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A Mate For Jackson

Page 20

by Selena Scott

“Oh holy motherfucker.” Kaya stiffened and softened all at once as her hips came up off the bed, toward the wet heat of his mouth that had just opened over her pussy. He chuckled and she felt it inside of herself.

  At first, his tongue was doing broad, soft, get-to-know-you strokes through her wetness, and then he was tunneling inside her only to come up and circle around her clit, giving her a little suck for the road before he was back to exploring her.

  She was dimly aware of the hand she had in his hair, surprised she wasn’t tearing his hair out with how hard she was wrenching at him. But she couldn’t stop twisting, couldn’t stop writhing. He took his hands and opened her thighs wide, pinning her to the edge of the bed.

  “Don’t fight it, sweetheart. All you have to do is take it. All you have to do is take everything I’m giving you.”

  He planted his mouth again and gave her a good ten seconds of suction accompanied by some light fluttering thing with his tongue and Kaya was a goner. Her body was an arc of vibrating lightning, pinned in place and generating enough energy to power the entire city. She was only aware that she was screaming by how dry her throat was when she collapsed back down onto the bed. He’d destroyed her. Utterly and completely.

  And now he was going to pay the price. He’d told her not to fight it, but he apparently still had a lot to learn about her. His face was still buried between her legs, giving her sweet little nudges and kisses but he’d opened up a treasure box inside her and there wasn’t any closing it.

  She clamped her hand in his hair again and held him forcefully between her legs. His eyes shot up to hers and flared with heat. He tightened his grip on her thighs, holding her down again, and Kaya fought it.

  He pulled his mouth away an inch, teasing her, and Kaya fought forward, using her weight and leverage to get closer to his mouth. She wanted more. She was greedy for it. She was gonna get it, one way or another. She didn’t care if it was selfish. He’d opened up the door to this part of her, this sexual hunger, and now he was going to pay the piper.

  He chuckled as she scooted forward, draping her legs over his shoulders. He sucked on her between her legs, his eyes on hers. It was the look in his dark eyes that pushed her fully over the edge. She used the rest of her weight to shove them back, off the bed. He landed on his back on the floor and she crouched over top of him.

  In a move that she’d never forget as long as she lived, he cracked a palm over her ass, sharp and punishing and delicious. “I told you not to fight it.”

  She gasped with the instant pain of the spank and gasped again when she felt the heat of it spread out slowly through her veins, making her pulse with sensitivity everywhere. She never thought she’d like that, but here they were. She liked it and she wanted more. His words were telling her not to fight. But she could tell by the flare in his eyes that he was really asking her if she wanted to fight some more. If she did, he could take it. If he did, she could take it. Something in her gut told her to push even harder. He chuckled again when, straddling his neck, she dropped her pussy to his mouth. He rolled her to her back, but didn’t deny her, sucking and licking and swirling until she was sparking with pleasure again, cresting the wave and falling limp, jolting with sensitivity as he continued to pet her with his mouth.

  Momentarily sated, reality set in just a little bit. “Wait a second,” she gasped. “You were the one who did all the hard work with your shift just now. I was supposed to be rewarding you.”

  Still playing and licking between her legs, Jackson chuckled again. “Trust me. This was a reward.”

  She knew that he derived a ridiculous amount of pleasure from playing with her body, but she wanted a more direct kind of reward. And she wanted to be the one who gave it.

  She sat up, tugged herself away from him and pushed him over onto his back. The hardwood floor was hard on her knees but she didn’t care one bit.

  “Like this?” she asked, gripping his cock for the first time and moving her fist up and down.

  His hand closed over hers, tightening her grip and adding a twisting motion.

  “Wow. That doesn’t hurt?”

  “What?” he asked, his eyes blown out and his hands looking like they were about to claw out a chunk of the hardwood underneath him.

  She loved that she had him like this. Normally he was so in control. So together. Normally, he worked so freaking hard to make sure that there wasn’t a single feather out of place. But not today. Not this moment. Right now he was gasping for breath and baring his teeth, looking like he couldn’t remember his own name. But did she want to make this easy? Or did she want to go with her instinct?

