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A Love Like No Other

Page 3

by Maggie Casper

  A multi-talented, multi-tasker she was. Raith couldn’t help but wonder if she could do the same in any aspect of life, especially where sex was concerned. He could easily picture her tied with her legs spread and face down over a sawhorse while sucking his cock and being penetrated from behind by a fucking machine.

  The thought of sharing her with someone else, in that exact same position was a huge turn on, causing his cock to swell and throb to life, but he knew it would not happen. Ever. There was something about Alexandra that warned to share her with another would dampen her spirit and go against her morals. It wasn’t a chance he was willing to take. Besides, there was just something about her that made his mind scream mine.

  It was a new sensation for Raith. He’d never been the jealous or even possessive type, usually preferring a more open relationship. However, when it came to Alexandra he knew beyond a doubt he would beat the hell out of anyone who tried to touch her once she belonged to him.

  Belonged to him?

  Where in the hell had that come from? Raith shook his head as if to clear his mind. He stalked out of her office and into the reception area where Alexandra’s assistant was busy filing papers. He was only thinking about taking Alexandra to his bed, wasn’t he? He’d envisioned tying her up and marking her flesh with whatever implements she was keen on trying, but he’d not even considered starting an actual relationship. Especially a monogamous one, so where in the world had that thought come from?

  Raith knew from experience that fighting himself would prove to be of no use. He was wildly attracted to Alexandra in a way that had little to do with her looks. If he actually stopped long enough to think about it, she was not his normal type at all. She wasn’t sophisticated. Her curly hair didn’t behave and remain back in a sleek chignon to match her expensive business clothes.

  She didn’t kill herself trying to please his every whim, and although he knew she measured what she said, he was also aware she wouldn’t mince words in order to fluff his ego for monetary gain.

  He could only explain her as earthy and real. Raith was sure her curves would be soft and not silicone hard. She wouldn’t balk at having his fingers twined in the lustrous strands of her hair, afraid to have it messed up. And best of all, she seemed passionate and full of fire. Her passion would be different though. It was not released in bursts of pent-up energy. Her movements were agile and to the point. Every time she moved it was with an awareness of every muscle in her body. He liked that in a woman. In that one way she did have a similarity with some of the other women who had been in his life.

  Raith couldn’t help but wonder if Alexandra was aware of her submissive personality. Did she have any clue at all what that meant to a man such as him? From the looks on her face as she’d fondled his toys he would have to say yes, but in reality he had no clue.

  As soon as she hung up the phone and gave word that he was dealing with someone else for the sale of the church he planned to find out.

  Alexandra wasn’t sure whether to sigh with relief or to be extremely cautious. Starting the ball rolling on the sale of the church had been much easier than she ever could have imagined, although in the current economy she really shouldn’t have been surprised.

  As with most other places, the county was low on funds. Selling property could be of major help. The area was zoned for business so the voices on the other end of the phone hadn’t even balked when she’d explained Raith wanted to turn the old Catholic church into a club. Granted, Alexandra hadn’t gone into detail on just what type of club. She figured leaving that for him to explain would be for the best.

  “I thought you were going to have that thing stuck to your ear permanently.”

  His voice jarred her out of her thoughts. She laughed. “Some days it seems that way.”

  “So what’s the verdict?”

  Alexandra motioned him to the chair opposite her own then opened the folder where she had placed her notes. Opening Word, she began typing the notes so they were better legible as well as being in some semblance of order.

  “This is your contact. He will be in charge of the sale. I verified the property is zoned for business.” She looked up at him then and could feel a blush stealing over her face. “I only mentioned a club. I decided it would be best to leave the explanation of what sort of club up to you.”

  His gaze was intent on her face, making her feel a bit uncomfortable. From the gleam in his eyes he was well aware of his affect on her. Alexandra didn’t know whether to be irritated or amused. Amusement won out and she smiled. Raith sat back in his chair.

  “When you do that your whole face lights up. Your mouth begs for me to kiss you.”

  He was very forward without being harassing. She didn’t quite know how to answer or if one was even warranted.

  “You know I’m going to kiss you, right?”

  “We’ve already gone over this, Raith. I don’t date my clients.” God how she was starting to hate that rule.

  “Fine we won’t date then, but we will have fun.”

  “Same thing. You know exactly what I mean so quit being obtuse.” He was a very persistent man.

  Instead of countering her words he pulled a cell phone from the pocket of his trousers, pressed a few buttons and held it up to his ear. He glanced briefly again at the paper where she’d typed all the info he would need.

  “Yes, may I speak with Mr. Carter?”

  She waited while he spoke to the person on the other end of the line. She caught glimpses of the one-sided conversation and nearly fell off her chair when he announced he would be paying the full asking price of the property in one lump sum. He was only on the phone for a few more minutes before disconnecting the call with a click.

  When he unfolded himself from the chair and moved around the desk behind her, Alexandra’s palms began to sweat. He stood directly behind her seated form, silently commanding her to look up at him. When she finally caved in and did so he wrapped the palm of his very large hand beneath her jaw, covering part of her throat and holding her in place for a kiss. His hold was neither tight nor cruel but did something to her that made it virtually impossible to do more than breathe.

