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The Phantom Castle (The Way of the Shaman: Book #4) LitRPG series

Page 39

by Vasily Mahanenko

  Eric’s case could not be more different—he had abandoned fighting entirely and was preoccupied with the arts…

  “How’s your Crafting going?” I asked Eric upon encountering him in the Smithy. When the Emperor invited him and, as it turned out, his spouse (to whom Eric gave his second ticket) to his palace, the Warrior paid to have one of professions removed and refocused entirely on developing his Crafting abilities.

  “It’s not,” Eric growled, avoiding my eyes. “Nothing works out, damn it! I understand exactly what I need to do, but as soon as I get down to work, it’s like my hands seize up! One inopportune blow and my entire project is destroyed! I’ve already ruined so many ingots that I’ve decided to stop and pause. Maybe I need to increase my Smithing some more…I don’t even know…”

  “I got you,” I nodded. “Here! Maybe this’ll help you straighten out your hands!”

  A glow surrounded us as I pulled the Gladir from my bag and handed it to Eric. You should have seen the dwarf’s face just then—there was so much emotion on it, from disbelief to puppy-eyed rapture, all flashing one after another faster than a bolt of lightning. I’d never seen anything like it, whether in-game or in real life.

  “But this…this is…” Eric mumbled, examining the Gladir and cradling it in his arms like a small child. “Mahan…this…this is the..!”

  I never imagined that my Officer could be so articulate. Eric began to thrash my hand with such gratitude that I was even worried he might do some damage. What if the Imitators charged with monitoring us prisoners decided that he had done that damage to me on purpose?

  “Eric, cut it out!” I tried to yank my hand out of his clutch, but the dwarf had latched onto it with a steel grip. “You’re acting like a child who’s just received a candy from Santa Claus! Enough already!” I managed to extricate my hand with some difficulty. “You have two days to unlock Crafting! Do you hear me? Two days! If you don’t manage it by then, I’ll take the hammer back and say that it wasn’t meant to be! If you make it, though, I’ll give you something else!”

  “Mahan! Why, now, I’ll…Why, this very day, I’ll…Why, this very instant, I’ll..!” the Officer continued to please me with his metaphorical turns of phrase.

  Two days later, Eric brought in a Unique Bracer for players under Level 200 and triumphantly announced that he had succeeded. The dwarf’s face was filled with such joy that I couldn’t contain myself and rummaging for my belt and gloves offered them to Eric. For a player who intends on doing nothing but Crafting, +11 to that stat is a very wise investment from the clan’s perspective. Just in case, I sent Eric an agreement to sign about the return of the equipment if something were to happen…We were prisoners after all—there was a chance that he’d be sent back to the mine…So as a form of insurance, no more…

  “Hi, Dan! I’m back!” The happy moment had come at last. Stacey had completed her training. “Where are you? I have so much to tell you! You won’t believe it—I’m now a Paladin Captain and can cast strengthening of 10%!”

  “Meet me in Anhurs. We’re waiting for Plinto and then heading to Altameda.”


  “He’s doing training like you were. Come on over. I’ll be in the Golden Horseshoe. We can celebrate your return…”

  “I can see that you guys didn’t waste much time,” the girl remarked, noticing the overall clan level. Barsa convinced me to meet with a TV channel that wanted to do a story about my adventures in the Dark Forest, but to do so I had to make some changes to the official clan site first. As a result, now, the properties for every member of the Legends of Barliona included not only the clan level and its name, but also the official rating and statistics—updated live online. This feature cost us ten thousand gold per month, so I had no reason to deny the girl’s request. Everyone could now see that the Legends of Barliona were a Level 4 clan in 659th place in the Malabar clan ratings. And all of it in just a few weeks…

  “We do what we can…Stacey, I need your help.”

  “Tell me about it.”

  It didn’t take me long to relate to her what Geyra had told me about reaching Altameda through the Dungeon and therefore several minutes later, a silence descended on our little table. Stacey was mulling over what I had told her—as was I, from a different angle. Why hadn’t I thought about this earlier? The Emperor and the Dark Lord had warned me that only its owner or his spouse could enter Altameda. But they hadn’t said a word about…Okay, I’d need to check this to make sure! I cracked open the tome that the Narlak Council had given me—the one that outlined the rules and obligations of Barliona’s aristocracy. That’s it! There was a loophole!