  “Jackson,” she said sharply. His eyes shot to hers. Making sure he was watching, she lowered down over him and licked the purpling head of his cock.

  His hips jumped upward an inch, and for a moment, Kaya forgot that she had a greater plan here. She was momentarily caught off guard by the flavor of him, the smoothness of his skin. She’d watched porn before and always tracked forward past the minutes of blowjob scenes—she’d just thought it wasn’t her thing. It was always so showy, so ostentatiously sexual, nothing nuanced about it. But there was actually an incredible amount of nuance in the man on whom she was currently sucking. And his dick was different than she’d imagined. It wasn’t intrusive and dumb the way they always seemed in porn. No, it was… personal. Almost comforting in her mouth. Warm and smooth and smelling like soap and man. She explored a little more, teasing the tip and tasting something unexpected, like a mixture between metal and salt.

  She’d expected to go down on him as a gift, to feel like a sexual goddess, because even if she was bad at it, he was still getting his dick sucked and he wasn’t the kind of man to fault her for clumsiness. But she didn’t expect to go down on him and feel this swelling of tenderness and affection for him. She didn’t expect to suddenly have his pleasure be at the very tip-top of her priority list.

  And that brought her full circle back to her original plan. Driving him insane. She’d taken him halfway into her mouth, experimentally sucking, and when she looked up she saw that his dark eyes were half-lidded and unseeing, staring at the ceiling in what looked like disbelief and pleasure/pain.

  That wouldn’t do.

  “Jackson,” she said, just as sharply as the first time. He looked at her immediately, lost in sensation, but still mindful of his partner. “Have you thought about me doing this to you before?”

  She may have been inexperienced, but she wasn’t naive. She knew the answer to her question before she’d even asked it.

  “Yes,” he rasped, and then let his head fall back for a second. “Fuck.”

  She licked up the side of his cock and waited until she had his attention again. “Tell me about it.”

  “About what?” He was pressing his eyes closed hard and then opening wide as they were refusing to focus on the woman sucking his dick.

  “Tell me about one of your fantasies where I do this. What happens?”

  “You give me head. That’s the fantasy.”

  She laughed and licked him like a lollipop. “Paint the picture. Where are we? What exactly do I do to you?” She put her lips around the head and gave him a good hard suck.

  “Fuck!” He dragged a hand over his face. “Uh. Okay. Yeah. For years, whenever we’ve been at Sunday dinner together, I imagine you slipping under the table. Fuck, right there. Just like that.”

  She felt achy and wet again with the beginning of the fantasy he’d just painted for her. “What happens next in the fantasy?”

  “No one notices. Everything goes on like it normally would. But you’re sucking my cock like a champ under the table. And I have to keep my shit together so no one catches on.”

  His words lit a flame in her and she suddenly swallowed him down farther than she had before, and jerked him with her hand on her way back up. “Poor, repressed Jackson. Even in your fantasies you have to act like you don’t want what you really want.”

  His hand found its way into the ha
ir at the back of her head and he started guiding her up and down in a shallow, insistent rhythm. “Trust me, there’s plenty of fantasies where I get exactly what I want and enjoy the fuck out of it. You on your knees in the shower choking on it. You giving me road head on the highway. Me waking up with your mouth swallowing me down. In my head, I’ve fucked your mouth in every way it’s possible to fuck a mouth.”

  His words were rude and thrilling and Kaya felt as if he’d just unzipped a dress she hadn’t even known she was wearing. She felt sexier than she’d ever felt in her entire life. And more vulnerable. And that only added to feeling sexy. She’d spent so many years with men’s eyes on her, making her feel like a sex object. But this right now? Jackson’s eyes on her? Blown out with pleasure, barely holding on to reality and dirty-talking the hell out of her? She felt powerful and filled to the brim with, finally, her own action. She wasn’t an object to be lusted over. She was a person on her knees giving pleasure in a way she hadn’t thought herself capable.

