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The United States of Paranoia

Page 46

by Jesse Walker

Nichols, James, 279

  Nichols, Terry, 279

  Night of the Living Dead (film), 99, 100

  Night Moves (film), 176

  9/11, 9, 45, 152, 271, 294, 299–302, 307, 326, 327–28, 333–35, 409, 334

  9/11 truth movement, 300, 318, 346, 409, 415

  Nipmuc warriors, 30

  Nissenbaum, Stephen, Salem Possessed, 52

  Nixon, Richard M., 10, 161, 164, 165–67, 261–62, 386

  enemies list, 163

  and Watergate, 24, 163, 166, 172, 174, 254, 261, 319

  Noble, Kerry, 208

  Noriega, Manuel, 254

  Norris, Chuck, 267-68, 403

  North, Oliver, 269

  North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 313

  North by Northwest (film), 173

  Notes to Mary, 331–32

  Nye, Russel B., 8

  Oath Keepers, 313–14

  Obama, Barack, 307, 311, 312, 316, 317–20

  Odum, Howard, 104

  Oklahoma City bombing, 277–78, 279–80, 290, 292, 320

  Oklahoma Constitutional Militia, 289

  Old Man of the Mountains, 241–42

  Oliver, Revilo, 200

  Olmsted, Kathryn, 164, 175

  Operation CHAOS, 161–62, 171

  Operation Mindfuck, 239–48, 326, 398

  Order, The, 278, 279

  Order of Assassins, 297

  Order of the Quest, 134–36, 140, 152

  orgone, 236–37

  Orwell, George, 221, 248

  Osler, Zach, 321

  Oswald, Lee Harvey, 168, 232, 254, 257–58, 346, 395

  Packard, Vance, The Hidden Persuaders, 71, 203

  Paine, Thomas, 134

  Paiute Indians, 37, 64–65

  Pakula, Alan J., 173–74

  Palin, Sarah, 320, 321, 415

  Pappas, Tom, 169

  Parallax View, The (film), 174, 175, 176, 177, 262, 293

  paranoia, 8–22

  anticult agitation, 213

  benevolence as antidote to, 152–53

  conspiracies, see conspiracy theories

  critical-paranoiac method, 336

  elite panic, 306–9

  fusion, 222, 276, 280–81

  Hofstadter’s style of, 9–10, 12–13, 14, 19, 44, 205, 222

  imitation of the enemy in, 13, 44, 117

  ironic style of, 17, 221–22, 229, 234, 243, 246–49, 254–56, 296–97, 326, 336–37

  of minority movements, 9, 10

  moral panics, 10–12

  use of term, 18–19

  Paranoia, 283

  Paranoid Style, The (game), 336

  pareidolia, 335–36

  Paris Commune (1871), 103–4

  Parker, William, 107, 108

  Pasley, Jeffrey, 29

  Patriot movement, 278, 313, 316

  Patz, Etan, 211

  Paul, Ron, 304, 419

  Pedrone, Dino, 189, 385-86

  Pegler, Westbrook, 75

  Pelley, William Dudley, 141, 142, 144, 198, 377

  Pendergast, Tom, 165

  Penn, Arthur, 172, 176

  Pentagon Papers, 163

  Peoples Temple, 170–71

  Pequot War, 29

  Perliger, Arie, 315–17, 414-15

  Perlstein, Rick, Before the Storm, 14

  Perot, Ross, 284, 406

  Peroutka, Michael, 82

  Perron, Steve, 169

  Peters, Peter J., 278

  PhenomiCon, 284, 328, 407

  Philbrick, Herbert, 73–74

  Philip, Wampanoag sachem, 25, 26, 29, 30, 32, 34, 36

  King Philip’s War, 27–28, 29–30, 87

  Phillips, Mark, 333–34

  Pike, Otis, 165

  “Pine Bluff Variant, The” (TV), 294

  Pinkerton Detective Agency, 102

  Pipes, Daniel, 131

  Pius IX, Pope, 33

  Plains Indians, 35–36

  Plato, Republic, 134, 140

  Playboy Forum/Advisor, 239, 241–43

  Plowman, Edward, 192–93, 194

  Plot 49 (game), 325

  Poindexter, George, 4

  police brutality, 103, 105, 106, 108, 130, 264, 279, 286

  Pollack, Sydney, 175

  Populists, 12, 140, 199, 200–201, 270, 271, 277, 278–79, 376

  Portis, Charles, 375

  Posey, Tom, 270

  Post, Ted, 267

  Potok, Mark, 313, 321, 322

  Pound, Ezra, 396

  Powers, Tim, 337

  POW/MIA rescue genre, 267, 268, 269

  pranksters, 222, 227–31

  President’s Analyst, The (film), 173

  Presley, Sharon, 398

  Principia Discordia, 231–33

  Prinze, Freddie, 169

  Procter & Gamble, 203

  Prodigy, 329–30, 419

  pronoia, 136

  Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, The, 141, 197, 198, 208–9, 288, 291, 376

