now cleared table. “Antonia?”

  She looked up, eyes wide and licked her lips. “Yes?”

  “If you’re interested—the offer from lunch the other day stands. If not, we enjoyed dinner, no hard feelings.”

  Although he made the offer, Drake’s heart pounded, wanting her answer to align with his needs.

  Desire flared right before her lashes lowered. When she opened her eyes again, she nodded abruptly. “Yes. I’m interested.”

  Relief. She wanted him and had no intentions of pretending otherwise. Drake rose to his feet and c
upped her elbow to help her stand. He couldn’t stop touching her. The charisma he usually exuded around other women fell to the way side. This was Antonia. No other woman compared.

  Drake didn’t hesitate when they left the restaurant. Opting to avoid the very public staircase, he barely made it to the elevator. Toni stumbled and Drake caught her up in his arms. They fell against the wall as the doors closed, locking them inside. Lips kissed, hands tugged frantically at clothes. Drake hiked her skirt up to her waist and palmed her butt without hesitation. Toni moaned into his mouth, kissing him with the same level of excitement. Her hands pulled at the jacket, managing to drag it to his elbows where the material caught on his arms.


  “Antonia.” He groaned in her ear and rocked his hard frame against her.

  All too soon the elevator dinged and he realized she’d pushed the button for her floor. The doors slid smoothly open. They broke apart panting. One of the straps of her top slid off her shoulder revealing more of the upper swell of her breasts.

  Pride had him noting the dazed look in her eyes, swollen lips and the slight tremor she couldn’t hide as she slapped a palm on the doors to stop them from closing. He wasn’t the only one affected by the wild kisses they’d exchanged.


  Toni almost threw herself back in Drake’s arms when she met the swirling desire in his gaze. “My room?”

  He nodded. She managed great restraint and rushed down the hall to her room, twisting the old fashion skeleton key in the lock. She’d barely eased the door open when Drake slammed it closed as soon as they crossed the threshold then pinned her to the interior frame as his mouth crashed back into hers.

  Toni cried out. She’d kissed a few guys not put off by her size. She didn’t make out indiscriminately but the college years had been a time of discovery and light-hearted fun. This was different. Even she knew when her lips were being schooled by a master. Drake kissed with a fiery heat that built a matching inferno in the deep core of her belly.

  When he pulled back, her lids fluttered open to meet the vivid stare of his violet eyes. “Now’s the time to say no, Antonia.”

  Her nipples pebbled. “I’m not saying no.”

  He groaned again, teeth sinking into her bottom lip for a brief tug. Toni wrapped her arms around his shoulder and pressed herself into his hard body.

  “No going back,” Drake breathed against her mouth and pulled her tight to his chest.

  Darkness glittered from his stare, mouth wet from their kisses. Toni had a moment to appreciate the sight before he spun her around. She gasped as he pressed her face to the wall. The outline of his thick erection stabbed at her back, causing a broken moan to escape.

  Drake dragged his mouth up the side of her neck and muttered, “I’m going to take you just like this. Your lush curves filling my arms, your round ass bouncing against me.”

  “Oh, shit,” Toni muttered and shifted her legs as moisture dampened the space between her thighs. The graphic words he used shouldn’t have turned her on. She’d never been with a guy who talked to her like this. Yet there was no denying her reaction. “Drake.”

  “Are you a screamer, Antonia?” His breath whispered the words along the sensitive slant of her throat.

  Was she? “I-I-I don’t know.”

  “Let’s find out.” He dropped to his knees, tugging Toni’s underwear down from beneath her skirt.

  The delicate lace caught at her shoes where he left them to slide his hands back up her thighs, taking her skirt within his grip. Heat suffused her cheeks when he tucked the ends into the waist, leaving her bare bottom to his view.

  “Do you know how gorgeous you look right now?”

  He was standing behind her again and nibbling at her bare shoulder. Part of her wanted to be embarrassed to have her panties hanging about her ankles, skirt twisted at her hips but the other part of her was secretly pleased that she’d driven a man to this point. Drake was out of control and making no effort at hiding it. Because of her. She did this to him.

  “Antonia?” His tone changed. He leaned forward and cupped her jaw to turn her head slightly so they could face one another. “Are you still with me?”

  Hell yeah. But a wobbly, “yes,” came out instead.

  “Let me know if I do anything that scares you.”

  Toni shivered. Oh God. Please let him do all kinds of scary and sexy things to her. “I’m fine, Drake. I want this.”

  He smiled at her reassurance and brushed a soft kiss over the corner of her mouth before tipping her head gently back toward the wall. She stared at the bland, blue paint and panted. Waiting drove up her excitement as she wondered what he’d do next. Minutes ticked by in silence.