  “I’m close,” he groaned, sitting up now, his hand still on the back of her head, guiding her up and down.

  He loomed over her and she loved it. She felt surrounded by him in every way that mattered. She sucked on the upstroke and swirled her tongue on the downstroke.

  “Shit. Really close.” One of his hands stroked down her back and to her ass. She thought for a second he might spank her again but instead he dipped his hand between her legs and pressed the flat of his palm to her pussy, the way he had before. Kaya moaned around him and spread her legs a little further.

  “I’m gonna—Shit. Kaya, I’m gonna come, baby. If you don’t stop, you’re gonna make me—”

  She wanted that so badly. She thrummed with a mixture of power and curiosity and desire. She’d never felt this cocktail of emotions before. She almost felt that, by doing what she was doing to him, she was performing some kind of magic trick over Jackson. That she could gift him with something carnal and beautiful that she knew, in her heart, only she could give him.

  “Baby,” he gasped, and then his hand tightened painfully in her hair, his hips jutted upward, and he made a sound like he was dying a gorgeous death.

  Kaya jumped at the volume and heat of the liquid in her mouth, swallowing reflexively and then finding she had to swallow again. Jackson sagged to the ground, breathing hard. She might have popped right off of him, but she remembered how good it had felt to have him pet her through her aftershocks so she lightened her grip and did just that, giving him a little parting kiss after a minute and sitting up.

  She looked down at him, lying there in a haphazard sort of way, like he’d just been hit by a metaphysical garbage truck. His face was buried in the inside of his elbow and his chest sawed up and down as he searched for breath. She placed a hand gently on his thigh and he popped his head up, staring at her with a wild, inscrutable expression.

  For the first time in his human form, Kaya was reminded of Jackson’s wolf. His eyes were searching her, analyzing her in a way that felt instinctual, devoid of human logic.

  He sat up and scooped her onto his lap, pressing their naked skin together. He lifted her into the bed and then was gone from the bedroom. He came back moments later with a glass of water for her which she gratefully gulped down, wondering how he’d known how badly she wanted that.

  He’d yet to speak. As he crawled under the covers with her, Kaya felt energized and anticipatory, wondering what came next. Would he jump her? Make her come again?

  Instead, he dragged her into his arms, tangling their legs and running his hands over her, smoothing her hair back. He whispered sweet, quiet words to her and despite the electricity in her veins, Kaya found herself relaxed and soothed. Her eyes closed and she drifted away.


  She woke up insanely hot. She felt like she was sleeping inside a furnace. In reality, she was just sleeping on top of a naked man. She blinked blearily at the clock next to his bedside only to laugh.

  “What?” he asked.

  “It’s only been twenty minutes. I was expecting to look up and see hours had passed.”

  “Mmm.” He kissed her hair, smoothed a hand over her back. “You were sleeping hard.”

  “Did you sleep?”

  He chuckled. “No. I’m pretty sure I’ll have to inoculate myself for years before I’m able to fall asleep with you naked and pressed up against me.”

  Lying across his chest, she stacked her fists under her chin to see him better. “How are you?”

  “How are you?”

  “I asked first.”

  He frowned. “Me? I’m… the best I can ever remember being. I didn’t think I was capable of being this content. This happy. It’s almost creepy.”

  She laughed. “Only your negative ass would find happiness to be disconcerting.” She snuggled further under the covers. “Me, though? I feel happy. And satisfied, but also still pretty horny.”

  He laughed. “And here I thought I’d done my job.”

  “You did your job. I just kind of want you to do your job again.”

  There was something in his eyes, some sort of pause that had Kaya pulling back just a tiny bit. Maybe her inexperience was showing. Maybe now that he’d gotten his he wouldn’t want to do any more tonight. Or maybe he couldn’t do any more tonight. What little she knew about male recovery times she knew because of books and television. It was fine with her if Jackson could only go once a night. More than fine. She didn’t want him to feel bad about it at all. Completely unsure how to ask the questions she had, she just sort of flailed about, hoping he’d fill in the blanks. “I, um, didn’t mean to make things end so quickly before?”

