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Taken by Wolves [Call of the Wolf 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 13

by Diane Leyne

  Ben took a step forward, but when Sully turned his head and growled, Ben quickly stepped back. Ben then watched as Ginger took advantage of her opponent’s distraction and nipped Sully’s flank. He heard Sully’s yip of pain a split second before he launched himself at Ginger.

  Sully was bigger and faster than Ginger and a lot more experienced at being a wolf. Ben watched helplessly as they started to wrestle, teeth bared, snarling as they fought for the upper hand, er, paw.

  Ben stepped forward again, but this time it was Nate who held him back.

  “Let them fight it out, bro. It’s the only thing we can do.”

  Ben had never felt as helpless as when he watched Ginger and Sully fight. Was this a match to the death?

  And then suddenly Sully got the upper hand. As Ginger whined with pain, he held her down on her back, his superior weight pinning her down, his teeth buried in her shoulder. Ben felt his heart pounding. What was going to happen?

  Ben watched Sully release his Mate’s neck. Ginger looked at him and then tilted her head back, baring her vulnerable throat, signalling her complete submission and surrender.

  And then suddenly they were both human again and Sully was kissing her, almost devouring her, and she was kissing him back just as fiercely. They rolled, each struggling one more time for the upper hand, but again, Sully’s superior size and strength prevailed and Ginger was pinned beneath him. Sully straddled her, sitting up as he looked down at Ginger, pinned beneath him, her chest heaving from her exertions, her nipples tight, her breasts swollen, causing desire to shoot through Ben.

  Then he realized with a start he’d been stroking his erect cock since the fight began. Watching his brother dominate their Mate and demand her submission had been the most arousing thing he’d ever seen. Maybe it was partly in reaction to the fear they’d experienced earlier, seeing Tim hold a knife to Ginger’s throat or maybe it was seeing Sully dominating Ginger with his superior strength demanding she submit or a bit of both, but whatever. Ben had never been so aroused in his life, and he didn’t just want, he needed to bury his cock inside of his Mate and come inside her. If he was lucky, it would be as part of the Mating Ceremony, but as he stroked his cock, Ben realized that he’d take whatever she was willing to give him. She was his Alpha, and he was hers to command.

  Sully, on the other hand, clearly felt no such submission as he straddled Ginger in triumph, leaning down over her supine body, his hands entwined with hers as he held her in place over her shoulders.

  “Do you accept me as your Mate and Pack Alpha and my brothers as your pack?”

  * * * *

  Ginger looked up at Sully, his strong thighs pressing into her sides. His rampant cock was so close yet so far. All she could think about was taking it so deep inside her she wouldn’t know where she ended and he began.

  She struggled, but he held her tightly. Something in her, her Alpha maybe, responded to his show of strength and domination. Instinctively she knew that on a day-to-day basis, this would not be acceptable, but here and now, at this place that had seen a score of Mating Ceremonies over the years, he had done the right thing. She needed him to prove himself worthy to be her Mate, and he had. As an Alpha, she could only submit to a strong male, and he had to be strong not just physically, but mentally, and Sully had already proven himself in that regard.

  She looked up. She saw Ben and Nate watching, their faces and bodies showing the lust they felt as they watched their Alpha demand their Mate’s submission, their cocks as hard an erect as their brother’s.

  “I repeat. Do you accept me as your Mate and Pack Alpha?”

  “I do.”

  “And do you accept my brothers as your pack?”

  “I do.”

  “And you understand that Mating is forever? There’s no divorce, no separation. If you agree to be Mated with us, you will be ours forever, just as we will be yours. We’ll love and laugh and fight and Mate, but only with each other. Our love and desire will belong only to our Mate. How things will work with two Alphas in the family, I can only guess, but I can’t imagine life without you.”

  He moved off her body and helped her to kneel, and then he stood before her, flanked by Ben and Nate.

