Book Read Free

Collection of 18 stories

Page 11

by Ally Blue

  He broke off, eyes darting frantically around the little room. Kier stared at him, stunned.

  “I can’t do this by myself,” Orion continued in a small, broken voice. “Please help me. Please.” He leaned back against the control panel and buried his face in both hands.

  Kier stood and pulled Orion into his arms. He kissed the singer’s forehead and stroked his back. “I’ll help you, Orion. You know that.”

  “Discipline me, then. That’s the only thing that’ll work now.”

  “I can’t do that, not the way you mean.” Kier lifted Orion’s chin. “I’ll do anything else, but I can’t do that.”

  Orion stared silently at him for a moment, his face raw and wounded. Then suddenly his eyes hardened and he pushed Kier roughly away.

  “You can’t, huh? Fine. You can’t hurt me? You can’t, what was it, ‘raise a hand’ to me, huh?” He whirled around and started pushing levers and turning dials on the audio interface board. “What about now, huh?”

  Kier pulled his hands away. “Stop that. You want to fuck up your album?”

  Orion nodded. “Yeah, I do. What do you think of that?” He jerked loose of Kier’s grip and flipped a couple more switched before Kier could pull him away.

  “Stop it, Orion. I mean it.” Kier kept his voice deliberately calm

  Orion sneered at him. “Or what? You’re not gonna do anything to me. I can do whatever the fuck I want!” He lunged for the board again. Kier blocked him.

  “Come on, just calm down,” Kier said. “This isn’t helping anyone, least of all you.”

  “Actually, Kier, I feel a zillion times better already.” Orion skittered out of Kier’s reach and strode out the door into the studio.

  Kier ignored him and bent to inspect the board and computer screen. It didn’t look like Orion had actually done any damage, thankfully. Evidently he’d started the digital audio tape rolling, though. Kier reached to turn it off. A crash from the studio distracted him. He looked up through the window, groaned, and ran for the door.

  “Orion, goddammit, what the fuck do you think you’re doing?” He grabbed Orion’s arm and jerked him away from Chad’s drum set. He’d detached two of the cymbals and sent them flying across the room, along with Chad’s drumsticks and a pair of maracas. “If you’re mad at me, take it out on me, not the instruments.”

  “Oh yeah? Fine, I will.”

  Kier let go of Orion’s arm and braced himself for a rock star temper tantrum. What he got was a surprisingly hard punch to the jaw. He staggered backward with his ears ringing from the force of the blow. When his vision cleared, his eyes locked on Orion’s fuck-you expression, and that was it.

  Kier rushed at the younger man, grabbed his wrist, and twisted his arm behind his back. Orion’s cry of pain only inflamed his anger. He dragged the singer to the other side of the room and shoved him face down across the piano bench, holding both slender wrists behind his back with one hand. He wormed the other hand under Orion’s body, unbuckled his black leather belt, and yanked it off. He curled his fingers around the waistband of Orion’s jeans and tugged them down. No underwear. The sight of Orion’s bare ass trapped between the see-through shirt and faded jeans made Kier’s cock stir and swell.

  “You want discipline, boy?” he growled. “Well, you fucking got it.”

  He lifted his arm and brought the belt down hard on the smooth flesh, keeping a firm grip on Orion’s wrists with his other hand. Orion yelped and squirmed. The belt whistled through the air and connected again. Then again, and again. The solid, fleshy smack of leather on skin felt immensely satisfying.

  Kier didn’t stop until sweat started to drip into his eyes. He dropped the belt to the floor and wiped his forehead. His hand had started to cramp, and his breath was coming in ragged gasps. Fuck, he thought, I sure am out of shape. Then he looked down and forgot all about everything else.

  Angry red welts crisscrossed Orion’s buttocks. Some of them oozed blood. Kier let go of the singer’s wrists and stepped back, horrified by what he’d done. Orion lay still and silent, with his face turned the other way. Kier knelt beside him and gingerly touched his shoulder.

