Collection of 18 stories

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Collection of 18 stories Page 15

by Ally Blue

  “That’s what my mom says.”

  “Uh-oh. Here I was always afraid I’d turn into my mom, now I’m turning into yours instead.”

  He gave me that wonderfully evil grin again. “Can I call you Mommy?”

  “Ew, no! Perv.”

  We both laughed. Our eyes locked and I swear my heart stopped for a second. I’d never known anyone else who radiated pure sex the way Caleb did. I could smell it on him. He didn’t say anything, but I knew he felt how much I wanted him. He squeezed my hand and smiled.

  The wooden fence turned a sharp corner just ahead. We followed it for another few yards before the boards gave way to chain link. A clump of scraggly trees huddled against the rusted metal.

  “Here we are,” Caleb said. “Tent sweet tent.”

  I squinted into the darkness. “I don’t see it.”

  “There.” He pointed toward the trees.

  “This is not a designated camping spot.”

  “I know. That’s why I set up under the trees.”



  I followed him under the branches. The leaves rustled like paper in the breeze and broke the dim moonlight into fitful shards. Even though I knew it was there, I could barely make out the small nylon tent. Caleb unzipped the flap, ducked inside, and emerged a few seconds later with a cell phone in his hand. He flipped it open and handed it to me.

  “Here. Talk as long as you want, I’ve got unlimited minutes.”

  “Okay. Thanks, Caleb.” I smiled at him.

  “You’re welcome.” He moved closer, so close I could feel the heat of his skin. “You can stay here with me tonight. If you want.”

  I looked up into his eyes. They were shadowed, but I could see well enough to know why he’d asked me to stay. It wasn’t a hard decision to make.

  “Yeah, I want,” I said. The lustful grin on his face nearly made me come right then. I turned around to dial the phone, since looking at him made my brain not work right.

  Natalie picked up on the first ring. “Hello?”

  “Nat? Hey, it’s Kitty.”

  “Kitty!” she shrieked. I held the phone away from my ear. “Where the fuck are you?”

  “At the campground. Listen...”

  “What the hell are you doing there?”

  “Borrowing a cell phone. Look, Nat...”

  “Well, we’re ready to leave! It’ll probably be dawn before we get back as it is! Have you seen the crowd trying to get out of this place?”

  “Yeah, I saw it, Nat, can you just...”

  “Get your ass over here then! And I’m glad you called, I was so scared something really bad happened to you!”

  “Nat!” I shouted. “Will you listen to me?”

  Silence. I could picture her pouting. “What?” she said finally.

  I could hear Caleb behind me, trying not to laugh. I waved a hand at him to shut up. He chuckled out loud and came over to stand right behind me. I could feel his heat against my back. Made it damn hard to concentrate on the conversation.

  “I’m, uh, I’m staying over here. At the campground. So you guys can go on.”

  Caleb snaked both arms around my waist. His hand traced tiny circles on my stomach and my knees turned to jelly.

  “Oh,” Natalie said. “Is he hot?”

  A hand brushed my hair aside. Warm, soft lips touched my neck. My vision went blurry. “Oh, fuck yeah,” I sighed.

  Natalie giggled. “Well, what the hell are you still talking to me for? Hang up and go get him.”

  “Uh.” I snapped the phone closed and handed it back to Caleb, who tossed it unceremoniously over his shoulder.

  “Kitty,” he whispered against my neck. “I want you.”

  “I know.” I felt the strings of my bikini top loosen. It slipped to the ground. “I want you too.” His hands slid up to cup my bare breasts and I let out a little gasp. “Jesus, Caleb.”

  I turned in his arms, threaded my fingers through his hair and kissed him hard. He crushed me against him. The feel of his lips against mine, his tongue in my mouth, made me burn all over. He grabbed my ass in both hands and rolled his hips against me, letting me feel his erection.

  “God, gimme this, right now!” I reached a hand between his legs and stroked him through his jeans. My mouth watered.

  “I want your cock in my mouth,” I whispered. He stared at me, speechless. I grinned at him, dropped to my knees, and yanked his jeans open.

  “Fuck, fuck,” he gasped when I shoved the pants down over his hips and wrapped my hand around his thick shaft. “Damn, Kitty.”

  I watched his face while I ran my tongue around the head of his cock, licking him like a lollipop. His eyes rolled up and he buried both hands in my hair. “God yeah, suck my cock.”

  I opened my mouth and took him in. He tasted so damn good. I love sucking cock, and I’m good at it. I teased him without mercy, bringing him right to the brink and then backing off again before he could come. That always brings out the animal in a man. I like to be fucked hard, and nothing makes a man fuck you harder that frustrating the hell out of him for as long as you can first.

  Caleb obviously had some previous experience with this trick, because he lasted longer than any other man I’d ever been with. My jaw ached by the time I felt his readiness. I let him slip out of my mouth and stared up into his eyes.

  “Fuck me,” I said.

