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Anarchy of the Heart (The Complete Erotic Novel)

Page 14

by Max Sebastian

  "It is different from what you are used to."

  "I'll say."

  Sofia was smiling as she saw how nervous Caitlyn was, and Leo was reminded that she must have seen this situation before a few times, though perhaps never with a couple so inexperienced.

  "We can stop any time," the French girl said softly.

  Caitlyn simply nodded, and Leo could tell she felt as he did that Marco and Sofia had certainly fostered a supportive atmosphere.

  "Cheers!" Marco held up his Champagne flute for them all to toast. As they all clinked glasses, it seemed relieve the tension in the air a touch.

  Leo took a big swig, and then a second, willing the alcohol to absorb into his bloodstream so that he might relax a little.

  Then Marco, somehow, managed to spill half of his Champagne on his designer t-shirt, and cursing in Spanish, said something that certainly amused Sofia. The blonde leaned over her boyfriend, stretching up to help him pull his soaked t-shirt up and off his wash-board of a chest.

  Leo was so startled at the open display of her underwear as she tilted her hips towards them that he didn't even remotely think to feel threatened or envious of Marco's athletic physique. Sofia's skirt was really nothing much more than a belt. The sight of her little pink cotton panties stirred Leo's blood.

  "I'm such an idiot," Marco was saying, though to Leo and no doubt Caitlyn this seemed a trifle staged, no doubt to start the ball rolling, break the ice.

  The plan for the evening, after all, was not to spend a few casual hours drinking and chatting, before possibly starting something a little more risqué. It was already quite late now. The plan was to get straight in to fooling around.

  They'd had all day to get the drinking and pleasantries in. Now was a milestone to get through for the vacation.

  "Oh, feels good, actually," Marco was saying, as Sofia sprawled all over him to get the shirt up over his head, the blonde laughing at her boyfriend.

  Caitlyn handed Marco's almost-empty glass to Leo, but she was keenly watching as Marco stripped off his shirt, admiring his tanned, well-defined upper body, though still looking at the European couple with unbelieving eyes, and the expression that said: are you really doing this? Are we really doing this?

  Her occasional smile suggested she thought Marco and Sofia sweet together.

  "Hey, some more Champagne?" Marco asked once the shirt was gone, with his girlfriend now picking up her glass again from the other side table.

  "Can you be trusted?" Caitlyn joked as she returned the remains of his drink to him.

  "Of course!" Marco drained the glass, then handed it straight back to the brunette. He said something to Sofia in Spanish, then in English: "It feels too warm for a shirt anyway."

  "You are so clumsy," Sofia said, then she was leaning in to him, kissing him, and somehow it suddenly seemed very PDA with Caitlyn and Leo looking awkwardly on.

  Leo was draining another glass of Champagne as he felt Caitlyn's knee pressing into his. He put a hand on her warm thigh, and saw that she was watching the Spanish couple again with that self-conscious, unsure manner that was just Caitlyn through-and-through.

  Her expression made Leo remember why he'd been so surprised she'd been pushing in this direction ever since her first encounter Marco and Sofia.

  "We're only young once," she'd said at the time, and other logical points to support the idea, like: "We'll be able to say we tried everything before we got married - no regrets, you know? And it's not like we'd be breaking any wedding vows."

  This, from the same girl that in the early stages of their relationship had wanted him to lose contact with all his old ex-girlfriends, because she didn't like the idea of him ever having been with someone else.

  And now, Marco and Sofia were breaking apart, and Marco's hand was gently but rather overtly sprawling all over Caitlyn's leg.

  "You're a good looking couple," their host was saying. "I can't believe you've never done anything like this before."

  Caitlyn bashfully smirking, nervously laughing, blushing away even as she smiled as though it was her birthday and someone had just brought her an enormous birthday cake. Saying: "It's not really the normal kind of thing in the States."

  Sofia was stroking Marco's belt, almost in time to her boyfriend's caresses along Caitlyn's leg. She said with a giggle: "I don't know if it is entirely 'normal' for here, either."

