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Taken by Wolves [Call of the Wolf 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 9

by Diane Leyne

  Ben felt himself relax. She didn’t seem angry anymore. He hurried to retrieve the bucket and quickly filled it with soapy water and then rushed outside and started cleaning the patio furniture. She was right. Two of the chairs were filthy with dust. She clearly didn’t entertain much.

  What was obviously her chair was dusty as well, although not nearly as much as the others. After getting the table so clean they could eat off it, so to speak, he did a cursory job on his and Nate’s chair before lovingly attending to Ginger’s.

  While he was working, he noticed Nate making several trips outside to get the grill going, and then he heard the sizzle of the steaks on the grill and he finally let himself relax.

  “Five-minute warning, Benji.” He would have to have a little talk with Nate about that nickname. It was okay if Ginger called him that. In fact, he kind of liked the fact that she had a special name of him, even if it had been said mockingly at first. But Nate, nope. He wasn’t going to let his brother call him that. If he did, Sully would start and then Hutch and Judd, and then they’d all be using it. Not going to happen!

  * * * *

  Ginger suppressed a grin as she watched Ben working on the chore she’d given him. She admired the play of muscles in his back and shoulders as he threw himself into the task. She liked that he went about it without argument. He’d fucked up, but he apologised and was now doing his penance. She wouldn’t make him suffer too long. He’d been spouting traditional wolf talk, and he was going to nip that in the bud. Wolves were all about demonstrating that I’m the Alpha, I’m the male. Woman, service my needs. Not that most women let them get away with that crap, but that didn’t mean they stopped trying. Shifter women had moved into the twenty-first century and were dragging their men into it kicking and screaming.

  She chuckled to herself. Wolf-shifter women were no pushovers. They may not actually shift, but they had the wolf’s strong will and didn’t put up with crap from anyone, not even their Mates. All the Mating talk centered on how a woman wouldn’t be able to sexually resist her Mates after the Ceremony and would be extra horny during the three nights of the full moon. They made it sound like she’d be a sex slave to her needs after the Mating bite.

  But what was generally ignored was the fact that the men would feel the same way. After Mating, there was only one woman in the world who could get them hard. In some ways, they were more vulnerable after the Mating than the woman was. The woman had multiple Mates to satisfy her, but the men had only a single one. In a way, the female held all the power, although they generally let their men think it was them, unless they did something stupid like Ben and his big mouth just now.

  Well, she’d let him use that mouth later to prove just how sorry he was. In fact, she was getting wet against just thinking of him apologizing with his mouth and his tongue and his fingers. She took a deep breath. Food and conversation first. Many, many orgasms later. She paused.

  “I have one last item to put away.” Heading back out to the living room, she grabbed the bag with the items she’d picked up at lunchtime. Heading into the bedroom, she opened up the large-size box of condoms and emptied half of it into the night table drawer on the right side of the bed and then the rest into the one on the left. She was never a Girl Scout, but she believed in being prepared.

  She took a quick look in the mirror. Her face looked flushed, her eyes glittered with arousal, and her nipples were clearly visible as they poked through her top. She swallowed. She’d never been with two men before. She could feel her pussy pulse at the thought and her clit and breasts swell with desire. There was just one problem. She was wearing a business suit. Stripping off her clothes quickly, she pulled on an old pair of faded jeans that hugged her ass to perfection. She deliberate skipped the panties. She skipped the bra, too, tugging a tight white tank top down over her head before giving her hair a quick brush. She then went to the bathroom to freshen up before running some gloss over her lips and then heading to the backyard. Showtime.

  Chapter Twelve

  Nate swallowed hard and almost dropped the barbecue tongs when he saw Ginger walking out. She’s not wearing a bra. She’s not wearing a bra. She’s not wearing a bra. The words started running through his head and wouldn’t stop. She wasn’t wearing a bra, and Nate realized he’d been turned to stone when a drop of fat sizzled and spit from the barbeque, burning his arm.