  He didn’t need to be told twice. He yanked me to my feet, shoved my shorts down, and pushed me face first into a tree. I was so wet that my juices were running down the insides of my thighs. His hands spread me open and he entered me hard and fast. I braced myself against the scratchy bark while he slammed into me over and over again. His dick filled me up and pounded me almost to the point of pain. It felt so fucking good, it made me ache all over. I was shaking and whimpering by the time he came, pulling out and shooting his cum all over my back.

  I was all set to ask him to pretty please eat my pussy, because I was dying to come. Turned out I didn’t have to ask. He picked me right up off the ground, laid me down on a patch of thin grass, and pulled my shorts off. I opened my legs for him and he dove right in.

  I’d been with a lot of men before Caleb. A lot. A few women too. But damned if he wasn’t the best I’d ever had. I don’t know what it was he did to me, but if I could bottle it, I could retire tomorrow. I came in no time flat, arching my back and screaming so loud it’s a wonder I didn’t attract a crowd.

  “Shit, Caleb,” I said when I could talk again. “You’ve got the holy tongue, man. God.”

  He crawled up over my limp body, leaned down, and kissed me. He tasted like sex. “The holy tongue?”

  “Yeah.” I grinned at him and licked his bottom lip. “’Cause it sent me to heaven.”

  He laughed. I pulled him to me to kiss him again. His kisses, soft and languid now, made me feel all melty inside.

  “Do you know,” he said, “how beautiful you are? Especially right now. I love to look at a woman’s face after she comes.”

  “Don’t bother sweet talking me. I’m immune.” My big sappy grin probably contradicted what I said, but I didn’t care.

  He smiled. It was a sweet sort of smile this time, one that made me melt inside. “Sure you are. Whatever, doesn’t matter. You’re beautiful, and I want to tell you so.”

  I stared up at him. His face was half in shadow, half in moonlight. He was so lovely it hurt. Something stirred inside me, something I’d never really felt before. A connection of a sort, a strange bond with this man who looked like a sculpture come to life and fucked like a goddamn dream. I reached up and laid a hand on his cheek.

  “You know, I sleep around a lot,” I said. He raised his eyebrows but didn’t say anything. “I’ve been with a lot of guys, and I never felt all that sentimental stuff with any of them.”

  I fell silent. He leaned on one elbow and waited, tracing his free hand up and down my side.

  “But I... I think...” I bit my lip. This shou
ldn’t be so fucking hard to say, I told myself; just do it. “I think I’d like to get to know you better.”

  There. It was out. Caleb gazed down at me with a sudden weight in his eyes. “I’d like that too. You don’t know how many times I’ve been with someone and thought it meant something, then to find out they only wanted me because...” He stopped and looked away.

  I held his face in my hands and made him look at me again. “Because why?”

  He stared solemnly at me for so long I thought he wasn’t going to answer. When he finally did, his voice was so soft I could barely hear it.

  “Just because... because of how I look. I want to be more than that.”

  “You are more than that, Caleb. And anyone who can’t see that is just fucking nuts. I mean hell, if I can see it, anyone should, right? Slut that I am.”

  He laughed. “You don’t give yourself enough credit. There’s nothing wrong with sex for its own sake. God knows I’ve done enough of that myself, and I don’t regret any of it. But I never lied to anyone and told them it was more than it was. Not ever.”

  “But someone’s lied to you.”

  “Oh, yeah. I’ve lost count of how many times. Some people’ll say anything to get what they want.”

  I caressed his cheek. His skin was so soft under my palm, so warm and smooth. I could see how a person might be desperate to get in his pants. What I couldn’t see was how anyone could look into those big, beautiful eyes and do anything to hurt him.

  “Well, I meant what I said,” I told him. “I want more than just sex. I want to get to know you. Can I?”

  “Yeah. That’d be great. I like you a lot, Kitty.”

  “You don’t just like me for my mad cock-sucking skills?”

  He pretended to consider. I smacked his arm hard and he laughed. “They’re some majorly impressive skills all right, but I think I like you for more than that.” He slid his hand down between my legs. I bit my lip.



  “Take your fucking clothes off.”

  This time we took it a lot slower, and I found out he could do tender and gentle every bit as well as hard and rough. By the time we fell asleep in the tent as the sun peeked over the horizon, we’d gotten to know every inch of each other and his arms already felt like home to me.


  When I woke up, the sun was straight overhead and I could hear music from the festival field. I jumped up so fast I nearly knocked the tent over. Caleb wasn’t there.

  “Caleb?” I peeked my head out the tent flap. No Caleb.

  I felt hurt and deflated. I tried to tell myself that I hadn’t expected anything more than the usual one-night-stand. But the fact was, I had. I’d really thought he might be someone I could have an actual relationship with. “Should’ve known better, dumb-ass,” I muttered to myself.

  I looked around and saw that my shorts and bikini top lay neatly folded next to the tent flap. At least he’d brought my clothes back inside before he left. I picked up my shorts and a piece of paper fluttered to the ground. I bent to retrieve it.

