Book Read Free

Collection of 18 stories

Page 8

by Ally Blue

  The only thing that didn’t suck was the guy playing Dr. Dick Johnson. Damn, he was hot. Long, dark brown hair tied in a ponytail, great big stormy gray eyes, lips just like Brad Pitt’s. And not even the long white lab coat could hide that ripped body. No beer gut hung over those navy blue dress slacks. And something told me he wouldn’t act like he’d rather be watching the Braves lose the World Series while he was fucking me. I found myself wondering what he’d looked like not so long ago, with Derek’s lips wrapped around his cock.

  After the scene wrapped, he came up to me, smiling like a used car salesman, grabbed my hand and pumped it hard. I smiled back, a little overwhelmed by his energy.

  “Great scene, man,” he enthused. “Really, really great.”

  I gaped at him. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

  He laughed. “Well, yeah. Sucked, didn’t it?”

  “You know it. Everything but us. We rocked, dude.” I stuck my hand out. “Jim Holderman.”

  “Todd Jerome.” He took my hand and we shook. “And if you ever call me Manley, I’ll hurt you.”

  We both laughed. The director, George, had introduced us by our screen names. He always did that. It annoyed the crap out of everyone. I’d always thought my screen name was the worst I’d ever heard. Billy Boner, can you believe that? Sal’s idea, of course. He came up with all of them. But Todd’s left mine in the dust. I think it’s a testament to my acting abilities that I did not collapse into hysterical laughter when George introduced ‘Manley Tool’.

  “You just start here?” I started pulling off my clothes, to change into the hospital gown. No dressing rooms on set. Classy, huh? “I haven’t seen you around before.”

  “This is my first film with Domingo. I did a couple out in California before I moved here.”

  “Seriously? Don’t take this wrong, but why aren’t you still out there? That’s where the biggest studios are. I mean, like, real movie studios, not porno ones.”

  “Yeah. But I didn’t want to work for those. I like doing pornos. Just couldn’t keep up with the cost of living on what I made, so I moved back here.”

  Those smoky eyes watched me as I stood there in my black Wal-Mart underwear. Looked to me like he appreciated the view. I flexed a little before slipping into that uber-sexy hospital gown. “So are you from here originally? You said you moved back here.”

  “Yep. Georgia boy, born and raised. You?”

  “Sure enough. Lived in Atlanta all my life.”

  “Well, I guess that proves my theory that Georgia boys are the hottest.” He gave me a smile that was downright filthy. My cock perked right up. I imagined Harriet naked and it slunk back down again. “Gotta say, Jim, I’m kind of looking forward to the exam scene.”

  He moved closer, and my underwear promptly got tighter. I thanked my lucky stars for that stupid gown. Who knew I could still get turned on from just a look? Surprise, surprise.

  “Oh. Oh, yeah? Me too.” I was going for cool, but it sounded more like desperate-for-cock.

  “Good.” He put a hand on my hip. Oh. Oh, damn. “Can’t wait to play with your ass. I just came all over Derek’s face, so I can work you for a long time before I have to come again.”

  Oh, sweet Jesus. My knees went all wobbly. “Um. Oh. Okay.” Smooth, that’s me.

  He laughed. I couldn’t blame him. Here I was, a porn actor with seven films under my belt, acting like a high school virgin.

  I was immensely relieved to hear George yell for us to get on set. Just because I was about to get my ass probed in front of a room full of people and a couple of cameras didn’t mean I wanted everyone to know how easily Todd could turn me on.

  “All right, Billy,” George said. “Get up on the table there. Manley, you’re entering stage right, okay?”

  “Got it.” Todd winked at me and headed off to the sidelines while I hopped up on the paper-covered exam table. It looked like a real one. I wondered idly where the hell they’d found it. A stagehand brought me a tube of Astro-Glide, and I lubed up while the crew scrambled into place.

  “All right,” George yelled. “You boys know the script. Let’s get this done, I gotta meet my girlfriend for dinner in an hour and a half.” He held up a hand. The room went quiet. Or as quiet as it ever got. “And. Action.”

  I put on my Concerned Patient face and clasped my hands together in my lap, knees demurely together and ankles crossed. Todd opened the door in the set wall and came strolling towards me. Goddamn, that man could move. I thought frantically of quadratic equations, and my dick deflated again. Not yet, I told it. Behave. It refused to promise me anything.

  “Jack Auf?” Todd said, keeping his serious face on and ignoring the snickering of the crew. “I’m Dr. Johnson.”

  He held his hand out. I shook it. “Hi, doctor. Thank you for seeing me on such short notice.”

  “Nurse Cocks said you sounded very worried on the phone.”

  He smiled a dazzling smile at me. I smiled back, trying to make it sexy the way the script said rather than the way it felt, which was just goofy.

  “Now what seems to be the problem?” Todd sat down on the rolling stool and peered at me in fake professional concern.

  “Well, doctor,” I said, “It ... it’s a little embarrassing, actually.”

  He put a hand on my knee, rubbing his thumb in slow circles. I didn’t think that was in the script. “No need to be embarrassed. I’m a doctor. You can tell me.”