  “Ginger West, do you agree to Mate with me, Sully Anderson, and my brothers Ben and Nate? You understand that this ceremony will tie you to us forever both emotionally and physically? If we Mate, we’ll become insatiable for each other, especially during the nights of the full moon, and you will have no choice but to accommodate us, not because we force you, but because as our Mate, you’ll be just as insatiable for us.”

  Ginger felt her inner wolf howl. Sully was trying to make sure she knew what she was getting into, but she just wanted him to finish and make her theirs. She grew up in a wolf household. She knew what Mating meant. She didn’t know what two Alphas Mating meant, but they’d find out that together.

  She waited impatiently for him to finish.

  “I ask you one more time, Ginger. If you agree to this Mating, there’s no going back. Before the moon sets, you’ll be our Mate and we’ll claim your heart and your body forever. If you have any doubts or need more time, we can do a Lusting bite instead of a Mating Ceremony. But please understand this. You are ours. If you are not ready to accept this, we’ll wait as long as we have to. I don’t promise we’ll wait patiently, but we won’t force or coerce or push you into anything you aren’t ready for. I believe we were all meant to be together, but at the end of the day, you have to be ready for this because it is forever. There’s no divorce after a Mating. Think carefully, Ginger. We won’t be angry if you need more time. We’ll be angry if you do this because you think you have to or because we’ve pressured you into it.”

  “Sully, Ben, Nate. You’ve had my heart from the beginning. No matter how much I told myself that things were moving too quickly, I knew deep down inside that we were meant to be together. And if I had any doubts about your feelings for me, you made them abundantly clear when you all risked your lives for me earlier this evening.

  “And before you ask, I’m not agreeing to this Ceremony to pay you back for some imagined debt. I’d love you and want you as my Mates no matter what.

  “As for what a Mating Ceremony means…I grew up in Harmony. I know what it means to be Mated, and I can’t wait any longer. I don’t want a Lusting bite. I don’t want an affair. I want to claim my Mates. Now. Please.”

  Ginger felt her heart hammering so hard she thought it would beat out of her chest. She looked from man to man. They were the most beautiful men, inside and out, that she’d ever met. Dropping her gaze, she took in their erect cocks. She’d been with them before, one or two at a time, but never all three, and she didn’t see how she could accommodate them all at once, but she suddenly, desperately wanted to try.

  They really were magnificent, she thought as she waited. What were they waiting for?

  Then she met Sully’s eyes, and she knew.

  Slowly and carefully she spread her knees wide. Then she leaned forward so that her head rested on her forearms, her ass raised high in the air, her juices running freely down her thighs.

  She couldn’t see her men now, but she could feel their movements. Suddenly Sully was behind her, and then he was leaning down over her, his large body covering hers. She could feel the heat of his body and the pressure of his thick cock against her back.

  Then she felt him move slightly, positioning the head of his cock at the entrance to her pussy. Slowly, he pushed inside her dripping opening until he was seated to the hilt. She tried to move against him, push against his body and make him move, but he used his superior strength and position to hold her in place.

  Suddenly he was moving inside her, slamming into her hard, showing no mercy and yet to only stoke the flames of her arousal. Ginger thought she’d go up in flames as she felt the first ripples of her climax shoot through her. Her clit began to tingle, and her pussy began to pulse around his cock, clamping down as he moved inside her.
r />   And then he was biting her shoulder where it met her neck, and then she was in full climax, screaming out her pleasure even as she felt him shoot rope after rope of his hot cum inside her as he claimed his Mate in the most primitive way possible.

  Ginger could feel her own arousal pushing higher, triggered by his claiming. She was his. Theirs. When he reached in front of her to slide a finger between her pussy lips and stroke her engorged clit, another climax streaked through her, almost causing convulsions, and she bucked wildly beneath him, but he just held on harder, pistoning his hips, the sound of his body hitting against hers with each stroke the only sound until he howled again as his own orgasm continued for an impossibly long time as he bit down harder. And then, finally, he was still, but Ginger could still feel her pussy clenching as he withdrew from her body, as if it was trying to hold him inside.

