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The Phantom Castle (The Way of the Shaman: Book #4) LitRPG series

Page 44

by Vasily Mahanenko

  “Thanks for the invitation,” Geranika appeared beside me and light illuminated the room we were now in.

  “I didn’t invite you,” I muttered, frowning from the fact that Geyra’s healers had just completely healed me. Smashing my head against the wall wouldn’t do much good now…

  “Of course you did,” said Geranika, approaching a plinth which was holding up something black and half-shimmering. “You even demanded I appear! It’s thanks to you alone that I will become the most powerful creature in Barliona—so powerful that even if Eluna and Tartarus join forces, they still won’t be able to oppose me. The time of Shadow is upon us!”


  “The Heart of Chaos,” said Geranika without paying Urusai’s screams any attention. He did not pick up the strange pulsating object, however, but turned to me instead: “Many millennia ago, the founder of this city, back then a simple shepherd, encountered the Lord of Chaos on his way home. No one knows how the Lord of Chaos had reached our world. What is known is that He corrupted the shepherd’s mind, forced him to drink His blood and rip out His heart. Only in this manner, could the Ruler effect His rebirth in the future…The shepherd, having tasted the blood of Chaos, became one of the mightiest warriors of his day and founded this town, hiding the Heart of his Master deep below its foundations. For thousands of years, Glarnis was ruled by the followers of Chaos, who dreamed of the time when their ruler would be reborn. Even this child,” Geranika gestured Geyra to come over and tussled her hair, “dreamed only of one thing—the rebirth of her Master.

  Geranika’s hands slipped down to the woman’s neck, clenched, and ripped off her head. A fountain of blood gushed forth and the mercenary’s body collapsed to the floor, twitched several times, and fell still.

  “As Guardian, I have punished the violator,” smirked Geranika, “so you should have no complaints now. You will receive your monetary damages in Barliona Bank—whenever it is you reach it next. Until we meet again, Mahan. I hope it will be very soon!”

  “Hold on!” I stopped Geranika. “Before you kill me, tell me what’s going on here!”

  “As you yourself would say in this kind of situation: ‘As if!’” grinned the Lord of Shadow. “Shiam, my brother, told me how you became High Shaman. You have no idea what it means to be a Great or Elemental Shaman—much less a High one. You are an unworthy apprentice who has been lucky. I am sorry to disappoint you—but your luck has run out. Until we meet again, Beginner Shaman! I will make sure to come up with something diverting for you!”

  The world around dissolved and when it returned I found myself staring at a painfully familiar notification:

  You have arrived at the ‘Labyrinth of Desires’—a proving ground for Shamans. Your performance in the proving ground will determine your class level in accordance to your current strength and capacity.

  Attention! You have already completed the ‘Labyrinth of Desires.’ Do you wish to return to Glarnis?


  Shiam had told Geranika that I don’t make much of a Shaman? And he, in his turn, decided to punish me by forcing me to do the ‘Labyrinth of Desires’ again in the hopes that I would be demoted from High Shaman to Beginner Shaman? Well, the joke was on him!

  “Stacey, where are you?” I asked as soon as I entered the room. To my immense disappointment, neither Geranika nor the Heart of Chaos were there anymore—they had either ascended or left Glarnis altogether.

  “In the throne room,” came her reply instantly. “Did you see the notification about what we did?”

  “No, I was at the loading screen this entire time,” I quickly replied, running up the stairs. “What did we do?”

  “We helped Geranika become a god…”

  “WHAT?!” The news made me halt in my tracks.

  * * *

  “Eluna has rejected me,” Stacey said sadly, as soon as I reached the throne room. “If we don’t stop Geranika, I will cease to be a Paladin…”

  “And I a Rogue.” Unlike, Anastaria, Plinto was happy with his lot. Bound by several layers of rope, he was all but relishing the unfolding events. “I’m not much of a Rogue at the moment anyway…Well, I’m not a Rogue at all actually—I can’t use any of my class powers anymore.”

  “Hang on, I’ll summon the Spirits to free you. We can chat then,” I said, trying not to panic.