  Todd actually made that line sound sexy. Damn.

  “Okay.” I leaned forward a little. “I can’t get any pleasure from my prostate. I know it’s supposed to feel really good when it’s stimulated, but I can’t feel a thing.”

  Todd nodded. “I see.”

  “Is it serious, doctor?”

  “I doubt it. But we’ll need to do a thorough exam. Lie back on the table, and let’s have a look.”

  I lay down with my hands behind my head. Todd snapped on a pair of latex gloves. He pulled my gown up, and then slid my underwear down over my hips.

  “What are you doing now, doctor?” I said.

  “If we are to solve your problem, we need to find out what sexually arouses you, and what doesn’t.” He picked up my dick in one gloved hand and gave it a tug, then lightly stroked the head with his thumb. “How does that feel?”

  “Good.” Which was true.

  He rolled my balls in his fingers. “How about that?”

  “Yes, that feels good too.” Boy, did it ever.

  “I see.” He pulled my underwear the rest of the way off. “Spread your legs.”

  I did. He slipped a finger into my slicked-up asshole and wiggled it around. My cock liked that a lot.

  “How about that?” he asked. “Does that feel good?”

  “Oh, yeah,” I moaned. Good thing that’s what the script said, because I couldn’t help it. “Feels real good.”

  “Your hole is way too tight. We need to loosen it up.” He pulled his finger out of my butt and hit the fake intercom button. The cheapo wall nearly fell over. “Nurse Cocks, could you come in here, please? Bring the anal loosening kit.”

  I bit the insides of my cheeks to keep from cracking up. George gave me a fierce frown. I ignored George, and made a scared-but-turned-on look for the camera.

  Derek came swaying through the door, carrying a black plastic doctor’s bag that may as well have had Fisher-Price stamped on the side. He smirked at me when he saw how hard I already was. I glared at him.

  “Here’s the kit, doctor.” Derek held up the bag.

  “Thank you, nurse. Please help Mr. Auf get in position.”

  Derek winked as he bent down over me. “Just slide down toward the end of the table, okay?”

  “Okay.” I slid down until my ass almost hung over the edge. My gown rode up to my armpits. Derek slid it up my arms, leaving it wrapped around my wrists.

  It’s usually a huge chore for me to get it up for these scenes, but the mental image of myself naked on the table with my arms essen
tially bound above my head made my crotch ache. Probably because it was Todd about to “examine” me, and Todd flipped every fucking switch I had.

  “All right,” Todd said. “Let’s get you spread. Feet in the stirrups.”

  I put my feet in the stirrups Todd had unfolded from the end of the table. He and Derek adjusted them to open my legs wide. I looked down my body. My cock had already oozed a little puddle of pre-come into my belly button. Usually getting it up was the problem for me. This time, it looked like holding off orgasm might be the problem. George would kill me if I fucked up the money shot.

  “Nurse,” Todd said from his spot between my legs, “put the cock ring on him.”

  “Yes, doctor.” Derek pulled a black leather cock ring out of the bag. He slipped it down my shaft, pulled my balls through, and adjusted the fit to the perfect snugness.

  I had to swallow a couple of times before I could say the next line. “What’s that for, doctor?”

  “To keep you hard until I complete my examination. You can’t come until we find out what activities give you sexual pleasure.”

  “I understand. What will you do to me now?”

  “I’m going to stretch your asshole,” Todd said, his Doctor Voice dead perfect in spite of the lustful shine in his eyes.

  I licked my lips, making the movement slow and sensuous. “Will it hurt?”

  “A little.” He held out a hand toward Derek. “Ass spreader, please, nurse.”

  Derek took something that looked like a cross between a socket wrench and an apple corer out of the black bag, squirted a big blob of lube on it, and handed it to Todd. I stared at the thing. My cheeks went hot.

  Todd’s big, pretty eyes stayed locked on my face as he slowly pushed the curved metal into my ass. It felt weird: cold, and heavy, and bigger than it looked. He did something I couldn’t see. The thing expanded. I let out a little gasp at the sharp, hot stretch.

  “Do you like having that spreader up your ass?” Todd did the whatever-it-was again. The thing expanded more, and I moaned loudly. “Does it feel good?”

  “Ah, yeah. Open my ass.” Christ, how cheesy is that? I didn’t give a fuck. I probably would’ve said it anyhow.

  Todd gave me a big, lustful grin. George didn’t scream bloody murder, so I figured the camera must be on my hole. Probably a tight close-up. Not that I was thinking that clearly. Especially when Todd stuck a couple of fingers in me and gently massaged my prostate. Instinct took over, and I writhed on the table, hips lifting up, trying to find some friction.

  “Cut!” George stood up from his chair, red-faced and frowning. “Billy, you’re not supposed to feel it, you moron!”

  It actually took me a second to realize he was talking to me. After a year of being Billy Boner, I normally answered to Billy as easily as I did to Jim. Funny how one insanely hot man could make me forget my own fake name.

  “Yeah,” I gasped. “Sorry.”

