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Shield's Submissive

Page 11

by Trina Lane

  He’s doing it! He’s fucking my ass! It feels so good.

  He was being careful, moving at a slow and steady pace, and suddenly, all she wanted was for him to move. She tried to push into him, willing to beg, plead, whatever, but he put a hand on her hip to hold her still, controlling every movement deliberately and even methodically.

  Mark slowly pulled back, watching himself glide out of her little, virgin hole. Nobody had seen her like this. No man had felt this fire around his cock. No man ever would. Her ass was his alone. The possessive thought caught him by surprise, but as he felt the weight of it settle in his soul, he knew it to be true. Erica was his. There was no going back. His woman, his sub, was beneath him, willingly surrendering to this most intimate act.

  The roaring in his ears dimmed, and he heard her cries, begging him to fuck her ass harder, deeper. He gradually gave her what she wanted, steadily increasing the power and speed of his thrusts. The burning cavity squeezed down on him, the sensation rocking through him, making him grimace in the effort to hold back. He knew his control was degenerating.

  Erica began to claw at his arms, her back and neck arched. Her breathing was rapid and heavy.

  He reached down and drove two fingers up her pussy and pushed his thumb onto her clit, and she shattered into orgasm. He continued to pound away at her clenching ass, but he still wanted more. He knew she would be sore tomorrow, but he just couldn’t stop. As she climaxed again, this time harder, he heard her scream reverberate in the room.

  His body arched into her and exploded. He saw red and blue and green lights behind his eyes as his seed ripped from his very depths. Tiredly, he collapsed onto her. They both panted as their sweaty bodies vibrated with aftershocks. As a quiet peace he’d never before experienced settled over him, he thought this had to be nirvana.

  Gingerly, he pulled out of her. He lowered her legs off his shoulders and pulled her limp body into his embrace. Smoothing the hair off her brow, he kissed her forehead tenderly. Those cornflower eyes opened to regard him, sleepy and sated. Tilting his head for a better fit, he settled his lips over hers. He could tell she’d been biting the lower lip since it was puffed up. He ran his tongue across it to soothe any sting, slowly opening her to reach inside and mingle their tastes together and communicate without words the emotions he wasn’t ready to voice just yet.

  Reluctantly, he pulled away.

  “Wait here. I’ll ready a bath for us.”

  He walked down the hall into the master bathroom then lit the candles that surrounded his garden tub. Turning the dials to achieve the right temperature, he dribbled fragrant oils into the tub. He left the faucet running and returned to the other room. He gathered her into his arms and carried her down the hallway. Her head lay on his shoulder, and she sighed contently as she curled into him. In the bathroom, he stepped into the tub with her and sank down into the steaming water.

  The water continued to fall from the opening at the other end like a waterfall. He loved this tub. Call him girly, but there was nothing like soaking in a hot bath at the end of long day, having jets pulse against tense muscles and relax away the stress. Propping Erica in front of him, he gently pulled her hair up over his shoulder and out of the water. His cheek rested on the top of her head, and his arms were wrapped around her firmly. His legs stretched out beside her down the length of the tub. He turned off the water with his toes and activated the jets, letting the bubbles surround their bodies like hundreds of little massaging fingers. Other than that soft noise, silence filled the candlelit and oil infused room.

  After about fifteen minutes, Mark tenderly washed her, placing little kisses on her neck and shoulders, smoothing his hands up and down her arms and legs. When she thought her legs could once again support her weight, he had her stand so he could clean her below. She was tender and sore between her legs and rear, but using the softest of cloths, he wiped using antibacterial soap then rinsed away the soap using a hand-held spigot.

  When they were both clean, he stood and exited the ginormous tub. He helped her over the side then wrapped her in a soft, heated bath sheet. Once again picking her up in his arms, he carried her into the master bedroom and laid her in the centre of the bed. After setting the alarm clock, he crawled in beside her and gathered her into his arms.

  As she collapsed into a deep sleep, she realised tonight’s actions had irrevocably changed her life. Now she had to determine just what that meant for the future. But that could wait. For the moment, she was warm, sated, and secure in the arms of her lover.

  Chapter Ten

  Erica sat at her desk, her mind a million miles away from the proposal awaiting her final approval. In fact, her mind currently flashed images and sensations from the previous night. Of how Mark had made her body sing with pleasure, how his domination over her made her feel free, in complete juxtaposition with what one would anticipate from such an experience. She’d placed her trust in him that he would never put her in harm’s way. She’d placed her faith in him that he would know exactly what her body needed and when. She didn’t have to tell him just a little more here or there, harder or softer, deeper or shallower. He’d been able to read her needs like no other. It had been the first time she’d had anal sex, and what one would normally perceive as something to be wary of, he made into an experience like no other, at once exciting, fulfilling, and mind-bending pleasurable.

  Her cell phone vibrated against her desktop and she looked down to see a text message from him.