  Pulling, Pat, 206–7


  forsaking the fold, 31

  and Indians, 24, 25, 31

  and New Jerusalem, 152–53

  and witch hunts, 53

  Pynchon, Thomas, The Crying of Lot 49, 325, 397

  Quaker conspiracy, 34

  Quarantelli, E. L., 360

  Quasi-War (1798–1800), 117

  Qautermass serials (TV), 71, 358

  Queenborough, Lady (Miller), 199, 201, 408

  Quitman, John, 5

  Radio Free America, 275

  Radio Free World, 275

  railroads, 124–25

  Rambo series, 262–73

  First Blood (film), 262–66, 278

  Rambo: First Blood Part II (film), 266–69

  Rambo (2008 film), 271–73, 404

  Rambo and the Forces of Freedom (TV), 269

  Rambo III (film), 269, 404

  Rand, Ayn, 71, 192, 236, 387, 396

  Atlas Shrugged, 187–88, 190

  Randolph, P. B., 137

  Rauh, Joseph, 13–14

  Reagan, Ronald, 151–52, 153, 166, 261–62, 266, 405

  Realist, The, 227–29, 237, 238, 256, 327

  Red Dawn (film), 265

  Redman, Brian, 284–85

  Reeves, Keanu, 323, 417

  Reich, Wilhelm, 236–37, 238, 281, 284, 396-97


  and cafeteria spirituality, 276–77

  as mass hypnosis, 57–58, 61–62, 72

  and unseen power, 224

  see also specific groups

  Reno, Janet, 212–13

  Report from Iron Mountain on the Possibility and Desirability of Peace, 229–30, 254

  reptilian shape-shifters, 346

  Reuther, Victor, 13–14

  Reuther, Walter, 13–14

  Revere, Paul, 151

  Ribuffo, Leo, 76

  Rich, Frank, 308


  birthers, 317–20

  grass-roots, 317

  Jewish, 200

  libertarian, 125

  paranoid, 308

  populist, 270, 279

  racist, 278, 289

  radical, 13–14, 19, 158, 278, 280, 293, 308, 309–10

  religious, 202

  rhetoric of, 13, 309–10

  talk-radio, 292

  and violence, 307–8, 310, 315–16, 320

  Rimbaud, Arthur, 262

  Rivera, Alberto, 205

  Rivera, Geraldo, 216, 217

  Robinson, Frederick, 124

  Robinson, Sara, 308

  Robison, John, Proofs of a Conspiracy, 118, 197

  Rockefeller, Nelson A., 165

  rogerSPARK, 241

  Rogin, Michael Paul, 23

  Rolling Stones, 171

  Romero, George, 99, 100, 364

  Roosevelt, Eleanor, 365

  Roosevelt, Franklin D., 76, 152, 165, 199, 235, 375

  Rosemary’s Baby (film), 213

  Rosenkreuz, Christian, 136–37

  Roshaniyya, 117<
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  Rosicrucians, 136–40, 146, 150–51, 199, 219, 374-75, 376, 379, 389