  “Orion? Jesus, I’m so fucking sorry, I didn’t ... I didn’t mean for that to happen.” He stroked Orion’s sweaty hair. “Hey, are you okay? Orion?”

  “I knew you could do it,” Orion said, his voice muffled. “I knew you had it in you.”

  Kier frowned. “What?”

  Orion turned to face Kier. His green eyes were dark and heavy, his lips parted, pale cheeks flushed. If Kier hadn’t know better, he would’ve sworn...

  “Oh Christ,” Kier groaned, “please tell me that didn’t turn you on.”

  Orion gave him a lazy, lustful grin. “Sorry.”

  “Jesus.” Kier sat back on his heels and ran a shaking hand through his hair. He could barely look Orion in the eye. It seemed so wrong to see his eyes lit with excitement when his pants pooled at his feet and his skin was torn and bruised.

  Orion rolled onto his side, propped up on one elbow. Kier’s eyes widened when he saw exactly how excited Orion was.

  “You want to fuck me, don’t you?” Orion said. He ran his long fingers languidly up and down his rigid cock.

  Kier’s mouth went dry. “Orion...”

  “Do it, Kier.” He rolled onto his stomach again and slid down until his legs hung off the edge of the bench, offering his delectable ass for Kier’s pleasure. He pressed his cheek to the polished wood. “Fuck me.”

  Kier meant to tell him ‘No,’ tell him to go home and clean his wounds and get a good night’s sleep, and everything would look different in the morning. He surprised himself quite a lot by crawling over to Orion instead and licking one bloody whip mark.

  Orion moaned and lifted his hips against Kier’s face. “Kier, please...”

  His breathless plea made Kier burn all over. He spread Orion’s buttocks apart and buried his face between them. Orion let out a sharp cry when Kier’s tongue flickered over his opening.

  “God, Kier! Do it, fucking do it!” the singer begged.

  Kier probed with fingers and tongue until Orion was whimpering and shaking from head to foot, then abruptly pulled away again. He stood up and stared at the boy sprawled across the piano bench with his jeans around his ankles and his bare butt glistening with blood and saliva. A perfect picture of degraded beauty. Kier reached down and smacked his bruised backside hard. Orion hissed in pain, but his whole body begged Kier to do it again.

  “Get up,” Kier ordered.

  Orion pushed to his feet, turned around, and stood staring at Kier and breathing far too fast. His eyes were bright with anticipation. Kier gripped Orion’s slim waist and lifted him up to sit on the back of the baby grand. Orion grimaced when his raw skin touched the hard surface. He toed off his sneakers and the crumpled jeans, and spread his legs wide.

  “Please, Kier,” he said in a hoarse whisper. “Please fuck me. I need your cock in me.”

  Kier moved up between Orion’s open thighs. He leaned forward and kissed the young man’s warm, wet lips. “Not yet.”

  “C’mon, you fucking tease!”

  Kier smiled. Now that he’d made up his mind to take what Orion offered him, he was thoroughly enjoying himself and wanted to make it last. “But I like teasing you.” He bit Orion’s chin. “Now shut up and behave so I can have my way with you, pretty boy.”

  Orion chuckled. “Yessir, daddy.”

  “Shit, don’t call me that,” Kier said, wrinkling his nose.

  Orion gave him an evil grin. “Daaaaaaddy,” he lilted. “Please touch my cock, daddy. It’s soooooo haaaaard!”

  Kier laughed in spite of himself. “You’re so fucking bad.” He brushed his fingertips over Orion’s cock. Orion’s eyes fluttered closed.

  “Yeah, I’m rotten,” Orion breathed. “You gonna punish me, daddy?”

  “Not if you keep calling me that.” Kier rubbed the velvet skin behind Orion’s balls with his thumb, smiling at the way th
e singer’s body trembled at the touch.

  Orion licked his lips. “Oh, I get it. I do what you say and you spank me like the bad little boy I am, right?”