  “On my own, it’ll be difficult.”

  “No one’s forcing you to go on your own,” I smirked, still going over the situation in my head. I wonder whether the developers were again influencing me to make this decision, or was this really another ‘breakthrough?’ Slipping me a book about the nobility, the Siren’s mysterious reminder that I’m an Earl, the incessant warnings that only its owners could enter the castle…There were too many prompts that seemed like they were pushing me in some desired direction. “We’ll take Plinto with us!”

  “You said yourself that only the castle’s owners could enter it. Other players are prohibited…”

  “Read this,” I offered the book to the girl, indicating the passage for her to read.

  “When does he get back?” Stacey took one glance at the paragraph’s title and perked up.

  “By my calculations, his training should end in a couple hours. I’m sure he’ll spend the next day out in reality—he hasn’t been there in a week after all. After that he’ll pop into Barliona—where we’ll meet and greet him…”

  “I’ll get everything ready.” Having taken a photo of the page, Stacey reclined in her chair. “It’s looking like they yanked us out on purpose in order adapt the scenario for three players…Dan, are you busy at the moment? I have an offer you can’t refuse…”

  * * *

  “A bunch of deviants is what y’all are,” summarized Plinto when I outlined the current situation with Altameda and the plan of action we had decided on. “If you think that I’ll submit to such a harebrained venture…Then, you’re absolutely correct! When do we move out?”

  “We have an audience with the Emperor scheduled this evening. He’s the only one who can conduct the ceremony.”

  “In other words, you had zero doubts that I would agree to your plan, correct?”

  “You don’t like it?”

  “No, but…”

  “In that case, enough with the fear-mongering, dispel your black aura and get ready to hit the road. Stacey believes that the scenario has already been updated with the three of us in mind, so we’ll have to show what we’re capable of. How much time do you need?”

  A consequence of both Anastaria’s and Plinto’s trainings were auras that now constantly surrounded the two of them. When it came to the bright and positive girl, the sparkling glow surrounding her did not strike one’s eye instantly—however, the terrifying, morbid and dark aura enveloping the Rogue was all but palpable. Other players cast Plinto sidelong glances and kept their distance, since with his red eyes in its midst, the black fog around the Vampire really did look nightmarish. And if I hadn’t known that this person was in actual fact as harmless as a fluffy bunny—I’d be scared too.

  “An hour or two,” Plinto replied after some thought, and then added pensively: “And five thousand gold…”

  “Excuse me?”

  “You’ll have to pay the fine for me…I’m planning on getting into some trouble real fast.”

  “Maybe you’ll put off making a ruckus until we get back? Why do you need to cause trouble anyway?”

  “What do you mean ‘why?’ On my way here, I ran into Hellfire and his raiders. I want to try out the new abilities I’ve acquired over the last week-and-a-half. Dummies and dumb monsters is one thing. Hellfire and the opportunity to knock him back a third of
a level, is something else entirely…”

  Hellfire was in the capital with his raiders? Weren’t they supposed to be storming the Dungeon in search of a remedy for Geranika’s dagger? I checked the quest description for the creation of the Blessed item—the Emperor only had four weeks to live—so why wasn’t Phoenix working hard to save him? There hadn’t been any announcement that the Emperor had been saved…I couldn’t understand a thing.

  “All right,” I said, “start getting ready then. Let me know when I have to pay the fine. Just make sure that you don’t get sent to respawn yourself.”

  “Don’t hold your breath!” smirked Plinto and added: “If that birdie wins, I’ll run through Anhurs with nothing on but a loincloth yelling ‘Hellfire is number one!’ I swear on all my strength!”

  A dark, flashing cloud congealed around the Vampire and immediately dissolved in the surrounding space—the Emperor had accepted his vow. But why was it dark and not light, like for all the other players? Had Plinto really stepped over to the dark side? The one comforting thing was that despite his aura, the guards paid no attention to the Rogue. It was like his red eyes and dark aura did not exist for them.