  Damn. He had to keep his mind on what he was doing or he would ruin their dinners, and they would need their fuel. He and Ben had planned a long night of pleasure with their Mate, unless of course Ben was in the doghouse, in which case Nate would have to handle things by himself. Doghouse. He chuckled and decided to torment his brother a bit.

  “You got that all nice and clean, Benji. Better do a good job, baby brother, or you might end up in the doghouse!”

  “You’re really enjoying this, aren’t you, Nate? What if she does kick me out?” Ben really sounded worried, so Nate decided to cut him a break.

  “Hell, kid. You’re still here, so I think you are okay. Just be sure to grovel a bunch, and maybe she’ll let you kiss her feet.”

  “Actually I was planning on letting him eat my pussy until I feel that’s he’s atoned enough. I’ve never really thought of feet as an erogenous zone.”

  Nate dropped the tongs and didn’t even notice as they clattered on the paving stones. He was frozen in place except for his rock-hard erection, which was straining to escape his pants.

  Ben’s reaction was even more extreme. He walked up to Ginger, dropped to his knees, and said, “At your service.”

  Ginger laughed and patted his head. “Let’s eat, first. Our food, I mean. You can eat me later. Why don’t you go get cleaned up in the hall bathroom and I’ll get another set of tongs so Nate can finish cooking our dinner? I’m starved!”

  * * * *

  It was the best and most uncomfortable meal Nate had ever sat through. They talked and laughed and started to get to know each other, and at the same time, his cock ached with the need to get inside her. Sometimes he caught himself about to slide a hand inside his pants to relieve the pressure, but he always stopped in time. And after a while, he was too distracted by an argument about the merits of the last Star Trek movie and whether Firefly was indeed the best sci-fi television series ever that time flew past and they were all sitting back sipping a glass of wine under the stars.

  Finally, their conversation dwindled and Ginger stood up and started packing up the plates, but Nate stopped her.

  “You go get ready for bed. We’ll clean up here and join you in five, so don’t dawdle!”

  “Yes, Sir!” She saluted with mock seriousness and then leaned down and kissed his cheek before walking over to Ben and ruffling his hair before kissing his cheek, too, and then she disappeared back inside the house.

  “I guess she’s forgiven me?”

  “Guess she has, Benji-boy. Guess she has.”

  “Do you think she was serious about wanting me to, you know…”

  Nate laughed. “Yeah I think she’s serious. And I get the feeling she’s going to make you pay for a very long time.”

  Ben grinned. “I hope so,” he said fervently.

  Nate ruffled his brother’s hair. “Why don’t you get started? I’ll finish up here and join you in a few minutes.”

  “You sure?” Ben asked, but he didn’t wait for an answer as he took off at a trot. Nate reached down and adjusted his pants. His turn would come. And while he was waiting, he planned on feasting on those ripe tits he’d been staring at all night. He’d noticed some chocolate frosting in the cupboard earlier, and he decided that he had a yen for chocolate-covered nipples that he just had to satisfy.

  * * * *

  Ben walked slowly toward the bedroom. The door was ajar and he could hear the sound of the shower. He waited outside, not knowing what to do. He could hear the bathroom door open and the sound of footsteps and then the rustle of fabric. He thought she was pulling down the bedspread. He imagined her crawling n
aked into the bed, lying down waiting for him. Maybe one of her hands had drifted down between her legs and she was stroking herself as she waited for him.

  Unable to wait any longer, he stepped through the doorway. She was just like he’d imagined, spread out on the bed, touching herself, one hand between her legs and the other playing with a taut nipple.

  “Drop your pants, Ben, and get started. Or I’ll take care of things myself.”

  Ben didn’t have to be asked twice. For the second time, he toed out of his shoes and dropped his pants. His painfully erect cock sprang free and pressed against his taut stomach.

  Practically launching himself through the air and onto the bed, Ben positioned himself between her legs, but with his mouth on hers. Gently, carefully, he worshipped her mouth with his, sucking her tongue into his mouth where it duelled with his before reluctantly pulling back.