  Drake trailed his fingers from her jaw then across her collarbone. She realized belatedly that he’d pulled both straps of her top past her shoulders with the action. Then more waiting. His fingers teased along the sensitive skin of her nape, sweeping her hair to the side for more room. Toni swallowed and closed her eyes. Her forehead thumped the wall.

  ‘Please, please, please,’ she mentally chanted.

  His palms slid between her body and the wall as he tugged her top to her waist with a fierce pull. Toni jerked and gasped. Next the warmth of his firm hands enclosed her heaving breasts in his rough grip. Her nipples hardened into tight buds while she held her breath. Anticipation stirred as she hoped he touched them next.

  “Breathe,” Drake murmured in her ear then tweaked her swollen tips between his fingers.

  Toni squeaked and pushed up on her toes in surprise. His low chuckle blew air against her nape.

  “Oh, wow. Wow.” Babbling was all she could manage as he played with her nipples and rocked against her in an erotic roll.

  She could feel the material of his pants against her bare legs and butt. He was still fully clothed. Aroused. The buttons of his shirt scraped her back, belt buckle grazing her skin. Having a man who matched and exceeded her height placed his body in all the right places. Panting breaths drew spots in front of her eyes.

  “Relax. Let me show you how good I want to make it for you, Antonia.”

  “It’s good,” she croaked. “S’all good.”

  One of his hands drifted down her torso and paused above her hip. “It’s going to feel better than good in a minute.”

  A drop of sweat formed on her temple. Toni opened her eyes and risked a glanced down. Drake’s left palm covered a large portion of her left breast, the tip exposed between his rubbing thumb and forefinger. The other rested on the tanned skin of her rounded belly. As she watched, his hand moved further below, fingers grazing the top of her groin area.

  “What do you want, Antonia? Tell me.”

  Her breath quickened. The command didn’t allow for hesitation. “Touch me, Drake.” Growing bolder. “Make me come.”

  His fingers sliding between her wet folds was her reward. He thrust two digits up, penetrating her in a blaze of heat. Toni arched back and cried out. He pumped fast and hard, driving her to release without her realizing she’d been close.

  And Toni did indeed scream.


  Drake stroked his hands up and down Antonia’s side in a soothing caress as she came down from her climax. He squeezed a hand full of round ass, loving her voluptuous figure. Listening to her had been an effort in restraint.

  As soon as her body stopped shaking he nipped her shoulder. “I think we can conclude you’re a screamer.”

  A weak chuckle huffed out. “Always open to helping in the name of research.”

  Drake smiled and turned her around. “I’ve changed my mind.”

  She blinked, cheeks flushed, strands of black hair sticking to her face. Happiness filled him at the proof of her pleasure. He’d never had a partner complain but bringing Antonia to orgasm affected him in a different way. It was as if she was new to the feelings he brought out and the very idea pleased Drake. He wanted to be the only man who caused this reaction in her.

  “What did
you change your mind about?”

  His lips curled. “I want to see your face this time. I want to watch you find it and take in how beautiful you are as you come this time.”

  “You’re going to kill me, aren’t you?”

  Drake laughed abruptly. After his chuckles died down he helped Antonia remove her shirt and went to one knee to ease the skirt off. “I hope not.”

  Her fingers fumbled as she shoved his jacket off his shoulders then worked on the buttons of his shirt. Drake knew if he let her get him naked now there was no way he’d get to do the other things he wanted to try with Antonia. He clasped his hands over hers when she’d managed to get the buttons to the half-way mark, exposing his chest.

  “I meant what I said at lunch. I want to taste you. Will you let me?”

  Her gaze widened and the innocence there almost drove Drake back to his knees. “Okay.”

  When she went to toe off her shoes, he stopped her. He liked the small heels. He liked that she wasn’t a tiny woman requiring him to bend in half to kiss her. “Leave them.”

  She frowned and the cute wrinkle on her brow led him to kissing the imperfection. He leaned back, enjoying the fact that he had her bare to him. Her rose tipped nipples and full breasts begging to be kissed were hard to resist. The bounty led to the swell of her torso and her rounded hips. Drake brushed the back of his knuckles down her front and her flesh pebbled with goose bumps.

  “So sensitive,” he muttered, cupping the weight of the lush globes. Drake succumbed to the perfect picture she presented and bent his head to kiss the top of each.

  Antonia arched up on her toes and moaned, her hands gripping the back of his head. He licked, sucked and tasted, leaving marks behind. Marks he hoped to increase throughout the night. Reluctantly, he pulled away from the temptation. There was more he wanted. Much more.

  Drake used his legs to spread her thighs further apart, baring everything to his view in vivid detail. The thin strip of black hair on her mound immediately caught his attention. He didn’t give her time to get ready. He dropped to his knees and lowered his face between her legs. Just as he warned before, he licked slow and long on one side then mirrored the action on the other. Antonia called out his name, her feet shifting as her hips rolled forward.


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