  Rothschild family, 187, 189, 200, 288

  Rovere, Richard, 75

  Ruby, Jack, 250

  Ruby Ridge, 209–10, 277, 279, 286

  Russian Revolution, 103–4

  Ryan, Leo, 170, 171

  Sacred Fire, 282, 283

  Salinger, J. D., 133

  St. George, Katharine, 80

  Saint Germain, Count of, 138, 143

  Salem witch hunt/trials, 49–55, 69, 87, 90

  Sanchez, Rick, 311

  Sandifer, Philip, 275

  San Francisco Chronicle, 170

  Sarfatti, Jack, 150

  Sartre, Jean-Paul, 71

  Sassamon, John, 24–27, 29, 30


  and child abuse stories, 213–16

  Christian conspiratists vs., 141–42, 196

  Indians as disciples of, 23–32

  and mass culture, 202–7, 303, 335

  and moral panics, 11

  and 9/11, 333–35, 334

  in “Young Goodman Brown,” 47–50

  Savitt, Todd, 128

  scapegoating, 79

  Schrader, Paul, 405

  Scientology, 228–29, 250, 256–57

  Scorpio (film), 176, 183, 184, 383–84

  Scorsese, Martin, 405

  Scott-Heron, Gil, 157

  SEALs, U.S. Navy, 45

  Searchers, The (film), 272, 273, 405

  Second Bank of the United States, 123–25, 131

  Second Great Awakening, 56–57, 58, 61, 94, 170

  Seconds (film), 172, 176

  Secret Chiefs, 146

  Secret Honor (film), 383

  Secret World, The (game), 325

  Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky, 421

  sedition trial (1944), 76

  Seinfeld (TV), 409

  Semple, Lorenzo, Jr., 175

  Seneca Indians, 32

  Serling, Rod, 77, 173

  Servants of Cthulhu, 248

  Seven Days in May (film), 173

  Seward, William, 122

  Seymour, Horatio, 101

  Shaffer, Gwen, 302

  Shakers, 55–56, 58–59, 61, 62, 142, 357

  Shambhala, 139, 375

  shape-shifting, 16–17, 88, 140, 201, 277

  Shea, Robert, 234, 243, 249, 396, 397, 401

  Shelley, John, 108

  Shermer, Michael, 337

  Shiner, Lewis, 419

  Siberian beetle, 159–61, 160, 239

  Siegel, Don, 68–69, 71, 173

  Silkwood, Karen, 246

  Silver Shirts, 141, 144, 198, 377

  Simmons, William, 28

  Simon and Garfunkel, 203

  Simpson, O. J., 16

  Sioux tribes, 35–40

  Sirhan, Sirhan, 200, 228–29, 256, 389

  Sirota, David, 384

  Sitting Bull, Sioux leader, 36–40

  sixties counterculture, 171–72

  Skolnick, Sherman, 285, 407

  Slacker (film), 252, 400

  slave insurrections, 83–96, 98–99, 101, 121, 132

  Slave Power, 4–8

  slaves, and Enemy Above, 126–31

  Slotkin, Richard, 24, 31, 272–73

  Smith, Doug, 250

  Smith, George H., 114

  Smith, Joseph, 59, 61

  Smith, Pastor Chuck, 191, 193, 202, 389

  Smith, Rex Alan, 36

  Smith, Sam, 16

  Smith, William, 91

  Smith Act (1940), 76

  Snedeker, Michael, 212

  Snow, Jack, The Magical Mimics in Oz, 70

  Society of the Cincinnati, 111–12, 115, 123, 369

  Socolow, Michael, 20, 21

  Soros, George, 132

  Southeast Michigan Volunteer Militia (SMVM), 314–15

  Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), 278, 313–14, 315, 316–17, 320, 406

  sovereign citizens movement, 276, 284, 316, 405, 419

  Spain, at war with Britain, 89, 92

  Sparkman, Bill, 310

  Special Study Group, 229–30

  Spielberg, Steven, 178, 325, 384

  Spirit Guardians, 150

  Sponsors, 141

  Springmeier, Fritz, 391

  Spy Who Came in from the Cold, The (film), 173

  Stack, Joe, 310–11

  Stallone, Sylvester, 262, 266, 268, 271–72, 273, 403, 404

  Stang, Ivan (pseud.), 250, 252, 253, 255

  Steamshovel Press, 283, 409

  Stepford Wives, The (film), 178, 180, 384–85

  Stern, Kenneth, A Force upon the Plain, 290–92

  Stevens, Thaddeus, 122

  Stewart, Virgil, 97

  Stiles, Ezra, 28

  Stone, Oliver, 400

  Stono Rebellion (1739), 87, 93

  Sturgis, Frank, 168

  Sullivan, Mark, 311

  Sumner, Charles, 122

  Sunderland, La Roy, 58

  Swastika Club, 104

  Swedenborg, Emanuel, 117, 144, 378

  Symbionese Liberation Army, 169, 172

  Tavibo (Paiute Indian), 37

  Taxi Driver (film), 405

  Taylor, Zachary, 4, 5, 6–7

  Teamsters Union, 165

  Tea Party movement, 317, 321

  Telefon (film), 173, 418

  television, 72, 180–84

  terrorists, 12

  bin Laden, 45, 300–301, 332

  CSA, 208–10

  lone wolf, 45

  and 9/11, see 9/11

  War on Terror, 297, 299–307

  Theosophy, 137–39, 140–41, 151, 219, 248, 375, 376, 378

  Thornley, Kerry, 252, 256

  and Discordians, 231–33

  and JFK assassination, 257–59

  and Operation Mindfuck, 239, 242–43

  Oswald, 232

  Thirteenth Floor, The (film), 322

  Three Days of the Condor (film), 175

  Thomas, Dorothy and William, 3

  Thurmond, Strom, 218

  Tibet, 136, 137, 138

  Tierney, Bryce, 322, 412

  Tierney, Kathleen, 306

  Tiller, George, 307, 308

  Time Masters (comic), 419

  Tituba (Indian slave), 51, 354

  Todd, John, 185–97, 201, 202, 205, 207–8, 209, 213, 216, 217–18, 220, 328, 385-86, 388, 389, 391, 411