  Slowly he moved down her body, spending time on one breast and then the other, suckling each nipple in turn before kissing his way further south until he was positioned between her spread thighs. Carefully, he positioned one of her legs over each of his broad shoulders before he settled down carefully, ready to take his time and see to her pleasure.

  With her legs like this, her pussy lips were spread, but he wanted them more open. Reaching up, he pulled them apart so he could get a good look at heaven. Her swollen clit peaked out at him from its home, and below that, her pussy glistened in welcome, her juices already dampening the sheet below. Below that, he could just catch a glimpse of her puckered rosette. One day, he’d take her there, his cock deep in her ass while one of his brothers had her pussy and another her mouth. They’d overwhelm her, making sure she knew exactly where she belonged. But she was right. The word service didn’t begin to describe what she’d do for them. Being here with her was like coming home. She wouldn’t service their needs. They would service hers, making sure that no woman had ever felt more loved or more satisfied.

  Sighing with pleasure, he stuck out his tongue and licked from her rosette up across her pussy to her clit and back again, carefully to gather up some of her honey.

  Damn she tasted good. He wanted more. Stiffening his tongue, he prodded her opening while one thumb strayed to her clit, stroking it gently. He heard her moan and watched as more honey flowed out. Oh, she liked that, did she? He stroked her clit again as he pushed his tongue further inside of her.

  She definitely liked his touch as her pussy started contracting in time with his stroking thumb. She was going to kill him with horniness as his cock pulsed. He was afraid he’d disgrace himself and come on her sheets, but he had promised that he’d eat her pussy, and eat it he would as long as she wanted him to, whenever she wanted him to. He felt the bed dip down on one side and knew that Nate had joined them, but he ignored his brother. Nate could do what he wanted from her waist up. From the waist down, she currently belonged to Ben, and he was nowhere finished with what he was doing.

  Withdrawing his tongue, he replaced it with two large fingers as his mouth moved to her clit. Surrounding it with his lips, he suckled lightly. She convulsed above him, her pussy clamping down on his fingers as her honey began to run freely.

  He laughed with delight and suckled again as he slid a third finger inside. The first two had gone in easily, but the third one was a challenge, and she moaned as he pressed inside.

  He felt her begin to writhe against his mouth, and he tightened his grip on her thigh with one hand as he began fucking her with the fingers of his other hand. She tried to buck her hips against his mouth, but he could feel Nate holding her down.

  She was moaning loudly now. Nate must have moved from her mouth to her tits. Whatever he was doing, Ben wanted him to continue as she was going crazy in their arms now, screaming out her orgasm as she spasmed around his fingers.

  “Keep doing what you’re doing, buddy, while I make her come again!”

  “Nooooooo!” Ginger cried out as Ben suckled hard on her clit, and he finger fucked her harder, his three fingers going deep and then curling forward to press against her G-spot. She was out of control as her second orgasm ripped through her, but still they didn’t stop. “One more, baby, and then I’m fucking this dripping-wet pussy.” This time, Ben used his teeth, biting down ever so lightly as he pressed against her G-spot, harder this time, and he moved his fingers in and out of her swollen pussy.

  When he felt her clamping down hard, he slid up her body. His brother laughed and pulled back as Ben slung her legs over his shoulders, ready to drive his cock into her pussy.

  “Rubber!” Nate had one unwrapped and in Ben’s hand in a split second. Ben groaned and covered up before plunging to the hilt inside of Ginger. He wanted to take his time and demonstrate his finesse as a lover, but he was so turned on and had been hard so long, he knew he wouldn’t last, so he started moving hard and fast, pounding into her without mercy.

  Desperately, he tried to hold off his own orgasm, but after a few strokes, he knew he wouldn’t be able to. But then he realized it was okay as Ginger convulsed one more time, her pussy milking his cock without mercy, drawing the cum out of him in a violent outburst of semen.

  Ben collapsed onto her, his chest heaving with the exertion. He felt Nate give him a shove and managed to roll off Ginger before he crushed her. He propped himself on one side as he disposed of the condom, and then he turned to look at her, hesitant, almost.