  He didn’t jam his tongue down her throat. Instead his touch was soothing, coaxing. There was no doubt he was taking exactly what he wanted how he wanted it, but it was not done in such a way that she felt violated. His teeth were sharp as he nibbled the tender flesh of her bottom lip. She gasped at the sensation, allowing him deeper, fuller access to her.

  “Give me your tongue,” he demanded, breaking the kiss.

  Alexandra heard his words but did not comprehend what he wanted. Her tongue?

  “Stick your tongue out, Xandra. Give me what I want, baby.”

  Good God. His voice was so deep, so commanding. It could very well be her undoing. If he used that tone he could talk her out of her life savings without even trying. She did as he asked then whimpered in her throat when he sucked her tongue into his mouth.

  It was a strange sensation and made her feel out of control. It was arousing in a scary way. Alexandra moved to break the contact but was stopped by the gentle pressure of Raith’s hand at her throat. He continued the assault on her tongue for a second longer before releasing his hold. Even then he did not drop his hand from her jaw.

  “I’m no longer your client.”

  His words bounded through her head and Alexandra knew in that instant she would not tell this man no. More than likely, before the day was over she would know firsthand what it was like to have her body, and possibly even her mind, controlled by another.

  “What are you thinking about? I can feel your pulse beneath my fingers.”

  Raith milked his fingers up and down the side of her neck. She shivered at his touch. “I can’t think when you touch me like this.”


  It seemed as if Raith liked knowing he kept her off kilter. That much was obvious to her. Why though she had no idea. Alexandra wanted to be able to just let go and give
herself up even if just for one night, but she needed to be in charge, initiating the experience. Her hands shook at the thought but it was now or never. If he was paying for the club outright there was a chance he would be leaving town as soon as money exchanged hands and leaving the refurbish project for someone else to oversee.

  “Will you show me?”

  His eyes widened fractionally as if surprised. “Show you what?”

  Was he going to make her beg? Could she if it was what he required? Alexandra wasn’t so sure. “I want you to show me what I’ve been missing my whole life.” She arched her neck then, the movement bringing their lips together briefly. “I want to try out your cuffs and see if they are as much fun as I think they are.”

  The warmth of his breath puffed across her face. “And if they aren’t?”

  She had actually considered the possibility. “Then I can at least say I tried. That isn’t really my worry though.”

  “And what would have a woman such as you worried?”

  She wasn’t sure what he meant by a woman such as herself but chose to ignore the words for now. She was going to admit a fear, something she didn’t normally do but for some reason felt compelled to share it with him. “What if I do like it?” Feelings of vulnerability made her voice drop until it was so low she barely heard herself over the humming of her nerves.

  “Ahhh,” he said as if he understood, which he probably did. “Then life as you know it will change.”

  Raith pulled her chair away from the desk and then helped her to her feet. Her legs were shaking, her palms sweaty. Alexandra looked at him, allowing him to see her clearly. “That’s what I’m afraid of.”

  He pulled her close. “No fear, baby. We won’t do anything you don’t want to do. You’ll always be safe with me.”

  Technically he was a virtual stranger, and yet Alexandra found herself believing every word he said. He felt comfortable. Her last thought as they left her office was that she was in way too deep. He wouldn’t ask her to do anything she didn’t want to do was what he’d said. What if he became aware of the fact she wanted to do it all?

  Chapter Four

  Raith felt Alexandra’s nervous energy. It was hard not to. It radiated off her in waves. He said nothing to soothe her. For some reason her anxiousness was a turn on to him. He actually enjoyed the way she fidgeted as she drove, and so he did nothing to fill the silence.

  Deciding to up the ante, he reached across the back of her seat to play with her hair. He kept his touch light. Soft strokes down the back of her neck caused Alexandra to tense at first but then she gradually relaxed. When he wound his hand beneath the curly length to play with the soft flesh at the base of her neck she shivered slightly.

  “I don’t know what to expect.” She blurted the worry out of the blue, never once taking her gaze off the road.

  “Is that a bad thing?” Raith wanted to get into her head a little, to understand exactly what it was that worried her and why. He twined her hair around his finger and tugged just a little.

  “I like knowing what’s going to happen.”

  A smile crossed his lips. He couldn’t help it. “Isn’t part of the draw for you found in the loss of control?”

  She tilted her head to the side slightly as if thinking, but did not answer. He added more pressure to the fine strands of hair still wrapped around his finger. “Well?”

  Alexandra winced then turned to look at him, her gaze accusing. “Yes. I guess it is.”

  “Then why worry over what is going to happen instead of just letting go and enjoying the ride?”

  Slowly, she pulled the car into an empty spot in front of the building he would be calling home for a couple of weeks and then turned to face him. “What if I do something wrong?”

  She is such a treat. Raith pulled her upper body over the center console and initiated a kiss. This one was different than the last one. He didn’t linger slowly or coerce her nicely into opening for him. Instead he explored the moist depth of her mouth without permission. His tongue plunged and plundered, his lips pressing hard against her own.