  Marco kissing her shoulder, saying: "The people around here are mostly old, Catholic - how do you say... 'conservative'. The men have mistresses, but all in secret, and it's only ever just two together. Not three or four."

  Now Sofia seemed to feel the onus was on her to break the ice, to move forward, and she leaned back, very determinately unfastening Marco's belt, and then unfastening his fly.

  Caitlyn's smile was losing the battle slightly to her sense of wonder and shock at the boldness of their hosts. What had she expected? Had she expected they would all drink a lot more before any of this actually took place?

  It was more than slightly abrupt.

  Leo, who had never even been to a strip club before, felt himself a little flushed as well, watching in silence with his hand stuck fast on his fiancée's thigh as they both witnessed the blonde start pulling her boyfriend's jeans down, right in front of them.

  Sofia's own bright pink panties were so boldly on show themselves since her tiny skirt had ridden up so high, and she didn't seem to care that the others could see.

  "This one can never be patient," Marco said, making Sofia laugh as she decided against allowing him to keep on his underwear, dragging the gray boxer shorts off her boyfriend along with his jeans.

  Caitlyn was trying to look at Marco in his eyes as his girlfriend removed the last vestiges of his clothing, though Leo could see her gaze running subtly down his trim, hairless body, her own Catholic background no doubt making this seem more than shocking though she'd seen him naked before. This was different. Being in front of other people was something she'd never experienced.

  Marco made a joke of being unable to tear off the jeans from his ankles, no doubt trying to keep things light.

  Leo poured himself another drink. He was doing nicely when it came to boosting his alcohol levels, above and beyond the evening meal's bottle of wine. He smiled at Marco's fooling around, and quietly ran his own eyes over Marco's body, thinking how strange it was that it was completely waxed, even between his legs.

  Strange how it made Leo feel more comfortable, seeing Marco naked now. the apprehension was gone, replaced by certainty. The confirmation that he didn't have a cock that was 10 inches long. Possibly even a little smaller than his, in fact, Leo thought, though it was difficult to say for certain.

  Leo admired Marco's confidence. The guy just lay back now between the two girls, completely nude, and the hand that had been edging its way up Caitlyn's inner thigh now leapt up to grab her right breast - quite a reach for him, the way she leaned away from him.

  She didn't stop him from fondling her breast, pulling down her stripey purple top a little to get a little more of her flesh in his fingers, maybe seek out her nipple. Leo's fiancée just gazed down at Sofia, who was reaching over to grab Marco's cock, coaxing it up to semi-hardness.

  Caitlyn sat up, and though Leo didn't see any signal pass between anyone, his fiancée seemed ready to take a bold step herself.

  She flashed a quick glance up at Marco's face as she leaned over his crotch, and issued another nervous giggle, then she took hold of Marco's cock herself, Sofia instantly obliging her by withdrawing her own hand.

  Leo felt strange, he felt his heart racing, his blood flowing so quickly around his body that he would have sworn he could hear the rush of its flow through his ears. And now his fiancée ducked down and took Marco's hardening cock inside her mouth.


  Leo tried to caress Caitlyn's thigh a little more, to be supportive, let her know he was still okay with this. And actually, he found that he was okay with it. At least, there was something seriously ho
t about seeing Caitlyn all bashful and blushing yet taking the brutish erection of another man between her lips.

  "Hey, you are a lucky guy," Marco said, leaning back.

  "Thanks, I guess," Leo gave a nervous laugh.

  Caitlyn seemed to be having a whale of a time, holding Marco's cock and now bobbing up and down on his shaft, having to hold back her loose ponytail to keep it from getting in the way.

  Sofia was stroking her man's upper thigh and brushing over his balls as the athletic Spaniard pushed up her little lilac top to reveal her pert breasts, tanned like the rest of her, her nipples hard and ready to be taken in his mouth.

  Now Leo was well and truly out in the cold. He continued stroking Caitlyn's thigh, even reaching up under her skirt, though he had to sit right on the edge of the couch just to get that far up her leg. He felt faintly ridiculous holding his now-empty Champagne glass. He felt like a theatre critic who didn't speak the language of the play he was supposed to be reviewing.