  Look in your bottom, left desk drawer…

  Opening the drawer, she saw a small gift bag next to her purse. Another buzz against her desk turned her attention.

  Take out the bag and look inside, but do not remove the item…

  Following the instructions, she saw a black velvet bag. The impressions in the fabric resembled that of two globes.

  Slide into your desk, pull your panties away and slide the balls up inside you. Make sure they’re seated securely. You will leave them in the rest of the day. Work your vaginal muscles to stimulate yourself.

  She knew that ordering her to insert the balls here at her desk, where anyone could walk in, was a test—a test to see if she would follow his directions without question. Looking deeper into the bag, she noticed a single-use packet of lubricant. The package said it would warm to the touch and provide a tingling sensation.

  Taking a deep breath, she removed and lubricated the glass Ben Wa balls then slipped first one then the other deep inside her. Closing her eyes was risky but not to be helped as she felt the first pressure of the balls and stimulations from the specialised lubricant. When the second ball was inserted and the muscles of her vagina had clasped tightly around it, she resituated her panties and skirt.

  Opening her eyes, she saw Mark engaged in conversation just a few feet from her office door with a project manager. He’d angled his body so he could see into her office suite but the co-worker could not, thereby protecting her as she did as instructed. He excused himself from the conversation and stood inside her office door. When their gazes met, she saw fire flash in his crystal-green depths.

  She stood as Mark closed and locked the office door. Walking around the front of her desk, she was very aware of the balls inside her and the necessity of using her muscles to maintain their position. Her channel became increasingly wet from the combined stimulations. She felt a pull deep in her womb, and her nipples ached, begging for a touch. Reaching the front of her desk, she leaned back and supported herself, taking deep breaths and closing her eyes to the sensations ripping through her body.

  Heat emanated off Mark’s body as he stalked across the room to stand in front of her. She felt him bracket his arms on either side of her hips on the desk. He leaned down just a hair’s breath from her lips but not touching. His breath mingled with her soft pants.

  “You can feel them deep inside you, can’t you?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “You can feel the stretch of the glass and the ripple of your muscles as
you clutch them. You can feel the tingle and heat of the gel. You want to let go, and at the same time, will give anything for them to stay.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “I can see your nipples are hard. The velvety tips beg for a touch, a pinch, the pull of my teeth or the rasp of my tongue.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “You will keep the balls in place until I say. You will go about your day, and no one will be any wiser to the slow ache building in your body. You will not touch yourself. You will not touch me. No accidental brushes, no lingering fingers when we hand something off. Only when we get home will we give in to our desires. I’m so hard right now thinking about how those balls must feel all snug inside your hot, wet pussy, the softest tissue clasping around them, small ripples of muscles massaging up and down their width.”

  “Oh God… Please, Sir.”

  “Please what?”

  “Touch me, hold me, fuck me.”

  “Later, my dear. For now, we work.”

  With that, he stepped away from the desk, walked across the room, opened the door and walked down the hall without a single touch. Erica groaned in pleasure and frustration.

  It was the longest damn day of her life with the slow ache as the balls shifted inside her. She had to constantly work her muscles to keep the balls in place. She never imagined it to be possible, but she was actually sore at the end of the day. It was a different ache from being well fucked. This was the kind of ache one had after a good workout, muscles hot and burning. She leaned against the headrest in the passenger seat of Mark’s car as they drove back to his house for the evening. He still hadn’t touched her, not even to help her into the car as he customarily did.

  He sedately meandered up the front walk to the door of his house. She followed more slowly, just about at the limits of her endurance. Her muscles wanted to let go of the balls despite her mental instructions to hold on just a little longer. She prayed that once they were inside he would allow her to remove them. Unlocking the door, he entered the house and placed his keys and cell phone on the table by the door.

  Erica stood just inside, unsure what to do and reluctant to say anything, partially out of nervousness to his reaction and partially out of sheer mental and physical exhaustion.

  Mark turned around and held out his hand but didn’t say a word. Just that simple touch was enough to soothe her nerves and soul. It was amazing what just a touch could do for one psyche.

  He led them upstairs into the large master bath. After lighting candles around the edge of the tub, he turned on the hot water. As the tub began to fill, steam rose and the scent of eucalyptus filled the air. He slowly removed each piece of her clothing, placing soft kisses on her shoulders and hips. After all of the fabric was removed from her body, he stepped back.

  “Undress me.”

  She started at the cuffs of his dress shirt. After undoing the links, she placed them on the vanity and dropped little kisses on each wrist. Reaching up, she slowly undid his tie and the buttons of his shirt. Before removing the shirt, she reached down and unclasped his belt and opened his slacks. The emerald-green dress shirt was removed, and she knelt before him to remove his shoes and socks. The slacks fell to his ankles, and he stepped out. Next his boxer-briefs were pulled down, and to her shock, his cock and balls were encased in leather straps held together by snaps. The straps encircled the base of his cock. The enclosure lifted and separated his balls. It looked angrily red, and the dark veins pulsed. The sight of his hard cock restrained caused her breath to quicken, her nipples stabbed out against his thigh and the tired muscles of her vagina convulsed.

