Collection of 18 stories

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Collection of 18 stories Page 9

by Ally Blue

  “Oooooooohhhhhhhh,” I moaned. “Fuck ... Oh, fuck, yeah ... Fuck, yeah!”

  “Feels good?” Todd twisted the thing inside me and I about fell off the table.

  “Oh, fuck, yeah.” I bucked my hips. “Suck my cock.”

  Todd’s eyes gleamed. “Yes, I think I will.” He glanced up at Derek. “Nurse?”

  “Yes, doctor?” A tiny corner of my brain noticed that Derek was staring at my bruised nipples and stroking himself. Something about that turned me on even more.

  “Get on his face,” Todd ordered.

  Oh, hell, yes. Todd gave me a thoroughly evil smile. Derek tore his dress off and climbed onto the table, straddling my face so that his ass hovered right over my mouth. How Todd knew I liked giving a rim job, I have no clue. But he obviously did. Fine by me. I shucked off the gown that still clung to my wrists, clamped my hands on Derek’s hipbones, and went happily to work.

  I felt Todd and Derek shift forward at the same time. Two hot, wet mouths closed over my cock and balls. God, it felt good. I dug my fingers into Derek’s ass cheeks, spreading them wide to give me better access to his hole. His moans vibrated against my balls as I licked and tongue-fucked his asshole. I could hear the cameramen scurrying around trying to capture all the action. I didn’t know or care how far we’d strayed from the script, but it didn’t matter. Even through the lust scrambling my brains, I knew we were putting on one hell of a hot scene.

  I had Derek right on the edge by the time Todd moved. Todd sat up, and Derek followed his lead. His legs were shaking. I was so dazed, I actually grabbed Derek’s ass and tried to pull him back down.

  Todd laughed. “Turn over on your stomach.”

  Derek sat back on his heels to give me room to move. I rolled over, letting my legs hang off the end of the table. Todd pulled the butt plug out of me, leaned over, and licked up between my shoulder blades.

  “Ready to get fucked, Mr. Auf?” he rasped in my ear.

  “Uh,” I grunted, and pushed my butt against his crotch. That was about as coherent as I could get at the moment. I felt Todd smile.

  Rustles and clinks sounded behind me as Todd shed his clothes. Then his fingers spread me open, and he shoved his cock deep inside me. I let out a long, shuddering cry. God, his prick up my ass felt so fucking great.

  “Suck his dick,” Todd ordered.

  That suited me just fine. I pulled Derek’s hips toward me and gulped his cock right down.

  “Ah, yeah. Yeah, suck that cock.” Derek’s best porn star voice. He was always on. I would’ve laughed if my mouth hadn’t been full. Derek clenched both fists in my hair and fucked my mouth deep.

  Two cocks at once, and the one up my ass was attached to the finest man I’d ever laid eyes on. Who cared about the camera crew and the lights, and all the guys who’d eventually jack off to this scene? Not me. I was in heaven.

  Todd pulled out of me just as his cock started to swell and pulse against my hole. For a second, I couldn’t figure out why. Then I remembered. Had to have that come shot on film, and there was no way to film him shooting inside my ass. Yet.

  I didn’t want to think about that too hard.

  “Come on his back, doctor. Yeah, yeah. Shoot your hot load on him.” Derek the Porn Star strikes again. I stuck a finger up his ass, and his porn-star speech disintegrated into porn-star moaning. He pulled out of my mouth and started jerking his cock hard.

  Todd came first. I felt hot spunk splash across my back and run down between my butt cheeks. Derek came a few seconds later, groaning as his dick pumped semen all over my face. The cameraman knelt beside the table, shooting a close-up of me getting a face full of come. I licked my lips for him.

  Hands on my shoulders pulled me to a standing position. Todd stood behind me, his body big and solid against my back. He pulled me backward a few steps. Derek slipped off the table and knelt at my feet, gazing up at me. His make-up was smeared and the white nurse’s hat was askew on his head. He grinned at me.

  “Nurse, remove the cock ring,” Todd said. He sounded calm again.

  “Yes, doctor.” Derek loosened the leather ring and pulled it off.

  I drew a sharp breath at the way my dick throbbed once freed from the leather. But before I could make a sound, Todd yanked my head back by the hair and kissed me.

  God ... Nobody had ever kissed me quite like that. The room tilted around me as Todd’s tongue slid into my mouth, aggressive and demanding. I reached one arm behind me, around his neck, winding my hand into the thick hair that had come loose from the ponytail and now hung in silky waves around his shoulders.

  Hands roamed my body: twisting a nipple, stroking my cock, invading my still-open ass. I didn’t know who was doing what, and couldn’t have cared less. It was Todd’s kiss that set my body on fire and sent me soaring into the most intense orgasm I’d ever experienced, on either side of the camera. My prick pulsed against someone’s palm. I felt warm sticky splashes on my thighs as I came, and the world turned gray.

  When I became aware of anything again, I was lying on the exam table, with a whole bunch of worried faces bending over me. I gave them a weak smile.

