Collection of 18 stories

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Collection of 18 stories Page 14

by Ally Blue

  Brian stirred, mumbled something in his sleep, and rolled over with his back to Cameron. That lovely golden back, wide shoulders tapering to slim hips and a firm butt. Cameron reached out and pulled him close, molding their bare bodies together. They fit perfectly.

  A little too perfectly for comfort, actually. If anyone found out, Cameron’s job could be on the line. But lying there in the rumpled bed with Brian, in a beam of morning sunlight, he wondered if he even cared. He’d had heartache and happiness in his life, and he’d learned to grab pieces of happiness with both hands whenever he could, because you never knew when the next bit would come along. And right then, happiness was sleeping warm and naked in his arms. Maybe it wasn’t happily ever after, but it was close enough.

  Cameron laid his cheek against Brian’s tangled hair and closed his eyes.


  "Swallow" first appeared in the erotic ezine Ruthie's Club in January 2005. WARNING: BLOOD FETISH. This is kind of a weird one...


  Sun’s almost gone. Pretty soon the streetlights’ll be on, a sick yellow-orange that hurts my eyes.

  Can’t see the stars in the city.

  Time to go. Black jeans, black jacket, black Keds. Black hair loose around my shoulders. Black shades, black nail polish. All for him.

  He likes black.

  Out the door, down five flights to the street. Nearly tripped over some goddamn drunk on the stairs. Light’s been out for a fucking week.

  Cold out. I can see my breath. My bare chest constricts, but I don’t close my jacket. He likes my pale skin against the black. Thinking of the way he looks at me makes my cock hard.

  Couple of blocks, through the secret door. He’s waiting for me.

  He opens his arms. I go to him. His kiss is hot. The look in his white-blue eyes is hotter. I know what he needs. We both need it. I strip, lie down on the floor, spread my legs. I’m so fucking hard.

  It hurts when he cuts me, but not bad. He has to cut deep to make me bleed, because of the scars. He sucks the blood from my cock. I come in his mouth in less than a minute. He takes more blood, a lot more, then sits up and jerks off on my face.

  He cuts his wrist, holds it to my lips. His blood’s thick and salty. Used to make me sick, but it doesn’t now.

  Think he took too much from me. Feel weak, rubbery. Hard to swallow. Got to; need the blood. I need it. I fucking need it.

  Running down my chin. He’s cut me again. Sucking again.


  Blood’s running out my mouth. Can’t swallow it.

  Can’t swallow.




  Pure Morning After

  "Pure Morning After" first appeared in the erotic ezine Ruthie's Club in February 2005. This is my one and only published male/female story!


  “Oh, wow.” I flopped back onto the grass and grinned at the night sky. “That was amazing.”

  Natalie let out a deep sigh. “God, yeah. The best.”

  “I don’t know if I just came or got religion.”

  “Or both.”

  I rolled up on my side and propped up on one elbow to look at her. Her curly red hair clung to her face in sweaty clumps, and her dark eyes shone.

  “You look like you just got fucked,” I said.

  “I did!”

  “Me too!”

  We both dissolved into giggles. The first day of the Coachella Music Festival had just ended with a mind-blowing set by Radiohead. Natalie and I were still on a major Radiohead-induced high, acting all girly and giggly like we usually did when we got together for a live show. Natalie always said that when Thom Yorke sang, it felt like he was fucking you with his voice. I agreed with her. Lots of the people streaming past us agreed too, when she announced it rather loudly to whoever happened to be listening.

  “Yo, Kittay!”

  I sat up and looked toward the voice. “Hey, David.”

  He dropped down to the grass beside me and grinned behind the curtain of brown hair that always hung in his face. “Hey, Kitty-Cat. Where were you guys?”

  “Right in front.” I held my hand up and Natalie high-fived me.

  David rolled his eyes. “Please tell me you didn’t flash them this time.”

  “We didn’t do it last time,” Natalie protested. “That was some other girls.”

  “Yeah, Nat. Whatever you say.”

  “So where’s everyone else?” I asked before Natalie could get all indignant. “Are they already at the van?”

  Ten of us had piled into a rented van that morning and made the half-hour drive from our hotel in Palm Springs to the festival grounds. I hadn’t seen most of them since we got there. Natalie and I had staked out our spot right on the main stage barricade first thing. Most everyone else had gone around to the rest of the festival, meaning we were the only ones with a front row view when Radiohead played. Pretty sweet.

  “Cherie, Joe, and Michelle were headed that way,” David said. “I didn’t see anyone else yet. You guys coming now?”

  “We already did,” Natalie said, perfectly straight-faced. David groaned and shook his head.

  I laughed. “Yeah, we’re ready to leave I guess.”

  Natalie got to her feet and brushed the bits of grass off her shorts. David and I stood too, and we headed across the huge field toward the exit.