  Leo tried desperately to suppress all the paranoid thoughts now rearing in his head again - was she enjoying Marco's cock so much she wouldn't want his again? Was this going to make her think twice about committing the rest of her life to him?

  Instead, he tried to think about how hot it was seeing Caitlyn performing like this, seeing her oral skills from a different angle, and how perhaps after this, things might even heat up in the bedroom when it was just he and Caitlyn.

  And of course, there was the thought that possibly, now that Caitlyn had Marco's cock stuffed down her throat, he would get to once again sample some of the delights that Sofia had to offer.

  Marco leaned over again, and said: "Enjoying the show, Leo?"

  "Of course!"

  Actually, Leo was now wondering what he was supposed to do. What was the etiquette in this set-up? Marco seemed confident to just reach out and take whatever he wanted - and Caitlyn had taken that as a prompt to do just the same herself. What did he do? Did he just get up, walk over to Sofia and start making out with her?

  "Hey - pass me the Champagne, will you, Leo?" Marco asked.

  Leo held up the bottle, thinking there was no way the guy was going to be able to drink from a glass lying back like that, two girls fondling his cock.

  Marco grinned appreciatively, reaching out to grab the whole bottle, and take a big swig.

  Caitlyn was pumping his cock, but then he yelled out, and she suddenly leaned back - he'd swigged the bottle too quickly, and it fizzed up to spurt out all over his face and his chest.

  That actually made Leo laugh, and the girls too once they realized what he'd managed to do.

  Marco was yelling in Spanish, because the Champagne was cold all over his chest, and coughing and spluttering since some of it had gone the wrong way while he'd been drinking.

  The girls were giggling, Sofia especially. Leo wondered if Marco's inepitude with the Champagne was part of his act, though it all seemed genuine enough.

  The naked Spaniard took another swig - carefully now - of the Champagne, and then sat up to hand it directly to Leo, saying: "I think I had enough of that, no?"

  And then, smooth as smooth, he reached over to partly-suggest, partly assist Caitlyn in removing her top. She was willing enough, revealing a bright red lacy bra, as Marco turned to help Sofia out of her own top, the blonde wearing nothing underneath whatsoever.

  Caitlyn shuffled up away from Marco now, towards Leo, smiling at him, perhaps checking that he was okay after her extended blowjob with another man.

  "We should get that off, too," Marco said, stretching over to unfasten the brunette's bra, and she helped him remove it to expose her pale breasts and those cute tan lines, with her pink nipples so stiff and begging for attention.

  She sat back again, allowing the Spaniard's hand to reach around and hold one naked breast as she watched Sofia duck down to take her man's cock in her mouth, Marco's erection seeming that much bigger between the petite blonde's lips.

  Leo pulled his shirt up and over his head, figuring if he didn't do something soon, he might be too afraid to ever do anything at all.

  He felt consumed by that same blend of excitement and fear he'd felt the moment before diving into the cold water of the swimming pool at the villa. Now it was up to him. Jump in, suffer the ice cold water for a few agonizing moments before warming up, or stay out in the warm sunshine, and be socially excluded.

  Leo stood up, fingers going to his belt to signal his intentions, and suddenly Caitlyn sat up straight, almost bouncing to the edge of her seat, ecstatic that her man was getting in the game.

  He started to unfasten his belt, but Caitlyn pulled him to her, eagerly taking over the duties herself.

  "Here," her girlish grin and lusty eyes were as sexy as her bare breasts.

  After seeing her with someone else's cock in her mouth, the genuine excitement on her face as she peeled down his own pants was perhaps the most heart-warming and downright thrilling thing Leo could remember.

  It made him so hard, more so even than the obscene sight of Sofia bobbing up and down on Marco's cock beside her.

  His fiancée even licked her lips as she waited for him to pull his clothes completely off now.

  Caitlyn brushed a strand of her long bronze-colored hair around her ear, stole a quick glance at what was happening between Marco and Sofia, and then she was taking Leo's hardness inside her hot, wet mouth.

  He brushed his hand over her hair as she sucked the end of his cock, squeezed the base of his shaft with a hand, then withdrew him and pumped him a little as if to show him off in front of the other two.