  “Goddamn, boy,” George exclaimed. “Don’t fucking scare me like that!” He ran a hand through his thinning hair. “Hell of a scene, though.”

  “You okay?” Derek laid a hand on my arm.

  “Yeah, I’m fine.” I smiled at him. “You still have come on your face.”

  He wrinkled his nose. “So what else is new? I always get the fucking facials.”

  Derek wandered away, complaining about having to wash semen out of his hair. The crowd started to disperse when they saw I was okay. I looked around for Todd, but didn’t see him.

  “Where’d Todd go?” I asked George when he momentarily stopped yelling directions to the crew.

  “Break room,” George said. “Listen, I don’t know what the fuck’s going on with you two, but whatever it is, don’t stop. That’s the fucking hottest scene I ever got on film.”

  “Yeah.” I stood up, carefully because I still felt a little off kilter. “So, we done for today? We didn’t finish the office scene, did we?”

  “Naw. But what the fuck. Got one smoking hot sex scene done, and I got places to be. We’ll do the after parts tomorrow.”

  “Works for me.”

  “See you, Billy.”

  “Yeah, see you.” And for fuck’s sake call me by my real name, I didn’t add.

  I scooped my briefs up off the floor and put them on. The come all over my ass and face had dried just enough to feel unpleasantly sticky. For once, I didn’t care.

  I found Todd on the sofa in the ratty little lounge, sipping Gatorade and flipping through the channels on the TV. Those pretty gray eyes lit right up when he saw me.

  “Hey, Jim,” he said. “Feeling better?”

  “Yeah.” I plopped down beside him. “That was weird. Me passing out, I mean. Never done that before.”

  “I’ve heard about that sort of thing. I’ve never actually fucked anybody so hard they fainted, though.”

  “What makes you think you did it? Maybe I got a heart condition or something.”

  “Maybe, maybe not. Hope not.”

  I frowned at him. “Why’d you leave? I mean, if somebody I was just fucking passed out cold, I’d be worried. You just went to the break room like nothing happened.” It surprised me how much that stung.

  He gave me a strange look. “Oh, I was worried about you. But when I saw you lying there on that table, unconscious and naked and covered in semen, I wanted ... Well, I wanted to do things to you that I shouldn’t have wanted to do, not right then. And I wasn’t sure I could control myself. So I left.”

  I stared at him. The strange, hot look in his eyes made my insides shake. I couldn’t decide if I was scared of him, or horny for him. Or both. I gulped.

  “Um. Okay. Uh...” There went my powers of speech again. He laughed.

  “Don’t worry, I’m not a psycho killer or anything.” He
slid a hand onto my knee. “You look so fucking hot like this.”

  I licked my lips. “Like what?”

  He nuzzled my neck, licked the outside of my ear. “Almost naked. Your lips swollen from kissing and sucking cock. Your hair all sweaty and tangled. Come all over you.” Without warning, he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me up to straddle his lap. “God, you can’t even imagine the things I want to do to you.”

  I sat there with my legs on either side of his hips and stared at him, stunned speechless. He smiled a heart-thumpingly sexy little smile, buried both hands in my hair, and gave me a kiss that curled my toes. When we pulled apart, I felt weak and dizzy, and damn if I wasn’t halfway to hard again.

  “We’ve got that fisting scene tomorrow.” Todd ran his fingertips up my bare back, making me shiver. “Wanna go back to my place and practice?”

  Oh, hell, yeah.

  “I guess, if you think it’ll help,” I said, trying to play it cool.

  Todd laughed, pushed me off his lap, and stood up. “You know you want to.”

  “What makes you so sure I want your hand up my ass, huh?” I gave him a reasonable facsimile of an innocent face.

  “Because,” he said with a grin, “I’m telling you that you do.”

  Oh, Jesus, Mary and Joseph. That did things to me. “Uh...” I said, eloquent as usual.

  He pulled me into his arms. Those stormy eyes glittered. “Do what I tell you, Jim, and you won’t regret it. I’ll make you come ’til your balls drop off.”

  How the fuck did he make that actually sound like a good thing? Hell if I knew. Hell if I cared.

  I smiled up at him. “Yes, doctor.”



  first appeared on Torquere Press in September 2004, as 3rd place winner in their Melt short fiction contest. It then appeared in the erotic ezine Ruthie's Club in June 2005.


  June in New Orleans. Hot and sticky and ripe with the smell of the river. Hours after the sun goes down, the heat still smacks you in the face the second you step outside. So different from the tiny northern town that Zach and I call home.

  I like it here. I like the musky wet scent of the Mississippi. I like the humidity. I like the suffocating heat. This city seethes with life and secrets. You can smell it in the air.

  Zach thinks I’m nuts. He gives me the evil eye as he fans himself with a drinks menu.

  “Let’s go inside,” he says. “It’s too hot out here.”

