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Given Time

Page 4

by E. D. Parr

  Matt traced a fingertip down Angel’s cheek. “Are you okay, though? Do you need anything?”

  Angel kissed Matt as tenderness rose in his heart. “I need you. I feel as if I could sleep a little here in your arms. I’m a bit shell-shocked to be honest. I’m only just realizing that. I didn’t know Rory was sick.”

  Matt gathered him close. “It must have been a long day. Close your eyes. Try to sleep. We can talk in the morning.”

  Angel rested his head against Matt. This was the closest he’d been to bliss in a long time.

  “Thanks.” His voice came out in a whisper.

  Matt held him. “Hey … Angel … I’m so glad we’ve met.”

  Angel agreed, but the comfort of being in Matt’s arms took him far away, drifting into sleep—

  Chapter Eight

  Angel woke to darkness with a start. For a few seconds he couldn’t remember where he was, but the man beside him must have realized he’d woken and moved, because he reached out and slipped an arm around Angel. A smile formed on his face as he surfaced from confusion.

  Matt snuggled against him.

  Angel closed his eyes and let the comfort of Matt’s gentle enclosure soothe him. He’d been dreaming, but he couldn’t remember what the dream was about, only that it scared him awake.

  “Are you awake?” Matt whispered.

  Angel ran his hand down Matt’s arm. “Yes, but I’m trying not to be. Did I wake you?”

  Matt shuffled to be face to face with him. He kissed Angel softly. “Maybe—it doesn’t matter. How are you feeling?”

  “Okay. Good. What about you?”

  “I’m happy you’re still here. It’s great to hold you. I don’t want to sound clingy.”

  Angel swept his palm along Matt’s shoulder and slipped his hand along Matt’s jaw. He kissed him. It felt so good to be with Matt, Angel left his face against Matt’s and murmured, “Hey, I can take it.” The realization that was exactly what he needed made him kiss Matt again.

  Matt smiled and nudged his nose against Angel’s. “It must be early. Try to sleep a little more.”

  Angel closed his eyes. He felt Matt relax against him and knew Matt slept again. Thoughts swirled in Angel’s mind. I have to contact the undertaker. I wonder if Rory has a will? Maybe Samantha knows if he’d ever said anything about burial or cremation. Who needs to come to the funeral? Fucking hell, I have no idea what to do.

  The comforting time with Matt had helped him, but he felt like calling Samantha and asking her to take over. Poor Rory—why didn’t he talk about his illness? Was he afraid of dying? How fucking sad. The questions brought back his crushing regret and tears slipped from his eyes. He hoped they wouldn’t fall on Matt and wake him. He carefully wiped his knuckles over his wet cheek. He held onto Matt. Suddenly, it seemed to him that fate had sent him this handsome, affectionate man to help him in his grief.

  Dawn broke before Angel dropped into a fitful sleep. The drapes hadn’t been completely drawn in Matt’s bedroom and sunlight crept in through the gaps. It alighted on Angel’s face. A band of brightness covered his eyelids and he woke. The empty space beside him was immediately apparent. He pushed back the quilt and stood. A thick rug met the soles of his feet.

  He had no robe or slippers, so he padded naked into the adjacent bathroom and stared at himself in the mirror over the hand basin. His hair stood up from his head in a dark thatch. Blue smudges underlined his eyes. He turned on the faucet and pushed his face under the cold stream of water. Refreshed, he shook the droplets from his face and ran his hands through his hair. I wonder where Matt is? He used the toilet and washed his hands. On his way back to the bedroom, the sound of the suite door opening reached his ears. His first instinct was to cover his nakedness, but then he recognized Matt’s voice. Although Matt spoke quietly, Angel clearly heard what he said.

  “Well, I’m sorry to have bothered you. I, er, I’m not sure what to do next. Thank you for your time.”

  Angel walked toward the sound of his lover’s voice, guessing Matt spoke on the phone. He’d left his clothes in the small living area of the suite and looked quickly around for them. He smiled at Matt. “Hi. Is everything okay?” It was all he could think of since Matt’s expression held complete puzzlement. Angel saw his pants and shirt draped over a chair back and headed for them. He had no idea where his underwear was and right then didn’t care.