  Due to the Heart of Chaos scenario, you have been stripped of your Shamanic powers. For more information, please speak with the head of the Shamanic Council.

  “Judging by our fearless leader’s fearless face, he’s shamanically impotent,” Plinto remarked caustically. “Turn into your Dragon Form and tear the ropes with your claws.”

  “Mahan, just make sure not to kill Cain and his warriors,” Anastaria reminded me as I was about to turn into a Dragon. Only know did I begin to comprehend the full extent of Geranika’s grand plan—if the Supreme Spirits rejected me, as the notification suggested already happened, then I would be forced to linger in the Labyrinth of Desires for all eternity…Or until the ‘Character stuck’ button finally appeared…

  “Yes, Dragon,” smirked the Necromancer. “Don’t forget about our agreement…”

  “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!” I’d never heard such wrath in my head as now emanated from Urusai’s voice. A part of my consciousness began to howl and suffer, so I turned into a Dragon and tore the ropes binding Plinto and Anastaria.

  “Cain, who is Urusai?” I asked the question that still occupied me.

  “I AM URUSAI!” Glarnis shook from the scream of the unseen creature, evoking a grin from Cain.

  “He is Urusai! The monster that’s in Altameda—or more precisely in Altameda’s throne room. Shall we go have a look? If my Master has ordered me to perform my contract, then so it will be—I remain your worthy ally…”

  Altameda was stunning—I had already seen something approaching such ornamental and majestic buildings in Narlak, but I had never witnessed such a symbiosis of beauty and ergonomics as here. Every room, in an emergency, could become a decent defensive area—all you had to do was pull several levers and move the tables together. All of the furniture was fashioned from Imperial Oak, which made it an extremely durable obstacle in the path of the attackers. Several thousand years’ worth of travels across the Free Land had not dimmed the luster of this castle—whose owner was none other than I. I was particularly happy to see all the weapons hanging around the walls—they were not only a nice decorative touch but genuinely useful arms…

  Celebrate, residents of Malabar!

  The Emperor has been saved! Twenty courageous men led by Ehkiller, head of the Phoenix clan, and the inimitable Hellfire, the greatest warrior of our continent, have found a way to rid the Imperial throne from Geranika’s cursed Dagger! Haloed be their names unto the centuries!

  In honor of the Emperor’s rescue, the Empire announces a week of festivities—all imperial merchandise costs 50% less.

  You have failed the ‘Creation of a Holy Artefact’ quest. The quest has been removed from your quest list.

  Your clan has lost the Best of the Best achievement.

  “Bastard…” Plinto seethed into nowhere in particular. “That’s all right. We’ll meet again…”

  “My Master has fulfilled his bargain,” smirked Cain. “Your Emperor shall live…”

  “You know something?” Anastaria asked, all but grabbing the Necromancer.

  “I am not familiar with my Master’s entire plan, but this part of it I know fully…Ehkiller was offered a deal: He had to prevent several Free Citizens—that is, Mahan and Anastaria—from entering Altameda’s through the front gates. They had to instead enter through an underground passage, circumventing the phantoms and Urusai. Ehkiller fulfilled his task and in return was granted the ability to destroy the dagger. My Master never goes back on his word…”

  “But how…?”

  “What the heck is that?” Plinto exclaimed, cutting off Stacey and pointing at a scarlet-red C
rystal the size of a baby. We had entered Altameda’s throne room, where according to the Patriarch, we were supposed to discover some kind of phantom with a crown on its head, but instead we stopped flabbergasted before the object in the center of the room.

  Rogzar’s Crystal. Class Static Artefact. The crystal’s owner receives Rogzar’s Curse: -75% to movement speed; -50% to all stats; -90% to regeneration of Hit Points, Mana and Energy; -90% to XP. May not be sold, dropped, stolen or destroyed. Status: Activated and bound. Former owner: Kreel (Free Citizen). Current owner: Urusai.

  When activated, Rogzar’s Crystal allows the sentient to ignore a location’s ‘holy status,’ blocks all abilities above Level 40, imprisons the owner of the crystal in the crystal’s location, prevents the crystal’s owner from taking damage from abilities over Level 40.