  “The Emperor is ready to grant you audience,” the palace majordomo announced officiously. “Please, follow me…”

  Once again, Stacey had come to our aid with her one-time pass to see the Emperor. I don’t really think it’s normal that ordinary players have effectively no access to him. I don’t quite get what the designers were thinking when they made such a design decision.

  “Anastaria and guests!” The majordomo opened the door to the study, made his introduction and vanished in the plush luxury around us. One second he was there, the next he was gone.

  “Anastaria the Great,” the Emperor greeted the girl with a nod without getting up from his chair, after which he turned his attention to us: “Dragon, Vampire. And what is so compelling to this singular fellowship that the Paladin Captain herself has expended her one-time right to seek an audience with me whenever she wishes?”

  “Circumstances related to the castle,” the girl replied, performing a curtsey. “We have formed a plan to capture Altameda. However, we require your Imperial Majesty’s assistance.”

  “Hmm…sounds enticing. If you manage to surprise me, I will restore your visitation right. Speak.”

  “Go ahead, Mahan,” Stacey prompted me and stepped tactfully aside. She was right—I was the primary owner, so I would have to do the talking.

  “Only its rightful owners may enter Altameda. Anastaria has become my spouse; however, on our own, we can accomplish little in Altameda. When I cast the Armageddon spell outside of Altameda, I increased the levels of the phantoms dwelling there to Level 380—now even the Paladin Captain will be powerless against them. That is, powerless on her own. And yet if the Vampire Adept comes with us…”

  “Plinto does not have the right to enter Altameda,” the Emperor instantly cut me off. “The trick with the Ying-Yang was a pretty one, but our Empire forbids having more than one husband. Even if I were to permit Anastaria to marry Plinto, without divorcing you, Plinto would still not become your blood relation. Likewise, he cannot become your adopted son—he has a father and I doubt the Patriarch would reject him for the sake of this ruse. Plinto won’t be going to Altameda—my condolences.”

  “Yes, this is all correct if we don’t take into account one point of Malabar aristocratic law—in particular, paragraph 2 of Article 583.”

  “Inheritance,” the Emperor replied, indicating instantly that he knew what I was referring to. “But Plinto cannot inherit that which you do not fully own…”

  “And then we take Article 334 and paragraph 4…”

  “Familial ownership through an exchange of blood that establishes fraternity…And are you sure that you will survive the blood exchange?”

  “We have no other choice. An ordinary deed of inheritance won’t allow Plinto to enter Altameda. But if you conduct the ritual—and not just for Plinto and me, but for him and Anastaria as well…”

  “Did you think of this or did the Vampire put you up to it?” Naahti joked, but then smiled and added: “I’ll need an hour to get everything ready. I’ll be waiting for you in the laboratory. Anastaria, I renew your onetime visitation right. The majordomo will conduct you to the garden…”

  * * *

  “Alex, are you sure it’s not time that we go home?” After about twenty minutes of wandering around the palace garden, I overheard a pleasant female voice. Stacey stayed with Plinto in order to discuss his victory over Hellfire—Plinto challenged him to a duel and the Warrior could not say no—there were simply too many witnesses present. Leaving them, I went for a walk on my own and now, understanding that it wasn’t polite to eavesdrop, I nevertheless activated one of my scrolls of Hiding and crept up closer to the speaking players. I was curious who these people were…especially since one of them had such a pleasant voice!

  “Everything’s fine, Alisa! The Emperor promised to see us today, so rest assured he will. We’ve only been waiting six hours!”

  “Alex, honestly—I don’t know…My mailbox is bursting from all the mail…Where do all these freaks come from? Dang…Why did I agree to participate in this stupid contest anyway?”