  Now they watched Marco manhandling Sofia, pulling her off his cock, pushing her onto her back so he could explore her bare breasts with his mouth. Marco pulled away and lunged over Caitlyn's back to reach for the Champagne bottle from the corner, prompting Caitlyn to pull Leo's cock out of her mouth and flash the Spaniard an accusatory glance that suggested he was crazy.

  Leo merely smiled. However crazy Marco was, the guy had somehow persuaded a fairly conservative American couple to join the ranks of the free love parade, so you had to hand him some credit.

  Caitlyn seemed to enjoy bobbing up and down on Leo's hardness, and her fiancé had a hand on her head to help with her rhythm. She always had seemed to enjoy oral sex on him, though she'd avoided being on the receiving end.

  They'd never really talked much about it before - perhaps this vacation was the opportunity.

  Leo looked across to see Marco licking Champagne from Sofia's handfuls of breasts, reaching down to touch himself while he did, pumping his own erection until his blonde girlfriend took over, her hand seeming small as it clasped his shaft.

  Now the Spaniard leaned back, almost triumphantly since his cock was so hard in his girlfriend's hands, and handed Leo the Champagne bottle, saying: "Getting thirsty yet, amigo? You don't want to get dehydrated, right?"

  "Right," Leo grinned, taking the bottle from him while Sofia ducked down again to take her boyfriend in her mouth.

  The Champagne was warming up a little, though still felt welcome as a little Dutch courage. Suitably refreshed, Leo leaned over to replace the bottle on the corner table, and Caitlyn turned to check out what the other couple were up to, beaming at the sight of Sofia with Marco's cock buried in her mouth.

  Marco now looked over at Leo and gave a little nodding signal that indicated quite clearly that perhaps it was time to switch partners.

  Leo gave him a little nod in return, and his heart rate seemed to quicken again. He took a small step back as Marco leaned in behind Caitlyn, his hands now snaking around her stomach, up over her breasts.

  Here it was: moment of truth.


  Leo felt the temperature in the room jump a few more degrees, and it was as though his legs now carried him over to stand in front of Sofia, without his brain actively telling them to.

  Marco slid over to press against Caitlyn, who looked over with wide eyes at her fiancé approaching Sofia.

  Was she okay with this?

  There was that blush again, that oh-so-sexy blush as Marco began fondling Caitlyn's breasts, pressing her back against the corner of the couch, and she watched Sofia sitting up on the edge of her cushion, then take Leo's cock inside her mouth.

  Leo moaned as the petite blonde's lips wrapped around his hardness, tight, different from Caitlyn though familiar from their previous time together.

  Marco was kneeling up on the couch now, one hand briefly lodged between Caitlyn's thighs to touch her underwear, though then he was directing his cock to her mouth again, and Caitlyn brushing her hair out of her face before taking him back within her lips.

  "They're both good at this, right?" Marco said to Leo, and the girls giggled, perhaps at the decadence of their full assault on each other's menfolk.

  Marco now reached down to caress Caitlyn's pussy through her underwear and fishnets, and then as Leo watched, he was unzipping her skirt, and she was helping him slide it down her thighs, which he then leaned down to kiss, making Caitlyn smile.

  The Spaniard had to get up from the couch to help pull off her skirt and her fishnet stockings, making light of his achievement with some kind of remarks in Spanish that seemed to make Caitlyn laugh, even though she didn't speak the language.

  Maybe it was Marco's springy erection dancing around as he pulled off her clothes that amused her.

  It seemed to amuse Sofia, too, who wanted to watch as her boyfriend now parted Caitlyn's thighs and knelt down on the floor between them, making appreciative noises as he dived in to plant kisses either side of her crimson lace panties, Caitlyn herself looking down on him with that blend of surprise, terror and delight.

  And that sexy blush of hers, pink throughout her pale cheeks as the question appeared across her features: are you really going to do this?

  Sofia continued to suck Leo's cock as he watched the Spaniard nuzzle into his fiancée's panties. The blonde's hands tucked behind her back as she bobbed on his shaft, which seemed just a touch too large for her diminutive size.


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