  “This is the means by which Geranika entered Glarnis and took over the Heart of Chaos,” said a hefty voice behind us, the same I had heard in my head and throughout the castle. I was thankful that he wasn’t yelling as before. As if on cue, we all turned and stared at the snow-white angel, unfurling his wings and looking down at us from three meters above us.

  “Mahan, you were asking who Urusai was,” smirked Cain. “There he is before you. The Naga Demon, Doom of the Pran, Scourge of the Lornix…This creature has many titles, but the basic gist comes down to a single fact: This white-winged chicken…”

  “Quiet servant of Shadow,” Urusai said in a decidedly un-angelic tone, as a flaming sword appeared in his hand and with one swift motion, Cain and all of Cain’s warriors fell dead around us. The angel turned to us: “You brought Geranika here! You allowed him to capture the Heart of Chaos! You already lost your classes! Now I shall strip you of what remains—your lives!”

  “Stacey—sing!” There was such hate on the Angel’s face that I didn’t have time to think and instinctively turned into my Dragon Form. Who would have thought that Urusai was actually an angel of Eluna! And yet, even if he were the Creator of Barliona himself, he had killed my ally and I would avenge this deed. Even if hadn’t threatened me! “Plinto—Vampire and full throttle! They took our classes, but not our races!”

  Dragon, Siren and Vampire now faced one wrathful Angel, whose level was still entirely unclear. Either this creature was beyond levels altogether, or he was so much stronger than us that there’d be no point in fighting him to begin with. But I was sick and tired of dying over nothing—if this Angel wants to have a chat, that’s his choice.

  During the Capture of the Castle scenario, you may use the Dragon’s Breath spell…

  Raising her arms, Anastaria began to sing her mesmerizing song. Plinto turned into black fog and enveloped the Angel, while I targeted Urusai and, hoping that the Vampire wouldn’t be hurt, began to blast flames over him…

  It was we who were responsible for leading Geranika to Glarnis. Well, it happens, especially considering the scenario was created by experienced psychologists. But this was no reason to attack us, without trying to discover the truth first. Acceleration level 1!


  There he goes yelling again! Well, to hell with him! We lost our class abilities. Neither the Spirits nor Eluna nor whoever the Rogues appeal to, can hear us anymore. We have already incurred a punishment for what we did—punishing us again is just dumb. Acceleration level 2!


  I’m sorry, Mr. Angel, but you’re mistaken: I didn’t even know who you were! What’d you terrorize the world with the phantoms for? To get me to come here? I can’t say they were too kind to me when I first came to Altameda! Acceleration level 3!


  You exaggerate, Urusai! If Geranika will become the terror and nightmare of this world—Barliona will create some means of destroying him! The Creator lives and will not allow his world to be wiped from the face of the earth! Acceleration level 4!


  You have completed the ‘Inevitable Evil’ quest.

  You have earned the ‘Owner Level 1’ achievement—you are the owner of a Level 1 Castle.

  You have earned the ‘Owner Level 2’ achievement…

  Panting heavily and trying to ignore my horrible headache, I looked at the Angel lying on the floor before us. He no longer resembled the majestic creature who had slain Cain. We were looking at a charred, whimpering and pathetic soldier of Eluna. I felt such revulsion in my soul that there wasn’t a shred of joy at having finally become the owner of a Level 24 Castle. To the contrary—I felt utterly empty: A new scenario had just begun, which would last two months. And this scenario would more than likely encompass both Empires—and neither Anastaria, nor Plinto, nor I would have any place in it because we had lost our abilities.