  He looked down at her, his eyes dark and inscrutable.

  “I thought,” she continued, “that you were warning me because you weren’t sure I’d want it in my mouth. I didn’t think you were telling me that I might be… ending things prematurely.”

  “Ending things prematurely?” His brow furrowed as he repeated her words, a look of confusion on his face. “Oh, you think that I’m done for the night?” He laughed and rolled her over to her side, spanning a hand down the curvy length of her. “No, Kaya. That’s not what’s going on. I mean, it’s been a long time since I’ve had a twofer, but nah. I’m good for it.”

  “Then what’s making you all hesitant? Shouldn’t you be jumping me right now?”

  The laughter faded from his eyes and that same hesitant contemplation returned. Again he was smoothing and fixing her hair as if he couldn’t bear to keep his hands out of it. She made a mental note to wear it down more often.

  Just when she was tempted to break the silence again, he finally spoke up.

  “If you were satisfied with what we just did, I would be totally fine with leaving it there for the night. I don’t want to push you further or faster than you want to go.”

  “Jackson,” she said candidly, “I would really like to bone.”

  He laughed and groaned and tugged her closer. “Message received. It’s just that I’ve been… kind of nervous about hurting you.” He cleared his throat. “I’ve never been with a virgin before.”

  “Hurt me how?”

  He glanced at her, apparently trying to gauge just how badly public school sex ed had failed her.

  “Oh!” She laughed. “You mean because of my hymen?”

  The tips of his ears went charmingly pink. “Uh. Yeah.”

  “Jackson, I’m really sorry if you’ve been harboring some sort of maidenhead scenario, but that ship has definitely sailed.”

  He furrowed his brow, looking confused. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean that I’m twenty-five… I’ve lived a life. Ridden bikes, done gymnastics.” She paused. “Used dildos and vibrators.”

  He swallowed convulsively and something thwapped her leg. Kaya looked under the covers in confusion and saw that apparently he really didn’t need a ton of recovery time for a man of almost forty. “I’d like to see that some time.”

She grinned. “I’m sure you would. But like I said, I don’t think that you’ll hurt me that much.”

  “But even so, you’re really tight, Kaya. You could barely take my fingers.”

  “My underwear was in the way!” She wasn’t sure why she was so insistent on this point. “I can take fingers. I take my own all the time. I’ll prove it.”

  Before she could think twice or even hesitate, Kaya lifted the blankets and pressed her hand between her legs, swirling the pads of her fingers through the remaining wetness from her earlier orgasms. She was still shockingly sensitive, in a way she’d never known before. She wasn’t sure if it was from the suction of his mouth or from his stubble. Either way, she split her lips open, propping one leg up, and sank two fingers deep inside herself.

  “Kaya,” Jackson groaned in a voice that sounded much more broken than she’d ever heard before.

  She took her hand away from herself, reached up and took his hand, guiding it between her legs. “Please, Jackson,” she whispered.

  If she’d thought her being rough with him earlier, her pushing him and teasing him, had garnered a response, well, it was nothing compared to what her begging him did. Suddenly she found herself pushed onto her back, his mouth latched onto her neck, his fingers tracing her slit. He licked and sucked at her nipples, turning her skin pink and sensitive. She gasped and wiggled as he anchored one arm underneath her and pushed his middle finger inside her.

  Kaya called his name as her back arched off the bed. They’d both been right. It wasn’t painful for her to take him, but it was definitely different than having her own fingers inside of her, or even a sex toy. His finger was wide and rough and hot and foreign. He was huffing out breaths, panting and groaning as he started to lightly grind the heel of his hand against her clit. Another finger joined the first and then she was truly stretching around him.

  He kissed his way down her body, biting her hip and then licking her clit as he moved two fingers inside her. He curled those fingers as he licked at her and Kaya experienced a feeling she’d never felt before. She wrenched at his hair and arched. So close. So close.


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