  Todd, Sharon, 194, 201, 391

  Todd, Sheila, 207, 391

  Tolkien, J. R. R., The Lord of the Rings, 324

  Tompkins Square Riot (1874), 103

  Toole, Ken, 291, 292

  “Top Secret” (TV), 180-81, 183

  Tramp Scare, 101–2

  transactional analysis, 327

  Tribulation 99: Alien Anomalies Under America (film), 252–54, 400, 253

  Trilateral Commission, 251, 290

  Trochmann, John, 278

  Trotskyites, 76, 235–36

  Trotsky, Leon, 198

  Trott, Jon, 204

  Truman, Harry S., 165

  Truman Show, The (film), 322

  Trumbo, Dalton, 175

  truthers, 300, 321

  Trystero, 397

  Tucker, Benjamin, 236

  Turner, Nat, 94, 98

  Turner, Patricia, 129

  Twain, Mark, 63–64, 96

  20/20, 212, 213–16

  Twilight Zone, The (TV), 77–79

  UFOs, ufology, 10, 146, 223–26, 250, 276, 284, 288, 296

  Ungar, Rick, 310

  United Auto Workers, 13–14

  Universal Zulu Nation, 286–87

  “Unrequited” (TV), 294

  Ury, John, 91–92, 95

  USA PATRIOT Act (2001), 303–4

  Us versus Them, 222

  Utah War, 64–65

  vampires, 143, 206, 295, 330, 337

  Vanilla Sky (film), 322

  Vatican, 56, 57, 91, 92, 103, 330–31

  Venus, visitors from, 144–45

  Ventura, Jesse, 296, 409

sp; Vidal, Gore, The City and the Pillar, 79, 80, 360

  Vietnam War, 159, 162, 163, 175, 256, 262–63, 265, 266, 270

  Vincent, Harl, “Parasite,” 70

  Wabanaki Indians, 32, 51

  Wachowski, Andy and Lana, 323

  Waco: Branch Davidians, 210–11, 213, 270, 276, 277, 279, 285, 286

  Waco: The Rules of Engagement (film), 270

  Waking Life (film), 322, 323

  Waldeck, Rose, 80

  Wallace, George, 246

  Wallace, Henry, 138, 375

  Wall Street Journal, The, 312

  Walsh, Adam, 211

  Wampanoag tribe, 25–27, 29, 36

  Warnke, Mike, 209, 213, 216, 390

  The Satan Seller, 201, 204–5

  War of Jenkins’ Ear, 89

  “War of the Worlds, The,” 19–22, 202, 232

  War on Terror, 297, 299–307

  Warren, Joseph, 110

  Washington, George, 111, 115, 124, 151

  Washington Post, The, 44, 45, 162, 166, 168, 174

  Watergate, 163, 166, 172, 174, 246, 254, 261, 319, 216

  Watts riots, 105–8

  Wayland, Francis, 101

  Wayne, Bob, 419

  Wayne, John, 272, 273, 405

  Weather Underground, 242

  Weaver, Randy and Vicki, 208, 209–10

  Weberman, A. J., Coup d’Etat in America, 168, 258

  Webster, Nesta, 197–98, 199, 233, 234, 244, 336

  Weed, Thurlow, 122

  Weiner, Jonah, 329

  Weird Tales, 70

  Weishaupt, Adam, 117, 140, 198, 199, 200, 242, 244, 329, 369, 375

  Weisman, Richard, 53

  Welch, Cedric X, 287–88

  Welch, Robert, 199, 240

  Welles, Orson, 19, 21, 22, 202, 358

  Wells, H. G., 19

  Star Begotten, 70

  Wertham, Fredric, Seduction of the Innocent, 72, 237

  Westworld (film), 178

  What Dreams May Come (film), 323

  Whig Party, 114

  Whip Hand, The (film), 73

  Whiskey Rebellion, 116

  white-slavery rings, 11, 199

  White Zombie (film), 99

  W.I.C.C.A. Letters, 216–17

  Wikipedia, 325–327

  Wilcox, Steve, 250

  Wiley, Malcolm, 311

  Wilhelm II, Kaiser, 41

  Wilkerson, Ralph, 191, 193

  William Volker Fund, 14

  Wilson, Arlen Riley, 237, 397

  Wilson, Christopher, 88

  Wilson, Henry, 8

  Wilson, Jack (Wovoka), 37–38, 40

  Wilson, Mick, 235–36

  Wilson, Peter Lamborn, Angels, 146, 147, 149, 379

  Wilson, Robert Anton, 221, 234–49, 252, 254, 259, 284, 327, 331, 335–36, 393, 395, 396, 397, 399-400, 401, 417, 419

  and Illuminatus!, 234, 243–44, 248–49

  and Operation Mindfuck, 239–48

  Wilson, Woodrow, 42

  Winner, Michael, 176, 383–84

  Winrod, Gerald, 199

  Winslow, Josiah, 25

  Winter Kills (film), 176

  Winthrop, John, 152

  Wirt, William, 371



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