  He’d hardly pulled out when she felt his brother enter her. She wasn’t sure which one it was until he bit down on her shoulder and she felt the brush of his long hair. Nate. Then he fucked her wildly, and within minutes she was writhing again as her next climax hit.

  Soon she felt his cum mixing with Sully’s, and then she realized that Ben almost pulled Nate off her so he could claim her, too. It was almost too much for Ginger. She felt his cock put into her swollen pussy and almost came on the spot. Once he bit down on her shoulder, she came, her body going tense before the tremors swept through her as Ben came inside her, too.

  Oh my god, I can’t take this. The semen of the three brothers mixed within her, and it took her breath away. It was all so close. She could taste it. Sully. Sully just had to take her again and then it would be done. Her clit throbbed. Her breasts throbbed. Her nipples tingled.

  She looked up, careful to keep her ass high so none of their cum leaked from her pussy until the Mating was done.

  She saw Sully move again, and then he was behind her and laid his big body over hers and paused. She could feel his erect cock and tried to push back, to impale herself on it, but he held her firm.

  “Are you sure?”

  “More sure of this than anything ever! You three are mine, and I am yours. I need this. We need this.”

  And then Sully bit down as he pushed his way back inside. She was so swollen and tender that the second his fingers grazed her clit, her climax tore through her like a freight train. She felt her pussy clamp down and try to milk Sully’s cock, trying to take the final step, force it from him to complete the Mating Ceremony, but still he held her down and resisted her attempts to force him to come within her.

  She heard him laugh in triumph as he pounded away inside her, his cock grazing the tender walls of her pussy as he moved in and out, in and out. Ginger struggled beneath him, trying to force the pace, but he moved methodically, keeping pace with his hips even as his fingers continued to stroke her clit, forcing another and another and another orgasm from her.

  Finally, Ginger stopped fighting him. She felt her body sag against the ground, only Sully’s strong arms holding her in place. Finally, with all of her fight gone as she writhed in the throes of another orgasm, did she feel him increase his pace. She could hear his human growl of satisfaction as he bit down harder as he finally came within her, holding his cock deep within her as jet after jet of cum shot deep inside her, before he collapsed on her, his now-softening cock still inside her.

  She knew he was holding most of his weight off her or she’d have been crushed, but she felt warm and protected with his body around her, holding her in place as he carefully shifted to his side, taking her with him.

  “Ours!” Sully declared. “Ours forever!”

  * * * *

  Sully lay on his side, his Mate held tight to his body, her back against his front, his cock already hard again. They were Mated, and it was the full moon. He could and would go all night.

  Slowly he stroked Ginger’s side, enjoying the feeling of her body against his. He saw his brothers eying their Mate as his hand slipped down to cup her breast, squeezing gently and tweaking her nipple.

  When she started moaning, he helped her onto her knees, positioning himself behind her so she knelt between his splayed knees, his erect cock pressing into her back.

  Wrapping his arms around her, he held her arms down at her sides as he tugged her thighs further apart. He could scent the cum as it dripped from her pussy, his cum and that of his brothers mixed together within their woman, combining with her own honey to form a unique scent as it dripped down her thighs, coating them in their combined juices.

  His brothers knelt in front of Ginger, facing her, their gazes locked on her pink pussy peeking out from between her splayed thighs. Sully reached down and scooped up some of the potent mixture and held his dripping finger up to her mouth, urging her to taste herself and them.

  “Ginger, this is the taste of our desire. You’ll learn it well.”

  Sully watched as she opened her mouth, leaning her head back onto his shoulder and opening her eyes. When his fingers pushed between her lips she moaned in apparent pleasure and he could hear his brothers groaning as they watched her suck his fingers clean of their combined juices.

  Then his hands moved again, sliding down to grip her breasts, squeezing them lightly before he pinched her nipples, pulling on them and twisting them before sliding his hands down and cupping them, holding them out as if in offering to his brothers, who wasted no time latching on and suckling strongly.