  It had been pushing 105 degrees all day, but at eleven-thirty at night, the air had a distinct chill. The desert can get pretty cold at night. I unbraided my hair and let it fall loose against my bare arms and back. At least it kept me a little warmer.

  “Hey, Kitty, you okay?” David asked.

  “I’m fine, just kind of cold now.”

  “Looks like you got a little sunburned.” He touched a finger to my reddened shoulder.

  “Yeah. But not bad; I used lots of sunblock.” I reached out to Natalie and patted her backpack. “It was totally worth it too.”

  “Lucky. I was way back.”

  I grinned at him. “You should’ve stayed with us.”

  “Naw, I wanted to go see Beck play. ‘Sides, I’m always afraid you guys are gonna get arrested or something and I’ll get dragged into it.”

  “David!” Natalie turned around and glared at him. “We’ve never been... oh wait... um...”

  “Yeah, that’s what I’m saying.” David gave her an evil smile and she stuck her tongue out at him. “Hey, you guys coming to see Pure Morning with me tomorrow?” he asked.

  I shrugged. “I guess. Never heard of them, are they any good?”

  “Hell yeah, they’re fucking amazing!”

  “Pure Morning, isn’t that a Placebo song?” Natalie asked.

  “Yeah,” David said. “They’re big Placebo fans. So you guys gonna come to the show or what?”

  “Okay, sure,” I said.

  “Don’t do anything embarrassing though, huh?”

  Natalie and I looked at each other, then at David.

  “Why would we?” Nat said. “It’s not like they’re Radiohead or anything.”

  “Yeah,” David said, “but their singer’s wicked hot.”

  “Guy or girl?” I asked. David’s bisexual, so you never know.

  “Guy,” he said. “You two are gonna die when you see him, so swear you won’t flash him or throw panties at him or offer to blow him backstage, okay? Please?”

  “Okay.” Natalie patted David’s cheek. “We’ll leave that to you.” David blushed like crazy and Natalie laughed.

  We were almost at the exit by then. It was packed pretty tight trying to get out into the parking lot. I tried to keep Natalie and David in sight, but the crowd swept us apart. No big deal, I thought, we can meet up outside the gate. But when I got there, they were nowhere to be seen.

  I wandered around the parking lot for the next hour or so, trying to find anyone at all from my group. The parking area consisted of several acres of flat fields, so it was like looking for... well, for a plain bl
ue rental van in a huge field packed full of rental vans. I went to where I thought we’d parked. No van, none of my friends around. I started going systematically up and down the rows of cars. Nothing. I walked along the entire line of vehicles crawling toward the parking lot gates with their stereos blasting. I still didn’t see our van.

  I headed back to the festival field entrance, thinking maybe Natalie or David might’ve gone up there to look for me. Once again, I didn’t see anyone I knew. Panic fluttered in my belly. I sat down against the fence that encircled the field, right under one of the big lights so I’d be visible if anyone came looking. My legs shook and my back ached from a whole day of standing up.


  I about jumped out of my skin at the sound of a man’s voice right behind me. I scrambled away and stared at the fence. “Who’s there?”

  The voice laughed. “Sorry I scared you.” A board in the fence swung up and a figure slipped through the gap.

  I stared like an idiot. I couldn’t help it. This guy was absolutely drop dead gorgeous. I’m talking cream-your-panties hottie here. Black hair curled in little wisps around his neck and fine-featured face. His milky skin glowed in the light, his mouth begged to be kissed. Lean muscles showed under his snug T-shirt and molded-on jeans. His eyes, though; that’s what kept me rooted to the spot. Huge, clear, aquamarine eyes tinged with a hint of green and sparkling with life.

  “Fuck me hard,” I muttered under my breath.

  He raised his eyebrows. “What?”

  “Nothing, sorry.” I stood up and brushed the dirt off my shorts and thighs, then held out a hand to him. “I’m Kitty. Hi.”

  He took my hand and we shook. “Caleb. Hi.”

  “That’s an unusual name.”

  “So’s Kitty.”

  “It’s really Katherine. My friends call me Kitty for short.”

  He was still holding my hand. He ran his thumb over my knuckles and gave me a purely filthy smile. “Can I be your friend?” His gaze slid down my body. Suddenly I was acutely aware of my red low-rider short-shorts and tiny bikini top.

  “Yeah, okay.” I grinned back at him.

  He let go of my hand and sat down with his back against the fence. “C’mon, sit down. Talk to me for a while.”

  I looked around. No sign of my friends anywhere. I sat next to Caleb with a deep sigh.

  “Lose your group?” he asked.

  “Yeah, how’d you know?”

  “Saw you earlier, walking all over the parking lot. You looked lost.”

  “Yeah, I guess I am.” To my horror, tears started to prick my eyelids. I blinked them away, not wanting Caleb to see.