  ‘Here’ being the patio bar at the world-famous Pat O’Brien’s. Zach wanted to go to the indoor bar, but I insisted on sitting out in the courtyard. It’s noisy and crowded and sweltering. It excites me.

  “I like the heat.”

  “For fuck’s sake, why? You’re crazy, Ian.”

  The way he looks right now is reason enough to love the heat. His dark hair clings to his flushed cheeks and his T-shirt is transparent with sweat. Just looking at him gives me a hard-on.

  “You’re sexy when you sweat,” I tell him.

  He grins. “Turns you on, huh?”

  “Sure does.”


  I lean toward him and we kiss. The Hurricane he’s drinking makes his mouth taste like rum and fruit, and his tongue feels cold against mine. It gives me a wicked idea.

  I pull back and glance around. We’re in a back corner of the courtyard, surrounded by trees and shrubs. A large oleander obscures one side of our table. Perfect.

  “Move your chair over there next to the oleander."


  “You’ll see.”

  Zach gives me a look that says he thinks I’ve lost it, but he does as I ask. I grab my drink and slip underneath the table to kneel at his feet. He leans sideways and peers curiously at me.

  “Ian, what are you doing?”

  I nudge his knees apart and scoot between his legs.

  “Don’t worry, no one can see me.”


  He stops talking when I flip the button of his shorts open and pull down his zipper with my teeth.

  He’s not wearing underwear. He never does. I slide a couple of ice cubes into my mouth and swallow his cock whole. He lets out a strangled yelp and immediately hardens in my mouth.

  I suck him nice and slow, taking my time. I dip my fingers into the melting ice in my glass and rub the liquid over his balls and as far into the cleft of his ass as I can reach. He squirms at my touch. The taste of his skin intoxicates me far more than the Hurricane did. I wish I could shove his legs up and tease his hole with my cold tongue.

  The heat of his cock melts the ice, but there’s plenty more. I pop fresh cubes into my mouth every few seconds and keep sucking. Before long, his body tenses and he comes in my mouth. I slide into his lap, press my mouth to his, and give him his own iced semen to drink.

  “You’re a hopeless perv,” he says when we pull apart. “But I like it.”

  His gaze is heavy and sated. I love knowing that I put that look in his eyes.

  “I dragged you out here, the least I could do is cool you off.”

  He smiles at me and my heart lurches. I’d do anything for that smile.

  “Thanks, baby,” he says. “Hey, you want to go somewhere really hot now?”


  “My ass.” He reaches down between us and squeezes my cock through my shorts. His touch sends electric shocks shooting through me. “Let’s get out of here.”

  I grin at him as he zips his shorts and we get up to leave. I bet he’ll stop complaining about the heat when I spread his legs and fuck him.

  Who needs air conditioning when you’ve got love?

  Orion's Belt

  "Orion's Belt" first appeared in the erotic ezine Ruthie's Club in May 2005.


  “He’s late.”

  “I know.”

  “Did you call him?”

  “Home and cell, yeah. No answer.”

  “He’s been late every fucking day.”

  “I know, Chad.”

  Chad pursed his purple glossed lips. “Well, Mr. Know-It-All, maybe you can tell me just how the fuck we’re supposed to record without a fucking singer!”

  Kier sighed. Chad wasn’t telling him anything he didn’t already know. A producer tends to notice when a prominent member of the band he’s currently recording shows up late every day. Lateness equals studio time wasted, which in turn equals money down the drain.

  Chad flopped down behind his drum kit and shoved his bangs out of his eyes. “Dammit, Kier, this has got to stop.”

  “He knows, Chad!” Jess looked up from tuning her bass long enough to glare at Chad. “We all fucking know, okay?”

  “Well excuse me if I like to start a recording session on time. Bitch.” Chad picked a loose thread off of his glittery purple shirt and frowned fiercely at his painted nails.

  Jess raised her brown eyes to the ceiling. “Jesus tap-dancing Christ, Chad. Do you have to be so fucking gay all the time?”

  Kier suppressed a laugh. Chad could do things with the drums that you had to hear to believe, but his flamboyance made him an irresistible target for his band-mates. He usually took their teasing in stride, but his gray eyes were stormy now. Kier decided to put a stop to it before it got any worse.

  “Okay, Jess, stop picking on him. And you, Tom,” Kier pointed at the willowy blond guitarist, usually the worst of the lot when it came to teasing Chad, “just don’t even start.”

  Tom widened his pale blue eyes. “What? I didn’t say anything.”

  “You were about to,” Chad said.

  “Was not!”

  “Were too!”

  “Shut up!”

  “Both of you shut up!” Kier shouted. He rubbed his eyes in the sullen silence. A nagging ache was starting in his temples. “I’m sure Orion will be here any minute. We need to be ready to start, and that means no fighting.”

  “Orion’s not his real name,” Chad piped up after a moment.

  “No! Really?” Jess rolled her eyes.

  Chad ignored her. “He got it off a gay porn website. Some twink in a video. Orion’s First Huge Cock or something like that.”

  “Too much information, dude,” Tom muttered.


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