  She looked up into his eyes.

  “I knew you were being stimulated by those balls all day, and my cock was so damn hard. No matter what I tried to do to distract myself, it just got harder and throbbed, desperate to feel you around it. By harnessing myself, I was able to prolong the burn and ache just as you were. Now, we can soothe each other.”

  He reached down and pulled her to her feet. He lifted her up onto the counter and stepped between her legs then kissed her as he’d ached to do all day long. His tongue fed its way into her sweet little mouth. Licking and thrusting. Finally pulling away, he sucked against her neck as her arms enclosed him.

  Kneeling in front of her, his tongue circled her clit and opening. Her musical cries echoed throughout the bathroom. Lapping his way back up to her clit, he encircled the little bundle with his lips and suckled with soft pulling motions designed to milk a response out of her.

  Erica’s hands threaded through his hair as she held him against her arching hips. It only took a few short minutes, but as she cried out her release, he felt the sound waves echo through his body still strung so tightly in pleasure. After she calmed down enough to catch her breath, he lifted her off the vanity. Making certain she was sure of foot, he stretched over and turned off the spigot. Standing behind her, he lifted one of her legs so that her foot was propped on the edge of the bathtub. A low moan escaped her, and her head fell against his shoulder. One arm latched around her waist to secure her against his body, he whispered into her ear.

  “Okay, baby, I want you to very slowly and gently push the balls out. Then you’re going to get into the tub, and I’ll soothe all those tired muscles inside and out.”

  He gently circled one finger around the opening to her channel. As she pushed out the lower ball, he caught it in the palm of his hand. She sighed in relief when he coaxed the second out a few seconds later. Then he lifted her into his chest and lowered her into the warm water.

  After sponging off her upper and lower torso, he slipped between her legs and slowly pushed two fingers inside her. Moving in slow circles, he cleaned out any residual wetness and lubrication. After he was done, he lifted her out of the tub, gently dried her off with a warmed towel and carried her to the bed.

  Opening the bedside drawer, he found the lotion he was looking for. Uncapping the top, he squirted some onto his fingers and spread open her legs. Slowly, he smoothed the lotion up into her channel, circling his fingers to make sure all sides were coated. Leaning down, he placed a soft kiss against her clit.

  “This is an herbal lotion designed to ease your tissues after sex. It’s all natural and has a slight cooling sensation you’ll feel for the next thirty minutes or so.”

  Looking down at his still-restrained cock, she reached out and petted it with one hand. He hissed at the sensation.

  “What about you?” she asked.

  “You’re going to suck my cock, and I’m going to shoot everything I have down that luscious little throat of yours. Believe me, it won’t take very long.”

  Erica scrambled up onto her knees and placed her hands on his shoulders for balance. Leaning in, she planted a soft kiss against his lips, lingering but not pushing her way inside.

  “Thank you for taking such good care of me.”

  “I will always see to your needs. I may be tough and demanding of your obedience, but I will never jeopardise your health or safety. I have no desire to browbeat you into submission. A true submissive does his or her Master’s bidding out of the desire to please. They understand that with the discipline and rules comes pleasure for both parties. I knew my demands were hard for you today, this being new for you. Therefore, your reward for following my directives was an orgasm, a relaxing bath and aftercare.”

  She knelt on the floor in front of Mark and ran her hands up his hard thighs. Licking her lips, she leaned forward and let the head of his engorged cock slip between her lips. He groaned at the sensation and his hands threaded through her hair as she slowly sucked down his length. She didn’t plan to tease him this night since he’d been as aroused as her for most of the day.

  She took a deep breath and slowly went as far down as possible. Opening her throat, she let the head slide deep, and Mark let out a cry. His fingers tightened in her hair. She pulled back and continued her up and down motions, curling her lips over her teeth to provide additional pressure. On each upward stro
ke, her tongue flicked the slit at the top to catch the little drops of fluid seeping out.

  An idea struck her about how to enhance Mark’s pleasure, but she wasn’t sure how he would react. Deciding to go for broke, she moved one of her hands down and slipped a finger inside her once again wet sheath. Making sure she had sufficient moisture, she approached the circle of the small puckered opening at his rear. He gasped, but he widened his stance so she could have better access. Once again, she went down to gather more fluid to lubricate her finger and, reaching back up, gently pushed against the opening, willing the muscle to relax and open. When it did, her finger entered the tightest, softest heat imaginable. It felt similar yet different from when she fingered herself.

  The knowledge that a part of her was inside Mark’s body was heady. After a few moments, she felt his muscles relax further, and she started stroking up into his body.

  “Fuck!” His hands clamped on her hair, driving his cock several inches into her sucking mouth before she could stop him. “You wanna fuck me, then you’re going to get your face fucked in return,” he snarled.


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