  “Angel, the strangest thing … I called the exhibition space and studio Rory had booked for us. Although I’d only dealt with your brother, I had the contact numbers for there. They know nothing about the project.” He stood before Angel.

  Angel dragged on his pants. He recognized the mix of distress and surprise in Matt’s voice. “That is strange. I have no idea what’s going on, but we’ll find out, Matt.” He snatched up his shirt and pushed his arms into the sleeves. “Unless you have something you’d rather do, let’s have coffee, and then find out what’s going on. Come with me to the house, and to Rory’s business office and gallery in town. Be with me, Matt. I’d love your company. Are you very disappointed about the art project?” He asked this to show he cared, fully expecting Matt to be angry, too.

  Matt gazed at him wide-eyed. “A little, yes, but more completely baffled. I’d like that, to be with you if it’s only for today, to find out what’s happening.”

  Angel shook his head automatically. “I was thinking more long term. Sorry.” He stopped speaking aware he might be clinging onto Matt, but he had told him that a one-night-stand wasn’t on the menu.

  Matt slid his smartphone onto the table. He came to Angel and slipped his arms around Angel’s bare waist under his open shirt. “That’s a relief. I didn’t want to be in the way if you have things to do for your brother’s funeral and estate. Truthfully, I’m at a loss. I’m here now with nothing to do. I’d like to help you.” He placed a soft kiss on Angel’s lips.

  Angel’s sadness drained away as Matt kissed him. Comfort enveloped him. The seed of permanence planted in his heart. He returned Matt’s kiss. “Now we’ve settled that. I’ll go back to my room, take a quick shower, and throw on some clothes, and then if you’re ready, too, we’ll get coffee and start the trek. I’m guessing we’ll be visiting a few places before the pieces fit and we know what’s going on and have everything arranged.”

  Matt gave him a quick hug. “Sure thing.”

  Relief and happiness swept over Angel. “I’ll be back soon.” He pushed his feet into his boots. “I don’t know what I did with my socks or underwear.” He laughed softly. “Guess I was in such a hurry to get naked.”

  Matt’s expression held understanding and affection. It warmed Angel’s heart. He walked rapidly to the door and with a quick, vague wave at Matt, who remained standing in the middle of the room, he exited, and dashed to his own suite.

  He stood in the shower and as the warm water swept over him, Angel smiled thinking about Matt. I feel so comfortable with him. Rory brought him here for what’s shaping up to be a non-existent art project, but what a stroke of luck that Matt is here, and gay, and fucking gorgeous. I owe him the time to find out why the workspace wasn’t booked—if there’s a reason. It could be Rory simply fell too ill to finalize arrangements. I probably owe Rory silent thanks, too, for the strange coincidence. I want Matt. Yeah, it would be great to have him in my life. There’s something more to him than his delicious body. I need a guy with depth.


  Matt cleaned his teeth and raced to take a shower. He sang snatches of a favorite song as the water flowed over his body. The water went into his mouth as he belted out the last line of the song and he laughed. He dried and dressed quickly, pushed his hands through his hair to take it off his forehead and glanced around the suite. He tidied his things and found Angel’s socks and underwear. With a grin, he laid the items on the back of a chair and spun around. Somehow, he knew Angel was back. His walk held elegance as he glided across his suite on his long legs, his dark jacket flaring out as he halted to open the d

  Angel stood in the doorway smiling. “I haven’t even knocked. How’d you know I was here?”

  Matt gave him a purposely tender look. “I sensed you.” He grabbed Angel’s hand and drew him into the room. He put his arms around Angel’s neck and kissed him.

  Angel smiled against Matt’s lips. “I can feel the happy mood radiating from you. You’re like a beacon.”

  Matt let him go and shrugged. “If I tell you it’s meeting you that’s made me so happy will it scare you off?”

  Angel’s eyes darkened as he gazed at Matt. “Hell no, I … I want that.” He looked away and thrust his hands into the pockets of his jeans.