  The Hiding spell lasted five minutes, so I wasn’t too worried that I’d reappear at some inopportune moment. The guards and Heralds could see me just fine. It’s not like I could cause any trouble in the palace—but I could listen in on this conversation covertly…I’ve never taken an interest in others’ gossip before…I guess I’m getting on in years. I bet pretty soon I’ll turn into a cranky old man and begin sitting on a bench days on end discussing my neighbors’ lives…

  Spiteful Gnum—a Level 264 Demonologist and Raniada—a Level 45 Shaman. Looking at the girl I could barely keep my jaw from dropping off—Anastaria and Eluna are no doubt having a cigarette off to the side in comparison to such a maddeningly beautiful creature. Swallowing with difficulty and forcing my body to resume breathing, I managed to look away from her by sheer force of will. I have Anastaria—what do I care for some old Raniada…and yet how attractive is that little beauty mark over her lip…

  “I just knew I’d find you here!” suddenly said another beautiful female voice, full of such mellifluous harmonies that all my enthrallment with Raniada instantly flew out of my head and I turned in the direction of this new speaker.

  “Get out of here, Arien,” said Gnum, stepping between the two women.

  “Oh, Raniada already has a toy dog! Why that was quick!” said the girl and, finally, I saw her: a Level 286 Mage. Wow! Almost a Level 300! This means that Arien has been in Barliona for a long time. Given her outward appearance, which in no way pales in comparison to Raniada’s, Arien must have participated in some earlier contest too.

  “Stacey, do you know a girl named Arien?”

  “Arien the beastly beauty?” Anastaria asked. “Of course I know her. What has caused your sudden interest in such an odious individual?”

  “So you know of her or you’ve met her?”

  “Here—I’m sending you a hologram that Arien sent me after I won the beauty contest last year. I cherish it deeply.”

  A new letter appeared in my mailbox and I immediately opened it and stared at the enclosed photograph. It had clearly been taken outside of Barliona because there were no markers over the girl’s head, while her torso was missing all the requisite loincloths…The completely nude girl was on her knees, with her long black hair covering those areas that would have evoked protest from the Censoring Imitators during its upload to Barliona. Evidently, she was trying to impress on Anastaria how she felt about her victory. She held a poster photo of Stacey in one hand and was using it to….Hmm…I understand that the poster was large enough and Anastaria’s face on it wasn’t very decipherable, but still, using such a glossy and thick paper isn’t quite convenient when you’re trying to do that. Arien’s other hand was flicking off the camera…An odd hol
ogram all in all…

  “What do you keep this around for?”

  “To remember what people are like in real life. I’ll be reading my fan mail—find myself on cloud nine—then take a glance at the photo and come back down to earth. Why did you bring up Arien all of a sudden?”

  “She’s here in the garden making fun of Raniada and her boyfriend…”

  “Oh really? Hang on, be right there!”

  “What an unexpected sight!” Anastaria purred in a singsong voice as she walked into the gazebo where Arien was still mocking Spiteful Gnum and Raniada. The girl’s tirades had gone on for so long that I was by now firmly on the couple’s side. Since the Raniada had won the contest, her in-game appearance matched her real one, and this meant that Raniada was just over 20 years old. Young and insanely pretty…Where do girls like that come from? “Did you manage to earn second place this year too, Arien?”

  “Anastaria…” Arien switched to the new target of scorn echoing the singsong tone. “What are you doing here, my darling? Have you decided to revisit the site of your past glories? You poor dear…You missed the contest and got kicked out of Phoenix. Are you doing so poorly that you’ve decided to marry some ordinary Joe?”

  “Oh Arien, Arien…I can see the years are taking their toll. Wrinkles, crow’s feet, sagging breasts, senility…Tsk, tsk, you poor dear…Have you grown so weak that you have to pick on children? You may as well go insult a kindergarten—that would be at your level…”

  What happened next was terrifying—the two anacondas, no, rather, the two cobras, locked together in a death embrace. The only difference was that instead of fangs and venom, the women were exchanging words…In effect, the same venom but with the capacity to inflict longer-lasting wounds. I never imagined that Stacey was capable of destroying another girl so deliberately or comprehensively. Arien was being ground into the dust like some formless mass. All of the mean Mage’s attempts to take control of the situation were shrugged off and with each word, Stacey either forced her opponent to flush or turn pale from rage. Hmm…I wouldn’t want to find myself on the receiving end of my wife’s anger.


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