  “Something like that.” Kier scooped a sparkling drop of pre-cum from the tip of Orion’s dick. Orion sucked it off his finger. “That’s what you want, isn’t it?”

  “You know it, daddy.”

  “Seriously, don’t call me th...”

  Orion’s tongue in his mouth stopped Kier’s words and his brain at the same time. He returned the kiss with a passion equal to Orion’s. The feel of the warm, eager body pressed against his was overwhelming. He had only been with a couple of guys since he and Colin broke up, and the last one was almost three months ago, a quick drunken fuck in the men’s room at a run-down bar. It had taken the edge off, but couldn’t begin to relieve the pressure from months of pent-up need. Then just when he’d resigned himself to getting reacquainted with glory holes, this amazing creature came to him like a wish made flesh and offered him exactly what he’d needed for so long. He couldn’t quite believe it was happening.

  Kier pushed Orion onto his back and smiled down at him. “You look good like this.” He started unbuttoning Orion’s shirt. Orion arched his back, his nipples hardening when Kier’s fingers brushed over them.

  “Like what?” Orion grabbed Kier’s T-shirt and pulled him into another kiss.

  “Flat on your back and naked with your legs spread.” Kier stuck his tongue in Orion’s ear. “Hot, hot, hot.”

  “I’m not naked,” Orion pointed out. “My shirt’s still on.”

  “Working on that, smart-ass.” Kier flipped the last button open and helped Orion wriggle out of the shirt. “There, now you’re naked.”

  Orion stared up at him with such intense hunger that it was a little scary. “I want you so fucking bad,” he whispered. “Do you want me, Kier? Do you really?”

  Kier laid a hand on his cheek. “Let me show you just how much I want you.”

  He did his best to kiss every inch of smooth, downy skin between Orion’s mouth and groin. Around the belly button he lost patience and bent to lick the length of Orion’s shaft. The smell of cock and sweaty man made his head spin. He shoved Orion’s thighs up and apart and dove in, greedily sucking his balls and dick and fingering his tight little hole. Orion moaned and writhed.

  “Jesus, Kier,” he gasped. “Gonna come, oh fuck!”

  Kier rolled his eyes up to meet Orion’s. He wrapped his lips around the head of Orion’s cock and sucked hard, pumping his shaft with one hand and his ass with the other. Orion arched his back and screamed as he flooded Kier’s mouth with hot semen.

  Kier only spilled a little when he straightened up and Orion’s dick slipped out of his mouth. He undid his pants with the hand that wasn’t still half-buried in Orion’s ass and pulled his cock out. He was achingly hard. Orion turned over without a word, slithering down to stand on the floor with his chest on the piano.

  “You gonna fuck me now, or what?” Orion gazed over his shoulder with heavy-lidded eyes.

  Kier couldn’t have said anything at that point even if his mouth hadn’t been full. He bent and let cum and saliva run from his lips in a slippery stream to coat Orion’s opening. Then he stood and slammed into Orion in one quick movement.

  “Oh fuck, oh fuck, yeah!” Orion cried as Kier pounded into him. “Fuck me, daddy, fuck my ass good!”

  Kier didn’t even care what Orion called him anymore. He was utterly lost in the sheer bliss of having his cock immersed at last in Orion’s snug heat. He held the taut cheeks apart and watched himself fucking that sweet ass, stretching it tight. Orion’s semen glistened on his torn skin and oozed around Kier’s cock with every stroke.

  “Jesus, Orion,” Kier said, his voice tight with rising excitement. “Your ass is so wide open for me.”

  Orion pushed up on his hands and flung his head back, spraying Kier with sweat. “Yeah, daddy. My ass is yours.” He pressed back against Kier, forcing his cock even deeper. “Fuck, yeah, yeah! I’m hard again, make me come!”

  “I’m fucking make you come, you little whore,” Kier growled. He smacked Orion’s butt hard with his open palm.

  Orion shuddered. “Oh yeah, do it again. Spank me, dad.”