  Matt guessed maybe they were sharing too much romantic stuff and turned his comments to business. “We could go down to the hotel restaurant for coffee, unless you know somewhere else. Also, I don’t have transport. I didn’t think I’d need to hire a car. Somehow, I got the impression there’d be one available from Rory’s crew, office, whatever…”

  Angel gave a short nod. “I have one. The one you saw me staring at you from.” His smile was back and Matt’s heart filled with hope. There’s definitely something between us that’s real and promising.

  “There’s a good café on the Main Street. I want to talk with you about everything.”

  Matt followed Angel out of the room, pulling the door locked behind him.

  Chapter Nine

  As they walked, Angel talked and Matt fell into step alongside him, feeling as if he’d always known Angel and they were long-term lovers. It made a smile hover on his lips as he listened.

  They’d traveled along the street a few paces when Angel spoke, “When we’ve fueled up on caffeine, I want to take a swift trip to the funeral home next to the flower shop. I’ve decided to take charge and arrange a cremation. Rory and I used to walk by the river every day, rain or shine, when I lived here. I’m scattering his ashes in it. Do you mind coming with me? I know it’s a lot to ask.”

  Matt answered without hesitation. “I’ll come with you.”

  “Thank you. Then we’ll call into Rory’s gallery office. It’s at the bottom of the Main Street. Nothing is far away in this town. We don’t even need the car to go to the house. This afternoon, a police detective is driving me to the morgue to see Rory…” He stopped talking and walking.

  Matt gazed at Rory’s suddenly pale face. “I’m sorry. That will be upsetting.”

  Angel shook his head and waved at the building behind him. “I asked for it, but I’m not looking forward to it. Here’s the café.”

  Matt registered the smoked-glass window. Tables and chairs were just visible beyond.

  Angel pushed open the faux old-fashioned door and went in.

  Matt followed him to the counter where a young woman greeted them both.

  “Good morning. What can I get you?”

  Angel glanced at Matt.

  Matt took the hint. “Black coffee for me, thank you.”

  “Make that two. We’ll find a table.”

  The young woman smiled her answer. “And we’ll find you, sir.”

  Matt had spied a table in the corner. He led Angel there.

  Angel scraped the chrome-legged chair out to sit.

  Matt took a seat opposite.

  Angel fiddled with the menu in its Plexiglas stand. “You know if you want to do the art project, I’ll book a place in the art complex for you. You came all this way, Matt.” He flicked his gaze to Matt’s face.

  Matt read the tenderness in the gaze. “Thank you for offering, but I think I’ll give it a miss. I took the photographs and maybe I’ll do some paintings from them later this year.” He gave Angel a grateful smile, wanting him to know he appreciated the refused offer.

  Their coffee order arrived and Angel turned his cup a few times. It clattered in the saucer. He glanced up. “Will you show me your photographs? I feel bad about Rory bringing you here, when nothing’s been arranged.”

  Matt reached his hand across the table and steadied Angel’s hand on the saucer. “He’d arranged enough to get me here, and I met you. That’s made me happy.”

  Angel murmured, “He couldn’t have known we’d meet.”

  His wistful smile gave Matt goosebumps.

  Matt couldn’t tell Angel about his strange premonition. The fact he’d seen a man hunched over in pain had to pertain to Rory. Matt traced his fingertips over Angel’s knuckles, and then withdrew. He drank some of his coffee.

  All the sadness has lifted that went with those vague pictures of Rory and his house. In fact, there’s nothing left at all except an overwhelming need to be with Angel.

  Angel’s voice broke into his thoughts.

  “Deep in thought, Matt? You must be a little disappointed, or at least wonder why things hadn’t been arranged.”

  “It really is okay.” Matt gazed at the handsome man whose eyes held a strange mix of desire and concern.

  Angel took a deep breath. “You’re very philosophical. I can’t finish my coffee. My nerves are jangling. Do you want to go to Rory’s business office now?”

  Matt considered the change in plans. “We can stick with visiting the funeral parlor first. That’s important, Angel. Will there be many people to invite to the funeral?”

  Angel looked stricken. “I don’t know.”