  Sully urged Ginger to her knees as his brothers continued to suckle. Scooping up more of the potent mixture still leaking from her pussy, Sully slathered some on his cock and scooped up more and used it to lubricate her tight rosette.

  First he pressed in with a single finger as she moaned in pleasure. He moved it within her, in and out, in and out until she moaned louder and started to writhe against his finger. He took that as a sign to add a second finger and then a third. By that time, she was panting loudly and groaning as he stretched her rear opening.

  “Please, please, I need one of you inside me.”

  “Have patience, Ginger. First things first.”

  He laughed as she reached down trying to reach her clit and get her own satisfaction, but his brothers stopped her.


  “Please what?” Sully demanded.

  “Please, I need you inside me.”

  “But I am inside you!”

  “Not your fingers. I need your cock inside me.”

  “Just mine?”

  “No, please. I need more. I want you all together.”

  “Are you ready for that? Do you want all of your holes filled at once?” Sully’s language was crude, but he wanted her to get used to being open with them about her desires and asking for what she needed from them.

  “Yes. I want you all inside me at the same time.”

  Sully looked over at Ben, who, at his signal, lay back on the grass. Sully removed his fingers from Ginger’s ass as Nate urged her over to Ben, helping her straddle him.

  Nate reached between her legs and scooped up more of her honey, and then Ben gripped his cock as Nate guided her down onto it until he was buried inside her to the hilt. Then Nate pressed her body down so that her breasts were pressed against Ben’s hard body.

  When she was still, he moved behind her. He positioned the head of his slicked cock against her now-closed opening and pushed forward.

  * * * *

  Ginger groaned, but Nate didn’t stop until the head pushed past her tight opening. He paused, until he felt Ginger’s body adjust to the invasion. At first the feeling of tightness and then burn was overwhelming, but soon morphed into need. She tried to push back against Sully’s cock, but Ben held her still.

  Finally, he started moving again, pressing in until he was buried to the hilt. Ginger felt so full she thought she explode, but then she felt she’d explode if he didn’t start moving inside her.

  She begged and pleaded and demanded, but Nate and Ben just held her still. She looked up. Sully. He was looking down
at her, his expression a mixture of love and desire, his hand wrapped around his erect cock.

  Her gaze suddenly locked on the drop of pre-cum at the tip of his cock, and she licked her lips. And then she realized what he was waiting for, what they were waiting for.

  She tipped her head back and opened her mouth. She could hear Sully’s laugh as he moved forward and knelt at her head. She closed her eyes and moaned as he slid his cock between her lips. She couldn’t remember anything ever tasting as good as the taste of her Mate in her mouth.

  She held her breath until he started moving. His brothers started moving as well, and suddenly she was being stimulated, overstimulated all over her body. Nate gripped her hips from behind, slamming into her ass. Ben gripped her breasts, squeezing and kneading them as he pushed his hips up against her pussy.

  And then there was Sully, his hands intertwined in her hair as he pushed his cock further down her throat with every stroke.

  Ginger closed her eyes and gave herself over to the feeling of her men using her body, taking and giving pleasure.

  Suddenly, she felt Ben reach down between their bodies and pinch her clit hard. With no warning, her climax slammed through her as her body tensed and then bucked against the men inside her.

  When it subsided, she was shocked to realize that they had not yet come and Ginger could do nothing but take their cocks as they continued to move inside her mouth and ass and pussy, their pace even and unlabored as if they could keep going for hours.

  Again, Ben stroked her clit, and again Ginger exploded in their arms.

  Moaning loudly, she collapsed onto Ben’s supine body, and still Nate rode her from behind, his every stroke dragging her limp body up and down Ben’s cock, which was still buried in her pussy. She heard Sully laugh as he continued to stroke in and out of her mouth.

  “Exhausted already, Mate? It’s early still. The sun doesn’t rise for another four hours, and we’re going to fuck you until the first light of the new day.” He held himself deep as he turned her head toward him so he could see her eyes. “Are you ready to take my cum, Mate?”


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