  Kier happily obliged, and wondered how he’d ever thought he couldn’t do this. Orion sobbed and begged for him to never stop. And Kier didn’t, not until his palm stung and his cock felt ready to burst.

  “God, God, I’m coming!” Kier barely had the words out before his cum filled Orion’s ass. He pulled out and fell to his knees.

  “Kier, fuck, I’m almost there, please...” Orion whispered. His fist was wrapped around his cock, pumping hard.

  Kier raised his face and took a deep breath. He could smell his own spunk mixed with the sharp scent Orion’s arousal. He ran his tongue up the cleft between Orion’s buttocks, licking up the semen that wasn’t already running down the singer’s thighs. His tongue slipped easily through the still-loose ring of muscle, and that apparently was all it took. Orion’s body went rigid and he came in a rush of sticky white all over the side of the piano.

  Orion’s knees buckled and he collapsed into Kier’s waiting arms. Kier sat back on the floor, holding Orion against his chest. He could feel the rapid gallop of Orion’s heart against his palm.

  “Holy shit,” Orion said after a few minutes of recovery. “That. Was. Incredible.” He leaned his sweat soaked head against Kier’s shoulder. “My ass is gonna be so sore tomorrow.”

  Kier laughed. “You asked for it.”

  “I know.”


  “Yeah.” Orion wriggled around until he was facing Kier, long legs stretched out on either side of Kier’s hips. “You know, I’m no good at minding.”

  “No shit.” Kier pulled Orion closer and kissed his nose.

  Orion nodded. “Yeah. I bet I’ll need a good spanking every day to keep me in line.”

  Kier grinned at him. “I tell you what. You behave yourself this coming week, show up on time every day, lay off the drugs at least, and I’ll give it to you just how you want it. Slack off, and I won’t lay a fucking finger on you.”

  Orion touched the tip of his tongue to his upper lip. His green eyes glinted. “Mmm, daddy,” he purred, “you’re sooooo mean.” He bit his lip.

  “For fuck’s sake,” Kier groaned, “why do you keep calling me that?”

  “To piss you off.” Orion leaned forward and brushed his mouth against Kier’s. “You’re so fucking hot when you’re mad.”

  “Oh really?”


  “Okay, fine. But you’re not gonna make me mad enough to whip you again.”

  Orion gave him a grin that would’ve gotten him locked in a soft room if he’d given it to anyone else. “Wanna bet?”

  “Orion...” Kier tried, with limited success, to set his face in a stern frown.

  “Daddy, daddy, daddy!” Orion cackled madly and ground his crotch into Kier’s.

  “You’re asking for it, kiddo.”

  “Hell, yeah, I am. Give it to me, daddy.”

  Kier burst out laughing, and gave Orion what he wanted. Again.


  Kier woke with a start in the small hours Sunday morning. His arm was asleep and he had a crick in his neck from sharing a small sofa with another fairly tall man. He smiled and pulled Orion’s naked body closer, thinking of the things they’d done together not so long ago. He could still hear Orion’s cries in his head, his harsh panting breaths as they fucked, the slap of flesh against flesh.

  For a while he lay there, stroking Orion’s bare hip and trying to will himself back to sleep. When it became clear that it wasn’t going to happen, he untangled himself and stood up. Orion mumbled something in his sleep, turned over, and curled into a little ball with his face buried in the back of the sofa. His butt was red and raw, covered with bruises and lash marks where the belt had cut him. Kier shook his head—he still had trouble believing h
e’d done that, and that it turned Orion on the way it did.

  Kier covered Orion with a blanket and kissed his cheek. “Sweet dreams, beautiful.” Orion didn’t answer, but just drooled on the cushions. Kier smiled.

  He stretched, popping joints, then shuffled over to the board and plopped down in the chair. He didn’t bother to put his clothes back on—the studio was closed on Sunday, and no one would be here except Orion and himself. He put the headphones on and reached to start the Midnight file where he’d left off when Orion came in. Then he stopped, frowning.


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