  Matt didn’t have much experience with funeral arrangements, but wanted to help Angel.

  “I think funeral homes arrange everything. You could ask Rory’s office staff to invite anyone they think will want to be at the service, and Rory’s wife to do the same. You could put an ad in the classifieds stating where and when the service will be held.”

  Anxiety faded from Angel’s expression. “Yeah, good idea. Thanks, Matt … for … for everything.”

  Matt picked up the bill. “I’ll pay and we’ll be on our way. The sooner arrangements are made the better you’ll feel, huh?”

  The funeral home’s atmosphere was nowhere near as somber as Matt expected. A banner strung across the white and soft-brown office proclaimed that they helped you celebrate a loved one’s passing. Matt stood behind Angel as he talked with the gray-suited man who approached them on entry. He gazed around at the tasteful display of commemorative items.

  Angel turned to him. “Now for Rory’s office.”

  Matt stared at him. “You’ve finished here?”

  Angel gave a small nod. “Yes. It was remarkably easy.”

  Matt looked over his shoulder at the attendant.

  The man gave him a half smile.

  He followed Angel. On the sidewalk, he stopped his lover. “That was so quick. What did you do?”

  Angel shifted from one foot to the other. “I asked them to arrange everything and give me a call with the date. I gave them Rory’s wife’s cell number and his office number. I said a dark blue urn would be fine for his ashes, that I was scattering them anyway.” His voice became a whisper.

  Matt reached for him and pulled him into a hug. “Are you okay?”

  Angel pressed into his arms for a moment and then drew away. “I am. It’s the way I want it—clean, simple, and if anyone wants to add more they can. I’ll call Samantha and tell her what I’ve done. The truth is I wish she’d take over.”

  Matt linked arms with Angel and they walked along the street that formed the T-shape the hotel staff member had shown Matt from his suite window. They only took a few paces, then Angel steered him down a short alley. The tiny street was roofed with a curved glass panel, pale tiles paved the ground instead of concrete, and Matt saw what had to be Rory’s office. Inscribed on the plate glass window a huge silver winged butterfly flapped its wings.

  Angel pushed through the rotating door and Matt leapt into the space that spun around. He froze in the entrance to the room beyond. An enormous sculpture loomed from the ceiling. Matt gazed at the features of the Grecian male. He hadn’t known Rory sculpted classical pieces.

  Angel’s voice penetrated his thoughts.

  “This is Matt Loewe
. Rory asked him to work on a project. We’re looking for the details, Dianne.”

  Matt went forward and hung around next to Angel who stood by what must serve as the office reception desk.

  The woman gazed at him from her perch behind the computer screen set on the large white egg-shape. She stood and walked around the desk offering a handshake.

  “Hi, Matt. I’m sorry, but I had no idea Rory planned to work with you. He never said a word to me. He must have made all the arrangements himself.” She shook her head as she spoke as if to underline her lack of knowledge.

  Angel cast a sideways glance at Matt.

  Matt read confusion in his eyes.

  Angel addressed Dianne again. “Well, where did he keep files, Dianne? Files for things he arranged.”

  “On his laptop—I don’t know where it is. Maybe at home, Angel.” She gave him a hopeful look.

  Angel sighed heavily.

  Dianne’s voice dipped. “What will happen now, Angel? I mean this office and stuff…” She trailed away.

  Angel sighed. “I suppose there’s a will somewhere—or instructions from Rory in the event of his death. I’ll have to get back to you about it. In the meantime, carry on as usual. Do what you can.”

  She looked from him to Matt and back to Angel’s face. “I am so sorry for your loss, Angel.”

  Matt heard the tremble in Angel’s voice as he replied. “Thanks, Dianne. You have my number if anything crops up that you can’t handle. Oh, and the funeral home will be in touch with you. To, er, to invite anyone you think appropriate to a small service for Rory at the crematorium.”

  She nodded as Angel backed away from her.

  Angel gave Matt a gaze filled with desperation as he turned to exit the office.

  Matt followed him onto the sidewalk. “Do you want to take a break? You look pale.”


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