  The note scrawled across the paper in green ink was short and to the point. “Kitty,” it read, “had to go, but didn’t want to wake you. Come to the Pure Morning show at 1, it’s in the Gobi tent. I’ll meet you after. There’s a present in your back pocket. Love, Caleb.”

  So he hadn’t fucked and run after all. Relief made me lightheaded and I sat down on the crumpled sleeping bag. I folded the note and set it carefully beside me with the intention of keeping it. Something about the way Caleb’s handwriting looped and wandered made me smile. I was betting he’d been one of those kids who never could stay inside the lines.

  I reached into the back pocket of my shorts to see what sort of present he’d left me. What I pulled out was an all-access pass. Backstage, after party, VIP areas, the works. I sat there with my jaw hanging open. I hoped Caleb had another one, because I suddenly didn’t want to go without him.

  My watch lay discarded in the corner. I picked it up and groaned when I saw the time. Less than an hour until the Pure Morning set started. Barely time to get through the gate, hopefully find Natalie and David, and snag a spot in the front. Thank God this band wasn’t real big, or I’d be stuck way in the back for sure. I threw my clothes on, used Caleb’s toothbrush and some leftover bottled water to brush my teeth, then ran for the gate.

  The day was once again cloudless and hot. Sweat had already glued my shorts to my ass before I’d even gotten through the gate. And if it was hot outside, it was bound to be sweltering inside the tent. I mean yeah, you’re out of the sun, but there’s no air conditioning, no breeze, and you’re crammed skin-to-skin with hundreds of other people. I’d almost rather be out in the sun all day. But damned if I was going to miss this show, if Caleb was going to be there.

  The Gobi tent was starting to get crowded when I got there. David stood outside, fidgeting and biting his nails. I waved and ran to join him.

  “It’s about time,” he said. “I was about to give up on you. C’mon, Nat’s saving us some space up front.” He grabbed my hand and we hurried inside.

  “Sorry,” I said. “I didn’t mean to be so late, but I didn’t get to sleep until dawn.”

  David grinned over his shoulder at me as we squirmed our way through the crowd. “Bet I know what you did all night.”

  “Bet you’re right.”

  “How was it?”

  “Best lay I ever had.”

  David opened his mouth to say something else, but we reached the barrier right then and Natalie spotted me. Once Nat gets going, no one else has a chance. David grinned and fell silent.

  “Okay, girl,” Natalie said, pulling me up beside her, “spill. Was he good?”

  “Unbelievable. Honest to God, he could make a fortune whoring himself to women who need an amazing lay.”


  “Yeah. And look what he gave me!” I motioned Nat and David closer before slipping the pass out of my pocket. David’s eyes widened.

  “Fuck, he gave you that? Where the hell did he get it?”

  “He didn’t say. He was gone when I woke up, but he left me this pass in my shorts pocket. We’re gonna meet up after the show. Cool, huh?”

  They both agreed that it was very cool. “So does this guy have a name?” Natalie asked.

  I smiled, and I knew it was one of those goofy, I-just-met-somebody-great smiles that I always snickered at on other people. I couldn’t help it, though; that’s just how he made me feel.

  “Caleb,” I said. “I don’t know his last name yet.”

  David leaned around Natalie and stared hard at me. “What’s he look like?”

  “Why, you want some? Don’t know if he swings that way, but I’ll ask.”

  Nat laughed and David frowned. I think he was getting ready to say something, but the sudden roar of the crowd around us silenced him. We all looked up at the stage. A girl with a yellow Event Staff polo shirt and a long blond ponytail stood at the mic, smiling out over the crowd.

  “All right!” she yelled, sounding like the cheerleader she’d probably been in high school. “Ladies and gentlemen, the Coachella Music and Arts Festival is very proud to welcome this next band. They’re rising fast, so in a few months when they’re big stars you can say you saw ‘em here! Please welcome, from New York City, Brian Wolde, Jordan Thomas, and Caleb Rourke, Pure Morning! Give it up!”

  I stood there stunned while the people around me jumped and screamed. Surely she hadn’t really said what I thought she said. Had she? When the band filed out on stage, though, there was no doubt. It was Caleb, all right. My Caleb, the guy I’d spent several hours having mind-blowing sex with the night before, was a fucking rock star.

  In all my years of going to live shows and meeting musicians of varying degrees of fame, I’d never once slept with one. Now I had finally done it, and I hadn’t even realized he was one until just now. I had to laugh; it was just too weird.

  I could
feel Natalie and David staring at me, but I didn’t care. I couldn’t look away from Caleb. He was beautiful up there on stage, totally in his element. He wore a see-through red shirt and low-slung leather pants that hugged him tight in all the right places. His feet were bare. Black eyeliner made his Caribbean blue eyes breathtaking, and sheer red lip gloss accented his sensual mouth. The pure lust he aroused in the women around me - hell, some of the men too - perfumed the air.

  Caleb picked up a battered electric guitar, slung the strap over his shoulder, and walked up to the mic. His eyes swept the crowd. He smiled when he saw me, and my insides turned to mush. I smiled back.


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