  “Speak,” I managed with difficulty through my parched throat. The time had come to discover what had actually occurred in my castle. My legs gave in and I slumped to the floor—I hadn’t the strength to remain standing. Out of the corner of my eyes I noticed that Anastaria and Plinto were stirring on the floor, coming to. Very good—they wouldn’t have to ask me to relate what had happened. Urusai made an unbelievable effort, raised up from the floor and began to speak…

  The Heart of Chaos had been securely concealed in the deeps of Glarnis. No one knew of its existence, until Eluna took note—the castle’s inheritor had fallen into Geranika’s hands. By that point the goddess had understood what she could expect from this Shaman who was so interested in the Shadows and she developed a plan to destroy Glarnis once and for all. The residents of the castle had been permeated by the hate of the Heart and could no longer live anywhere but in Glarnis. How Geyra had managed to go on living far from the town remained a mystery. And yet the goddess could not simply destroy the castle at her whim—but she did remember Altameda, which teleported around the Free Lands. And so she decided to send Urusai to Altameda to capture it, destroy or devour the chief phantom and teleport the Altameda to its final destination—right onto Glarnis. After this, Altameda would never jump again, remaining forever as an unassailable monument standing guard over the Heart of Chaos.

  But everything did not go according to plan—one of the Free Citizens named Kreel brought Rogzar’s Crystal to Altameda, which simply blocked all of Urusai’s abilities. Urusai remained mighty and undefeatable as before, but only within Altameda. The Angel no longer had any power over Glarnis. Eluna came to his aid—she cast a blessed circle around the castle which Geranika could not pass through, even using his Harbinger powers. Meanwhile, in order to keep the warriors of the nearby city, Narlak, from leveling up too fast, Urusai began to periodically release his phantoms. In this manner, he took on all the sins for the pain and death caused by the phantoms on himself, slowly becoming a fallen angel. He knew what he was doing—but keeping Geranika from the Heart of Chaos was more important than the fate of one angel. For this reason, Urusai chased away the barbarians who lived nearby, for they were breeding too much hate and evil in the surrounding lands.

  When the Angel felt the owner nearby, he was very happy, but he found he could not converse with him, as Rogzar’s Crystal blocked the owner’s responses. All that was left to Urusai was to wait and hope that the owner would find a way to enter the castle to receive his rightful crown. That’s how it happened, and yet, for some reason, the owner chose to take the most difficult way there was—through the Glarnis Dungeon. His blocked abilities kept the Angel from seeing who was coming with the owner, but just in case, he deployed a guard of phantoms at the entrance to the Glarnis throne room. As it turned out, not for naught. As soon as the doors opened, shadows—the essences of Geranika—flew forward. The warriors of the greatest foe of thi
s world had reached a place that led directly to the Heart of Chaos. The Angel lost his cool and ordered his phantoms to destroy everyone who came from the Dungeon, and yet the most unbelievable thing happened—the owner himself summoned Geranika. This was the only way that Geranika could enter without having to pass through Eluna’s blessing…Taking the Heart, Geranika called on his amulet and instantly vanished—someone had summoned him…

  “In return for being summoned by Ehkiller, Geranika gave him the item that could destroy the dagger,” Stacey exhaled, realizing how her father had freed the Emperor’s throne. “But how did he become the Guardian?”

  “He killed the previous Guardian and swore to the Creator that he would voluntarily perform his duties over the next couple months, until the new Guardian grew up. The Creator accepted his oath…” replied the gradually recovering Angel—his wounds were closing, his wings straightening, while his torn and charred clothes were regaining their earlier whiteness.

  “Why weren’t you mentioned anywhere?” asked Anastaria. “I looked all over and the only mention of Urusai was as a Naga Demon, not an Angel.”

  “Because when I became a fallen Angel, my name was struck from the history of this world. Because I consciously chose this path and was ready to see it through to its end! Because I no longer exist! Mahan, you did not kill me and now I have the ability to depart the way I like…I want to make you a final present. As long as Rogzar’s Crystal remains in this castle, you will not be able to become Altameda’s rightful owner. I can no longer join Eluna’s ranks, but in some small way I can atone for my fall. Give me your hand, oh owner!”

  I offered him my open hand and the Angel sliced it with his wing, opening a bleeding wound. Several drops of blood (which supposedly didn’t exist in Barliona) fell onto and were absorbed by the Angel’s snow white plumage, coloring it a bright red hue. Urusai darted over to the Crystal, grabbed it and vanished with a deafening boom…Altameda had fully passed into my possession.


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