  And then she smiled and the world was perfect again. She’d forgiven his earlier faux pas, he hoped, and he’d given her pleasure. He snuggled against her side, but not for long. There was one problem with ménage relationships, and that problem was currently named Nate.

  * * * *

  Ginger lay back on the bed, her eyes half-closed.

  “Ben, I think you melted my bones.”

  “Is that a good thing?” he asked anxiously.

  “A very good thing,” she confirmed. She wanted to snuggle into his side and then take a long, long nap, but then she felt the warm body on her other side and she could feel her desire rise again. Nate was pressed against her back, his long, hard cock pressed against the seam of her ass.

  Turning her head, she looked back at him and smiled. He grinned back, his long arm running down the length of her body before burrowing between her legs to stroke her clit.

  She moaned. She’d had three orgasms, and she could feel another building. She now knew what Penelope had been talking about. Wolves had stamina. That was the reason for the Mating Ceremony, so their Mates could keep up with them.

  She felt Nate skilfully stroking her clit, and she could feel her pussy clench with the need to be filled again. She was almost distracted, though, by Ben’s mouth on hers, but then Nate slipped a finger inside her pussy and she lost focus again. Ben just laughed and moved his mouth lower until he captured a jutting nipple in his teeth.

  She pressed her hips back, needing more than the single finger inside her. She was pleased, and Nate laughed before sliding a second finger inside her and pressing his cock harder against her ass.

  “Please. I need you inside me!”

  “Since you ask so nicely…” She felt Nate and Ben both pulling away from her and protested. They repositioned her so that she was on her hands and knees, Ben’s erect cock in front of her mouth, just far enough away that she couldn’t reach it as it bobbed just out of reach, teasing her, taunting her with the little drop of pre-cum on the tip.

  She tried to move toward it, but Ben’s hands held her still. And then she stopped trying to pull away as she felt Nate position the head of his cock at her entrance before pushing the latex-covered organ inside her. He went slowly, tauntingly, pressing in an inch and then pulling almost all the way out, pressing in another inch and then back out again.

  She pulled hard against the restraining hands, trying to impale herself on Nate’s teasing cock or at least capture Ben’s in her mouth, but they held her still, using their hands on her breasts and nipples and between her legs to tease her and drive her arousal high

  And then finally, Nate was fully seated within her, but unmoving. She cried out as she tried to move and he held her still.

  * * * *

  Nate used every ounce of his self-control to remain still inside her when every instinct told him to claim her in the most primitive way possible to imprint on her the fact that he was her Mate. But his mind overrode his instincts, and he held her still and waited.

  “Not so fast, baby. First you have to take care of baby brother. It seems that he’s hard for you yet again. Open wide, baby, open wide and swallow him all down. I can’t wait to see you take his cock down your throat.”

  Nate watched as Ginger eagerly opened her mouth and waited. He could feel her body literally shaking with desire, and it was all he could do to hold still.

  Finally, his brother slid his cockhead past her waiting lips. Nate wrapped his body around hers and held her close as his brother began fucking her mouth. Nate had a close-up view, and watching his brother’s cock slide in and out of those ruby lips drove his own arousal higher.

  He felt like his cock expanded as he watched, and finally, he couldn’t wait any longer, and he started moving slowly inside her. In and out. In and out. He tried to make it last.

  “Hurry up, baby brother. I can’t last much longer.”

  Ben nodded, his face screwed up with the beginning of his own orgasm. Nate watched as he held Ginger’s head still as he began to fuck her mouth. One, two, three more strokes and then he held himself still as he exploded in her mouth.

  Once Ben withdrew, Nate started moving quickly, unable to wait a second longer. His hips pistoned. He pressed down hard on her body, and she fell to her elbows and then lower, the side of her face pressed into the pillow as he rode her hard. Over the sounds of their breathing, he could hear the wet sound of his cock in her pussy and the sound of his balls slapping against her with each stroke.


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