  Grabbing a handful of her hair, he tilted her head back then moved down to the long line of her graceful neck where he bit her, refusing to release the tender flesh until she whimpered and begged.

  He let loose her flesh from between his teeth as well as the hold he had on her hair. “At this point in the game it is all about mutual pleasure, so just be yourself, enjoy the experience.” He leaned back into his seat. “You’ll know if you do something wrong because I’ll tell you, and I expect the same in return.” He grasped the handle and opened his door. Turning back toward her, he added, “Understood?”

  She nodded.

  “Good, now stay put while I get your door.”

  Raith took his time moving around the car. He could tell that even though she moved with a slow grace, when it came to matters such as these she was impatient. He planned to use her impatience to extend the excitement.

  He heard the click of her door before he rounded the back of the car. She poked her head out the opening. “Everything okay?”

  “Everything’s fine, Xandra.” He pulled her door open fully. “Didn’t I tell you to stay put?”

  She eyed him from her still-seated position then smiled brightly. “I didn’t get out of the car.”

  “You’re one of those then,” he mused aloud. His statement was not meant as a question but was evidently taken as one by the gorgeous woman now standing at his side. “The type to argue semantics. I bet you’re the type who searches out loopholes and uses them to your advantage. Am I right?”

  She eyed him quizzically and then preceded him through the door when he opened it. “I’ve never really thought about it, but yes I guess so. Don’t most people though?”

  Raith closed and locked the door. He motioned her toward the kitchen. “I’m not concerned about most people, baby. Only you. The better I understand you, the better our experience will be.”

  “And arguing semantics is a bad thing?” Her tone and posture warned him she was feeling defensive.

  “Not at all. Just something good to know for the future.”

  She opened her mouth as if to speak, but he cut her off. “Would you like something to drink?”

  “No, thanks. I’m fine right now,” she answered then chose a seat at the table.

  Knowing he was going to catch her off-guard he asked conversationally, “Do you like sex, Alexandra?”

  She stuttered a minute while her cheeks turned pink. He saw the minute she decided not to let the shock over his blunt question rile her. “I do.”

  “Good. Do you like pain?”

  This time her unease wasn’t as easily camouflaged. “No, I don’t think so.”

  Something told Raith they were not in the same book much less on the same page. “So the thought of being spanked doesn’t arouse you at all?” he clarified.

  “Oh, yes. I thought you meant like stubbing my toe or something.”

  His laughter this time was from deep within. She was such a babe in the woods. “No, I’m speaking only of what you might think of as sensual pain. The type that is accompanied by lots and lots of pleasure.”

  She twined her hands together on the table. “The idea of stuff like being spanked has always been a turn on for me. Of course, I have no experience so have no clue what the reality of it might be.”

  Raith walked around the table until he stood directly behind her once again. When he placed his hands on her shoulders she jumped. He said nothing, did nothing. As he expected, she tilted her head back far enough so she could look up at him.

  “What does something like spanking do for you?” she asked a bit shyly.

  He liked her curiosity. Leaning low, he spoke softly into her ear. “It arouses me on pretty much every level. I hear the sounds you make, see the change of the color of your flesh as it reddens with the print of my hand. Feeling it get warmer each and every time only adds to the experience, and if we’re fucking or I�
��ve had the chance to taste you…well, that only makes it better.”

  By the time he finished she was nearly panting. Raith could see the rise and fall of her chest, feel the beat of her pulse against his fingers as he moved his hand from her shoulder to rest at the curve of her neck.

  “Most of all though, it is the control that turns me on.” Raith swiped his tongue along the pink shell of her ear. “Want to make a deal with me, Xandra?”

  She turned her head slightly, arching her neck, silently asking for more. “What kind of deal?”

  It was now or never. His next words had the ability to either pull her in deeper or send her off scared and running.

  “Be mine to do with as I please until nine tomorrow morning.”

  “What if I don’t like what you’re doing?”

  That was an easy one to answer for him. “We’ll stop.”

  Her voice had a far away sound when she next spoke. Raith wasn’t sure it was due to his mouth on her neck or the topic. “Will we have sex?”

  Another easy one to answer, but instead of shouting in affirmative, he kept it simple. “If you’re comfortable with sex, then yes. I find you very attractive.”

  His words seemed to pull her back to the present. She turned in her seat and faced him full on. “I think you’re very good looking too.” She looked away for a second and then focused back on him as if steeling herself. “Do you practice safe sex?”

  What a good girl. He wanted to praise her. “I haven’t had sex without a condom since I was a stupid teenager. How about you?”

  She actually giggled. The sound sort of tinkled in his ear. It was very different than the husky laugh he was used to hearing from her. “I haven’t had sex in a while, but yes, when I do have sex it is always with protection. I’m on the pill as well.”

  Seemed to Raith as if things were good to go. He’d come prepared, bringing along with him a box of condoms in hopes the two of them would hook up for some good adult fun.

  “Do we have a deal then?” He was growing impatient. Raith had dreamed of seeing her naked since the second he laid eyes on her.


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