  George grunted. “Again! Places! And ... action!”

  Todd stuck his fingers in my ass again, finding the little gland easily. Bastard. He didn’t have to do that—he just liked watching me squirm. This time I managed to keep my reactions in check.

  “Do you feel that?” Todd asked, serious as a fucking heart attack. Damned if he wasn’t actually a pretty good actor.

  “N-no,” I stammered. Any idiot could tell I did. Fuck it. Anyone who expects high quality acting in a porno deserves what they get.

  “Hmmm.” Todd’s brows drew together. He pulled his fingers out of me, then tugged the “ass spreader” out too. “I think your problem is that your prostate isn’t sensitized. It hasn’t been switched on, for lack of a better expression.”

  God, what a load of crap. I didn’t give a fuck, for once.

  “What can I do?” I managed to sound coherent. Hell, I thought, I can be a pretty goddamn good actor too, sometimes. Who knew?

  “What I think we should do,” Todd said, “is try to make your prostate more sensitive. We can do that right now.”


  “The anal loosening kit contains several instruments which should be helpful. At the same time, Nurse Cocks and I will stimulate you in other ways. That should send the message to your prostate to switch on and make you feel sexual pleasure. It will probably take several sessions to get to that point. When you can come just from getting fucked in the ass, we’ll know we succeeded.”

  I gave him my best seductive look. “And how do we find that out, doctor?”

  “Well, it will be my duty as your doctor to fuck your ass until you come.”

  Oh, boy. My cock didn’t give a shit that it was a stupid porno movie line. It promptly swelled even more.

  Derek nudged my hip. I looked up at him, feeling dazed and stupid. Line, he mouthed at me, cutting his eyes to George. Oh, yeah—I was supposed to be saying something.

  “Um. Yeah, doctor. Make my ass feel good.”

  Derek snickered under his breath. I didn’t, for once. I’d uttered too many variations on that line to count, but this was the first time I meant it. The thought of Todd sticking sex toys up my butt made my skin feel tight and tingly.

  Todd’s latex covered hands spread my ass cheeks wide. “Your hole looks a little looser now,” he said. “Nurse, hand me the smallest dildo.”

  “Yes, doctor.” Derek pulled a slender, bright blue dildo out the bag. He winked at me as he handed it to Todd. I discreetly flipped him off.

  Todd slid the toy inside me. It went in easily. I barely felt it. I moaned anyway. People love the sound effects.

  “Mmm. That’s nice.” Todd’s voice sounded rough. He moved the thing in and out of me a few times, watching my face. “Nurse. Pinch his nipples.”

  “Yes, doctor.” Derek sashayed over to stand behind my head, reached down, and plucked both of my nipples. “How does that feel, sir?”

  I licked my lips. “Feels nice. Yeah, harder. Twist them.”

  Derek pulled and twisted. Electricity zinged over my skin. He twisted harder and I let out a sharp cry of pain. Derek gave me a horribly fake concerned look. “I’m sorry, does that hurt you?”

  “Yeah,” I panted. “Do it again.”

  That wasn’t in the script. Evidently ad-libbing was okay, though, because George didn’t make a peep. Derek grinned at me, bent over, and sank his teeth into my nipple. He tugged hard, stretching the little nub of flesh. I howled and arched against his mouth.

  “Pain turns you on,” Todd observed. “Good.”

  I didn’t have time to wonder what the fuck that meant. I felt the blue dildo being removed and something else taking its place. My hole stretched wide, then closed again. The same thing happened three more times before my lust-fuzzed brain realized that Todd was filling my butt with anal beads. Extra large anal beads, if the feel was any indication. He gave the string a sharp tug, one bead popped free, and I lost it.

  “Oh ... oh yeah ... God, yes, oh...” I have no idea to this day if that was anywhere close to the right line or not. I didn’t care anymore. Pure sensation had me in its grip, and all I could do was ride it.

  I’ll say this for George: he might be a lousy director for a lousy, low-rent gay porn studio, but he knows when to shut up and let it happen. He kept quiet when Derek bent and kissed me, fingers still tugging at my nipples. He remained silent when Todd dropped to his knees and started sucking my balls and pulling on the anal beads. Everybody, including George, knows that true passion in a porn flick is as rare as it is arousing. He kept his mouth shut and the cameras rolling while I moaned and shook under the sweet torture of hands, and mouths, and toys.

  My control had just about unraveled completely when Todd stood up suddenly and yanked the whole string of beads free with one hard pull. The feeling was beyond description. I let out a long wail, muffled by Derek’s tongue in my mouth.

  “Give me the plug,” Todd growled.

  Derek straightened up. He looked dazed, eyes hot and hazy, lips swollen. “Y-yes ... um, yes, doctor.” He reached
for the black bag with shaky hands.

  I took a peek at my chest while Derek pulled a great big butt plug out of the bag and squirted lube all over it. My nipples were a dark, angry red, swollen and hard. I had time to think vaguely that they’d probably be black and blue in few hours. Then Todd pushed that fucking huge toy up my ass and my brain quit working.


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