  A warm hand on my cheek told me I hadn’t blinked fast enough. Caleb turned my face toward him with gentle but irresistible pressure.

  “Hey, it’ll be all right,” he said. “You got a cell phone?”

  “It died hours ago. My friend’s got it in her backpack.” Tears trickled down my face. I swiped angrily at them. “God, this is so fucking stupid! How do you lose someone in a parking lot?”

  “It’s not a regular parking lot. This thing’s, like, a square mile or something.”

  “But they were right there, and then they were gone! I can’t believe I lost them like that.”

  Caleb didn’t say anything. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pulled me against him, and that was it. I cried on his shoulder while he stroked my hair and murmured soothingly.

  It took me a few minutes to get myself under control. Caleb just sat and held me. After I calmed down, I stayed pressed against him for a minute, enjoying his warmth and the feel of his arm around me.

  “Better?” he asked.

  “Yeah.” I lifted my head and smiled at him. “Thanks.”

  “You want to borrow my cell? I don’t have it on me, but it’s not far. Just back at my tent.”

  “You’re camping?”


  “It looked to me like the campsites were a pretty good walk from here.”

  He grinned, and my heart raced. He had a smile that promised sin and decadence, and damn if it didn’t turn me on. “I snagged a premium spot,” he said. “All we have to do is follow the fence, it’s no more than a quarter mile at most.”

  I tried to focus, but the way his lips curved made it awfully hard to think. “Yeah, okay. I... I need to call my friend, uh...” Caleb’s wicked grin widened when I blanked out on Natalie’s name. “Um, Natalie. Yeah. I need to call Natalie.”

  He rose to his feet and held a hand down to me. I took it. He pulled me up hard enough that I overbalanced and fell right into his arms. The gleam in his eyes made me think maybe he’d done it on purpose. Not that I was complaining. The feel of his body pressed against mine made my Hello Kitty thong all sticky. I slipped an arm around his back and trailed my fingers boldly over the curve of his butt. His eyes hazed over.

  He leaned down - not far, since he wasn’t that much taller than me - and brushed his lips against my temple. “Come on,” he said. “Let’s go call your friend.”

  He pulled away from me, but kept hold of my hand. I laced my fingers through his.

  “So, did you see Radiohead?” I asked, in an attempt to keep myself from throwing him to the ground and having him right there in the parking lot.

  “Oh yeah, they’re the main reason we decided to do this. They’re fucking gods to me. Well, to all of us, but mostly me.”

  “Who’s ‘us’ exactly? You here with somebody?”

  He hesitated just long enough to make me wonder. “Yeah, I flew out here with some friends of mine. They’re staying in a hotel in Palm Springs. Bunch of pussies.”

  “Hey, my friends and me are staying in Palm Springs too. You gonna call me a pussy?”

  He raised his eyebrows at me, and I actually blushed. I never blush. Never. I’ve stripped in public, I’ve jumped onstage and groped more than one hot-ass guitarist, I’ve said things to people that shocked them right to their toes, and I’ve never batted an eyelash doing any of it. Caleb’s the only person who’s ever made me blush with nothing but a look. What a look it was, though. Like he could see right through my skull and into my most depraved thoughts.

  “No,” he said finally. “I’m not.” He regarded me in a slow, peeling-off-the-clothes sort of way, and I almost forgot how to breathe.

  “Uh. So.” I swallowed past my dry throat and tried hard to act cooler than I felt. “So where you from?”

  The amusement in his eyes said he wasn’t fooled for a second. But he played along like a good boy. I had a feeling he didn’t pretend to be a good boy very often, so I appreciated the effort.

  “All over,” he said. “Born in Washington D.C., moved to France when I was ten, to Buenos Aires when I was fourteen, and London after I graduated high school. Lived there for seven years. Now I’m back in the States. Me and my friends live in New York.”

  “Damn, that’s a lot of moving. I’ve lived in Georgia my whole life.”

  “My dad was with the state department before he retired. He says we’re lucky we didn’t have to move any more than we did.”

  “So you’re how old?” I scrunched my eyes shut like I always did when I tried to do math in my head. “Naw, no way. You must’ve graduated early.”

  He grinned. “I’m twenty-nine. The big three-oh’s coming up next month.”

  I gaped at him. I was only twenty-four, and I would’ve bet a major organ that he was younger than me. He held up a warning finger when I started to say something about it.

  “Don’t,” he said. “I know. We went to a club the other night and the guy at the door almost didn’t let me in. Kept saying my I.D. had to be fake.” He rolled his eyes. “Prick.”

  I giggled. “So how’d you get in?”

  “Oh, there were some people there who...” He stopped suddenly, glanced over at me, and started again. “I mean, my friends were there, they vouched for me. At least they all look more or less their age.”

  “You’ll be glad to l
ook disturbingly young when you’re sixty.”


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